No, it's the same response to every topic, but I guess that reply just stuck in Satan's mind when he heard Largo's casual words.

"Right! You're talking about when you don't remember anything!

It was an unexpected way of saying it. I didn't manage to put it on my face, but from what I said, no doubt, I would have been remembered for being full of anger. Anyway, because until earlier, the way I spoke was dere. The discrepancy is never small.

From Satan, I made that defeat because, at the order of Galenos, Rago's once-father, when he put a Madante Pranda curse collar on Rago in the egg, it wasn't enough to follow all of Satan's magic, but to root the demonic pulse on Demon King Island and suck some magic out of all the demons there.

Thanks to that, I was in a coma until that little swordsman woke me up, and I sucked from him to give him something that didn't have to be taken more than magic - even memory information, and Margaretta and Cintaclaus bogged me down, and the Demon King was buried in Godfrey. Even though everything was caused by the use made to seal the power of Largo, it is not tranquil in Satan's heart to be told by its culprits like other personnel. And Satan's honor, which was also said to be the undefeated demon of all wars, and the name of the wizard, who had no magic alongside the world, fell into the earth every time.

"Yes. I... I'm sorry, I didn't know anything. So, I was the son of Galenos, who was the Demon King there, and it's called Largo.

That's already going on with the premise, but I guess I thought I had to say something. In that haste, Satan regains his peace of mind. Come to think of it, it's not really Largo's fault.

Knowing that he was the same as' he ', he looked sweetly at it because he didn't even know it was in an egg, and it was his fault that he tried to seal that power. That God-damned Stupid demon king Galenos.

Satan is not a peculiar, by the way, but the knowledge of the otherworlds of these peculiars has still been acquired by peculiars and afu-uscario, who call their minds without knowing the meaning of the words they used. I want to share my beloved man's knowledge.

Satan's Sky Blue hair is also what transformed the doll of Sky Blue hair, about Classgoad, into Yusukalio's memory because Yusukalio took care of it in his previous life. By the way, it seems that God-Damn Stupid means he's a big idiot.

"I know. But do you have any proof that you're Galenos' son?

"What! Evidence?

That just seems surprising. Largo should have nothing inherited from Galenos. But that is certainly the proof that was born between Galenos and Dora, but that does not make it any proof that others can show. Perhaps Largo also remembers the doubt there. I'm sure someone in the Demon Nation must have tracked down a yuscario with a Largo egg from the Demon King's Castle, checked where it hatches, or something that was clairvoyant through the egg remembered and found its appearance, and taught Largo its pedigree. What a bunch of people.

"Ha, it's a joke. This is more proof than anything that you can follow the Demons here.

"Ah, so I, Yuscario, have taken me out to live in the royal castle of the king's capital from the castle of the demon king, making contact with the humans, gathering the survival of the demons.

There. How did that happen?

"I'm gonna ask you a bunch of bums in the first meeting, but why is that?

No matter how much, because of the collar, I didn't know who I was, usually if I listened to my birth like that, I'd say, 'Oh well, if Ware is the son of the Demon King, now that the Demon King's doomed, Ware is the Demon King!' I wonder if this led to the determination of the demonic tribes that we gathered, and to the establishment of things with humans. Not to mention if you don't know the world, and you don't know what kind of race you are and what role you were born in.

But there's also an honorable answer back there for some reason.

"The demons were looking at the rebirth of the kingdom of demons. If you couldn't find me, you might have had the chance to do it to your blood. Besides, we only thought of humans like bugs in the first place, and even the Demons wouldn't hesitate to survive stepping on weak things between themselves, so it was a lot of dangerous conditions.

"Well, you can't help it. Because that's what demons are called.

I can't change that. "He" wrongly created the Demonic Clan when he took demons from the battle and other remnant dragon souls that perished once, and pulled out the demonic, or demonic, resentful spirit body from it, and took demons from the dinosaurs to create the Beast Man. Because those demons are the demons that materialize on the pulse, there is no heart or emotion. Of course, there is no hesitation in even eating together to trample down a multiracial race is the demonic morality.

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