Largo seemed too slow in Yapan and when he came back it was already completely late at night.

"What do you say, Yume? How are the mites?

"Oh, is this Yume? After a while, I was completely like a Hurn woman.


"This is my, Dominion Master.

"Hi Parisis Undine, excuse me while I bathe. You were coming, weren't you?

"Yes, from earlier. But thank you, how are you doing during the uptake?

"It is. Oh, this is Mr. Michisane from Yapan. There's not much of an example here called the Spirit.

"It's Michissane. You're a mermaid, no. Are you a mermaid princess? I'm like a ghost who... well, protects the country.

I see Largo is convinced that's the way to put it, but for some reason, Yume in Mitsu remains sunk in the water with only his eyes out. I'm getting smaller with my body in my arms.

"What's going on?

And speaking up, I read the psyche because it seems difficult to talk.

{Lord! I am a mite/I may be itchy/It's a pain in the ass/Really?

Something is definitely going on, quite easily.

"Mitsu, you're back in consciousness.

"Bukubuku, if you understand, Bukubuku, with clothes, Bukubuku, information cover-up junction, Bukubuku, please.

"Uh, sorry, I didn't care about Yumeka being naked.

{You! Did you get sooo pooped in front of the Lord?/Oh, I shouldn't have? 'Cause you're taking a bath. Plus, anything in the street is foreseeable/so you don't have to bother to show it!/' Cause I'm going to take a bath, and the stall doesn't wear any clothes./That's...

After all, what doesn't bother me is that when I take a bath, I come from common sense that I can show my nakedness to both men and women. In other words, the recognition that hot springs are commonplace in mixed baths.

At the same time, Mitsu also got herself handled, saying something about it.

"But I'm glad. Sooner than I worried, it seemed like I could get it back.

"No, I'm sure the Lord knows, but I, it's like I'm no longer a Whipley.

"You're right, but I'm glad Mitsu's fine and he's just like this.

"As always, I may not be able to help you enough, but thank you for your continued support.

"No, but when I got here, Mitsu was flying.

"It is. Flying through the sky, and psychic, then clairvoyance still seems to be there. But I also lost the advantages of blood-sucking ability and connectivity, and toughness and power. The cutter replacement nail doesn't seem to extend either.

"Then you should think of yourself as a normal human being with mindfulness and clairvoyance, including being able to use psychics and fly.

It's like whimpering, psychic stuff.


This is hard to say.

"Yeah, what's up?

"On my tits, it doesn't seem to change how magic builds up. However, if the method of replenishing magic enters this pulse, little by little, it can only be taken from a meal or something." That's where the way you talk changes slightly, Mitsu. "Besides, my spirits will be converted.

The voice is the same, but I wonder if it is Yume who speaks differently.

"That's Yume.

"Yes, it is. Right now, I'm worried you won't know what happens when you get away from me, and so far, you're possessed in me. It's like even the energy I get from her can store that up.

Well, that's safer so far.

"But how does Yume accumulate power?

That's answered Michissane, who was next door.

"Dear stall, spirituality, unlike the power of a pulse, is something that flies a little everywhere. We absorb and live what living plants and animals exude unknowingly.

"Mm-hmm. I feel like there's some kind of narrative about 'living,' right?

Mitsu is also nodding loudly. Well, somehow, I seem to understand.

"Then Lord, apart from that, I have a report for you.

Then Mitsu started telling us what Satan had also done after Undine came here.

And the witch's bomb tells me that I have a duty to rescue the endangered Yusukalio, the clathabi who helped me and His Highness who pointed the clathabi at me.

However, the way to go to eternal prison is to ask for Samael at Satan's place.

And he was also giving me information that Lovelin, a bipedal snake baby who couldn't summon Samael, might be able to give her stable abilities if she gave her mother breast milk. However, there seems to be a tail on this information that it may be a slight strawberry.

"But for now, I've managed my admission ticket to hell, so for now, that's what I'm going to do.

"Oh, hell...

Well, it must be a place where no one gets upset. But now it is decided to go to a more horrible place, so Lago only has the image that it is more than that.

"So, it looks like you need to be of the human species to go to hell, and I'm going to let you transform it first. Yachiyo, are you back?

"Come on. What do you think? I'm sorry, I can't connect to the wipline anymore.

"Ah well. Then why don't you just call Naoko once and have him breathe blood?

"Dear stall, what happens if you suck blood and the mite vampires?

"Ugh, is that--? Shall I leave it as it is now?

"Yes, I will.

I know you've heard of the controls there, but I don't want to make it any more confusing, so let's give up some inconvenience. Someone, like Ito, would have no problem if they followed my old men. Mitsu's ears still have Largo scales on them too.

"Let's go home, then, the night will dawn in a few hours, and I want to do what I can by then.

"Yes, but Mr. Lucy might be able to come back soon. Mr. Lucy won't know about the village, and I'm still waiting here for a while.

"Yes, then when Satan returns, show him to the village. If you're willing to cooperate, you're one of us.

"Yes, they wanted to see Master Largo. You knew your name.

"Oh, really?

That's a little surprising. Were they interested because the wizards gave them names or something? Hopefully, I don't want to touch on the things in the eggs or the abridged Demon King's Castle. No, if something in the egg is broken, it will be broken that I was not the heir of the demon king, but the food.

(─ Isn't that important? What do the mites think? Absolute obedience is also challenging.

Largo panicked temporarily, feeling a witness suddenly appearing to shrug his feet after being released with insufficient evidence.

"What have you done, Lord?/Dear stall, are you okay?

The three of them look worried. Can you see the face with the lizard panicking?

(─ Lizard face - - Yes! Let's transform first so Satan doesn't understand that we're lizards.

"I'm sorry, I've got some thoughts to make, but I'll be in a hurry to transform them. Michissane will come with me.

"Whatever you say about the stall.

I was accidental, but if you think about it, when I got back, I was lucky Satan wasn't here.

As soon as I said 'Nice to meet you', it's horrible to just look at Largo and think about what would happen if Satan remembered.

Besides, if Satan was out of the water last time in this Holy Springs, he still shows up where the three of us are waiting, including Mitsu and the two of us, and no, Parisis, and the two of us call ourselves Largo, and Satan says, 'Uh, this is the one who was going to be food, the one who was in the egg' is the scariest thing.

If that happens, Hell or eternal prison to help Milin, it's not what you're talking about. Until now, it's even possible that even the SS, who has told me the Lord, would turn that away. Not to mention the four-pillar demons and the 6000 vampires in the beekeeping team who are silently following us while we are put in such an unhappy state, all because they believe that there is an absolute curse of obedience. On the day I find out that the subject is not me, and that the heir is already dead, the demons could even riot. Even if the witch is still out there somewhere, she won't be able to get her hands on it for a while, but if such a riot occurs even though she defeated the mafia because of it, wouldn't the kingdom lose its shadow and shape in an instant now?

Anyway, right now, you can't tell Satan that you're a Largo, which means you're naming him the heir to the Demon King.

But Satan admires the crunchy one who helped the man he liked and the milin who told him to go help him to the eternal prison that everyone fears just by his stepsister, which is not the one he quite wants to be in. Largo thought of Satan as a demon with great power originally and later found out that he was a wizard. I also know that the name, besides Satan, has the name Lucy, and that the first person Largo saw was Satan, who looked like a man, but usually a woman, and also seems to be Yuscario and his lover.

From what I've heard about this battle with witches, I was able to put a fine line on the Largo level and manipulate Leviathan, given to me by Gymon, to defeat that super monster Behemoth, albeit slightly small, with a single blow. That's about what Lago knows about Satan.

In Gymon's reputation, it meant he was a good one who liked humans, and I only felt dumb and honest that it was okay to talk about Euskalio.

Then what the hell did Satan put such a collar on a lizard that was in an egg like himself for then? Of course, I thought in the wind that it was because the Demon King told me to eat it then, but was there any reason why I had to do that to a demon tribe that didn't have all sorts of fighting abilities like myself?

Well, cooking is a utterly non-combatant yuscario, so it means the beast of the unknown demon tribe, which may have been necessary.

Satan has decided to hate eating so far, but if you tell him about the situation and ask him, he might help us so that the demons don't riot or anything. For now, the Demon King's inheritance means Satan was killed after he was defeated, so it seems like it would be a good idea to turn into a human figure for a while and keep pretending to be the inheritance.

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