Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Chapter 4.5 - [06] To Largoyapan - Change to Humans - Alessandro Visit Notice

─ ─ Combine the following number of stories in Chapter IV ─

(165) General Masakato, Japan

(169) Road to Hell

(171) Satan and Largo

(175) Changing Largo

(179) Hell Facts

(181) Rely on Cross

─ ─ ◇ ─ ─ ◇ ─ ─ ◇ ─ ─

(165) General Masakato, Japan

Again, when I went out to Yapan to visit Michissane, the first time I went to Yapan, it was a hot spring in the mountains.

Today, the sea turtles and the large Ao Dai Shaw came to grab the hot water. In Largo's memory, I just want this place to be immersed in monkeys and deer.

I follow my memory from the last time I came to Krasgordo and fly to the company.

"Oh, is it Mr. Teramoto?

Unlike before, he called Michissane, speaking to a little uncle like a spiritual temple man, who was busy around the company.

"No, do you think this is the Dragon King? Hey, I thought you called me a classic. Come on.

This is not a temple, so they call these people the norm. That said, it means that it may be different again in approximation because it is called differently depending on the place where it is served and the Lord's Book and many other places. Anyway, because he is a lizard unfamiliar to Yapan, Yume and this scripture are exaggerated that he is the Dragon King of the Dragon God. It's going to be a long story, so don't you dare deny it. Please take care of it.

"Do you know Mr. Michisane? You would know if you told me Largo was here.

Norse's uncle was polite and slow in his explanation, but when he returns to the company to get Largo's name out, Michisane flies in an instant outside the birdhouse.

"Dear Yakuza! Even if I didn't have to ask you to go far enough, if you had told Yume, I would have flown away in an instant like this.

"Yeah, that's okay. I got into my pulse and it was refreshing. Yume may be slowing down on the Holy Springs right now.

That said, Michissane finds herself about 30 degrees diagonally and starts talking like a solitary with a slightly deleterious face.

"Really, in the hot springs. Nice, a young man and a woman tailing themselves in a hiccup spa inn.

"Don't imagine it weird. I'm healing my tired body in Holy Springs. Explain it a long time, but because of my unreliability, I let a lot of things happen.

"Really, I don't rely, well, in the beginning, it's called fast or something. So have you tasted Yume yet?

"How can you talk like that? There was a little war.

"Can you give birth to a heir in that fight? No, Yumeka is a spirit, so her reproductive abilities...

I came to visit Yuscario one day, a weird woman - who turned out to be that witch - with such delusional abilities.

Is this what happens when you live in an abstinent place like yours for a long time? Or was there a lot of that drooling about politics and relationships, like witches did, that Michisane was involved in her lifetime? In Largo's memory, sexual perceptions of these times seemed rather obnoxious, unlike modern times.

"Don't let the story leap. The real battle was with a witch who couldn't help it. Get involved in it. That's why I'm in the middle of healing.

"Was that so? It could be Yume. That would be a shame.

"I think that comment is a little different.

With that said, I took a peek at whether Mitsu & Yume is a lot, and the mites are warming up tightly on the hot springs.

Her face is fine and her cheeks are stained, and she looks like she has no heart or one more cup size up. Pretty colorful painting.

He seems to be touching it himself to confirm it, but he wonders if it would be Mitsu's body. Is it okay for girls to touch each other?

"Did that make you feel better? Something urgent.

"Yeah, actually, I heard someone I know from Mr. Michissane who was going to work in hell.

When Michissane was alive, and it's a story in the capital before it was flown to this land, so I guess it's going to be pretty old. I thought about it for a second, but still seemed to remember right away, hammering and nodding.

"Ah, that's Lord Takamura, isn't it? You were more cordial with my father than I was, but my father told me that when the court closed in the evening while working in the court at noon, he was going to hell again early after eating the evening meal. What you taught me about being a good Japanese singer - but unfortunately, that person fell ill a long time ago and was ascended.

"What about the Spirit?

"It seems that temporarily I have ventured into the wrath of the emperor through my use of the continent and was flushed to the island of Oki near here, but I was pardoned before this Mitisane was born, and by the time I was mindful, I was sifted in power in the court for a long time, so I didn't seem to be a grudging spirit or anything. He seems to have been gracious to the Emperor even after he fell ill. Perhaps we will still continue to help the devil, no, we will not necessarily. However, in any case, you are no longer in this world.

What a shame Michissane didn't help Largo. If you think about it, it's Michisane's lifetime story, so I don't think it was possible to expect to see her.

"Well, I wish you'd taken Samidina.

"I just don't know what to do instead, but the last time you asked me to look for it, I looked for something from the East. When I heard from him, he asked me to call him at any time. I have spoken with you now, so I think you will come soon.

"Well, that was just a social dictionary.

At those moments,

"We're going in!

"Oh, rumor has it, it's Masakato.

(─ Wah, are you sure you're here?

"Who are you, Nanban lizard, trying to make a fool of the land of Yapan? My name is General Masakato of Japan. Those who guard the east of this island nation of Yapan. Coming from your continent in the past, you've been played good by a monster named Satan. I had no choice but to grasp his weakness, and I lent him a secret detective, but now the lizard came without sexual punishment. You've got enough to make fun of. Fix it there! Three. If you turn around and say you're sorry, don't just save your life.

"Masakato! What a rude thing to say to your stall if you have just listened in silence. This one will be left to dragon god.

"Uh, hey, hey...

"Don't say anything stupid. Speaking of dragon gods, aren't they the great gods of Yamatano Orochi, who merged with me? If you are truly a dragon god, then fight me.

The name Yamatano Orochi made Largo sound familiar. It's definitely a monster in the myth of a country that lived in the previous life of Largo.

When I was little, I guess they asked me repeatedly. I remember why very well. I'm somewhere wondering what to compare, but in the sense that I don't have that comparable object, I feel like a monster that's not quite as great in history. He's the one who pisses off guys like this and goes home, and Satan does a hell of a lot of things too. But just because this amazing monster had bad minutes too, how about lending a secret detective to look for weaknesses?

Well, I want to get nothing going here. I didn't plan on seeing this guy.

"Uh, I'm not here to do that. Stay close. I don't have time for this today.

"Say what. If you're a dragon man, use the Thousand Eyes that only dragon gods hold in their evidence to spot the truth over a thousand years and answer my eight questions. What do you say? You can do it.

I don't know about the dragon god, but Chiriko would have it, so I wouldn't have to crush Michisane's face.

I don't know if over a millennium of time is the ability I have on a thousand eyes, but if there are about eight of them, I might be able to foresee the answer from this Masakato superficial psychology.

"Good. I don't have time to fight. You can win or lose, so get it done early.

"Well, you're ready. Firstly, the number of Yamatano Orochi heads.

No, if that's the case, I've heard it in a long time ago. I don't even use a thousand eyes.

"Eight, and eight tails.

"Hmm. This was too easy a problem because of the name Yamatano Orochi. Then what is the name of the hero who exorcised Yamatano Orochi?

"It's susano onomikoto, isn't it?

"Ugh! Do you really have a thousand eyes for knowing Susanoo?

I wonder if you know, if you're asking questions to try, but this one also comes out for real.

"I just knew.

"Oh my God!

"Nothing. Nothing. So, there's more.

Now I thought carefully and asked Masakato and the next question.

"Where did that Susanoo come from and where did he defeat Yamatano Orochi?

"They kicked me out of the high heavens, in the land of clouds.

This is also a range of knowledge.

"I see you're looking forward to it, or it's a service issue. What is the name of the princess who changed her appearance to Kushi, whom Susanoo married to try to help.

Whoa, this is hard. I found an old couple crying in the river or something. After that, she turned into a princess of Inada.

"Was it Princess Kitanada Hime?

"Hmm, this either gave too many tips or it was natural to hit it. Then what was the cowardly method used by Susano Onomikoto when exorcising Yamatano Orochi?

"At the eight gates, I left eight strong liquors, and when I let them drink and sleep, I slaughtered them.

It's a cowardly hand. For once God, I wonder if you wanted me to fight square and square.

Sure, it's a myth, so I guess that's a great spectacle, but I guess the lesson is that humans still have wisdom and that's what matters.

"That's something I, Yamatano Orochi himself, can barely remember, but how did you figure that out? Do you really have something called a thousand eyes?

"Uh, that's the most famous story there is.

"What did you say?

"Nothing. Nothing, nothing else.

"So from the slashed Yamatano Orochi, the name of the sword that came out.

"Amano Murakuru's sword.

No, is that your real name? I heard there were two names, but that was after the anecdote that Yamato Takel's honor snagged down the grass that was set on fire, right?

"Ooh. That's your last problem, then. What's the alias for that sword?

"That's eight. Grasshopper sword.

"Okay - you're... no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're a dragon god.

Masakato falling into. I suddenly got weird talking from the middle of nowhere.

"What's the matter, you're suddenly getting weirder and weirder talking.

"Wow, it's a country monkey in the East, so all you can do is talk in a coarse way.

"Then why was that a normal way of talking earlier?

"That's what Yamatano Orochi talks about. Now I think I'm going to have a bad time. Usually, it's better to hang around.

"You don't have to be scared, if you'll be one of us.

"Oh, Dragon God, you can talk. Well, while you're a monster like me, you're not allowed to be one of God's people, so please know that you're a child of the stall.

Suddenly he comes out poorly, and yet he looks big, Yamatano Orochi version of Masakato.

"Say what! This Michisane is what fits as the housekeeper's head of the stall.

"What the fuck. Is this weak guy, who can only do this discipline, going against this Masakato?

"Oh my God! If this brain muscle is a child of yours, the character of the stall will be corrupted!

"Here, don't break up with me! I'm important to my people, so I won't be one of them if we fight.

"Eh, what is that?

We reconcile the two, and the conversation goes on.

"So, the stall came here suddenly, what was it for?

"Uh, I don't know, I actually got a lot going on.

I think I can finally talk about that.

(169) Road to Hell

In Yapan, Lago, who also had Masakato as his companion, explained to Michisane and the two of them the situation in which they were now placed.

Though a brief explanation, because of this, the Dragon God, I can't actually tell the two people I trust that I'm a Demon.

Also, you can't lie about being a grand dragon god from yourself, so it's really easy to talk about the area.

Largo was a kingdom north of the continent of Hurn, fighting the evil organization Mafia, which had been disastrous all over the world, but there appeared a witch with vicious powers. Largo, who was a little cautious against a witch who had taken many citizens hostage by a warrior embedded with a bomb and attacked him with a giant monster, gets smashed. The witch took away the princess, who was supposed to take the next throne in the kingdom, and two of Largo's men, to a place called Eternal Prison. Sounds like a hell of a horrible place there, but Largo really wants to go help the three of them.

Something like that.

While listening quietly to this story, Masakato, who was thinking about it, first cut the tantrum.

Already, I'm trying to say the same thing as the 4-pillar demons, even without the use of a thousand eyes, I can tell by that difficult look alone.

"I see, the general circumstance could be swallowed up, but can we not give up? Whatever the reason those three were taken, if they were really taken to eternal prison, it would be impossible to bring them back. If you are going to try to force it back, you will undoubtedly have to be prepared to be unable to go home yourself first. In the first place, the eternal prison is the same as the dragon god, the true dragon who was the god who unified the world, who united his hands with the Samael dragon, the biological parent of the evil spirit, to whom our Spirit is the vegan of extrahuman power, and who made the other world to trap evil spirits who are evil to the world. Neither of us is in this world anymore, and we can't take its intentions for granted, but it's coming when we're told that what lives in this world is bound by reason that should never be touched.

"You still are. But I have to go. I'm sure they'll be waiting for me to pick them up. Giving up is not a fool's conclusion.

"Of course, this Michissane will be served by your stall. It's the bottom of the Naruto that I had to fall myself if you hadn't helped the stall in the first place. What more can we fear?

"Michissane, do you know what you're talking about? If we go over there, we'll never leave again with our souls. It is a world filled with pain, despair and fear, in which we cannot even die, nor can we vanish. You're not a sane shack, like trying to step into a place like that.

"Is this coward Yamatano Orochi with little blades?

Leaving it alone, Largo goes into arbitration because it's going to be another fight.

"No, that's okay. I'm not asking you to follow me. How can I just get there, or if it's under the bottom of hell, shouldn't I come from hell? That's what I wanted to know. How to get to a place called eternal prison.

"You don't know if you can go until you get to the bottom of hell. But there is no doubt that there is an eternal prison alien underneath the bottom of hell. I'll take you. I think Yume would say the same thing if he was with the stall.

"But, Yume says not to go to me.

"Let that be so. A woman is what lives happiness today, and a man is what lives tomorrow. Never will they sacrifice today for tomorrow.

"Is that so?

"However, even so, to a man in love, it's something that comes with you in the end.

"I fell in love... - Otoko.

In that sense, maybe there aren't many feminine women around me. I think everyone in the SS is always positive and living up to tomorrow's hopes. Milin too.

Well, if Mitsu says he's going to go any further than he's possessed by Mitsu, you can't just not follow him.

"Speaking of which, the stall. If you're trying to dive in from hell, there's one big problem.

"What is it? It is."

"Hell is where it was created to atone for the lifelong sins of intelligent living beings like the human species, so like beasts, so to speak, anything that lives under a different rule than the human species will not be dealt with at all. Because forbidding the beast to kill more or less is a mistake. Of course, the stall is more intelligent than anything else in this world, but if it looks like a lizard type and the identity of being a dragon god on the contrary is known, it is visible that both the Hell Gate and the Devil will be the upside down noise.

I don't know, 'It's a dragon god' is Largo who has more to worry about getting his tongue out.

"Is that what it is?

"That could make it harder, for example, to get into hell, or even to the lowest level of hell.

"It is. You can't really talk or anything like that.

"It's better to be rude, but if lizards talk, it can mean they're more suspicious. And if you use the mirror of the demon, you will find out who your stall is, by the way.

Oh, come on, then, it's easy to find out that Largo is a demon.

"What am I supposed to do?

"To hell, I suggest you turn into a human being. That way you can probably ask my acquaintance, Takamura, who still seems to be helping the devil, to go through the gates of hell as a human sinner without any special checks.

"I see. That way, you can manage to get to the bottom level.

"There are also a number of obstacles ahead of us, but we'll discuss them in more detail later. But first of all, to not creep through its gates, for the eternal prison cannot be put aside, nor can it go into hell.

"I get it. I think you can handle it if you ask your people, so I'll try my best to transform you into a human being.

"Ask one of my people...? Sure, but don't you hesitate against us?

Masakato, who did not immediately understand what Michisane meant by reluctance, but was listening in silence at that time, speaks.

"Dear Mr. Yamatano Orochi, in the name of honor, this Masakato and the land are not terrible. Yet yesterday, Michisane, who became the Spirit, will not understand, but this Masakato will serve to protect the eastern country, which the capital did not warm up, from Emisi, and to make it a fine landscape, not ashamed to represent this country in the future. You can't leave this country right now to do that.

"Right. Then we have to get Mr. Masakato to work hard here.

"Thank you for your understanding. I don't mean to imply that, but, Mr. Yakuza, I have one suggestion for you.


"If you really want to be taken to that land, you have a human being who would at least like to take you with you to hell.

"A human being, a living human being?

"Yes. I'm sure you're someone who can help your stall.

Masakato speaks. It was taught earlier in the meeting that Masakato would also have the alias General Nippon, but even domestically, he would have three bases: one in the capital, one in the Minotaur country, and one in the eastern Musashi country where he is based. Due to the nature of the Spirit, there is nothing wrong with multiple places.

One of them, a shrine dedicated to Masakato in the land of Minot, which became known as Asahi General Yoshinaka, said some shrines dedicated to his homeland of Sinano.

In that Yoshinaka, I saw a magnificent scale from a very young age, and I used to look at it as it increased the base of Masakato. Besides, they say that beauty is an endless playboy around.

Its name is Aoi, Tomoe, Yamabuki and other beauties. Yoshinaka's birth street, which had worked well at first, behaved too young to behave too badly and the flag color was worse, and Masakato was asked by Aoi, who was weak in body, to give him the demon he had named his hand, the Nine-Tailed Fox. The fox turned into a sword, and went out to battle, but Aoi, who could be a woman, could not be a man martial arts man by force. So he takes phosphorus out of the sunflower's body and burns it, emits a blue and white light and defeats many enemies by atrophying them by their demonic powers, but they were originally sucked out of their weak bodies, unable to withstand the demonic powers that the nine-tailed fox uses, and died in battle.

The next person to receive the sword was Tomoe's cousin Yamabuki, who also used too much demonic power to fall ill, unable to go with her to the last march, and is left in the capital.

(But I wonder if that's a condition called hypophosphatemia. It seems that when there is not enough phosphorus, in severe chronic deficiency conditions, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, and very serious neuromuscular disorders can also result in death from encephalopathy, cramps, or coma.

Tomoe was the last to receive the sword. Without letting her use her demonic powers, she manipulated this unrivalled sword and defeated her enemies without a small worker, so she was not cut off in strength and fought to the end. She says she's a pretty woman with quite an arm. But at last, knowing that Josinaka was defeated and Tomoe was alive, Yamabuki, who lay ill, came into the capital Akigami Kanda and begged him to help Tomoe, so Tomoe was kept in the kingdom of Musashi, where he is now tearing up.

In those days Yamabuki will be grabbed and killed by the army of the enemy instead of Tomoe, and he will be the daughter-in-law of the enemy's men as Tomoe. On the other hand, Tomoe, who broke up with Yoshinaka in the middle of the battle and is currently covered in Masakato in the East, says he wants to meet and visit Yoshinaka to see how he should live after this.

Yoshinaka, who has been eye-catching since the beginning, has similar titles to each other: General Nippon and General Asahi, and at the end of the day, whatever the difference between face and temple is, there seems to be something in common with Masakato, such as dying with an arrow in his head. That's why he wants to hear the thoughts of Tomoe, his concubine, left by Yoshinaka.

"That's a comforting ally. If you want to go in person, I'll take you to hell. Still haven't solved it in the end, do you know Michissane? How to go to hell.

"I have certainly heard from my father that if I went to the capital, there would be a well through hell that Lord Takamura dived into every night. If the descendants of Lord Takamura were alive, or they might know, just after generations, whether they have passed on to such things from generation to generation.

"It's a long old story?

"It was over 100 years ago. ─ There were a lot of beautiful granddaughters, etc., but even if they were alive, they would be like a raw, dry ski. ─ No, they wouldn't be alive anymore.

"That sounds a little tricky. I wonder if anyone else knows that.

Masakato will come up with a plan for that.

"Dear stall. I don't know if you know, but they say there's a susano who has exorcised this Yamatano Orochi, there's a whale showing the way. Let's get that help. If you do, you'll show us the way forward.

"Can you ask Mr. Susanoo to do that?

"Well, as long as you're defeated, you recognize that power, and you're in good company with each other what protects your country. Then if you come to the capital, mark Akigami Kanda, whom I worship. Along with Tomoe, I'll be waiting for you there.


Now we have the math to get into hell. Later, whether you can transform yourself into a human being.

Largo took Michissane and decided to return to the Holy Springs on the ruins of the Demon King's Castle for now.

(171) Satan and Largo

Largo seemed too slow in Yapan and when he came back it was already completely late at night.

"What do you say, Yume? How are the mites?

"Oh, is this Yume? After a while, I was completely like a Hurn woman.


"This is my, Dominion Master.

"Hi Parisis Undine, excuse me while I bathe. You were coming, weren't you?

"Yes, from earlier. But thank you, how are you doing during the uptake?

"It is. Oh, this is Mr. Michisane from Yapan. There's not much of an example here called the Spirit.

"It's Michissane. You're a mermaid, no. Are you a mermaid princess? I'm like a ghost who... well, protects the country.

I see Largo is convinced that's the way to put it, but for some reason, Yume in Mitsu remains sunk in the water with only his eyes out. I'm getting smaller with my body in my arms.

"What's going on?

And speaking up, I read the psyche because it seems difficult to talk.

{Lord! I am a mite/I may be itchy/It's a pain in the ass/Really?

Something is definitely going on, quite easily.

"Mitsu, you're back in consciousness.

"Bukubuku, if you understand, Bukubuku, with clothes, Bukubuku, information cover-up junction, Bukubuku, please.

"Uh, sorry, I didn't care about Yumeka being naked.

{You! Did you get sooo pooped in front of the Lord?/Oh, I shouldn't have? 'Cause you're taking a bath. Plus, anything in the street is foreseeable/so you don't have to bother to show it!/' Cause I'm going to take a bath, and the stall doesn't wear any clothes./That's...

After all, what doesn't bother me is that when I take a bath, I come from common sense that I can show my nakedness to both men and women. In other words, the recognition that hot springs are commonplace in mixed baths.

At the same time, Mitsu also got herself handled, saying something about it.

"But I'm glad. Sooner than I worried, it seemed like I could get it back.

"No, I'm sure the Lord knows, but I, it's like I'm no longer a Whipley.

"You're right, but I'm glad Mitsu's fine and he's just like this.

"As always, I may not be able to help you enough, but thank you for your continued support.

"No, but when I got here, Mitsu was flying.

"It is. Flying through the sky, and psychic, then clairvoyance still seems to be there. But I also lost the advantages of blood-sucking ability and connectivity, and toughness and power. The cutter replacement nail doesn't seem to extend either.

"Then you should think of yourself as a normal human being with mindfulness and clairvoyance, including being able to use psychics and fly.

It's like whimpering, psychic stuff.


This is hard to say.

"Yeah, what's up?

"On my tits, it doesn't seem to change how magic builds up. However, if the method of replenishing magic enters this pulse, little by little, it can only be taken from a meal or something." That's where the way you talk changes slightly, Mitsu. "Besides, my spirits will be converted.

The voice is the same, but I wonder if it is Yume who speaks differently.

"That's Yume.

"Yes, it is. Right now, I'm worried you won't know what happens when you get away from me, and so far, you're possessed in me. It's like even the energy I get from her can store that up.

Well, that's safer so far.

"But how does Yume accumulate power?

That's answered Michissane, who was next door.

"Dear stall, spirituality, unlike the power of a pulse, is something that flies a little everywhere. We absorb and live what living plants and animals exude unknowingly.

"Mm-hmm. I feel like there's some kind of narrative about 'living,' right?

Mitsu is also nodding loudly. Well, somehow, I seem to understand.

"Then Lord, apart from that, I have a report for you.

Then Mitsu started telling us what Satan had also done after Undine came here.

And the witch's bomb tells me that I have a duty to rescue the endangered Yusukalio, the clathabi who helped me and His Highness who pointed the clathabi at me.

However, the way to go to eternal prison is to ask for Samael at Satan's place.

And he was also giving me information that Lovelin, a bipedal snake baby who couldn't summon Samael, might be able to give her stable abilities if she gave her mother breast milk. However, there seems to be a tail on this information that it may be a slight strawberry.

"But for now, I've managed my admission ticket to hell, so for now, that's what I'm going to do.

"Oh, hell...

Well, it must be a place where no one gets upset. But now it is decided to go to a more horrible place, so Lago only has the image that it is more than that.

"So, it looks like you need to be of the human species to go to hell, and I'm going to let you transform it first. Yachiyo, are you back?

"Come on. What do you think? I'm sorry, I can't connect to the wipline anymore.

"Ah well. Then why don't you just call Naoko once and have him breathe blood?

"Dear stall, what happens if you suck blood and the mite vampires?

"Ugh, is that--? Shall I leave it as it is now?

"Yes, I will.

I know you've heard of the controls there, but I don't want to make it any more confusing, so let's give up some inconvenience. Someone, like Ito, would have no problem if they followed my old men. Mitsu's ears still have Largo scales on them too.

"Let's go home, then, the night will dawn in a few hours, and I want to do what I can by then.

"Yes, but Mr. Lucy might be able to come back soon. Mr. Lucy won't know about the village, and I'm still waiting here for a while.

"Yes, then when Satan returns, show him to the village. If you're willing to cooperate, you're one of us.

"Yes, they wanted to see Master Largo. You knew your name.

"Oh, really?

That's a little surprising. Were they interested because the wizards gave them names or something? Hopefully, I don't want to touch on the things in the eggs or the abridged Demon King's Castle. No, if something in the egg is broken, it will be broken that I was not the heir of the demon king, but the food.

(─ Isn't that important? What do the mites think? Absolute obedience is also challenging.

Largo panicked temporarily, feeling a witness suddenly appearing to shrug his feet after being released with insufficient evidence.

"What have you done, Lord?/Dear stall, are you okay?

The three of them look worried. Can you see the face with the lizard panicking?

(─ Lizard face - - Yes! Let's transform first so Satan doesn't understand that we're lizards.

"I'm sorry, I've got some thoughts to make, but I'll be in a hurry to transform them. Michissane will come with me.

"Whatever you say about the stall.

I was accidental, but if you think about it, when I got back, I was lucky Satan wasn't here.

As soon as I said 'Nice to meet you', it's horrible to just look at Largo and think about what would happen if Satan remembered.

Besides, if Satan was out of the water last time in this Holy Springs, he still shows up where the three of us are waiting, including Mitsu and the two of us, and no, Parisis, and the two of us call ourselves Largo, and Satan says, 'Uh, this is the one who was going to be food, the one who was in the egg' is the scariest thing.

If that happens, Hell or eternal prison to help Milin, it's not what you're talking about. Until now, it's even possible that even the SS, who has told me the Lord, would turn that away. Not to mention the four-pillar demons and the 6000 vampires in the beekeeping team who are silently following us while we are put in such an unhappy state, all because they believe that there is an absolute curse of obedience. On the day I find out that the subject is not me, and that the heir is already dead, the demons could even riot. Even if the witch is still out there somewhere, she won't be able to get her hands on it for a while, but if such a riot occurs even though she defeated the mafia because of it, wouldn't the kingdom lose its shadow and shape in an instant now?

Anyway, right now, you can't tell Satan that you're a Largo, which means you're naming him the heir to the Demon King.

But Satan admires the crunchy one who helped the man he liked and the milin who told him to go help him to the eternal prison that everyone fears just by his stepsister, which is not the one he quite wants to be in. Largo thought of Satan as a demon with great power originally and later found out that he was a wizard. I also know that the name, besides Satan, has the name Lucy, and that the first person Largo saw was Satan, who looked like a man, but usually a woman, and also seems to be Yuscario and his lover.

From what I've heard about this battle with witches, I was able to put a fine line on the Largo level and manipulate Leviathan, given to me by Gymon, to defeat that super monster Behemoth, albeit slightly small, with a single blow. That's about what Lago knows about Satan.

In Gymon's reputation, it meant he was a good one who liked humans, and I only felt dumb and honest that it was okay to talk about Euskalio.

Then what the hell did Satan put such a collar on a lizard that was in an egg like himself for then? Of course, I thought in the wind that it was because the Demon King told me to eat it then, but was there any reason why I had to do that to a demon tribe that didn't have all sorts of fighting abilities like myself?

Well, cooking is a utterly non-combatant yuscario, so it means the beast of the unknown demon tribe, which may have been necessary.

Satan has decided to hate eating so far, but if you tell him about the situation and ask him, he might help us so that the demons don't riot or anything. For now, the Demon King's inheritance means Satan was killed after he was defeated, so it seems like it would be a good idea to turn into a human figure for a while and keep pretending to be the inheritance.

(175) Changing Largo

When Lago, who finally had to meet Satan, returned from the Holy Springs to the village with all things in mind, Astleto stood outside Lago's sleeping building.

Somehow, it was strange to see Astleto being a demon but horny, but he seemed to be searching for himself, and welcomed me with a reassuring face when he confirmed that Largo had flown in.

"My lord, where have you been? I thought I'd said it too tightly, and if I snuck up on the room, I'd be gone with Mitsu. This made me wonder if I had traveled to eternal prison in silence to those of us who were so vehemently opposed to it.

"I won't do that. If you were looking for me, you would have contacted me on the wipline if you had told someone in the SS.

That said, Astleto says casually looking down.

"That's true - but I don't really want to show it to those below, such as thinking and reflecting that the great devil has said too much. Right now, Buell seems to be sneaking around and preparing a lot of medicines to take with him to the other world.

Is that so, and Largo wonders who has the emotion that the devil overstated one way or the other, rather than caring for the one below. I don't know about the other two, but they're going to manage to go to hell without great resistance to the power of absolute obedience.

"It is. But I don't care.

"Was that so? It was still a struggle to get over. Actually, that's not all. The hall of this village was very muddled, so I wandered through the rocky mountains behind this village to create a castle dedicated to Lago, who made it look like Demon King's Castle. I was going to show you around.

"What, it's that easy?

I know it would be hard just to scratch a rock, but the truth is, given the performance of my nails, there may not be a great deal of difficulty if I just scratch them out. But not a day has passed since I've been here.

(-No, Astleto was originally in charge here, so maybe he was in the process of building such a place for himself from the time he was assigned.

Whatever the case, the fishing village on the right side has a workforce that can't complain if you let it work at four or six hours.

"As Buell has previously created the book, my specialty is in each of these constructions, so as long as I have the magic, I can create something even better. In the meantime, we have a number of reception rooms, as well as a private room and bedroom where you can rest, and other bedrooms to keep your concubines samurai.

"Are you kidding me?

"There are more than 20 people. Wasn't the SS in the side room?

"No, I'm not! They're all my people, so I'd be pissed off if you said that. Even though some kids are so young.

In the stage of teaching a little child what a concubine is, it's obviously not educational.

"Was I? I was wondering if it would be appropriate from the size of the master, or if you have such a hobby.

"Don't be absurd.

I don't know how old you are to be Lolicon, but it no longer leads to nagar or anything like that, he's giving up the baby, no, he's in the care of the night crying.

"But those who were in this House, to put it that way, are happy to try to change their outfits into concubine style, though.

"That's funny, that's... Aren't you happy because you hit the room? Well, don't say such a stupid thing anyway, will you? But if you made it because of me, let me show you the reception and my room.

"Oops! Thank you Happy.

Strangely, the tension is an eel climbing Astleto. Earlier shivering faces look like lies. Immediately, I noticed a gaze in Michissane following me behind.

"Oh, this one, he's a ghost brought from Yapan, and he says Mr. Michisane. Because you're a customer. Well, can you show me to the reception room?

"Yes, I did.

"Then tell someone to come to Yachiyo.

With that said, turn around and smile and say.

"Is it just night games?

"If not.

Again, this guy shows a lot of faces, but he's a demon.

Astleto leads the Largo into the rocky mountains after flying the demon of use.

The entrance looks like a cave, but soon leads to a hallway like the one in the building.

On both the left and right, it seems to be a reception where you go in with both open doors, in the deepest poke, looking sideways at a lot of doors.

"So this is what Astleto calls a reception room?

It looks more like a hall where the king calls in guests externally, rather than a reception. It's not like very penetrating and letting zombies make it. Probably magic, or by magic.

"Of course, we also have other rooms to welcome each other while seated loosely, as well as rooms to secretly talk to women alone.

"Who uses that?

"Of course..."

"Fine, you don't have to ask.

I didn't have to use a thousand eyes, no need to ask, I knew the answers I would return.

"We, too, have made it while refraining from being near. Especially for this main reception, I have a hobby for its conditioning.

The story of Astleto goes on for a long time, but it is certainly not unusual to punish the doors of this room or the chairs, railings, walls, columns, ceilings and other hands inside. When I entered the country one day during His Majesty the True King of the Imperial Castle, I was impressed with the degree of coordination that was around it, but I did no less luxurious than that.

"Wow, this is...

"Leave it to me to compliment you and thank you Happiness.

"There was a lot of this in the sinking Demon King Castle, too.

"That's right. At that time, the Demon King told me that I could use as much as I wanted from the demon vein, so I prepared something pretty elaborate.

"Well, since you're not well, I'll get you something to look at and bring out again.

"Is that so, thank you very much.

Think about it, if you ask the golem in one of the three vaults to carry it to the treasure trove, it's possible to take it out here at any time. Instruct them to move what they can just carry to the treasure trove.

That being said, Yachiyo just came for me.

Apparently, he was still in Bokovo town, and continued to watch the villa with Hanako.

"Thank you. Actually, I wanted to talk to Yachiyo about whether I could be transformed into a human.

"Was that so? Of course not. It's breakfast before tea.

I feel like I'm making some terrible mistake, but it only tells me that it's easy.

"Then Astleto, now take me to a place called my room.

"Yes, here it is.

It was also a bedroom with great private rooms.

The private rooms resemble the rooms that His Majesty the True King was speaking to Sir Leold and his men at the Royal Castle.

"Then will you do it? Yachiyo."

"Okay. In what form?

"Right. We can all be lagons, so I wonder what the shape of the lagon is.

"Okay. So in this way..., that's very different.

"Really? I don't know, but, uh, yeah, work a thousand eyes.

Largo sees himself. Lagon was a bit of a small male youth, but even a little taller, he felt like a 25-30 adult male with a Largo feel.

Besides, I'm still even more handsome than Lagon, who thought he had a pretty face for Yachiyo's thoughts.

"Certainly not. I mean, it's not at all, is it?

"That's crazy. If you have the ability to transform in the first place, like Whibley, and you still have the fixed form of turning into that shape, then the first thing you transform, like the Lord, is -- oh, yeah, the Lord has the ability to transform originally. I'm just not awakened to that.

"Can I transform? Speaking of which, Yumeka used to say that. 'Wouldn't you like to transform'? Did you know I had the ability to transform? So, this was transformed by my power?

"No, the Lord, who has not yet awakened to his power, has this time been transformed only by my power. But why don't you go back to the way you were?

"What should I do?

"I just want to be imagined who I was and want to be. Remember again what it felt like when you transformed earlier.

"I don't know, put it back on Yachiyo's hands for once.

"Right. Then let's put it back, and then again, fix it on my own to look like a person. Remember that feeling, right?

That's what they said. Largo had the original lizard figure and the humans come and go again.

"I see. This is how it feels. Then do as you're told. Of course."


I managed to be safe, I could get it back on my own.

"You did it. True. Then really, let's try to be people on our own. Of course!"

"You're good. After all, that figure must be the characteristic human figure of the Lord.

"It is. You have that. Then I'll go in this form because you rushed me home because I'm sorry but you won't have to be in the form of a lagon otherwise.

"Yeah, that sounds much more like the Lord. Cool."

Even so, I'm not so happy because I'm just a lizard before I transform. It was a Largo that felt like he was even here in his clothes.

I was just making Michisane look like a person, waiting for me in a place like "Between Views" earlier.

"Michisane, this is what happened, don't you think?

"Oh, were you still good at transformation? Then no one will believe and doubt humans.

"But you'll find out when you look into it, won't you?

"Ask Takamura often so she can't look into it and make it a hell of a send.

They say 'killer' is a sufficient condition for admission to hell. Mitisane, as a grudge spirit, and Tomoe, who goes with him, have also taken human life as a samurai, so if you reason, it's okay, but Largo was asked how it was. Speaking of which, aware of the Demons, the bad guys remind me that there are many things that drove them to death so lightly. Being vampired would also be death as a human being.

Come to think of it, all the dead off the port of Moritz are by their own command. I'll tell Michissane I think she's okay because she has blurry things and things that she lost her life on her own orders.

(179) Hell Facts

Largo, who was able to change safely into a human being, apparently had the ability to transform originally, and there were also anti-Satan measures, inviting Michisane to bicker at the reception prepared as a tremendous chamber as it was.

"What does Michissane know about eternal prison?

"Right. Takamura told me to some extent that it was still down there in the deepest depths of hell to keep a soul locked up that should never be allowed back into the world again. We hear that the humans sent in to be dropped there are given the fear that they will take hell from the first tier to the lowest tier and go to places more terrible than them, and that they will be dropped so that those who panic will be abandoned.

"So maybe we can catch up while they're taking us around?

But in the meantime, Millin is in a state of panic, which could cause a mental breakdown.

"I can't say it's unlikely, but I don't know if that's all we're going to address. I know I need to be ready to go to the worst eternal prison.

"Of course, I'll be ready for that, but what the hell am I supposed to be ready for? So, you know what else?

"Does your stall intend to bring the Demon Clan?

"Yeah, I'm going to, but what do you got?

"The Demons, basically, can't get you into hell. This is for the same reason that hell does not accept beasts, because a demon tribe without a heart does not deserve redemption in hell even if it becomes a soul. Besides, that power breaks the balance of hell. It will be sealed in eternal prison, but we hear it go through a special route, other than from the gates of hell.

"Uh, really?

Largo, who has changed into a person's appearance, is in a hurry when Michisane, who does not know he is a Demon, hears that the Demons cannot go to hell, referring to the SS. If SS says no, I thought I probably can't do it myself.

"After all, do we have to take the Demons?

Not so much, I don't want to take anyone with me if I can, but isn't the problem that I can't even get in? But Michissane doesn't know that Largo is a demon.

The devil has given the collar to the crustaceans, so there should be no deception.

"You don't lie or deceive the devil, do you?

"No, what do you think? According to Takamura's story, it seemed pretty accommodating, though.

"You think you can accommodate it?

"Well, for example, Takamura was the person who took care of him, so when I told Lady Xu that this person was not yet longevity, if that was the case, he said that he had no choice, and that some of them had returned him to this world.

I wonder what that is about grounds. I mean, isn't it your own convenience to take care of me or something?

"Uh, is that okay?

"Whatever you say now, because you seem to have tremendous trust in the devil. Isn't that accommodating if it's a little something?

"Is that some sort of thing?

"It was then, so things may be changing again. Let's go over there and ask.

"Something good. Come on, then, can you get the Demons through too?

"But if you try to bring in the Demons in a group, even if the Demons miss it, the Guardian Kings and Demons guarding the gates will make a scene and they will always find out, and if it becomes a scene, they won't be able to put in what they can.

That's troublesome. I'm anxious to know if I can keep the SS, but I'm also anxious to protect the kingdom after I'm gone. Specifically in the Wang capital, it will also not yet be known that he defeated Ganjin. If you see that, there is a risk of retaliation again. If I or Cross were to be absent, if not for a while yet, and if I hadn't come all the way home, I'd be worried that the giants who surrendered because of it wouldn't get weird either.

"Only demons can't get in?

"As I said earlier, no living organisms other than human species are allowed. Though it would seem fine to be a soul. Anyway, it's a rarer case to want to go to hell or something. On the contrary, is it specifically within the scope of man, beast man, and spirits that they are put on trial with or without?

"Aren't there dragon men, dwarves, and so much more?

"Dwarf - oh, like a coloboccle - that is a substream of the Holy Spirit, even if you can see it. Dragon men are beasts, so to speak, again in the way they are regarded, but they are not allowed to enter in living beings because they are just like demons, or even more unbalanced in power. That's the same for wizards. Some things seem to be called elves, but that would fall within either the Holy Spirit and man's bounds. Of course all these acorns are in range.

"Me and the other beasts are intelligent, but what happens to them?

"Of course, if you die, you are the soul of the intelligent body, your figure will be the ancestral spirit regardless, and you will reach the gates of hell just like the soul of the human species. But I'm not guilty-- no, I've lived a ruleless way, so I'm not guilty.

"I see."

As I said before, the rules of the human species do not apply to beasts, so to speak, weak predators, or the natural business of the food chain. It will also be there in the first place that the Demons are not guilty. Depending on what you think, even if you die in the fugue or the river floods and swallows people and creatures, is that not a sin of fugue, river or water?

"Souls without intelligence will also be sent to the other world if they die, they will not reach the gates of hell, and they will be reincarnated with a new life right out of purgatory.

So that's it. Even the human species, like the saints, say that they do not go to hell, but go through that route.

"Is it not a sin to kill the Demons?

Though saints, St. II Cora Mirakiglia and the others are carrying out mass killings of demons in earlier battles.

"Ha, the Demons basically don't have lives. I mean, even if you perish, you won't have taken your life just to return to the other world. Besides, it's a natural enemy to man, so in the sense of self-defense, it's not a sin. It seems that our ancestral spirits did the same thing, and even if they wiped us out, it would mean that they didn't kill their lives, but that they formed their souls into Buddha.

Furthermore, this time, Largo reacted to the word that he would be reincarnated in that purgatory.

"By the way, do you know what a peculiar is?

"Uh, that's what they send from purgatory in another world. Or some coming from different worlds that I don't understand, not purgatory though. It is born by being given direct life and body. To a creature without intelligence sometimes seems to come pushing its soul away.

I guess I thought Largo looked like the former. Have I, then, died in my previous life?

"Huh? Wait, you said the Demons have no life, right? Which case would it be if you were to be reborn into a demon clan?

"Huh? You've never heard of reincarnating into demons, etc. Rationally, it's an impossible case. What comes from purgatory is the soul moving in the circle reincarnation. Because the Demons do not exist in that cycle.

That said, I'm here, so there's got to be a conversation. But rare cases and irregularities are everywhere. Even though Mitsu is a demon, he became a man of life. Let Krasabi tell you, I don't even know if you got mixed up without knowing it because the bloody Demons like you mean the Lower Demons.

It's more my past life, but even if my consciousness is only coming here in a state that is not finally dead, like Alessandro, for example, unless there are such circumstances as Alessandro, I'm pretty sure I'm the first to think that it's a graveyard sender, as No. 12 was. Shouldn't we not think that we can go back to our previous lives, etc., and make an effort to have a good life here at all?

However, this time it will be completely, a challenge to the unknown world. The chances of not coming back are also very high. Nevertheless, this choice is not conceivable because neither Millin nor Krasabi is the one to be given up.

(-They think you're a better leader here, and if SS makes you look that way, even if you keep them at the Royal Castle -No, there's no way to do that without Milin?

There Clenai opened the door and let him peek into his face.

"Oh, what's wrong?

"Yes, I just heard from Hayami and Heiji.

"Huh? Why didn't you contact me directly? And why is Clenai only showing his face?

"─ Are you sure you want to come inside? We have a customer.

"Sure, fine. It's not weird to be that facetious.

"Then sweeten to your words.

Clenai, who came in saying, was dressed in a shocking pink, short sketchy baby doll. Michisane opens her mouth pompously. Seeing this one surprised me, I rushed to hide the important thing with my hands, but the thing called underwear is not very popular, and I know all the lines of my body because it's sketchy, so to speak, naked.

"Hey, what's that outfit?

"No, as of today, Master Astleto said, all SS, in this hall, dress as a pet princess. But I have customers, and I was a little embarrassed.

I see, the only reason Yachiyo wasn't in that style earlier was just after he was called back from Bokovo. Even so, I'm supposed to be here because Hanako is supposed to be sticking around in the villa, so the only two people who are going to be dressed like this should be Krenai and Naomi, or at best Kuole, who might be overgrown.

"No, instead of being a little embarrassed, you're so embarrassed. No, don't take what Astleto says. A little mistake, because it's a first-rate joke of his.

"Really? Oh, no. Oh, too bad.

Like, I crouched in slightly backwards.

That's not covered by hands next time, nasty to see all the butt lines from your back. It's a critical short length, so the bending makes the tip of your not so big butt stick out of your hem.

"Uh, Kohon, that's good, but what the Hedges didn't get in touch with directly is something to do with that, right?

"That's right. When I was in this hall, I stabbed the nail to tell them not to contact me directly because it could be a lot of trouble.

Isn't it Krenai's hopeful assumption that things are going so badly?

"Don't stab me with a weird nail, because there's nothing there. Especially now, isn't it?

"But - because it's in the shape of a person, I think if we get some sympathy from the Lord's preference, we'll all get morale.

I think that the daughters who weren't chosen weren't who they were, but they were wrong because they weren't chosen.

By and large, when that happens, there can be a lot of things called female-to-female intransigence, or a power struggle in the harem of the ruling class is completely rejected because it seems droll.

"No, wait a minute. Anyway, tell me what the Heidis have been saying.

(181) Largo, rely on cross

In concubine style, Clenai, who came out exhilarated, was finally willing to answer Largo's question.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. I think Hanako overlooked it at the villa, but Alessandro and Diekichi are all here to visit the inn where Lagon was staying.

There was trouble again. I couldn't seem to stop Dirkichi from seeing Alessandro, even though he was turning his hand around. I didn't want Dirkichi to see Alessandro because I was afraid that would happen.

"What, really? So what are you saying?

"He wants to see Master Largo, but maybe he's unconscious right now, so he seems to be asking me to meet someone who understands the story.

I see Dirkichi has been told by Gheamon that Lago will not recover from the damage done via Lagon for some time. But when I think about it, I often admire the fact that Jamon knew it beforehand.

(─ Well, Geimon also said he would use the automaton in operation mode. In it, I wonder if I would have been in that coma after failing an experiment and taking that damage myself.

Researchers, that's all I've been through. But you were a really good person to care about. After rescuing the Krasabi people, I guess I have to think about giving them revenge without blood or tears, but all of a sudden I don't get that feeling because too much has happened, or because I'm concerned about my interview with Satan or the upcoming rescue operation.

But what do you mean by two people, Dirkichi and Alessandro? The only thing that has the perception that Lagon was there is the inside and the republican members. On the face of it, it is supposed to be the inn where Lagon's sister Mitsu was staying. Furthermore, it is Viscount Cyber, Sir Leold, who knows the inn. Members of the Republic were told that they had returned to their home port of Moritz shortly after the signing ceremony. Of course Dirkichi, Alessandro can't possibly know. Even when Gymon came out to Bokovo, it was the communication of the scales that called the Lagon. The gemon is not already in the world.

(─ So, by explaining what Ghimon said to Deekichi to rely on Largo and saying that Mitsu is connected to Lagon and Lagon and Largo, you've been asking from someone who knows Mitsu?

That's what I think, I'll start by searching Lagon's room, and outside the room, around the inn. Guests are turning back for some reason, but they don't look like soldiers or guards. So you're saying you came alone? If you say you came through Viscount Cyber or Sir Leold, it's a weird story that Alessandro didn't even bring one escort. More unlikely than not.

(─ So, acting alone? I don't know the route those two can take alone to get there, but what I don't know is that something is being found out to them and, worse still, to more people. ─ ─ Calm down, is that deadly? Or a tip-off with no other love?

Until now, Diekici in the hands of the witch is out of the question, and Alessandro should have now returned to the villa. In the first place, Alessandro doesn't even know Largo exists, but who would be the first to talk if he went back to the villa? The Master of Swords, Viscount Cyber, Sir Leold, who is supposed to be the father of the fruit once, and Lilyn, the true king who publicly names his mother, are all around, but they have the strongest ties to Sir Leold, whose Lord Leold's children are Gasparn. I greeted that Gasparn as Largo when Lagon was summoned from Gheamon. Later we find out that Lagon and Mitsu are brothers and sisters, and if it is told that Sir Leold came to pick up Mitsu at the time of the kidnapping, we will reach that inn.

So can we assume that even Sir Leold, Viscount Cyber, Margaretta and True King Lilyn, connected to Gasparn, are getting to that fact? No, then it would be unnatural for Alessandro to have no escort.

For example, even if their behavior is shadowy, they may at least be there. But the fact that I see it with a thousand eyes, and I don't see its shadow, means that Alessandro still can't tell me who he is, and he secretly came to explain his condition to where he wants to go back to his original self, but still doesn't reveal it to those around him, Jamon and the two of us, escaped the villa on his own. That's why Hanako didn't even notice, and I guess there's only Alessandro and two Geimons.

(─ Have you found out so far? No, you don't know unless you ask.

Well, what is it? Whatever it is, you can't involve these two. Instead, taking him would probably not do him any good. Alessandro as a swordsman is something like above the conclave. Dikichi should have no fighting skills. Largo is convinced that perhaps such a thing could not be useful in hell or in the battle in that eternal prison.

In particular, Alessandro needs to be allowed to return safely to the King's Capital. Cross should be hiding the real Alessandro from the temple of the diocese in the courtyard, somewhere in the pit inhabited by the Holy Ghost Gnome, and he must copy his stolen information into his real flesh and do it to his original body.

Dirkichi also has a woman who is waiting for his resurrection: Erna. I don't know what Deekichi wants to do to help Milin, but how do I make her give up?

of the mission in eternal prison, refraining from meeting with Satan, who seems to decide whether to be correct or not, is very untouchable as Largo. This is what Lagon has always done for me. Now the witch takes me away and I'm not here. As a last resort, there is such a thing as a ring of separation, but I am not sure that I have not yet been able to use it, or that the very same individual as myself will do what I am thinking right now. Not to mention the other guy thinks Largo still fainted, so he won't have to go out on purpose for Largo himself.

(─ Yes, let's rely on him at a time like this.

"Clenai, call for a cross right away. Oh, including Cross before that, so that we can all go back to where we were. Tell him to look like he can fight at any time.

"Is that me too?

"I told you all.

"Yes, you couldn't babydoll.

"That's not what I said." I thought it would be difficult if I could lower the tension any more, so I tried to push my face closer around my temples and my lips from above my hair, and then whispered in my ear. "You're so cute.

The moment I said that, Clenai's face turned bright red and ran outside with momentum that seemed to break the door.

Then came the cross. What didn't come right away must have been a stuffy one when Clenai told me to go back to where I was. It's criminal to have a cross just in puberty that comes in that style.

Needless to say, Cross is currently unable to go home because he could not make his own decision on what to do in the future by sloppily coming from the villa and saying no because he should not say anything far-fetched when asked who Cross or Lago are.

"Or... sama.

A cross to say and say. I wondered what was going on, and in superficial consciousness {cool!} and screaming. If it's a comic book, my eyes are in the heart situation.

(─ I peeked at something weird.

No matter how highly appreciated, Largo himself just seems to be about as worn as he is. Tell Krenai and Cross that it is easy and pale to explain that it was Yapan and that they are likely to manage to secure a way to follow Milin from hell. Let's keep it to ourselves for now that they demons can't get into hell.

"Well, you can go to hell with the Lord. My arms are ringing.

Actually, that's not true, but I can't talk to Cross right now, who's building a force on his sleeveless arm and defining an arm-wrapping pose.

"Ugh, yeah. So, he's probably talking about wanting to help Milin, and Alessandro's coming to the inn. I don't know why, but Deekichi also left the lab saying he wanted to help Millin. I don't know one reason why those two relied on me to show up at the inn. How do you know the connection between Lagon and Lago, because it also has to do with human beings after being able to help Millin out well at the end of the line, so it goes well with how far you find out. I wonder if you can finally keep me in mind.

"Do you think it will come to mind? From what I've heard at the Royal Castle, Alessandro is a burly Cisco. I didn't see it, but if she wasn't my sister, she'd be totally as far as being a stalker.

Rude story, but those two are compassionate, so isn't that what others do?

"But that's because Millin is with me. I think you really love Alessandro. As your brother, of course.

"I'm royal, so I wish I could marry my siblings. Such a royal family, there are many in the world.

Sure it is. They don't allow it in church, though. Besides, they're not even brothers and sisters if they believe in Republic material. If it's really about cousins to cousins, I don't think marriage seems like a problem at all.

"Well, that's fine, anyway, please. They think I'm still unconscious, so they're talking about a replacement. You're good at this kind of cross.

"Am I right? Well, I'll listen to you anyway. Before we do that, Lady Largo, may I have a little energy?

"Oh, fine. With this style, what am I supposed to do?

"Um, my preference is...

In the end, I was supposed to stick a needle under my tongue and suck it because I shouldn't put a hole in my neck muscle. I mean, it's the same as it was in Lagon. Now even if you don't have a long needle like crab, you'll be fine because your jaw seems to have blood vessels as humans through it.

When I crouch down, I get a disappointing grip on my head by a small cross, and when I align my lips with each other, a cross tongue smaller than crusty enters under my tongue, a little tickled, and then I find myself fumbling as they suck blood.

(─ But in the case of crosses, wouldn't you be able to refuel if you could fly to Demon King Island?

By and large, this village should have a demonic water supply device made with lagon blood.

However, with more people to this point, there were no lagons or myself, so they may be depleted. Astleto was probably also used in large quantities to do this civil work.

(─ Well, we don't have time, and let's not pursue it. Let's just say that Cross's face is a little cheerful and his nose is getting rough, too, let's not worry about it.

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