Lilyn lifted one hand and suppressed it to Viscount Cyber, who would still let her ship sail and heat up to the Island of the Demon King.

"Well, that's true."

"How have you been? Let's go as soon as possible, on my ship.

"You guys, I hope you're dragon people with crab rust and mites. But I'm guessing that's not a well-founded thing, is it?

"No, that's why Lilyn, the wizards..."

"That's the story of someone named Shinryu Largo, isn't it?

"Those who serve the dragon, they say they are dragon men."

"But I can't forget what those crusaders look like, the colors are different, but I surrounded the King's Capital in thousands of numbers, that look.

"So, does His Majesty the True King say that mites and crustaceans are demons?

Lilyn nodded loudly in response to the question.

"You've seen those girls change, haven't you?

"But as His Majesty has just said, the colors put together in my body were different. I think that was the ability, as His Highness said, to turn the wizards into cold-blooded beasts, and the witches transformed those two, like demons. I remember because I fought those demons. Nearly 10,000, most of what looked like that, he said, was a rat color.

"But the report tells us that some of them were of other colors. Kagay."

In response to Lilyn's voice, Kagay showed up from nowhere.

"I see you've given me permission to speak. Indeed, even my eyes have confirmed that individuals wearing red colors have caught their eyes. But whether or not there was anything as red as the color of blood all over your body. And I was wondering if there was a black demon clan with a changed daughter named Mitsu.

"Were you there?

"In fact, there were only such fae in the devil tribe that had attacked the King's capital. The individual, however, has been reported killed protecting his peers. Lord Winta, the nobleman guarded by the West Gate, the younger brother of Baron Zikay, the second son of General Fuyu, said his allies had broken their swords.

"Really? But there's definitely something different about that. And you, have you ever seen the Demons fight each other while helping each other?

"No. I couldn't even afford to see that because there were so many of them, but I supposedly fought ahead of me, humanly speaking, to have a handicap.

"That was also the case at Demon King Castle. There were those who defended and fought for the Demon King, but as Lord Godfroy had also told us, there was no such thing as working together in more than one.

"It would be. Then the black individual who killed it would be a heretic child who protected his companion. That's what Millin said." In case they were born into a demon clan, that's not what we know about demons. Beloved demon tribe '.

"Yes, I remember. But at that time, really, everyone knew that it was the wickedness of witches that changed their appearance.

"I don't think it's surprising that Cross is a Demon. Even Milin's beloved demons..."


The most surprising was Margaretta. If that were correct, it would be a natural reaction because I would have entrusted myself to the Demons to go on a journey.

"Whatever that is, I wonder if it's too much leap, Lilyn.

"I'm just saying it's no surprise. Because you, no, Sir Leold. In which world, because human society is in trouble, is there a God who conveniently turns to us and replaces us until war?

"That's true, but... there's a miracle. Besides, if she were the devil, the High Priest of Ondolia wouldn't be deceiving and missing out. So they also conclude that they are dragon men, or divine men. I haven't heard that controversy, but just the logic of whether there are demons out there who can all help humans shut the witch up.

"Right. But I can't get rid of the suspicion that a dragon named Largo might have had a demon clan. Or does Largo, who is now called the Divine Dragon, ever actually be a hell of a big demon?

"Lilyn, that's crazy. If the Divine Dragon Largo had belonged to the devil, he would not, of course, have been recommended by the Holy Spirit, even if he had been under his command. Even if they threaten you, you won't be sitting on the Dominion Master. Moreover, the Holy Spirits chose to be Officers to see what was going on for a while before making them Dominion Masters. Don't think it's the result of seeing enough people named him.

"I'm afraid I do. Awkward people will never take a pull if Cross is just a demon. It might be a good place to be mutual. Still, to the cross, it's true that you don't have hands or feet.

"Kagay-- is that right? But if I'm in Largo, I'd like to ask you once. I wonder if you are not a demon.

Everyone got quiet and shut their mouths. I guess each one of us has something to think about. Lilyn also takes care of a lot of things for Cross and has tremendous trust. How many times would I have had the kingdom crisis - including my own life - saved in just a few days?

Breaking the silence for a while, Margaretta opens her mouth. Instead of speaking, I asked Viscount Cyber.

"But wait a minute, Viscount Cyber. Didn't you keep the lizard largo, that now the dragon largo was sent down to His Highness?

"Was I? Yes, they do. If you ask me, I didn't think it was that important, but I didn't think it would be good if I let him get hurt, so I pushed him under the stage of the venue. Nobody notices when you put it in there. I have to pick you up soon.

Then there is a voice coming from something completely unexpected.

"No, Viscount Cyber, that's not true." I wondered where my voice came from, and a hanakaru and a beard went down to the ground without sound from the ceiling. "Lago, as the Viscount said, was in the cavity of the stage just like us when the battle began.

"Well, I guess so. Because I pushed it in.

"But when we got up on the stage at the direction of the Kingsguard, did you think you had to go with me, too, coming up on the stage and tearing open doors with galloping claws? Of course, the door didn't open.

"That door eventually seemed like the witch had wrapped it in the juncture at the stage where we popped out and roofed it.

"No more lizard claws, and some broken junctions.

"That's true, but we had a pretty good fight. It seemed pretty sharper than our prey.

"That's amazing. So being on stage means the lizard Largo was also taken away by the witch?

"I don't know that. I'm sorry, but we were skipped by Behemoth's nose at the time the kingdom brave arrived and fainted until it was all over, so... It's impudent.

"If you got that direct hit, you can't help it. In such a monster and a normal human being... Does that mean that lizard was also flown? If you guys weighed in and flew to the edge of the venue, maybe they even flew it outside the venue.

"No, wait a minute. When we all talked earlier, I instructed Millin to remember every word of it, and I remembered Medvese and Brass saying it.

"Yes, I heard that, too. I heard you said, 'What happened to Largo' when the kingdom brave man fell.

"Then bear that snort, you were still on stage.

"Don't get me wrong.

"And with the kingdom brave, I guess I got caught in the flames, and I got hit. Or maybe they were manipulated by kingdom braves and fell together.

"So you're still at the venue?

"No, we were worried about it, too, but after being woken up by the Lizards, we couldn't even find it under the stage.

"Now, if the Lago of the Dragon..."

"Hanako was at the venue, too. If we thought we'd forgotten, we would have taken them away.

"But that's all if the speculation that Largo made them use it. Or a beast, with a nesting instinct, it can also be thought that we headed here or to the king's capital. And that sense of smell, I think I might have followed His Highness with a smell.

"Can you do that?

"No, I offered you unfounded hope. I was shown that sense of smell yesterday, but when I think about it, that one followed the path that was taken away, and this time, Your Highness, it is being flown to a different place instantaneously.

"Besides, Viscount, Your Highness remains wrapped up in the junction Satan has tensioned. Even if they were dragged away, whether or not they would leave traces of smells and such.

"That's right. But how long will that junction protect the Millins?

"Sure, I'm just curious, but this kind of argument keeps me up late. I am in a hurry and will be ready to sail.

"But the sun has already set. Organize a little information now so that you can leave the port with the dawn of tomorrow.

"Who do you mean by everyone?

"We are collecting what we were currently in the venue in this villa (bei) whenever possible. I don't know whose wisdom will help. If you can move from the ready to the Viscount's ship and safely depart tomorrow, at dawn in white, then head there even in the dark.

"I understand. It will be ready soon.

After Viscount Cyber ran to prepare the ship, Sir Leold cut out to Lilyn, the true king.

"By the way, Lilyn, I forgot to introduce you.

Sir Leold opened the door and called in a girl as young as she could still be. But Lilyn was surprised to see that face.

"You, that child, are not, of course, Millin, are you?

"You'd think so, wouldn't you? When I first met her, I thought Millin was magical and she was getting smaller. [M]

"There is no such thing, but what is it? No way, you. Somewhere.

"No, that's not it. I'm just lost. They have quite a few of these kids in this city of Bokovo. We met again when that little girl named Mitsu happened to find it. She came to see Viscount Cyber. Besides, this kid calls me Dad.

"You're still somewhere...

"So, Lilyn. Well, I guess the fact that this kid looks like Millin means that his parents look like you and me, too. I thought I was wrong. [M]

"I see - if you ask me.

"That's why I feel sorry for you, so I decided to keep it for a little while. Until we find our true parents.

"Am I the only one who thinks I'm suspicious somewhere? It's okay. No matter where you make a new side woman. However, Millin is about the same age, so think about it properly.

"No, that's why I'm not feeling so well, and right after I met this girl, I let Milin see me properly - and yes, she doesn't even know her name, so I talked to Milin and she gave me the name Lovelin.

That's when Lovelin bursts into tears.

"Millin, where's your sister? Where have you been?.

"Actually, this kid was almost kidnapped by the mafia yesterday just because I'm taking him, too.

"Is it just because you're taking him? Now you can't throw away the possibility that it had mites on it. Lovelin and I were wondering if you'd let me put this a little over my head.

"Come on, what are you doing to the kids?

"Authenticate Alpha Omega Spirits!

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