Now when Alessandro intimidates, Deekichi, ready, shakes his head vigorously and says it off.

"Yes! No more. That's right, we came here ready to give up our lives and our souls for Your Highness. Please, Mr. Largo, let me see people.

"Not so long ago... So I ask you one question, are you aware of this, Your Majesty or the Marquis? Or with Viscount Cyber.

Why would Cross want to know that? Since he is a man of His Majesty, will he tell the kingdom that Alessandro cannot be put in danger?

But Alessandro hesitates to know what it's like to lie to this mighty opponent. Besides, if it's a cross connected to the True King, you'll find out as soon as you find out.

Alessandro chose the path to speak honestly.

"No, we've been talking to each other alone.

"Oh, yeah. There was something I had to tell Lady Alessandro, and that's when I invited her.

"And I came out of the villa silently. It has nothing to do with my mother or my father. My mother adores Milin, but she is kind and benevolent. For my daughter, she jumped out unauthorized that she might not have told her servant to sacrifice herself. Never bother those people, it's all selfish of me to say. You can write one down to your mother or father!

"Really? So, how did you find out about this place? You two don't know each other, do you, Mitsu or Lagon?

Again, a strange question, but it was a miracle that I did get here on my own.

"That's what this deekichi...

"Oh, that's what I heard from the 14th. I guess I've been allowed to stay here for a while with my master, huh?

It wasn't that easy to get there, I was obviously heading in a different direction because I remembered the name of the inn that Dirkichi had heard, but I anxiously asked my deaf old lady along the way. The old lady managed to get to this inn because she misheard the ambiguous name even more.

Thanks directly to you, I know this place, and I would have walked around extra for nearly an hour than I came for. In the meantime, he wandered from the villa where he noticed he was running, hissing that it might take a chaser or a searching hand, and wandering around a place without land prospects.

"Really? Heiji, Hayami.

"That's right. He was here to cure the automaton that came back from this liar and everything. There was a time when No. 14 was with me.

"Okay. I see you had that route. ─ ─ Finally, Alessandro's readiness was better understood, but what exactly is the source of Dirkichi's readiness? I don't see why you would lead His Highness so far.

Well, that is arguably the most cross question. For this nasty man, it's something I've come up with a lot.

"Be honest with me, Deekichi.

"Really? Can I talk to you, Mr. Cross?

"This is what I'm asking. Speak quickly. Wasn't he talking a lot earlier?

Either way already, it conveys my desire to tell you to hurry. There was a feeling that it wasn't a big deal to ask or not to ask about your readiness. Jamon, too, noticed it or cut it out.

"Huh. ─ ─ I hear you know, but he's a big sinner under the sky. Arrangements also go all the way around the kingdom. With the soothing state of the Security Treaty, that will soon be distributed in the Republic as well. Nobody noticed at the signing ceremony venue, but I can't get my ID in the first place, and I have to close my doors to get anywhere and go down the interstate road behind the mountain. If there's a crime, incident, etc., I can't even stay at the inn. Of course I don't want to settle. I can't even marry a woman I like.

When we talked that far, Cross barely penetrated.

"I mean, you want to be properly happy with Mr. Erna.

"You! You even know about Erna?

Surprise, Dickitch. Think about it, it doesn't come as a surprise to the extent that you know the woman's name because the reason she committed the great sin under heaven is the woman.

In the first place, Alessandro thought that was the most suspicious part of the source that he knew so much about, but the statements supporting it come back from the cross.

"You're more right about Erna than you are about Erna.

Hear that, Deekichi, his expression becomes desperate at best. As a matter of fact, it seems that Diekici stopped at her last rental house with Erna just before coming to Alessandro, but the tavern, which looks like a stuffed shell and finally worked, has also been closed since last night. Diekici, who did not see Erna, just seemed heartbroken that he could not confirm its cheapness and that he had come to Alessandro without talking about his determination again.

"Is Erna okay? When I was caught by a witch, I was under attack, and I thought number four would protect me.

"It's okay. Let me move near the king's capital just in case, and the witch won't find me.

"Did I, thank you. If you're getting strong people like you to protect you, don't worry. Then I will welcome you to the rescue, Your Highness.

"But instead, you may never see Erna again.

The word gave Deekichi something much heavier, but swallowed it and Deekichi, once again, expressed his determination.

"─ But instead, when I come back to help Your Highness, I ask you to reduce the sin party by its merits. Alessandro asked me to, and I promised him that. Besides, if His Highness is not safe, this country will have hard times again. If that happens, Elna can't live happily ever after.

This time, the cross will tease you for a while. In her, I wonder if Dirkichi, who I thought had ever been championed, has become a trustworthy person in any way?

"─ You mean it, don't you? I don't think the Lord will take you, like you, with you, but for now your words will be told to the Lord as they are, so could you please wait here for a while?

Is that what Largo talks about after his consciousness returns? Or has Largo's consciousness already been restored?

"Nice to meet you, Lord Cross.

"I asked you, wacko.

Also, Deekichi says extra things. Hearing that, Heidi complained again.

"Cross Sue, do you really recommend this to the Lord?

Of course, I'd like to think that the subject of 'something like this' is Dirkichi alone.

"If you listen to me now, I may change your mind. Just one last thing, let me see if you guys can help. I would also like to report that to the Lord.

"Try it? You got our arms?

Dirkichi shouts a barbaric voice. It would be bad for this man if possible, but it also seemed more like it was for him to have only Dirkichi fall for that exam.

"I just want it.

"If it doesn't seem to be on chopsticks or sticks, give it up a little bit.

"You're gonna do it here?

"No, the rooftops here, people don't seem to come in winter. Let's go there.

Climb the stairs to keep them out of sight. It was originally the top floor room, so it was immediately on the roof. On a midwinter moon and night, the rooftops of the port town are quite chilly.

"So what do you do with arm trials?

"Yes, each and every one of you would like to see how helpful it is in practice.

"I am Alessandro's support.

Though he doesn't have himself in his arm, Deekichi offers a shabby two-on-one.

"Then you two are fine at the same time. For both of us, why don't you let me be serious, or if you hit the prey somewhere in my head, you mean my loss? Of course, you can choose your prey as you like.

"I wonder what Lord Cross will use.

"I'll use this needle.

Cross had a needle about where he removed it from, about the thickness of his pinky finger, and about the length of his arms.

Dirkichi, who sees it, says face to face.

"That sounds painful.

"I won't be using it directly on you guys as you will get injured if you hit it up ahead. Let me use your two attacks just to pay for them.

"Is that what this is about? What if this one wields even a heavy sword?

"Fine. And Master Alessandro won't make a sound. Let's just say that your rude man is no longer able to move.

Big confidence. Because it's such a thin needle that I'm going to deal with anything.

And it discerns that Alessandro's body is not human's.

"So how can I tell if Lord Cross has been taken seriously?

"You don't know if you mean it, unless you stabbed each of your bodies, because Alessandro won't get hurt if the tip of this needle stabbed you, right?

"I see, I get it. Clear rules.

"Okay. Then I'm with this iron pipe.

Deekichi brings an iron pipe that seems to have been used on this rooftop fence or railing and was overloaded.

That was as long as Dirkichi's leg.

Alessandro shredded the excess from the branches of a dead winter tree with a short knife and finished it with a stick about the length of his own arm.

"Both of you. Are you sure you want to do that?

"In the blade class, I can't sift my strength because I'm afraid of injuries.

"I'll tell you what, I'm not even gonna scratch you for real.

"Then I'll be the judge.

Heiji raised his name, and the curtain of battle between two big men and one girl was cut and dropped.

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