Godfrey's ship is already two and a half days out of Bokovo. Yosel High rushed out to the deck wanting to be in the cold wind at sunset, a boring time just to go over the sea every day.

"Dear Godfroy, I have lurked you in Bokovo's garrison, Ninja has contacted you. Come on. It seems like a big deal.

Godfrey reads out Yosel High's brought letter.

By means of special training, I am contacting you using seabirds that have been planted to find ships and return. It is a special one used by Ninja, who has secretly kept him lurking among the garrisons he has left under His Highness.

This liaison is also used to interact with the home country of southbound Harun.

"According to this content, if it's already time, the signing ceremony will be over. Even if I take it back soon, I'll be two or three days late. Somehow, we have to get Margaretta and the others to do their best. Perhaps if I had to, that mysterious brave man would also appear.

"Yes, if he comes out, I think the mafia would be a bit full of it.

Yosel High is better off when it comes to the mysterious brave.

"I wanted to see it with this eye once, but in the end I never had a chance like that during my journey. Ah, you've seen Yosel High before.

Instead of such an opportunity, how many times would I have pulled out my sword? No, I thought you never pulled out your sword to see who you were approaching.

"Yes, on the contrary, it's about me and Shadow Xu who have seen us fighting. If I were alone, they might have said it was my fault. But that movement was like a complete imitation of Master Margaretta's movements.

"But Margaretta, around there, seemed to have no idea.

"Yes, because as soon as I saw you, you nearly cut me to death by mistake as a suspicious person. I didn't seem to know you or anything.

"Well, you're not even posing. Well, Margaretta herself, it's not like she's out of the kingdom in the first place, so it's natural that she doesn't know about such legendary braves.

"For that, it was called too fat and a good move, it really looked just like it.

Yosel High is on the deck, and he looks like Margaretta's moving, but he's not that streamlined. Which is a drunken old man's octopus dance.

"The letter says that Viscount Cyber is rushing too, so I don't think it's going to be that late.

"But I hear this human bomb sounds like a pain in the ass. What would Master Godfroy have done if such enemies had emerged when he attacked Bokovo in this army?

"You don't have a hitter. I'd jump into the ocean and run.

"Just kidding.

Yosel High, who tried to laugh, peeks into Godfroy's serious face and hesitates. I'm not kidding so much.

"No, but cyber will also be forced to struggle considerably. I'd like to get back to you right away and hear the rest of the story.

"Well, even so, if Viscount Cyber and Lord Margaretta were here, one or so of His Highness's...

"That's right. Definitely a stone. But in any case, we must return to the southbound harun as soon as possible.

Godfroy switches his head from kingdom to a more pressing problem.

"That's right. Because that means they moved.

"Something is going to happen. Something terrible happened, because that legendary Explorer Quadruple, who hadn't shown up at all for 360 years and was said to be dead, came out of the Grand Canyon. I haven't heard from you yet.

"Yes, there are still limits to the birds that can be put on top of this ship. If you don't let him rest there, he'll come looking for the ship.

"Sure, but while we're enjoying the ship's journey, the world is moving on. I'm not comfortable getting information alone.

"I also know exactly how Master Godfrey feels. But it is 4 days later. Please be patient now.

"Then I have to walk for a long time. I'll run the horse and go home first. Uh, if this were the case, I would have brought back a few of those half-fishers.

"You didn't realize that, ─ but Dear Godfrey, North Haln was quite an interesting place.

"Well, I was bored.

Something has always been a streak of shoulder watermarks in that country, Godfrey recalls.

First of all, that poor Demon King's Castle, that's it when it came to winning this operation, but I thought even the Demon King easily perished, and Margaretta skewered it into a skewer and ended a roll, so that the demon clan under distribution was wiped out.

The mafia that followed was easily hit by the kingdom braves, and I was too late to even ask.

The half-fishers who tried to sink the ship ahead of us in pursuit acknowledge and apologize for their inaction along the way.

A fool who tried to poison His Highness attacked one of the maids by mistake, swallowing poison, and died. The next day Mafia executives who tried to turn the party into hell by using poisonous spiders were stabbed by that spider and sinking themselves. The spider is chased by a lizard and runs away and nothing is happening.

The observation of the progress of Demon King's Island, worried about how long it would take, was somehow missing Leviathan and the castle, and even less worried about the Sacred Springs springing up and coming out of the Demons ahead.

There is so much more to do than sweep operations of evil organizations from the port of Bokovo, which I thought would be the most out of the way, that many days before this one arrived, we are fighting each other further with the republican evildoers on the other shore and are being wiped out.

If this is not a church army, but just a reinforcement to the kingdom by alliances and such, I would get into the stronghold of the giants who are selling fights and stop beating them, but in my position I didn't go for that either.

"I apologize for this. The only thing about Master Godfroy's arm was the exorcism of the Demon King.

"That's right. I stayed too long for that.

For that matter, it burdened the food of the kingdom. I'm worried he said something about going over this winter.

That's right. I almost forgot I promised that lizard I'd send you a banana.

"My nerves must have gotten tired from the escort assignment that I'm unfamiliar with.

"That's right. I put my life on the line, the assault mission suits me sexually.

At that time I remembered the assault youth, Alessandro, but Yosel High seemed to recall the same.

"But speaking of which, what happened to Master Alessandro?

"Thank you. I can't do anything with people in that condition. There should be a funeral someday. Well, as far as we're concerned, we're the next king, so let's just protect the princess.

"That's right. Because otherwise that country is not cheap.

"That's right. And that princess, she has sights. I'm sure the kingdom will be a better country to see than it is now in 10 years.

"Really, I feel that way too.

The two of us looked up to the starless northern sky and thought of the face of our daughter, who was said to be the star of hope in the kingdom.

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