Largo, who was also companion to Masakato in Yapan, explained to Michisane and the two of them the situation in which they were now placed.

Though a brief explanation, because of this, the Dragon God, I can't actually tell the two people I trust that I'm a Demon.

Also, you can't lie about being a grand dragon god from yourself, so it's really easy to talk about the area.

Largo was a kingdom north of the continent of Hurn, fighting the evil organization Mafia, which had been disastrous all over the world, but there appeared a witch with vicious powers. Largo, who was a little cautious against a witch who had taken many citizens hostage by a warrior embedded with a bomb and attacked him with a giant monster, gets smashed. The witch took away the princess, who was supposed to take the next throne in the kingdom, and two of Largo's men, to a place called Eternal Prison. Sounds like a hell of a horrible place there, but Largo really wants to go help the three of them.

Something like that.

While listening quietly to this story, Masakato, who was thinking about it, first cut the tantrum.

I'm already trying to say the same thing with the 4-pillar demons, even without the use of a thousand eyes, I can tell by that difficult look alone.

"I see, the general circumstance could be swallowed up, but can we not give up? Whatever the reason those three were taken, if they were really taken to eternal prison, it would be impossible to bring them back. If you are going to try to force it back, you will undoubtedly have to be prepared to be unable to go home yourself first. In the first place, the eternal prison is the same as the dragon god, the true dragon who was the god who unified the world, who united his hands with the Samael dragon, the biological parent of the evil spirit, to whom our Spirit is the vegan of extrahuman power, and who made the other world to trap evil spirits who are evil to the world. Neither of us is in this world anymore, and we can't take its intentions for granted, but it's coming when we're told that what lives in this world is bound by reason that should never be touched.

"You still are. But I have to go. I'm sure they'll be waiting for me to pick them up. Don't tell me giving up is a fool's conclusion.

"Of course, this Michissane will be served by your stall. It's the bottom of the Naruto that I had to fall myself if you hadn't helped the stall in the first place. What more can we fear?

"Michissane, do you know what you're talking about? If we go over there, we'll never leave again with our souls. It is a world filled with pain, despair and fear, in which we cannot even die, nor can we vanish. You're not a sane shack, like trying to step into a place like that.

"Is this coward Yamatano Orochi with little blades?

Leaving it alone, Largo goes into arbitration because it's going to be another fight.

"No, that's okay. I'm not asking you to follow me. How can I just get there, or if it's under the bottom of hell, shouldn't I come from hell? That's what I wanted to know. How to get to a place called eternal prison.

"You don't know if you can go until you get to the bottom of hell. But there is no doubt that there is an eternal prison alien underneath the bottom of hell. I'll take you. I think Yume would say the same thing if he was with the stall.

"But, Yume says not to go to me.

"Let that be so. A woman is what lives happiness today, and a man is what lives tomorrow. Never will they sacrifice today for tomorrow.

"Is that so?

"That being said, to a man in love, it's something that comes with you in the end.

"I fell in love... - Otoko.

In that sense, maybe there aren't many feminine women around me. I think everyone in the SS is always positive and living up to tomorrow's hopes. Milin too.

Well, more than possessed by mites. In any case, if you're saying mites are going, you can't follow them.

"Speaking of which, the stall. If you're trying to dive in from hell, there's one big problem.

"What is it? It is."

"Hell is where it was created to atone for the lifelong sins of intelligent living beings like the human species, so like beasts, so to speak, anything that lives under a different rule than the human species will not be dealt with at all. Because forbidding the beast to kill more or less is a mistake. Of course, the stall is more intelligent than anything else in this world, but if it looks like a lizard type and the identity of being a dragon god on the contrary is known, it is visible that both the Hell Gate and the Devil will be the upside down noise.

I don't know, 'It's a dragon god' is Largo I'm worried about getting my tongue out.

"Is that what it is?

"That could make it harder, for example, to get into hell, or even to the lowest level of hell.

"It is. You can't really talk or anything like that.

"It's better to be rude, but if lizards talk, it can mean they're more suspicious. And if you use the mirror of the demon, you will find out who your stall is, by the way.

Oh, well, then it's easy to find out you're a demon.

"What am I supposed to do?

"To hell, I suggest you turn into a human being. That way you can probably ask my acquaintance, Takamura, who still seems to be helping the devil, to go through the gates of hell as a human sinner without any special checks.

"I see. That way, you can manage to get to the bottom level.

"There are also a number of obstacles ahead of us, but we'll discuss them in more detail later. But the first thing to do is not to go through the gate, for the eternal prison cannot go into hell either.

"I get it. I think you can handle it if you ask your people, so I'll try my best to transform you into a human being.

"Ask one of my people...? Sure, but don't you hesitate against us?

Masakato, who did not immediately understand what Michisane meant by reluctance, but was listening in silence at that time, speaks.

"Dear Mr. Yamatano Orochi, in the name of honor, this Masakato and the land are not terrible. Still yesterday, Michisane, who became the Spirit, doesn't understand, but this Masakato has a role to play in protecting the eastern country, which the capital did not warm up, from Emisi, and making it a fine landscape, not ashamed to represent this country in the future. You can't leave this country right now to do that.

"Right. Then we have to get Mr. Masakato to work hard here.

"Thank you for your understanding. I don't mean to imply that, but do me a favor and say one suggestion for the stall.


"If you're really going to say you're going to that land, at least there's someone you want to take with you to hell.

"A human being, a living human being?

"Yes. I'm sure you're someone who can help your stall.

Masakato speaks. The fact that Masakato will also have the alias General Nippon is a story taught earlier in the meeting, but it even seems to have three bases in the country: one in the capital, one in the Minot country and one in the Musashi country in the eastern country where he is based. Due to the nature of the Spirit, there is nothing wrong with multiple places.

One of them, a shrine dedicated to Masakato in the kingdom of Minot, which became known as Asahi General Yoshinaka, said some shrines dedicated to his homeland of Sinano.

In that Yoshinaka, I saw a magnificent scale from a very young age, and I used to look at it as it increased the base of Masakato. Besides, they say that beauty is an endless playboy around.

Its name is Aoi, Tomoe, Yamabuki and other beauties. Yoshinaka's birth street, at first, had worked, but behaved too young to behave too badly and the flag color was worse, and Masakato was asked by Aoi, who was weak in body, to give him the demon he was hand-named, the Nine-Tailed Fox. The fox turned into a sword, and went out to battle, but Aoi, who could be a woman, could not be a man martial arts man by force. So he takes phosphorus out of the sunflower's body and burns it, emits a blue and white light and defeats many enemies by atrophying them by their demonic powers, but they were originally sucked out of their weak bodies, unable to withstand the demonic powers that the nine-tailed fox uses, and died in battle.

The next person to receive the sword was Tomoe's cousin Yamabuki, who also used too much demonic power to fall ill, unable to go with her to the last march, and is left in the capital.

(But I wonder if that's a condition called hypophosphatemia. Because when you run out of phosphorus, severe neuromuscular disorders appear to cause loss of appetite and muscle weakness in severe chronic deficiency conditions, which can also result in death from encephalopathy, cramps, and coma)

Tomoe was the last to receive the sword. Without letting her use her demonic powers, she manipulated this unrivalled sword and defeated her enemies without a small worker, so she was not cut off in strength and fought to the end. She says she's a pretty woman with quite an arm. But at last, knowing that Josinaka was defeated and Tomoe was alive, Yamabuki, who lay ill, came into the capital Akigami Kanda and begged him to help Tomoe, so Tomoe was kept in the kingdom of Musashi, where he is now tearing up.

In those days Yamabuki will be grabbed and killed by the army of the enemy instead of Tomoe, and he will be the daughter-in-law of the enemy's men as Tomoe. On the other hand, Tomoe, who broke up with Yoshinaka in the middle of the battle and is currently covered in Masakato in the East, says he wants to meet and visit Yoshinaka to see how he should live after this.

Yoshinaka, who has been eye-catching since the beginning, has similar titles to each other: General Nippon and General Asahi, and at the end of the day, whatever the difference between face and temple is, there seems to be something in common with Masakato, such as dying with an arrow in his head. That's why he wants to hear the thoughts of Tomoe, his concubine, left by Yoshinaka.

"That's a comforting ally. If you want to go in person, I'll take you to hell. Still haven't solved it in the end, do you know Michissane, how to go to hell?

"I have heard from my father that there is a well that goes to hell, saying that Lord Takamura dived in every night if he did go to the capital. If the descendants of Lord Takamura were alive, or they might know, just after generations, whether they have passed on to such things from generation to generation.

"It's a very old story.

"It was over 100 years ago. ─ ─ There were a lot of beautiful granddaughters, etc., but even if they were alive, they would be like a raw, sawdust, dead suki. ─ No, they wouldn't live on people's bodies anymore.

"That sounds a little tricky. I wonder if anyone else knows that.

Masakato will come up with a plan for that.

"Dear stall. I don't know if you know, but they say there's a susano who has exorcised this Yamatano Orochi, there's a whale showing the way. Let's get that help. If you do, you'll show us the way forward.

"Can you ask Mr. Susanoo to do that?

"Well, as long as you're defeated, you recognize that power, and you're in good company with each other what protects your country. Then if you come to the capital, mark Akigami Kanda, whom I worship. Along with Tomoe, I'll be waiting for you there.


Now we have the math to get into hell. Later, whether you can transform yourself into a human being.

Largo took Michissane and decided to return to the Holy Springs on the ruins of the Demon King's Castle for now.

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