The demons see the eternal prison too sweetly. It was a tougher move to bring him home than to go, and he declared that he would never come back alive. This means that those who have all gone will be trapped in that prison forever. But even when you hear that, you're still eating up demonic girls.

"I'm already ready for that. If Lago commands us, we will not be afraid of it.

"Though that's a brilliant preparation, I wonder if Largo would like that.

The rest depends on how Largo feels. But if you really take him, it's only gonna be a foot job, and you're gonna abandon him and leave him without being brought back. Even in the case of family members, if they cannot move one finger, they must be allowed to pack as much as an override.

"That's right. If I go to the land and can't come back permanently, you will inherit my will and not shy away from humans, but I need the Demons to do their job of creating a fine country where I can live in peace forever.


Can these kids do that alone? No, you can't. But Satan is stunned when he peeks into the hearts of these daughters.

Following that feeling of Largo, below Quadraple Trio and other wipleys sweat on their foreheads, raising bees. Some of the trios, who also look familiar to Satan inside, are going around the course becoming caddies of humans playing Platoshire for what it might be.

(What the hell is this footage?

I wondered if it was the delusion of these demonic daughters, but Satan is even more surprised by the voice of Trio Nine stuck to that footage.

'In this way both the beekeeping business and the friendship with humans through Platochal have been well on track. You said earlier that His Majesty the True King would come to inspect the monster hunt and greatly expect the influence of monster meat on the kingdom.'.

This is like regular reporting, using inter-species communication between wipleys. And Satan realizes that his perception was incorrect. Here you are, the only one who isn't special is the low-powered demon clan. The thoughts of Largo empathize with the demons who for some reason have no heart or compassion and take a step towards coexistence with humans.

"I will come back to you one day if I live. [M] Until then, I want you to make a country where everyone can live in peace and happiness. Demons, humans, spirits, a country where we can all live together.

"Lord, Wayne, Wayne, Wenwen.

If you look at that fact, Satan will also know the weight of Largo's words.

I felt like I even somehow figured out what it meant to know why Largo was a peculiar person, and besides, for the first time in tens of thousands of years, he was created by breaking contraindications.

"That's what you wanted to do.

"Oh, not like that.

"Fine. I know your personality very well.

Yes, he was. 'He' was really that personality, too. Maybe if I stopped on the ground like that, I would have done the same thing over a long time. Unless I ascend to heaven alone that day.

"Huh? Really?

I was feeling somewhat sentimental, but aside from that, the current problem is going to eternal prison.

"So if that's what convinced you, could the ladies just take a seat off?

I had orders from Largo and all the SS and demons were asked to leave the room. Soon Satan sets the line between Largo and the two wrapped together. If you ask so much already, in some cases, you may tell us who Largo is, and it's an information cover-up.

"Good. My people are like that. If we were going to help the Krasabi, we'd be worried about how we could convince them that all of the SS would get there.

I've been wondering about it for a while now, but Largo refers to the Demon Clan as' his people '. Largo should have been made aware of the inheritance of the Demon King, acquired. I mean, demons and demons should see it as subordination. Moreover, he also said to the Eternal Prison:' The witch has taken me away, I want to go rescue my companion Krasabi and His Highness'. For the head of the Demon Clan and the imprinted Largo, it means that they care most about their men, who should be there again. If so, is it Satan's mistake to think he's in love with Millin? I heard from Yuscario that maybe just as Aladia inflated her delusions with her hobby and tailored Yuscario to the Great Erotic Demon, Satan also thought that Largo had loved Milin, a human, because he had changed with the person he loved.

(No, maybe Largo just hasn't noticed how he feels yet.

Besides, Satan thinks that sometimes helping a girl she really likes may mean that she can't say it in public, and now she decides not to get flunked. But Satan and the two of us alone don't seem to lie about the word 'buddy' that comes naturally. That's why Largo really doesn't want to drag his dear companion into eternal prison.

"Really? Then you're glad it was that one. And Mitsu might be telling me, but if you're going, I'll help you too. It's the two of us who helped Yoda. It's something you can't abandon. Besides, you're going to beat me above all else, I have to reveal the witch's nose and do it.

Satan, on the other hand, should have gone alone if he hadn't looked for Largo and found him. I couldn't do that because I didn't know how to call Samael now that Jamon was down. So I thought if I rely on Largo, I might be able to figure it out, so I say I just found Mitsu.

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