Erna speaks to the dragon men.

"Ah, uh.

"What's up, human daughter, as you can see? I'm taking it in now. I know it's getting late, but I want to take this opportunity a little bit now.

"No. I don't mind that, but I actually know the guy.

"What? You mean Largo.

"Even so, I don't know it directly. But my brother was saved by someone that Mr. Hiffmi and the others call Lord.

"Oh, my God, they have a living witness here, Midfender!

"Well, if you look at your relationship with these demons, it's no wonder you know Largo. Let me know more about what you know.

Elna was somewhat surprised but happy that she was not rejected and that she could listen to herself. As long as I can tell the dragon men about the gracious Largo I received.

"Yes, the first time I met these people was when someone named Mitsu, whose name had been out earlier, was looking for my childhood. I noticed this later - but I'm sure it was because I was looking for the wizard he was discipling to take something important and run away from him. So you got to me and you got to know me. At that time my brother was suffering from an incurable disease called Halun's difficulty, and he could not know tomorrow. When Mr. Mitsu heard about it, he hung it on a demon named Buell, who has medicines to cure the disease, but he said he refused once that it was not a medication available for every human being. But her lord, Largo, talked to me, and I convinced her to use the medicine.

"I see. Did that happen? The Lord Wilhelm, if this daughter, who is human, will know if she is telling the truth.

"Hmmm..., I've already peeked at you earlier, but I never lied. Perhaps Largo made him use that special medicine in a way that he called a contract and a deal, which is a characteristic of the devil. I don't know what kind of demon you are, but that's quite a skillful move. Instead, I'm taking memories from this brother. But the memory I really needed, I guess, ended up giving it back.

Wilhelm, who started and started talking, spoke surprisingly fluently and for a long time.

"Hey. So, isn't the contract made?

"That's ingenious again. I try to listen to one person at a time because there are two of them. If it wasn't for the memory of both of us, it shouldn't have been useful. Is this... is this the kind of thing that you say you can use while your head is alive? I will return the memory of the lover that she cared most about, if there is a confession from her lover. Of course, if you change your mind about the man, it won't do her any good. It's a good story because it will be a bad memory, no, I don't even want to remember. Just as I came earlier and wondered, relying purposefully on the medicine made by the devil to fix it myself..."

Wilhelm's commentary continues to speak fluently, but when he first heard it, Elna found out that the contract had been pre-computed.

"─ Then you thought I'd never get hurt.

It was solitary, but firmly heard by Shermany.

"Ho, you didn't seem to know who you were.

"Besides, it's not just the sickness, this woman had to sell herself out of poverty, it seems she did it back a year.

"Yes, it is. Then when the childhood trainer showed up and, as a witch's maneuver, was taken away by being forced to do bad things, we were about to be killed when we heard about the circumstances. To hide it, I brought him here to take care of him until work. I didn't see anyone named Largo then either, but I feel a lot of warmth from Buell's words.

"Yes, these things, it's not just time you got them back. Looks like he gave me more than just the accumulation he ran out of. Sure, what the devil does, he still does, but what's more surprising is that he's giving you the opportunity to sweat on your forehead and work here without making you extravagant.

"Does Wilhelm believe in the goodness of something called Largo?

"Are you an ambitious peculiar who is taught to" stiffen his surroundings with demons who decadence humans and keep them as they desire, and with demons who enjoy them, and with no blood or tears "? I feel like everything's been turned upside down.

"Ugh! But in the opinion of one daughter...

Hearing that, Wilhelm turned to Hiffmi and asked.

"Hifumi and I will answer one question now. Does Largo only distribute you? In the first place, are you just a subordinate of Largo?

"Of course, we are the faithful servants of the Lord, but the Lord has called us' companions', beginning with Krasabi, those of the SS, and all of us Weekly. And the Holy Spirit Gnome, who inhabits the Ganima Fountain in North Hurn, and the Undines, who inhabited the sea around Demon King's Castle, have each vowed to send and serve the title of Dominion Master. Back in the day, I also heard from a place called Yapan, the country at the end of the east, that it would help to defend the town of Bokovo this time, following what is said to be the Spirit on the defense of the country.

"The Dominion Master of the Holy Spirit early, but the Demons as companions - but what, the Spirit?

Shermany, who seems to know anything, twists his neck, but Wilhelm responds to that. These two apparently differ in the genre of knowledge.

"Uh, I've heard some wind news. Hundreds of years ago in the kingdom of Yapan, it is an ancestral spirit who consecrates and gives rank to the spirits of resentment who died with resentment in politics, saying they are the patron saints of nations and cities.

"You think you can follow the Holy Spirit or even something like that? How far are you reaching in a short time? What the hell is that Largo trying to get you guys to do now?

"The Lord first created a fishing village to acquire the benthic resources of the zombies after the kingdom had exhausted its food in the battle with the Demon King, so that the people of the kingdom would not starve this winter by deducting the Holy Springs from the Demon King's Castle so that they could fish in the warmer waters.

"We should leave that to the fishermen, right? Why do we need zombies?

"Immediately, discrete villages will not be rebuilt. Until then, and above all, at His Highness's request, if we recover the resources at the bottom of the sea, it means that women of the human species can operate without problems even when the moon itself, which is difficult for humans.

"You know what that means, Wilhelm?

Wilhelm shakes his head, but Erna answers.

"I understand. With something so convenient, I'm sure it would be groundbreaking for us human women to stop being called out for things we can't work and don't address from time to time.

Also, the dragon men looked at each other. Hifumi connects the conversation pale as if nothing had happened.

"In addition, near here, we use our vampires, who were beekeeping and hitting on energy replenishment, hunting monsters and providing monster meat to the king's capital and all of the kingdom through the face role of the kingdom that says tao. The march of our demons has also sent our members and zombies to the abandoned village, and we are also in the process of opening the crushed fields.

Even Erna stops listening to it. What the hell is wrong with that?

As if the kings of this kingdom had to do, Largo is using the power of the Demons to help the reign of the country. If Largo was a god, he wouldn't do anything to make it this far.

"But with the demon pulse necessary to the Holy Springs... was it based on an alliance with the kingdom or something?

"No, it was started at first for the overwintering within the kingdom, but the reconstruction of abandoned villages and fields probably began with the King being asked for help by our companion, Cross, who is attached as a side guard to His Majesty the True King. Shortly before, the grain stored in the Demon King's Castle pantry also appeared to have returned to the Lord himself in order to contribute to the Kingdom in large quantities.

"Oh, my God, the King's sight guard is also under Largo's command, no, the Demons keep it? Not only that, but I didn't expect to ask for help through the consultation of the national disaster itself.

"You may think it's pretty heavily used, no. Should I say it's in a relationship of trust? But earlier, what have you been back here lately, Lord?

"Yes, even then when it comes to being fought. He was captured at the witch's fingertips and was about to be retrofitted one after the other using drugs, stationed within the King's City in an attempt to free the badly ill and wounded slave crumb of things, the home of an enemy whose companions boarded him, hearing he was about to be wiped out, rushed to help with one of his companions he was taking, and was exorcised from the villains by the junction alone.

"Hmm. As good as Largo went to help what he called his people, before that, the Demons put their lives on the line, and the slaves that humans couldn't even save...? Is that Largo's order?

"No, at that time, we heard that the slaves used there moved at their discretion because they fled and came for help.

I pushed all four of them.

No longer does it convey the fact that Largo has demonized and transformed them so that they can go save the wounded and sick of slavery, abandoning even humans, rather than go save them who are single and subordinate - whom he calls companions.

I could sympathize with Largo, who at first was suspicious because of the inheritance of the Demon King, who, on the side of man, was disturbed by the fact that he had converted demons and demons and obeyed the Holy Spirit, which is said to be the guardian of the Holy Springs, or even the likeness of the patron saint of a country called Yapan, which Erna had never heard of.

After a while, blocking, who did not speak much, asks Hifumi even more.

"Are you guys good? As a demon, we are forced to do everything we can to create a world that is so convenient for humans who have always treated us like bugs.

"We started beekeeping first at the Lord's command. To get the honey of the flowers collected by the bees, and then replenish the magic, to eliminate the danger of the task of sucking blood from humans and monsters, which we have been doing until then. But that makes sense. If we try to do that efficiently, it means we need to set up a habitable environment for the bees. My mother Mitsu tells me that the Lord is constantly trying to help both humans and demons together to create a world where they can live together.

"What the...! A world where humans and demons coexist...

"Okay, okay. Let's make this white, too. No, it could be gold.

"Let's agree with Midfender, too.

"What about Wilhelm? I've made up my mind.

"I believe in this girl.

Wilhelm stared at me for losing weight, but Erna was trusted. Perhaps for the Dragon Man, I feel that my remarks were adopted as important for the end of this world.

"But then...

"Well, in the end, it's fashionable.

"You must not let me go.

"We have to go soon.

The four stood up.

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