It was good back then. Human beings were few and rustic, and looking annoying even in a flashy contest between dragons was about an unintelligent dinosaur.

Second, such memories come from Satan's brain. But now that I've said hello, it's time to introduce myself.

After tens of thousands of years of living, I don't know how to introduce myself, but let me start by explaining from this mess that they say it's Satan or Lucy.

"Yeah, it's nothing. Then introduce yourself for now. I'm Lucy, and this name was called before I became a wizard, and I took it from the name Lucifer, but after I became a wizard, I became known to humans as the Great Wizard Satan. Yeah, well, Euda who took you out of Demon King's Castle, is that Yuscario in your perception? Of course you do, don't you?

That goes without saying. Largo is also given to His Highness from the hands of Euskalio as a cold-blooded beast, falsely speaking and thus transformed into a human being. But now he stands at the apex of the Demon Nation, so to speak, close to the Demon King. It was a somewhat anxious question to remember even the name of such a working man.

"Yes, thank you very much for your help. It is thanks to Mr. Yuscario that I was able to live in the royal castle and to see His Highness.

It was surprising. I was sure Largo would be taught the Demon Clan, and then I realized he was the heir to the Demon King if I didn't know what route it was, and I thought he was letting it be his ability to do whatever he wanted, but it doesn't seem to be the excessive hide of Jamon. Of course, Jamon himself didn't seem to think Largo was the heir to the Demon King.

(Speaking of Geimon, it would have been cheaper to say that Largo was the heir to the Demon King.

"Oh, you're thanking me? You have a good reputation.

When it came to Yuscario's story, I relaxed my attention and it came out for real. Well, this is a good rating.

What's my reputation?

Whoa. Don't let Satan be taken by the weird wind, like he's asking around about Largo.

You can name Gymon, but given that Largo has not revealed to Gymon that he is the heir of Galenos about himself, it is also considered that he is at some distance.

No matter how much, I wouldn't give my automaton to a demon clan like Jamon is soon going to be the Demon King, so I might start worrying about my relationship with Jamon and keeping my distance from him, too.

They're poking each other in the face. I want to hear the truth. And if Largo's identity is evil, there is no such danger. We may have to destroy Satan at that time, even if we put all of it on him.

"Yeah, yeah, he said Euda was a good kid. That Euda and I, the Apostle - generally speaking, the Apostle's apprentice - have corrupted Euda like that, and since then, we've been sloppy for over a thousand years on the brink of corruption.

"You're close. The two of you.

Regardless of Satan's impending readiness, Largo said something that tickled his heart. Satan forgives his concern and shows off his crazy conversation with Yuscario.

"Uh, not really. Well, when living falsely the past with that Euda in human society, I decided to call him Euskalio by the name of the land where he was born. So he started calling me Lucy from my old name.

With that being the case, I recall the towns of South Harun, which have lived in Love Love with Euskalio, from ancient times to the Middle Ages, on a rolling basis.

Many times, I've been on the run at night when I was about to find out who either of them was. Not once or twice have I been likely to be on a witch hunt or have Yuscario been snitched.

Still, the two of them have been coming together for a thousand years. I have also lived in countries with many beasts and in wartime hiding my abilities. Such a struggle had tied the two together stronger.

"I see, so I see that you two are called by two names.

That's what Largo told me, and he returned to me, and remembered that the ship of the kingdom was coming, and that he didn't know when this meeting would be interrupted either. Next time I need to explain my involvement with Largo. Anyway, Largo thinks it's his first time.

"So, you don't seem to remember much, but you were born in the Castle of the Demon King to take care of..."

If you don't remember, it's the only way, or convenient. Let's just stay there. Rather than being taken care of, it's a good surface skin to be wielded, in any case. You can talk about the collar again someday, when most of it is cold enough to make it a joke. But Largo was very responsive to this topic.

"Yes, I hear the Godfroys attacked and got hit.

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