In concubine style, Clenai, who came out exhilarated, was finally willing to answer Largo's question.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. I think Hanako overlooked it at the villa, but Alessandro and Diekichi are all here to visit the inn where Lagon was staying.

There was trouble again. I couldn't seem to stop Dirkichi from seeing Alessandro even though he was turning his hand around. I didn't want Dirkichi to see Alessandro because I was afraid that would happen.

"What, really? So what are you saying?

"He wants to see Master Largo, but maybe he's unconscious right now, so he seems to be asking me to meet someone who understands the story.

I see Dirkichi has been told by Gheamon that Lago will not recover from the damage done via Lagon for some time. But when I think about it, I often admire the fact that Jamon knew it beforehand.

(─ Well, Geimon also said he would use the automaton in operation mode. In it, I wonder if I would have been in that coma after failing an experiment and taking that damage myself.

Researchers, that's all I've been through. But you were a really good person to care about. After rescuing the Krasabi people, I guess I have to think about giving them revenge without blood or tears, but all of a sudden I don't get that feeling because too much has happened, or because I'm concerned about my interview with Satan or the upcoming rescue operation.

But what do you mean by two people, Dirkichi and Alessandro? The only thing that has the perception that Lagon was there is the inside and the republican members. On the face of it, it is supposed to be the inn where Lagon's sister Mitsu was staying. Furthermore, it is Viscount Cyber, Sir Leold, who knows the inn. Members of the Republic were told that they had returned to their home port of Moritz shortly after the signing ceremony. Of course Dirkichi, Alessandro can't possibly know. Even when Gymon came out to Bokovo, it was the communication of the scales that called the Lagon. The gemon is not already in the world.

(─ So, by explaining what Ghimon said to Deekichi to rely on Largo and saying that Mitsu is connected to Lagon and Lagon and Largo, you've been asking from someone who knows Mitsu?

That's what I think, I'll start by searching Lagon's room, and outside the room, around the inn. Guests are turning back for some reason, but they don't look like soldiers or guards. So you're saying you came alone? If you say you came through Viscount Cyber or Sir Leold, it's a weird story that Alessandro didn't even bring one escort. More unlikely than not.

(─ So, acting alone? I don't know the route those two can take alone to get there, but what I don't know is that something is being found out to them and, worse still, to more people. ─ ─ Calm down, is that deadly? Or a tip-off with no other love?

Until now, Diekici in the hands of the witch is out of the question, and Alessandro should have now returned to the villa. In the first place, Alessandro doesn't even know Largo exists, but who would be the first to talk if he went back to the villa? The Master of Swords, Viscount Cyber, Sir Leold, who is supposed to be the father of the fruit once, and Lilyn, the true king who publicly names his mother, are all around, but they have the strongest ties to Sir Leold, whose Lord Leold's children are Gasparn. I greeted that Gasparn as Largo when Lagon was summoned from Gheamon. Later we find out that Lagon and Mitsu are brothers and sisters, and if it is told that Sir Leold came to pick up Mitsu at the time of the kidnapping, we will reach that inn.

Does that mean can we assume that even Sir Leold, Viscount Cyber, Margaretta and Lilyn, the true king, connected to Gasparn, are getting to that fact? No, then it would be unnatural not to have an escort on Alessandro's body.

For example, even if their behavior is false, they may at least be around the shadows. But the fact that I see it with a thousand eyes, and I don't see its shadow, means that Alessandro still can't tell me who he is, and he secretly came to explain his condition to where he wants to go back to his original self, but still doesn't reveal it to those around him, Jamon and the two of us, escaped the villa on his own. That's why Hanako didn't even notice, and I guess there's only Alessandro and two Geimons.

(─ Have you found out so far? No, you don't know unless you ask.

Well, what is it? Whatever it is, you can't involve these two. Instead, taking him would probably not do him any good. Alessandro as a swordsman is something like above the conclave. Dikichi should have no fighting skills. Largo is convinced that perhaps such a thing could not be useful in hell or in the battle in that eternal prison.

In particular, Alessandro needs to be allowed to return safely to the King's Capital. Cross should be hiding the real Alessandro from the temple of the diocese in the courtyard, somewhere in the pit inhabited by the Holy Ghost Gnome, and he must copy his stolen information into his real flesh and do it to his original body.

Dirkichi also has a woman who is waiting for his resurrection: Erna. I don't know what Deekichi wants to do to help Milin, but how do I make her give up?

I can't get around to being Largo, refraining from meeting with Satan in eternal prison, who I think will decide on the right or wrong mission. This is what Lagon has always done for me. Now the witch takes me away and I'm not here. As a last resort, there is a thing called a ring of separation, but I'm not sure if I can use it yet, or if the very same individual as myself will do what I think right now. Not to mention the other guy thinks Largo still fainted, so he won't have to go out on purpose for Largo himself.

(─ Yes, let's rely on him at a time like this.

"Clenai, call for a cross right away. Oh, including Cross before that, so that we can all go back to where we were. Tell him to look like he can fight at any time.

"Is that me too?

"I told you all.

"Yes, you couldn't babydoll.

"That's not what I said." I thought it would be difficult if I could lower the tension any more, so I tried to push my face closer around my temples and my lips from above my hair, and then whispered in my ear. "You're so cute.

The moment I said that, Clenai's face turned bright red and ran outside with momentum that seemed to break the door.

Then came the cross. What didn't come right away must have been a stuffy one when Clenai told me to go back to where I was. It's criminal to have a cross just in puberty that comes in that style.

Needless to say at times, Cross is currently unable to go home because he was unable to make his own decision on what to do in the future by sloppily coming from the villa and saying no because he should not say anything far-fetched when asked who Cross or Lago are.

"Or... sama.

A cross to say and say. I wondered what was going on, and in superficial consciousness {cool!} and screaming. If it's a comic book, my eyes are in the heart situation.

(─ I peeked at something weird.

No matter how highly appreciated, Largo himself just seems to be about as worn as he is. Tell Krenai and Cross that it is easy and pale to explain that it was Yapan and that they are likely to manage to secure a way to follow Milin from hell. Let's keep it to ourselves for now that they demons can't get into hell.

"Well, you can go to hell with the Lord. My arms are ringing.

Actually, that's not true, but I can't talk to Cross right now, who's building a force on his sleeveless arm and defining an arm-wrapping pose.

"Ugh, yeah. So, he's probably talking about wanting to help Milin, and Alessandro's coming to the inn. I don't know why, but Deekichi also left the lab saying he wanted to help Millin. I don't know one reason why those two relied on me to show up at the inn. How do you know the connection between Lagon and Lago, because it also has to do with human beings after being able to help Millin out well at the end of the line, so it goes well with how far you find out. I wonder if you can finally keep me in mind.

"I wonder if it will come to mind. From what I've heard at the Royal Castle, Alessandro is a burly Cisco. I didn't see it, but if she wasn't my sister, she'd be totally as far as being a stalker.

Rude story, but those two are compassionate, so isn't that what others do?

"But that's because Millin is with me. I think you really love Alessandro. As your brother, of course.

"I'm royal, so I wish I could marry my siblings. Such a royal family, there are many in the world.

Sure it is. They don't allow it in church, though. Besides, they're not even brothers and sisters if they believe in Republic material. If it's really about cousins to cousins, I don't think marriage seems like a problem at all.

"Well, that's fine, anyway, please. They think I'm still unconscious, so they're talking about a replacement. You're good at this kind of cross.

"I guess so, well, I'll listen to you anyway. Before we do that, Lady Largo, may I have a little energy?

"Oh, fine. With this style, what am I supposed to do?

"Well, my preference is..."

In the end, I was supposed to stick a needle under my tongue and suck it because I shouldn't put a hole in my neck muscle. I mean, it's the same as it was in Lagon. Now even without a long needle like crab, it'll be fine because it looks like a human blood vessel is going through it.

When I crouch down, I get a disappointing grip on my head by a small cross, and when I align my lips with each other, a cross tongue smaller than crusty enters under my tongue, a little tickled, and then I find myself fumbling as they suck blood.

(─ But in the case of crosses, wouldn't you be able to refuel if you could fly to Demon King Island?

By and large, this village should have a demonic water supply device made with lagon blood.

However, with more people to this point, there were no lagons or myself, so they may be depleted. Astleto was probably also used in large quantities to do this civil work.

(─ Well, we don't have time, and let's not pursue it. Let's just say that Cross's face is a little cheerful and his nose is getting rough, too, let's not worry about it.

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