Originally, Alessandro and the others, who visited the Inn where Lagon was staying, offered the little toddlers who remained in the room a visit to the deputies of Lago, awaiting their arrival.

They say their names are Heiji and Hayami. He only looks 5-6 years old no matter how he looks, but he seems well educated and his appearance is no less endless than that of his sister Milin. You'll confuse a man's heart when he's a sawdust grown man. So much so that we might have a nobleman who wants to keep it as a toddler and grow a greenhouse while we can.

"Why are little kids like you leaving messages like this? Besides, is it true that Largo is a man's subordinate?

"That's right. Even if it's small, it helps us a lot.

When the toddler girl named Heiji answered, Dirkichi put in a mess like she fooled around.

"Right. So do you guys know who better to be here?

"Didn't you just say that at the door? Your brother the next king, His Royal Highness Milian Rune, Alessandro, isn't he? And you're a liar, Deekichi.

"Oh, my God, you bastard!

Deekichi, who was slandered as a 'liar' and sat back, gets up and raises his voice. But Heiji was not frightened, and told Deekichi. I don't know anything scary.

"Oh? Was I wrong about something? Uh, help me. There's a bad man here who tricks you into being an inquisitor.

Very, not the kind of voice you could hear outside, but Deekichi was in a hurry.

"Come on, don't shout out loud. What would you do if someone asked, that kind of thing?

"Oh? Could what I said have been a lie?

"I'm not lying, though. How do you know so much about me?

Sure, that's right, the brilliant summary of what I briefly heard on Deekichi's body by the time he got here was piercing Deekichi's weekpoint.

I can't hide my impatience in the face of Deekichi, who got stuck there.

"I know you better. You were apprenticed by Mr. Jamon behind the world's best alchemist Sieba, but you broke the gate, catching two automatons and running away, Tonzla, and once you didn't like being forced to do anything wrong by a bad witch you put your hands together. But I was caught, and I was about to let His Highness put me on the headstand, my aunt.

"Don't say that much. If I'm summed up, I'm going to stain myself with how stupid I am.

I hadn't heard that from Deekichi, but he seems to be talking about it as it is, clearly stated, and he is still about to fall for it.

"Oh, you had that kind of otum right.

"Heidi. Don't bully me too much.

"For an idiot like this, you have to say Gatsun to find out.

"But it seems that the Lord's name has just arrived.

There was a knock on the door and a girl about their near-age sister came into the room.

Still, he still looks about two years younger than when Crim, who has been a breeder for almost a year, went up to the castle in a cold-blooded beast hut collected by Milin.

Alessandro looked familiar in the face of the girl who wore a large pure white holy coat that did not fit her body and brought in a cross still even bigger than what Margaretta was lowering, like a cane.


"Yes, I was in that condition earlier, so I didn't even greet you. I, am currently escorting around His Majesty the True King, originally a cross, one of their same Lord my Lord, the SS of Lago.

"Oh, did I? You protected my mother and Milin while I was gone.

It was a lip-service remark, but the suggestion was that Saint Girl Cross shook her head lightly.

"No, I have little knowledge of His Highness. The fact that His Highness's expedition will be followed by Lady Margaretta has only changed the escort around His Majesty in the meantime.

"I see. Even so, it doesn't seem to make a difference that you protected my mother. I'll thank you.

"I can't thank you enough. I have just been commanded by the Lord to do my job, because I am only doing my job. Now, in the name of the Lord, I am here today. Quickly, what can I do for you, my Lord?

It doesn't have any tangible marks, but it belongs to the girl whose voice really just got puberty from a child. Dickitch pinches his unwanted mouth.

"You don't have a firmer one, here.

"What is it? Don't be rude!

"You bet, Cross. I'm pretty pissed off from earlier, too, and I'm saying Zukezuke. Looks like I won't punish you yet.

"If you're not accompanied by Alessandro, I'm going to pull that tongue out of you.

If we can no longer overlook it, Alessandro puts out a help ship.

If you keep your mouth shut, Deekichi's tongue is really going to become independent of his mouth.

"I'm sorry. I've accompanied you because you name the great villain under the sky, but I also think your predisposition is chimpy. Dirkichi, apologize quickly. This girl, acting in Margaretta's place, is not just evidence.

"Really? Then spare Master Alessandro, I'm sorry, I overstated it. Actually, we were sent to a place called Forever Prison, and I want to go help His Highness. My master's wizard taught me that there is power in it. I guess you'll go help me. Take me with you.

"It's just like Dirkichi said. I want to go rescue Millin with this hand, too.

From the first time we met, it was an attitude that I didn't find very friendly with the Alessandro's, but rather poorly, and despite the fact that it was an offer of thoughtful content, its attitude and complexion remain chilling.

"Yes, the Lord will always go to rescue His Highness the Milian Rune from eternal prison. As we go to rescue our fellow Krasabi.

"At last. Do you know what you're talking about? That crunch will follow. My lord Milian Rune, you are the next king of this kingdom. All the people in the country live in hope of that man. I don't know if your people are crusty or rusty, but compared to His Highness's life..."

"Oops! This third-rate con man.

I wondered if the chilling way of speaking had changed to that, which included a little anger, and the next moment, the tip of the cross that Cross had was stuck in Dirkichi's wide open mouth.


The little face of the cross was flashly stared into a large, crisp, pearlescent eye, and Dirkichi was hardened without exchanging.

"Good thing. Listen carefully. I'll give you three options. Raise your right hand for the best, your left hand for the second, and your two hands for the third. Best of all, when you pull this trigger, a bullet the same size pops out of the hole at the end of the cross. Yes, it's made the same magic gun you know. Number two, this cross is made of stretched metal, and the pointed part ahead stretches up to three times the length of the cross. Perhaps we can reach the wall behind you. Number three, the lightning bolt that Lagon struck out many times, showing up at the signing ceremony when I cast the spell, will be fired at you. At the highest output, maybe your head will evaporate without even leaving any charcoal. Come on, which one?

The doth's resourceful voice will never be a threat. Neither the cutting tip of the cross, nor the hole known as the muzzle, seemed to be shown in front of him for a moment just before he was stuck in his mouth, and neither hand could move as if it were in gold bondage. Deekichi.

"Mr. Cross, I apologize from you, so forgive this fool's disrespect just one more time. I won't let you talk about anything anymore.

Glimpsing Alessandro, who said so, with a slightly laugh-inclusive eye, Cross returned to his original voice and told him to stand aside.

"Ah alas, Master Alessandro says so, but could you have reflected?


Groaning, tearful Deekichi.

With the tip of the cross turned, he's shaking his neck vertically in small pieces, like a painting of a man from your village, yet unaware of the scars of the city, caught by their bad bad bad daughters downtown and snagged.

"Then let's keep talking. When I go to eternal prison, I will step on my feet. Of course, I'm not even that sure I can make it back alive. It's a scarier place than hell, but if it is, then you can leave at the end of the period of redemption, where pain can continue to be inflicted forever. Every thing dropped there is a horrible place where even the Demons have their spirits collapsed into their spicy bitterness, and yet, their souls continue to be haunted. You will not be permanently reborn either. Do you still want me to go there with your arms?

"Absolutely. I'd rather die than go and live to congratulate Milin. If you say you can continue to suffer without dying, take it spoiled with Millin. Even this deekichi is getting ready for that much.

For those of you who said so, even the impatient cross you were threatened with earlier was suddenly losing momentum when you heard 'Step aside and step on two feet'.

"Uh, really? Oh, I...

"Of course you are. Or do you mean to carry that stigma for the rest of your life and live there?

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