Largo, who was able to change safely into a human being, apparently had the ability to transform originally, and there were also anti-Satan measures, inviting Michisane to bicker at the reception prepared as a tremendous chamber as it was.

"What does Michissane know about eternal prison?

"Right. Takamura told me to some extent that it was still down there in the deepest depths of hell to keep a soul locked up that should never be allowed back into the world again. We hear that the humans sent in to be dropped there are given the fear that they will take hell from the first tier to the lowest tier and go to places more terrible than them, and that they will be dropped so that those who panic will be abandoned.

"So maybe we can catch up while they're taking us around?

But in the meantime, Millin is in a state of panic, which could cause a mental breakdown.

"I can't say it's unlikely, but I don't know if that's all we're going to address. I know I need to be ready to go to the worst eternal prison.

"Of course, I'll be ready for that, but what the hell am I supposed to be ready for? So, you know what else?

"Does your stall intend to bring the Demon Clan?

"Yeah, I'm going to, but what do you got?

"The Demons, basically, can't get you into hell. This is for the same reason that hell does not accept beasts, because a demon tribe without a heart does not deserve redemption in hell even if it becomes a soul. Besides, that power breaks the balance of hell. It will be sealed in eternal prison, but we hear it go through a special route, other than from the gates of hell.

"Uh, really?

Largo, who has changed into a person's appearance, is in a hurry when Michisane, who does not know he is a Demon, hears that the Demons cannot go to hell, referring to the SS. If SS says no, I thought I probably can't do it myself.

"After all, do we have to take the Demons?

Not so much, I don't want to take anyone with me if I can, but isn't the problem that I can't even get in? But Michissane doesn't know that Largo is a demon.

The devil has given the collar to the crustaceans, so there should be no deception.

"You don't lie or deceive the devil, do you?

"No, what do you think? According to Takamura's story, it seemed pretty accommodating, though.

"You think you can accommodate it?

"Well, for example, Takamura was the person who took care of him, so when I told Lady Xu that this person was not yet longevity, if that was the case, he said that he had no choice, and that some of them had returned him to this world.

I wonder what that is about grounds. I mean, isn't it your own convenience to take care of me or something?

"Uh, is that okay?

"Whatever you say now, because you seem to have tremendous trust in the devil. Isn't that accommodating if it's a little something?

"Is that some sort of thing?

"It was then, so things may be changing again. Let's go over there and ask.

"Something good. Come on, then, can you get the Demons through too?

"But if you try to bring in the Demons in a group, even if the Demons miss it, the Guardian Kings and Demons guarding the gates will make a scene and they will always find out, and if it becomes a scene, they won't be able to put in what they can.

That's troublesome. I'm anxious to know if I can keep the SS, but I'm also anxious to protect the kingdom after I'm gone. Specifically in the Wang capital, it will also not yet be known that he defeated Ganjin. If you see that, there is a risk of retaliation again. If I or Cross were to be absent, if not for a while yet, and if I hadn't come all the way home, I'd be worried that the giants who surrendered because of it wouldn't get weird either.

"Only demons can't get in?

"As I said earlier, no living organisms other than human species are allowed. Though it would seem fine to be a soul. Anyway, it's a rarer case to want to go to hell or something. On the contrary, is it specifically within the scope of man, beast man, and spirits that they are put on trial with or without?

"Aren't there dragon men, dwarves, and so much more?

"Dwarf - oh, like a coloboccle - that is a substream of the Holy Spirit, even if you can see it. Dragon men are beasts, so to speak, again in the way they are regarded, but they are not allowed to enter in living beings because they are just like demons, or even more unbalanced in power. That's the same for wizards. Some things seem to be called elves, but that would fall within either the Holy Spirit and man's bounds. Of course all these acorns are in range.

"Me and the other beasts are intelligent, but what happens to them?

"Of course, if you die, you are the soul of the intelligent body, your figure will be the ancestral spirit regardless, and you will reach the gates of hell just like the soul of the human species. But I'm not guilty-- no, I've lived a ruleless way, so I'm not guilty.

"I see."

As I said before, the rules of the human species do not apply to beasts, so to speak, weak predators, or the natural business of the food chain. It will also be there in the first place that the Demons are not guilty. Depending on what you think, even if you die in the fugue or the river floods and swallows people and creatures, is that not a sin of fugue, river or water?

"Souls without intelligence will also be sent to the other world if they die, they will not reach the gates of hell, and they will be reincarnated with a new life right out of purgatory.

So that's it. Even the human species, like the saints, say that they do not go to hell, but go through that route.

"Is it not a sin to kill the Demons?

Though saints, St. II Cora Mirakiglia and the others are carrying out mass killings of demons in earlier battles.

"Ha, the Demons basically don't have lives. I mean, even if you perish, you won't have taken your life just to return to the other world. Besides, it's a natural enemy to man, so in the sense of self-defense, it's not a sin. It seems that our ancestral spirits did the same thing, and even if they wiped us out, it would mean that they didn't kill their lives, but that they formed their souls into Buddha.

Furthermore, this time, Largo reacted to the word that he would be reincarnated in that purgatory.

"By the way, do you know what a peculiar is?

"Uh, that's what they send from purgatory in another world. Or some coming from different worlds that I don't understand, not purgatory though. It is born by being given direct life and body. To a creature without intelligence sometimes seems to come pushing its soul away.

I guess I thought Largo looked like the former. Have I, then, died in my previous life?

"Huh? Wait, you said the Demons have no life, right? Which case would it be if you were to be reborn into a demon clan?

"Huh? You've never heard of reincarnating into demons, etc. Rationally, it's an impossible case. What comes from purgatory is the soul moving in the circle reincarnation. Because the Demons do not exist in that cycle.

That said, I'm here, so there's got to be a conversation. But rare cases and irregularities are everywhere. Even though Mitsu is a demon, he became a man of life. Let Krasabi tell you, I don't even know if you got mixed up without knowing it because the bloody Demons like you mean the Lower Demons.

It's more my past life, but even if my consciousness is only coming here in a state that is not finally dead, like Alessandro, for example, unless there are such circumstances as Alessandro, I'm pretty sure I'm the first to think that it's a graveyard sender, as No. 12 was. Shouldn't we not think that we can go back to our previous lives, etc., and make an effort to have a good life here at all?

However, this time it will be completely, a challenge to the unknown world. The chances of not coming back are also very high. Nevertheless, this choice is not conceivable because neither Millin nor Krasabi is the one to be given up.

(-They think you're a better leader here, and if SS makes you look that way, even if you keep them at the Royal Castle -No, there's no way to do that without Milin?

There Clenai opened the door and let him peek into his face.

"Oh, what's wrong?

"Yes, I just heard from Hayami and Heiji.

"Huh? Why didn't you contact me directly? And why is Clenai only showing his face?

"─ Are you sure you want to come inside? We have a customer.

"Sure, fine. It's not weird to be that facetious.

"Then sweeten to your words.

Clenai, who came in saying, was dressed in a shocking pink, short sketchy baby doll. Michisane opens her mouth pompously. Seeing this one surprised me, I rushed to hide the important thing with my hands, but the thing called underwear is not very popular, and I know all the lines of my body because it's sketchy, so to speak, naked.

"Hey, what's that outfit?

"No, as of today, Master Astleto said, all SS, in this hall, dress as a pet princess. But I have customers, and I was a little embarrassed.

I see, the only reason Yachiyo wasn't in that style earlier was just after he was called back from Bokovo. Even so, I'm supposed to be here because Hanako is supposed to be sticking around in the villa, so the only two people who are going to be dressed like this should be Krenai and Naomi, or at best Kuole, who might be overgrown.

"No, instead of being a little embarrassed, you're so embarrassed. No, don't take what Astleto says. A little mistake, because it's a first-rate joke of his.

"Really? Oh, no. Oh, too bad.

Like, I crouched in slightly backwards.

That's not covered by hands next time, nasty to see all the butt lines from your back. It's a critical short length, so the bending makes the tip of your not so big butt stick out of your hem.

"Uh, Kohon, that's good, but what the Hedges didn't get in touch with directly is something to do with that, right?

"That's right. When I was in this hall, I stabbed the nail to tell them not to contact me directly because it could be a lot of trouble.

Isn't it Krenai's hopeful assumption that things are going so badly?

"Don't stab me with a weird nail, because there's nothing there. Especially now, isn't it?

"But - because it's in the shape of a person, I think if we get some sympathy from the Lord's preference, we'll all get morale.

I think that the daughters who weren't chosen weren't who they were, but they were wrong because they weren't chosen.

By and large, when that happens, there can be a lot of things called female-to-female intransigence, or a power struggle in the harem of the ruling class is completely rejected because it seems droll.

"No, wait a minute. Anyway, tell me what the Heidis have been saying.

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