After Shermany rings her finger once, she rolls it over the table with about a glowing thumb out of a small bag lowered to her hips.

At that moment, Hifumi rocks his upper body gaggly. Keep your eyes closed, but you've been dreaming of half awake and half asleep, and you probably went back to normal with your earlier ringing fingers.

"Lady, I took care of you. Unfortunately, we don't have the currency of this country. I don't need fishing, so let me pay for this.

If you look at it, it's small but it's gold. Definitely something worth a few sentences converted into gold coins.

"No, you can have about three copper coins each.

"No, it's a better patrol than that. But... the course should be a little more difficult.

"Well, let's just get going.

Before the meal, when Ares grabbed the luggage he was bringing to his side, the four walked out towards the exit.

"Wait, dragon men!

It was Hifumi, who had just opened his eyes, who called him to rest.

"Oh, wake up early.

"The surgery was solved, so my people forced me to wake up.

"I see, I heard the trap was left on.

"That's all you've heard, and which way are you going in a hurry?

"Of course, you're going to stop Largo.


"That's... you don't need to know!

"I hear you said earlier in the conversation that if you can't be flexible, you'll end it.

Shermany looks at Midfender and says.

"See, I don't say that lightly. Shh.

"Isn't that what you're all here for? - Yeah, I'm not making any more excuses right now. You did say that. And I can still help, but I'm not going to let you go to that place.

"I hope you'll reconsider with one or two of my legs. I can't help but argue. Farewell, sweet demon clan.

Elna is fine. The ratings for Largo had not changed in earlier stories, with the four going early enough, towards the exit.

Meanwhile, it seems the surgery is still slightly effective, and Hifumi was trying to stand, fluttering.

"I won't let you go! As one.

With that said, Hiffmi acted as if he were going to cut the invisible thread that was tying his own body, and the clothes he was wearing tore apart so much that he turned to the figure of a bat feathered demon tribe on a whole body rat nude.

(Really, really..., Hifumi was a demon, too!

So will that mite look the same, like this? Of course there is no question.

According to what I heard earlier, Mitsu is the mother who created them.

Erna follows behind Hiffmi, who changes and flies to the front door. At that time, there was no fear of going after the demons.

When you reach the open doorway, in front of a gate that is tightly closed, the four of you are stopping.

That should be it, too. Focusing on them, the demonic tribe, who looked the same as Hiffmi turned, was surrounded by a domed surprise. Out the front door, Hiffmi screams.

"You can't miss these guys. He who threatens the Lord. Don't let me out of here as one!

Needless to say, the eyes of dozens of demons visible from Erna's position behind Hiffmi glowed yellow, never sending out a strong will that he would not miss the four.

"It's horrible. Approximately 100. I told you there were six thousand of them, but a hundred is an underestimated thing.

"That's all I can move! Still, I'll stop and show you.

Hifumi screams. It's a sad voice. Her voice speaks of how difficult it is to stop a dragon man, even if all this counts.

"I see. Doesn't it mean that all the Demons understand Largo's heart and are following him? Or..."

"But if we do this here, both this building and the building on the Platochal Ground will disappear. Can I at least move 1000 yards south?

The moment I said, the four appearances disappeared from there.

The eyes of the demons, who were surrounded, said to be 100 bodies, are simultaneously directed south, aligned and flying up, and away at tremendous speeds towards the south.

Of course, it's with Hifumi's turned individual, who was just outside the front door. Erna accidentally jumps out the front door, too.

"What's the matter, what happened?

From the course, Ares, who felt strange and rushed to the front door, immediately arrived.

"That's the big deal. Anyway, brother, I have to go south, outside the gate.

The question arises as to whether it is okay for Erna, a human, to go where so much battle will take place that this building will be blown away. No, it can't be good, but I couldn't stay or not.

About 1,000 yards away, on the surface, and in the air, there are repeated sparks flying and small explosions.

Approaching about 100 yards away, the two saw those four old men, overwhelming in strength, consolidate, put together and defeat the demon clan, who was said to be the same figure as Hifumi, as soon as allowances were made to prune the bush weeds.

Not so much, a hundred demons are dropped into a circle about a few dozen yards around the Dragon Man. But two demons storm the blocking, still standing in front of one or three of the four, no matter how many times they are torn apart. Elna understood. One is Hifumi.

"0175, now with me!

I'm already blurry. The other hundred bodies have no more movement, but the four have no indication that they have moved more than they did after playing Platochar. It's an overwhelming difference in power.

"How persistent you are. There's no more reinforcements. Can't it be over?

"What brings you guys so far? What you guys want to offer Largo is an exaggeration of our own power or a pattern of stopping us?

Blocking asks as he drifts through the Hiffmi's attacks. Dozens of yards of flying Hiffmi recovered and screamed as he attacked again.

"Nothing like that! If there is something to offer to the Lord, it is our sincerity!

"What no?

Blocking, such as that, missed the simultaneous attack of Hiffmi and 0175, and his own sword, pushed back, blurred his cheek.

Obviously, I couldn't hide the surprise in those words.

"Well, it's a clean hit.

"This! Get on the diagram.

No way. A serious blocking knocks the hifumies to the ground with his bare hands. The heads of the Hiffites were both completely engulfed in the ground.

"Blocking... too much. Enough. You guys did good. And the devil tribe also found that people of various thoughts... No, you are somewhat special. I might have worn too much about Largo.

"After all, do you mean the Demon Clan as it is? Shermany."

As I gave up, the moment Midfender leaked, a thick voice echoed through the wasteland.

"Don't make fun of me!


"0123, 0175! I'm not sleeping forever! Keep the Elnas away from me!

Elna was thought to be the voice of the head of the beekeeper, only heard once today, but probably called Quadrapur.

Hifumi and the other, who had nodded ahead from shoulder to shoulder in the ground until now, moved in an instant toward the Elnas, wondering if they had pulled their faces out as if nothing had happened.

I wonder if one person at a time was saved up as if it were a light pillow, of the office that came out again, but also gently grated on the roof. The two fell as they threw their bodies out into the roof building. I guess I squeezed my usual last force.

"What's going on, this?

As a matter of fact, those customers are dragon men.

Erna briefly explained to Ares what had happened before. In the meantime, I hear faint conversations between dragon men and quadraple from as far away as 1,000 yards away.

When I saw it, it lit up in the moonlight and looked like a mountain, I could see that the same blackish but grey bat-winged, people-shaped demon tribe surrounded by surprises revolving around the Dragon Man. It's dozens of times the number I saw first. Perhaps that must be about 6000 all the wipleys I asked Hiffmi.

"Well, it looks like all the soldiers here have gathered.

"If you listen to me in silence, the demons are demons, but there's no backup. Listen carefully! We have time to move 6,000 soldiers! I got Mitsu's 100th squad to earn that time.

"What are you prepared for like that?

"For a time like this, I was storing it without using an excellent source of magic. There were 5,896 of them left.

I heard that. Shermany gets stuck in words.

"─ Ooh, even the same people should have tough upward and downward relationships in the demonic world. If you're the greatest person I'm talking to right now, isn't it hard to just take it from the great stuff in order?

"Master Largo's temper is that everyone is equal! Come on, I'll decide with this one shot, we without the heart burn the soul itself instead of the heart, Whipley's gut-burning!

A dark mountain of rats began to glow red a little bit, its whole turning yellow and emitting brightness as if the sun were buried there.

Every single one of them is on fire. And inside, you must be releasing that flame towards the Dragon Man.

"What is this flame!

"I don't know! I don't know, but I'm not gonna hold it like this!

"What! I mean it like this."

"Stop. Shit, if we're serious here, the King's Capital will!

It's no longer like the sun burning on the ground. If you don't hide in the shadows of the roof after all this distance, your body is going to burn. If it were bounced back with the same force, instead of the King's Capital, Elna could easily see that even the safety of this continent was flattering.

"We're getting away.

"Wilhelm, Lord of what! You were cowardly!

"Wilhelm's sarcasm. 'Run but win' in four pieces here, we have to meet again elsewhere!

"Let him go! Take the fire of our demon souls!

At once, the mountains shrunk and we all took a special attack with our burning bodies. About 6,000 demons shine bright white for a moment. It's a luminosity that you can no longer look at properly. But the next moment, a golden dragon descended from heaven...

It looked that way to the Ernas, but it's a golden lightning bolt. The condensed white light bullet exploded from the inside in lightning.

A shockwave ran through the ground, and the blast nearly drove me to the Elnas, but I grabbed hold of the building tree and endured desperately. Besides, we have to keep it covered and held down so that the mindless hiffites don't get flown either.

Only the iron gates, supported by thick columns, remained in a way that leaned and frayed the office, with one simple wall wrapped wide around the Platochal field collapsing one after the other. Thanks to this, the office, spared the direct blow of the blast, has managed to stay in shape.

From the point where the light was terminated, four lights flew high in the sky at a tremendous rate. That is also a separate direction.

At that moment, from the light that flew over Erna, something glowing fell in front of Erna. It's bigger than the chunk of gold I just got when the Dragon Man left. And from there I have a lower voice.

"It bothered me. This is for repairing the fence. But, woman of man, why are you covering for the demons, who have not been manipulated?

"That's because they're not the demons the world says they are. No, it may have been before, but not now. They're not the demons I know... but the demons I can hold hands with if I want to name them.

"-Okay, well, still... Then I want to hear it one last time. Do you, as a human being, think you can coexist with such demons?

"Yes! Of course.

Without hesitation, Ares nodded at Erna, who answered so, supporting 0175 from a little further away. But I can't hear that anymore from a chunk of gold.

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