Above all, Satan wanted to show his Royal Highness, who had rescued him to the witch Aladia, and make him regret it. And now I can't tell you, if Largo is in love with His Royal Highness, the driving force is to stick you two together to thank you for resurrecting yourself who may have been dead in Demon King's Castle for over 100 years, and the crusade and His Royal Highness's gratitude for hitting Euda's rescue comes afterwards. Because if you have some injuries or a state of temporary death, even Satan can handle it. Of course, I appreciate and respect those two hearts and minds. But if you had locked yourself back in that place for 100 years, almost certainly Euda wouldn't have been in this world. That's more horrible than my 100 years of claustrophobia. Even in that sense, Largo owes me an unrequited favor.

"Thank you. It would be very comforting if you could help Mr. Lucy. I don't know much about it. But I want to help you both out quick.

Also, if you're a normal person, your spirit will soon collapse. Even the Demons are told that their egos will disappear and that only suffering will continue to molest them, and they are afraid. If I can, I want to help you before you go to eternal prison.

"That's good, but how are we going to get there? You couldn't do Samael a favor, could you? Maybe catch that witch? Witches who can escape to the other world don't get caught that easily, and I don't think they'll open the gates to that side so generously.

When he cuts it out that way, Largo starts talking like he smiled a little. Is it still something, or even the ability to blossom? Satan thought so, but that expectation will be betrayed as much as ever.

"Mr. Lucy. Hell and eternal prison are connected, aren't they?

"That's right. You should be able to go some way if you get to the bottom of it, because you're just using the same different realms separately. But how do we get to hell? We're not human beings. We have no way to hell.

"I found that. There is a man in the Spirit of Japan who knows the way there.

Again, it's not my hidden ability. I knew I was drawing the Spirit into my people, but he went all the way to Yapan in just half a day and found such a route. From Satan's point of view, however, it is more surprising that Largo has found a way to get to his destination at this short turn, regardless of his inability to do something about it in the first place. Obviously, if it's Satan, it's definitely on the verge of throwing out frustrated.

(Wait, 'he' must have had some amazing abilities that no one else had, say, an opening invitation, right? Is that--?

I just thought you said you had done a tremendous training or something to be able to use that. If it had been activated in the first place, I would not have been taken to such a place by my own people, by an automaton, which could have been the only weapon near uniquely. Or it would be weird if I hadn't let more and more of my abilities blossom. In other words, isn't this achievement a skill acquired in previous life as a peculiar rather than as a species of Largo?

It would be like a culinary skill that Euda has, which is not in this world, or even a networking skill.

Only the most vulnerable people in this world have the skills they want to acquire.

In fact, even the races live helping each other, but if they have any power at all, even the beasts are proud of their own power and do not try to rely on anyone other than themselves.

Moreover, Largo taps his skills into his soul through the simple task of saying he hates them the most, the rearing of insects.

Finally, it is a revolution of innovation, or ideas.

However, that would be good, but the bumps I've relied on all around me come around here. What is Largo going to do with it?

"I see. So spirits and hell are a lot of trustees. But even if we can go to eternal prison from there, that's what we were talking about, hey, guys, are you gonna go alone? By and large, can you do something by yourself? You can't use any magic tools over there.

"So what do I do?

The easiest thing to do is break your collar and bring your memory back, but that's not here. Or explain the truth, some hands to make you aware, but apart from the question of whether you can believe it or not, Largo is barely balanced by being a peculiar, yet unaware of his species. Or the world is in balance. The appearance of out-of-standard like Aradia on Largo's first enemy is also evidence that the world is trying to balance.

Come to think of it, the schematics would be the same as I liked humans. Probably the world, that's how it's done. Here, if you awaken Largo, there will always be movement in the world, which should always be called its reversal. An allergic reaction in the world, fearing sudden change, must undoubtedly trigger action.

It just seems strange that the role hasn't turned to me. Now Satan and Largo are about to be positioned in the relationship of working together. Here, we should work on solving the problem in a way that can be put on Largo's pace. Let's give as much information as we can and see how it goes.

"If you're going to push hell forward, all you need is arm power, right? Even so, if you take the Demons, you can't move over there. It's just like there's no magic in there, so you can't use a cylinder that's built up magic or anything like that.

"─ Earlier you said that demons who are moving by magic will not be able to move, right? So how does anything else work?

"We wizards have pulses in our bodies just like royalty. So I can move with it. There must be a pulse in your body, too, right?

Speaking of which, Largo says as he opens his hands and confirms his body as a jerk.

"Uh, this isn't magic.

Magic is also the same when it comes to the same because it is a direct energy based on pulses, but there is a fundamental difference between being able to retain magic and having pulses in your body. Moreover, according to the frequency of use, unlike the wizard's pulse, which requires external supply, Largo's body pulse does not need it. Don't you notice that discomfort? With that in mind, Satan is going to be depressed again. I mean, innate knowledge, all lost. I guess Largo never wonders about it, like a fish swimming in the ocean from birth.

"You didn't know? To put it in detail, I mean... Well, nobody can tell me, so I can't help it.

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