In a time not yet completely dark, Elna returned to Camilla, who was alone in the office in the paperwork, to greet the bee squad in honor of her work and meal.

"How'd it go? What do you do today?

Elna remembered a stretch of work being done at this place today, helping her with day and night meals, as well as going around the course with one of the caddies from the bee squad.

"Yes, indeed, Caddy. If you are at work, do you not hesitate, do you call it heavenly seamless?

"In short, are you selfish and high-pressure?

Camilla must have been in trouble so far. It is like cracking bamboo.

"In a nutshell, yes. I worked where a lot of people like that came from, so I'm not uncomfortable with anything else. Instructing those people on the contrary is so much less sexual to me.

"Well I guess so, but don't think too hard there, do it ad hoc.

"Yes, even so, they're like that themselves, but they're very submissive to me. Maybe Mr. Mitsu mentioned it quite well, and it's helping.

"Right. You don't really listen to what we're saying, so that would help.

"Some asked me what I should do to be liked by a man of high rank.

"Oh, that's great progress if that's what bothered you. Thanks to Erna.

Maybe Camilla is happy because they mean they are about to be liked by the men of their guests, but what they were hearing seemed to come from the inference that Erna would be getting a special favor from someone.

In fact, it is unclear whose temper it is due to, although the treatment now received from the demon Buell and others feels special. Speaking of which, it all felt like Mitsu had taken care of it. I don't know about Mitsu's "position," but looking at her breasts that are more splendid than mine would never be a man.

When I was supposed to come here, I thought someone had said, 'This must be it,' the money that the devil Buell gave me, but I wonder if the man of their high rank meant that person.

Well, a man in a good mood is Erna, who is not indifferent to such knowledge because he remembers when he was selling his body in a liquor store. One who comes here to play is all noble and rich merchants, or majestic farmers, so I taught him things that would please him if he did those people, and proceeded to put them into practice.

"I, too, didn't know much about the work in the field, so this is my first time turning it around, but it's a pretty tough job.

"Come on, it's even harder when it's hot.

"I guess so. I don't even sweat right now, though.

"It's a beautiful day these days.

"What would you do if it were rain?

"I'll even do it in the rain. Who likes it? But it's cold, so you can say something about taking a bath on the way. I'm in trouble, I can't get a bath ready right away.

"The girls get wet, too, right?

"Out of the blue, those kids are insensitive to that kind of thing. The cold doesn't seem to hold up at all. I wonder if you're from the Empire. On the contrary, player guests are shrinking.

"Don't you have rain gear?

"Uh, I have the girls', but I guess people who do can't play if they're wearing those things.

"I see. That's why it must be so wet and extra cold.

"Anyway, it really helps that every kid has good eyes. You'll find the ball soon enough. It usually takes a while to find it.

"I guess so. I was watching, too, but it's not going to be that easy to find.

"If that comes with those kids, you'll find them in the woods as accurately as you can wonder what kind of eyes they have. So guys, absolutely caddies are loud for me to put on. Hey, I don't even care if it's a high-flying car.

"Isn't that because they're just young and extraordinary beauties? Something that surprised me, too. You're just Mitsu, your other friend, those two beauties. I wonder if it's among the beauties.

"Yeah, right, you think? But after all, women are adorable. That doesn't even invite me to dinner. No, it sounds like he's saying no even if it does.

"Those people usually take care of bees over there, don't they?

"No, they say most of the members who come this way are more monster hunters than they take care of them, people who manage your brothers.

"So the thing is, you're so from above.

"I think so. I knew you were a rough brother to me. I guess it won't work unless that's about it. Like your brother, he's not a low-lying, well-informed guy.

"Uh, so what happened to my brother?

"You did a good job, and I guess I'm tired of you remembering about the equipment here on the street. I think he broke firewood for the bath and then went back to his room. But you work well, thank you. I know a lot about the grass, and I know a lot about the bugs that get in the way of me drilling holes in the course, so it looks like they got rid of some quickly. But the course is huge. I still have work to do. I've been sticking around since the day after tomorrow.

"Not tomorrow?

"Uh, it's closed tomorrow. That's why nobody's here this evening. All the people who only have a place here also rolled out to the King's Capital. My brother left a message with you. I was delighted. So tomorrow's a bad day, but we need to make our own rice.

"Really? That's good. Let me help you today, day and night, because I also know about the cooking area. Then I'll be back in my room, too. Thank you.

"Uh yeah. My brother told me that one of these days, a good man will pick you up? I'll have trouble getting married and retired soon. I wish my boyfriend could work here, too, if you like.

"Thank you. I don't know if they'll be here any time soon. Because I've been a really unreliable person for a long time. But if you come, I'll tell you the story.

"Now that I'm done with my work, I'll give it to Wang Du. Say hello.

"Yes, I understand.

After that conversation, when I go back to my room, I massage Ares' leg, my brother, who was relaxed. When I was in the village, it was my custom when I returned from a wild job.

"Looks like you're really back a year ago when you're doing this.

"It's true. It's like a dream.

"Signing ceremony, what happened?

"Well, I couldn't tell you the details, but it's like a big deal.

"You know what I mean?

"When I went to the Bee Squad earlier, they told me that His Highness and his people had been taken away by the enemy.

"What about Mr. Mitsu?

"He's been hit and now he's in quiet. Besides! Listen, Dirkichi almost got killed resisting the help of the bad guys, but they ended up freeing him from the bad guys.

"Right! Good for you.

"Yeah, I'm so glad, but that guy, if he's that prominent because the arrangements are still around, I'm worried he'll get caught again.

Besides, since Erna thinks she's the devil's servant and that the mite who brought her here has fallen, Dirkichi thinks Erna is suspicious if she's listening to herself coming here. That's why I told Kamiya I didn't know if Deekichi was coming.

When we were talking about that, I heard someone coming at the front door of the office.

"Ain't nobody there!

I called him a few times and no one came out, so he cut the numbness and seemed to be shouting. The building's own trembling awesome voice echoed into the Elna's room as well.

But the gate was supposed to be closed, but how did it get in?


"Yeah, it's a voicemail for that. Let's get out of here.


After all, the gate was closed, but the door that can be closed by candles is open from the inside. Camilla must have forgotten to close it.

As I walked out the front door, it was the four grandfathers who stood in front. Even when it comes to Grandpa, his gray hair and wrinkles are just impressive, there are two soldier-style people of Riba stature, far beyond the Kamiyas, one who looks like a wizard, one who is as thin as bone and skin, a little bigger than a wizard-style person, but seems lighter.

A tall, slender soldier-style man stands forward.

"I'm sorry, for the night. Coming from the South, it belongs to the journey we've just made around here. This is a golf course. No, it's seen as a Platoshire course. Do you mind if I play?

"Well, it's been a long time since we came to the kingdom. The four of us used to do a great job. I stopped by to find out that this was connected and after hours.

Somehow, on this cold winter night, the four old men are going to play Platoshire.

"Really, but it's only moonlight outside, but you can't do your first course with that, can you?

My brother answered.

"Isn't that Caddy over there?

"No, I'm a choreographer who just took care of me here today, and my brother and I were entrusted to leave a message this evening.

"Well, we don't have that much time if only we could borrow the place and the tools, because the night starts.

Even if I don't take the time, even the ones I'm used to take half an hour. Can I have a hole or two?

"Oh, but if it's just Caddy, we might be able to figure it out. There are people living nearby, so I ask. Brother, leave your stuff. I'm going to the bee squad.

"Okay. Come in, then. First, you write your name here, and then there's the locker room over there.

"I'm sorry I couldn't, but Shermany can't help it.

After such a voice, Erna jumped out and headed to where the Lower Bee Squad was at the moonlight.

(But at this hour, who are those grandfathers?

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