(─ I didn't know it was useless. Is it the common sense of the prophet?

"I couldn't help but smell the end of this one. Still, you went. [M]

"Right. Whether you ask me or not, prophecy doesn't change.

"That's right. If listening to a prophecy changes the future, that's not a prophecy. It's a warning or a warning that there's such a risk.

"It sure is. Besides, I can't believe your life would be gone if I used it.

"Even if I say my life is gone, it just disappears from before you. I'm already a spirit in the first place. [M] I'll be reborn somewhere else as another Kudan. And now you're about to make a really big decision. Maybe now is the time for me to make a prophecy. [M]

"But if you do that...

"I only say it once, so you listen very carefully. You can help everyone and make ends meet. But you tell everyone to go up to heaven for it. [M]

(─ ascending to heaven? So you're saying you're gonna die?

When I finish saying that, Kudan is quiet as he sleeps.

And Chiriko was telling me that there were no more Kudan souls there.

(─ Isn't that too absurd?

Still, if you say that the prophecy will never come off, you will undoubtedly go to a place called eternal prison, where instead of being trapped at the bottom of the earth, you will come back here to help your crusade and your Highness. Because staying trapped at the bottom of hell will not have helped us all, nor will we be able to ascend to heaven. As long as you are a creature, you will die one day. Then wouldn't it be better to at least help everyone and die saying if we were to do it to them?

(─ That? But a demon tribe dies?

But prophecies are more or less straightforward and not told in detail, and it seems common for outrageous metaphors to be used inside.

For example, the prophecy seems to notice that the dragon will storm that there will be heavy rain and heavy flooding, or that the king of the eastern country will die, saying something somewhat enigmatic about the sun going down to the east, and saying later that, uh, that was it, etc. ─ ─ This must be due to memories from previous lives.

In comparison, can I highly value the Demonic people's self dying - that is, doomed or extinguished - as much as metaphorically ascending to heaven, etc., as a fairly specific prophecy?

But if you think about it, even though I have memories of a previous life, I haven't actually been a month since I was born. Besides, it's a month of my perception, that is, of the 30-day pace of my previous life, not a month of 25% increase in this world.

In the meantime - through the lagon, including - I think I've really gotten involved with a lot of people and gotten it done so well.

This one, of course, would be of some help, but I could tour a lot of good people.

Having to say goodbye to everyone so quickly still kinda reminds me of the loneliness of my tear glands coming loose.

Still, I can't live with patience without crunchy or milin. Besides, it's not just that they're not here, they say they keep suffering forever. I can't live overlooking that.

For the most part, the earlier prophecy does not even assume that if I go to eternal prison, maybe I will go, but it will end up like that.

Then what a better life to go and help everyone and say goodbye with a happy ending than to say goodbye without going.

Besides, it's not even due. In short, you won't know if you're going to say goodbye soon or if you're going to do it some years ahead until then.

So, where I was getting a little sentimental and my eyeballs were getting hot, I would knock on the door. It's Yachiyo who just told me about the change.

"Lord, would you like a meal or drink?


"No, because I hope I feel hungry or dry throat the moment I often change into a human being.

"Oh, really? But don't I have that so far?


And Yachiyo tried to hide what he had in his back hand. Clairvoyant, it looks like some sort of age-old fancy alcohol.

"What's that?

"Oh, no, I thought maybe if the Lord were like a dry throat, It was in the garnish shed, so..."

"Right, I'm fine now. Oh, do the yachiyos drink that?

"No, this is very much not what we say, as it seems to belong to a delicacy, even among the demon kings gathered. Besides, we are better off with the Lord's blood than this."

Yes, it was.

"So can I have that?

"Of course it is. The relics of the Demon King belong to the Lord, all of whom are heirs.

"Hey, I have a human I want to give you.

Not human, though. Yachiyo convinced me to leave it. Of course, the opponent is Mesopota. Even this time - I broke it - I was taken care of by the lightning sword I planted on the legendary sword, and I just saw a long time ago where the cross would be useful.

Of course there are mesopotas among the various people who have been looked after.

I mean, as for Largo, who doesn't have the ability to be special like this and is only capable enough to use tools, I feel like Mesopota took care of him, just like Jamon, who happened to create an automaton called the Ragon that I picked up.

A thousand-eyed peek at Mesopota's workshop, which I've peered over and over, seems to be rarely away from the workshop.

On the desk you're working on, there's something like a letterhead, written to several different people. Occasionally some people seem to come here to clean up, and it may also say instructions for it, but some of them were conveniently addressed to themselves. I can see how much I've been looking forward to Largo's liquor.

"Dear Lago, I will be away overnight, but I will be back tomorrow. I earned a bit of part-time work, so I'll be exchanging information while I drink with some of my old friends. I made something that was a royal request, but rest assured that Lago and Crosse have finished it free of coarse phases. 'It said.

(─ I see.

To read from this contents, at the request of the royal family, I worked part-time to make some tools and the money came in, so I went out for a drink with my friends. But what does it mean to keep ourselves from being crude? I'm doing a shawl here with Largo scales, so I can't even ask, I can't track where he is and I'm sorry I can't see his face, but I'll leave a bottle of alcohol on the letter to myself. Now you'll know it's from you.

Hayami and Krenai jumped in with me just leaving to do that.

"Satan's here?

"No, I'm sorry, there's been an unexplained emergency.

If you ask, 'After the beekeepers contacted me about a strange intruder, I completely lost touch. Ito flew to investigate because he was suspicious' and contacted me from the residual group.

"That's weird. Sure. So, Hayami can go right away and come home, right? I don't know.

"Of course it is.

Just in case, give instructions so that Hayami, who is capable of traveling at high speeds, can see it again and again.

Apparently, in anticipation of that, Clennai brought him along.

Though little information is available, what we know seems to be that there is a problem with the foursome old men, who have come to Platoshire grounds.

That behavior is suspicious, and this is my last contact to say I'm watching carefully, and now I tell my 6,000 fellow beekeepers that I can't reach one of them.

But it doesn't seem like a witch has attacked me.

The fact that the four of us are here at Platoshire Yard probably means we're here to play golf, but it's too late for that.

Nevertheless, there should certainly be accommodation in Platoshire grounds, so I don't think they're hard or pure enough to say that the guests staying at the place are going to let their daytime caddies have an audience or night games.

Not to mention the four old men, I don't know why. Sure, there are not many old people in the world who are healthy.

That being said, if they were serious, they would have planned to attack at the Royal Castle in two days a day, so they shouldn't have a problem leaving it to the beekeepers.

Isn't it the wipline's, the line's out of order or something? It is inconceivable that they should be wiped out without a single person, even if they are, for example, witches.

(─ Well, suppose we wait for Hayami and the others to contact us? It won't be an hour and we'll be in touch.

That's how I thought, now I heard a slap on the scales. Who the hell are you at a time like this?

The sound of tapping the scales repeats the tongue-to-one beat break. What I notice about this is that Mitsu has been complaining to me about who I am contacting by hitting the scale so far, which is inconvenient if I don't check all the pieces. Besides, I think the tongue tongue is three and the two are scrubbing the scales, but this is two. I mean, 32, 32 and repeating.

The call from Mitsu was an emergency call from Undine, who was on alert off the coast.

On the siege net of the Undines, a ship travelling at high speeds was caught in pursuit of a bay with Demon King's Island despite the night. With the clairvoyance of the mites, he confirmed that it was the ship of Viscount Cyber, which was anchored in the port of Bokovo, and that the motorboat, which was supposed to have returned to Moates, was also following behind it. It is this time of night that has not yet dawned, and it is clear that the ship is headed for the Island of the Demon King, not the observation team or anything else on this beach.

"So in the meantime, can you clarify what's the matter there?

But sooner the ship enters the bay, a second report enters. It's Satan's return that Mitsu was really waiting for.

Mitsu has informed us that instead of waiting for Satan and the ship, he will lead us to Largo first. Apparently, Satan's hope. That would be more appreciated.

If, indeed, even if the appearance of Largo seemed necessary, it was decided that Mitsu would buy me time for a while.

I'm not sure what the cyber ships have come for, but I think they've probably come for something about the Millin rescue.

If the Alessandros came out with absolutely nothing to say, the reasoning that they came here in search of Largo was hardly conceivable.

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