Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Chapter 4.5 - [07] Alessandro and Diekici on the Precious Road

─ ─ Combine the following number of stories in Chapter IV ─

(167) Alessandro and Diekici

Anekdot169 First voicemail

(183) Deekichi, be intimidated

(184) Arm Trial

─ ─ ◇ ─ ─ ◇ ─ ─ ◇ ─ ─

(167) Alessandro and Diekici

Returning to the villa, Alessandro is trapped in one of the rooms, used by the royal family.

I need to speak to His Majesty the True King and his father, Sir Leold, but now that Milin has been exposed to the other world, I knew it was the Kingdom's greatest importance and not when it bothered me with personal matters.

In particular, it doesn't mean you're incarcerated. During the boredom, Alessandro was thinking back to what he had noticed since he found himself in the Hall of Gymon.

What did Jamon say then?

"Hey, listen to me, I'm surprised. You don't have Alessandro himself.

By the way, Alessandro just didn't know what Jamon was talking about. But today, Alessandro was perfectly intact when that human bomb exploded in front of him and he began to be blown to the venue. The reality is very unacceptable. I find that around that entrance door it didn't collapse against the explosion because it was originally cemented inside with metal to draw in monsters and stuff, and its interior is pretty sturdy as well. But there's no way Alessandro's body can withstand that big explosion. Previously, when I fought a monster, I just got lightly kicked and the flesh ripped and a lot of blood came out. That explosion is too intense for such a vulnerable self.

(That's right! What happened to the wound then?

Take off your clothes and check for the old wounds that should have been on from your belly to your chest, but not at all. Beautiful skin like I've never had a scratch since I was born. Now, I'll take a good look at my hands. Is this really my hand? I feel like the shape of my nails, the length of my fingers, it's somehow not my own. So whose the hell is this body?

When I was resurrected, I remembered those servants who were in that venue, who were bringing in that wizard or that wizard who was by my side. Expressionless and silent, but also teamwork and very strong. Challenge those dreaded enemies in front of you, without fear. Isn't that action because we know we're immortal? When I did, that was made by that wizard, not a crop person, or so it seemed.

And that wizard, Jamon, said at the end that Alessandro is not human again.

'You're not human, you can say it well. Forgive me. For more information, ask this girl - number 14.

In other words, is Alessandro now also his work, a man-made man with Alessandro's memory and consciousness, without being hurt or dying?

After I said that, he was out of breath, and the kid named No. 14 was pulling up with him to that hall, and I couldn't ask him for details, but not if he was immersed in such sentiments. Milin is being caught. If this immortal body helps, for Millin's rescue, it's just a ship across the street.

My arms are unfortunately the same as before, and they don't even reach the feet of Margaretta or Viscount Cyber, but if this body can be a shield, maybe they can take me.

There goes the guard, outside the door.

"Alessandro, are you there?

"What. You can come in.

"Yes, excuse me. In fact, if you catch what you were trying to break through the walls, you're a young man, and you're here to tell Alessandro the word number 14. But it's suspicious, so I asked Alessandro once and thought I'd cut it and throw it away if I didn't know.

Young man? Isn't that the man who temporarily suppressed Millin's decapitation, who was picking on Jamon then?

"I don't mind, I'll see you. It could be merit in today's venue. Bring me.

"Yes, I did.

After a while, along with the noisy man's voice, I heard a guard pulling up.

"Get off me! Because I can walk myself!

"You don't have to walk on your own! You're trespassing, can you be more adult! Without Alessandro's word, we'd be cutting it off right away!


Sounds like a pretty noisy guy.

"Dear Alessandro, I have reported that we have taken one trespasser, may I?

"Thank you. You can follow me in.


A guard with a man comes inside. I don't remember my face clearly, but it's still the man from that time, even from the looks of it.

"You're the man who ordered the witch to execute His Highness Millian Rune and refused to do so today.

"Ah, yes. Yes, I am. No, I am a king, so I can't believe I have His Highness in my hands.

"Good, that was helpful then. If you hadn't refused me then, that wizard-- Jamon wouldn't have stood up either. I would be relieved if you would have left those two on the truncator. Guards, you may step back now. As you heard, this man..."

"My name is Deekichi. He was a former apprentice of Jamon.

"Dirkichi is also a credit in today's battle. It's okay."

"But the witch doesn't know what kind of hand she's going to use, so Captain Margaretta ordered me to be careful.

"Like the enemy you fought today, if this man planted a bomb on you and you came here to assassinate me, you'd die in an explosion, too. Unfortunately, I'm an immortal swordsman. Will you die instead of me?

"Oh, no..."

"When I figure it out, why don't you come in with a guy like this again, or you go back to security.


The guards fly out.

"You were, you were intact when you got caught in the explosion. So you realized something was wrong with your body?

"If you were a wizard's apprentice, you would know nothing about my body. Tell me what you know.

"Oh, I don't even know about the skill of the master who was making dramatic strides for some reason since I was broke, too, but from what I've heard on number 14, you -- you've been copied Alessandro's memory and consciousness, you're an automaton. I'm not human.

"─ Was it still so?

"You seemed somewhat noticed. Then go with me to the rescue of Your Highness.

"Is there a way to help Millin?

"I don't know the truth. But to a man named Largo, that's when he left behind. If you ask Samael, you can only manage to go to a place called eternal prison.

"You were, don't worry. The story must be addressed to His Majesty the True King."

"Then you're in trouble.


"I thought I'd go help His Highness with you.

"With me? Why."

"What you think is that anyone in this country knows, that you are a guardian who loves His Highness the sister more than anyone else. I would not spare my life for Your Highness. Didn't I?"

"Of course. I wouldn't spare this life if I could help Milin.

"Besides, you don't actually have life. I don't feel guilty for abandoning you when you have to. Even if neither of us could.

"Is that why? But with the help of a stronger one, there would be a better chance of success. With Margaretta, for example?

"That's not a good idea.


"If you take all those strong ones, they'll be on guard. - And my handle is gone.

"─ Do you want that much of a handle?

Alessandro stared at Dirkichi's face. The anxiety to set that handle seemed as if I was until I got into the Demon King's Castle.

"I can do as much as I want, but I'll tell you the whole truth because you say that. Actually, I'm a sinner who committed a great sin under the heavens. But I'm not guilty of killing someone like that or anything. I was just trying to deceive myself by taking the name of a great man. But it turns out, he's on the verge of death for a major crime under heaven, and he's on the run. But if I help His Highness, I'm wondering if I can get that amount of sin written off. I have a woman I like, I want to marry that guy, I really do.

"Really? It's hard not being able to marry the woman you like, okay? Okay. Let's both go help Millin. In order to do that, I'm going to have to go find someone named Largo. Do you have any idea?

"I also asked number 14 that the kingdom brave man who was taken with the witch today is the same automaton as you.

"What a brilliant move..."

"That's right, just the data in the contents is different. From what I've seen, you're made of the same parts as those 12. So if you want to do it, you should be able to do the same thing as him.

"Was it? So how do we get through to something called Largo?

"Apparently it was Largo who was manipulating him on No. 12.

"What do you mean?

"That 12, they say the street name is Lagon, but where he was, there must be a clue to it. The 14 was this Bokovo, and he was taken care of by Lagon's Inn with the Oyaji. The place was told. Ask him there, he's got other people. I hear that Largo has been protecting His Highness so much while you were gone. On top of that, they even took my men and automatons. So I'm sure he was going to help. I think if we take Samael's information, he'll be with us.

"All right, then we'll both go. If no one has a hand in going to such an outrageous place and doesn't know how to get there, my mother might give up on Milin and not be able to go after him.

"A mother abandons her daughter?

"Before I was a parent, my mother was king of this country. He is benevolent, who never says anything impossible to the people about himself or his family.

"Let's be fools! We, the people, are putting the future of this country on you, especially that princess, our future!


"I may never come back when I get there, but if we go and just the princess comes back here, Elna - because I believe my woman will live happily ever after, so...

"Okay. I'm sorry. Your mother and sister will be delighted to have a people like you.

"You risk your life, too. I throw everything away to help the princess if I have to, too.

"Absolutely. I didn't think I'd work with someone like you, but if you're a big sinner, there's no shortage for them. Let's go to Largo!

Anekdot169 First voicemail

Hayami and Heiji were asked to leave a message at the inn where the Lagons were staying.

I was transported to the fisherman's village on the opposite shore of Demon King Island, where Largo and Mitsu were contacted that they had noticed, but also received the news that Mitsu was no longer a Demon.

Whipley, I am also the biological parent of all, and I wonder what will happen to the SS from now on when the mites with SS attacking power are no longer Demons, and the clathabies that gathered themselves together under Largo are taken away.

With such anxiety, it is painful to be put in charge of a voicemail where nothing may happen. At a time like this, it is easier mentally for Hayami, who is capable of traveling at high speeds, to run around in a murky way.

"But crusty could be harder on your eyes.

When Hayami leaks his grievances, Heiji, who is being made to leave a message with him, pokes at the pain. When they say that, I can't even think of an unfortunate existence or anything more than a demon clan trapped in eternal prison.

"That's right. But did Krasabi regain consciousness?

When the first witch hit me and I fell to the stage, I was able to get confirmation that it was a fake on the wipline, but after transforming His Highness and the two of us escaped, the magically unconscious Krasabi, somehow bewitched by the witch, was completely unresponsive.

Already in a small capacitor of crusty, energy would have bottomed out if all that worked.

In that case, if the magic that they put on them because they thought they were demons is powerful, it could even be life-saving.

But unlike being sprinkled with holy water or something, it didn't disappear, so no one was so worried until they took it away.

But now I'm worried and I can't help it. Anyway, the place they took me is the place. Where it has vanished in this world, it is said that the souls of the demons will only return to the demonic realm. In fact, none of us, like Whipley, have verified whether those who were made demonic by the power of the Demon King can vanish here and go to the demonic realm lightly. But we all believe that.

But if you are thrown into eternal prison, whether you are human or demonic, there is no doubt that only a time of endless suffering awaits you, accompanied by pain that cannot be expressed. It's not so lifelike waiting for someone like this who doesn't know if they're coming or not, and being made to leave a message.

Even if that's where it's hard to laugh spirally with our noses all the time, even if it's the unpleasant ones like Triple-O and Quadrasil who have made us wander off, it's the benevolent fellow who has prepared such a splendid tabular stage for us that we've never seen before, Krasabi, who was taken. I just think so, my eyeballs are getting hot, and I'm about to spill tears, which I'm not supposed to have with me.

(No, no! Well, you can't even go help Krasby when you have to.

But I can't do anything myself while I'm here. Moreover, to the extent of their clairvoyance, they can only have clairvoyance in and around this inn. But it's a little calmer if you don't.

This inn has a better chance of staying where Orton regularizes, such as sailors, who come from outside than those from the kingdom. However, for the attendance of today's signing ceremony, the guests seem to be overflowing, as objects from distant villages are lodging in the country as well.

Because there are not enough facilities in the accommodation to provide enough food and beverage for so many guests, guests who go out to eat and come home are quite wasted despite the late hour. But in it, one familiar face was found. Besides, the man took two people - and the other didn't recognize him.

"Heidi, that's...

No, Heidi couldn't get into today's venue. It's a mouth I couldn't do either, but Hayami happened to be with the ragon and went to drop the ragon from the air into the venue, so I've been watching and remembering it ever since, from outside the junction the witch put up.

One undoubtedly puts Millin and Krasabi on the headstand, a man of the kingdom ordered by the witch, Deekichi. That's right, that face, when we got to this bokovo, was in the park where we had lunch, he was a petenmaster who manipulated automatons and played street art, and he's a crony or mite found, a whore named Erna and a good friend, not a good degree man.

"Right. A man named Deekichi, right?

I also spoke to Heidi, so I could see it through clairvoyance. I guess I remembered what happened in the park.

"The other must be the Alessandro automaton that the Lord said was made of Gymon. After the battle, he was approaching Jamon and then talking to His Majesty the True King on stage.

"I wonder why you two are together.

"I don't know, but I wonder if I'm looking here to visit something on the ground.

"You just got word from Krenai that the Lord heard from an automaton called No. 14, right?

"That's right. Those two have business with the Lord. Is that it? Didn't Hanako keep an eye on Deekichi?

"The villa is big, so you just watched the entrance and missed it, didn't you?

"Strength, wisdom in general. How dare you.

"I'm really angry when I say it.

While I was saying, early on, the Alessandros were knocking on the door of a room with two people.

"Sorry for the night. Nothing suspicious. Will you open up here?

"You can't do that. Master Alessandro, I'll take care of it. ─ ─ If you are here, you are the brother of His Royal Highness the Milian Rune, the immortal swordsman and the loud Alessandro. I was told there was a brave man named Lagon. Since it's a pleasure, I want you to open this place up.

Both of us, full of suspicion, but we know our traits, so we decide to open the door.

"There are no lagons or mites...

The two men, whose doors opened and were greeted by girls with only about half their back length, stood in front of the door with a kyotoned face.

(183) Deekichi, be intimidated

Originally, Alessandro and the others, who visited the Inn where Lagon was staying, offered the little toddlers who remained in the room a visit to the deputies of Lago, awaiting their arrival.

They say their names are Heiji and Hayami. He only looks 5-6 years old no matter how he looks, but he seems well educated and his appearance is no less endless than that of his sister Milin. You'll confuse a man's heart when he's a sawdust grown man. So much so that we may now have a nobleman who wants to keep it as an adopted daughter and grow a greenhouse.

"Why are little kids like you leaving messages like this? Besides, is it true that Largo is a man's subordinate?

"That's right. Even if it's small, it helps us a lot.

When the toddler girl named Heiji answered, she put it in like Deekichi made a fool of herself.

"Right. So do you guys know who better to be here?

"Didn't you just say that at the door? Your brother the next king, His Royal Highness Milian Rune, Alessandro, isn't he? And you, liar Deekichi.

"Oh, my God, you bastard!

Deekichi, who was slandered as a 'liar' and sat back, gets up and raises his voice. But Heiji was not frightened, and told Dirkichi. I don't know anything scary.

"Oh? Was I wrong about something? Uh, help me. There's a bad man here who tricks you into being an inquisitor.

Not a very outside audible voice, but Deekichi was in a hurry.

"Come on, don't shout out loud. What would you do if someone asked, that kind of thing?

"Oh? Could what I said have been a lie?

"I'm not lying, though. How do you know so much about me?

Sure, that's right, the brilliant summary of what I briefly heard on Deekichi's body by the time he got here was piercing Deekichi's weekpoint.

I can't hide my impatience in the face of Deekichi, who got stuck there.

"I know you better. You were apprenticed by Mr. Jamon behind the world's best alchemist Sieba, but you broke the gate, catching two automatons and running away, Tonzla, and once you didn't like being forced to do anything wrong by a bad witch you put your hands together. But I was caught, and I was about to let His Highness put me on the headstand, my aunt.

"Don't say that much. If I'm summed up, I'm going to stain myself with how stupid I am.

I hadn't heard that from Deekichi, but he seems to be talking about it as it is, clearly stated, and he is still about to fall for it.

"Oh, you had that kind of otum right.

"Heidi. Don't bully me too much.

"For an idiot like this, you have to say Gatsun to find out.

"But it seems that the Lord's name has just arrived.

There was a knock on the door and a girl about their near-age sister came into the room.

Still, he still looks about two years younger than when Crim, who has been a breeder for almost a year, went up to the castle in a cold-blooded beast hut collected by Milin.

Alessandro looked familiar in the face of the girl who wore a large pure white sacred coat that did not fit her body and still brought in an even bigger cross than what Margaretta was lowering, like a cane.


"Yes, I was in that condition earlier, so I didn't even greet you. I, am currently escorting around His Majesty the True King, originally a cross, one of the SS of Our Lord, Lago, who is the same as Heiji and Hayami.

"Oh, did I? You protected my mother and Milin while I was gone.

It was a lip-service remark, but the suggestion was that Saint Girl Cross shook her head lightly.

"No, I have little knowledge of His Highness. The fact that His Highness's expedition will be followed by Lady Margaretta has only changed the escort around His Majesty in the meantime.

"I see. Even so, it doesn't seem to make a difference that you protected my mother. I'll thank you.

"I can't thank you enough. I've just been commanded by the Lord to do my job, because I'm just doing it. Well, I am here today, in the name of its Lord. Quickly, my lord, what can I do for you?

I don't have any smudges at all, but the voice really belongs to a girl who just had puberty from a child. Dickitch pinches his unwanted mouth.

"You don't have a firmer one, here.

"What is it? You don't have to be polite.

"You bet, Cross. I'm pretty pissed off from earlier, too, and I'm saying Zukezuke. Looks like I won't punish you yet.

"If you're not accompanied by Alessandro, I'm going to pull that tongue out of you.

If we can no longer overlook it, Alessandro puts out a help ship.

If you keep your mouth shut, Deekichi's tongue is really going to become independent of his mouth.

"I'm sorry. I've accompanied you because you name the great villain under the sky, but I also think your predisposition is chimpy. Dirkichi, apologize quickly. This girl, acting in Margaretta's place, is not just evidence.

"Really? Then spare Master Alessandro, I'm sorry, I overstated it. Actually, we were sent to a place called Forever Prison, and I want to go help His Highness. My master's wizard taught me that there is power in it. I guess you'll go help me. Take me with you.

"It's just like Dirkichi said. I want to go rescue Millin with this hand, too.

From the first time we met, it was an attitude that I didn't find very friendly with the Alessandro's, but rather poorly, and despite the fact that it was an offer of thoughtful content, its attitude and complexion remain chilling.

"Yes, the Lord will always go out of eternal prison to rescue His Highness the Millian Rune. As we go to rescue our people, Krasabi.

"At last. Do you know what you're talking about? That crunch will follow. My lord Milian Rune, you are the next king of this kingdom. All the people in the country live in hope of that man. I don't know if your people are crusty or rusty, but compared to His Highness's life..."

"Oops! This third-rate con man.

When I wondered if the chilling way of speaking had turned to that, which included anger, the next moment, the tip of the cross that Cross had was stuck in Diekichi's wide open mouth.


On the little face of the cross, flashly stared into large, crisp, peachy eyes, Dirkichi had hardened without exchanging.

"Good thing. Listen carefully. I'll give you three options. Raise your right hand for the best, your left hand for the second, and your two hands for the third. Best of all, when you pull this trigger, a bullet the same size pops out of the hole at the end of the cross. Yes, it's made the same magic gun you know. Number two, this cross is made of stretched metal, and the pointed part ahead stretches up to three times the length of the cross. Perhaps we can reach the wall behind you. Number three, the lightning bolt that Lagon struck out many times, showing up at the signing ceremony when I cast the spell, will be fired at you. At maximum output, maybe your head will evaporate without even leaving any charcoal. Come on, which one?

The doth's resourceful voice will never be a threat. Neither the cutting tip of the cross, nor the hole known as the muzzle, seemed to be shown in front of him for a moment just before he was stuck in his mouth, and neither hand could move as if it were in gold bondage. Deekichi.

"Mr. Cross, I apologize from you, so forgive this fool's disrespect just one more time. I won't let you talk about anything anymore.

Glimpsing Alessandro, who said so, with a slightly laugh-inclusive eye, Cross returned to his original voice and told him to stand aside.

"Ah alas, Master Alessandro says so, could you really have reflected?


Groaning, tearful Deekichi.

With the tip of the cross turned, he's shaking his neck vertically in small pieces, like a painting of a man from your village, yet unaware of the scars of the city, caught by their bad bad bad daughters downtown and snagged.

"Then let's keep talking. When I go to eternal prison, I will step on my feet. Of course, I'm not even that sure I can make it back alive. It's a scarier place than hell, but if it's hell, you can leave at the end of the period of redemption. But there, pain can continue to be inflicted forever. Every thing dropped there is a horrible place where even the Demons have their spirits collapsed into their spicy bitterness, and yet, their souls continue to be haunted. You will not be permanently reborn either. Do you still want me to go there with your arms?

"Absolutely. I'd rather die than go and live to congratulate Milin. If you say you can continue to suffer without dying, take it spoiled with Millin. Even this deekichi is getting ready for that much.

For those of you who said so, even the impatient cross you were threatened with earlier was suddenly losing momentum when you heard 'Step aside and step on two feet'.

"Uh, really? Oh, I...

"Of course you are. Or do you mean to carry that stigma for the rest of your life and live there?

(184) Arm Trial

Now when Alessandro intimidates, Deekichi, ready, shakes his head vigorously and says it off.

"Yes! Don't do it anymore, it is. We came here for His Highness, ready to give up our lives and our souls. Please, Mr. Largo, let me see people.

"Not so long ago... So I ask you one question, are you aware of this, Your Majesty or the Marquis? Or with Viscount Cyber.

Why would Cross want to know that? Since he is a man of His Majesty, will he tell the kingdom that Alessandro cannot be put in danger?

But Alessandro hesitates as to what it would be like to lie to his opponent. Besides, if it's a cross connected to the True King, you'll find out as soon as you find out.

Alessandro chose the path to speak honestly.

"No, we've been talking to each other alone.

"Oh, yeah. There was something I had to tell Lady Alessandro, and that's when I invited her.

"And I came out of the villa silently. It has nothing to do with my mother or my father. My mother adores Milin, but she is kind and benevolent. For my daughter, she jumped out unauthorized that she might not have told her servant to sacrifice herself. Never bother those people, it's all selfish of me to say. You can write one down to your mother or father!

"Really? So, how did you find out about this place? You two don't know each other, do you, Mitsu or Lagon?

Again, a strange question, but it was a miracle that I did get here on my own.

"That's what this deekichi...

"Oh, that's what I heard from the 14th. I guess I've been allowed to stay here for a while with my master, huh?

It wasn't that easy to get there, I was obviously heading in a different direction because I remembered the name of the inn that Dirkichi had heard, but I anxiously asked my deaf old lady along the way. The old lady managed to get to this inn because she misheard the ambiguous name even more.

Thanks directly to you, I know this place, and I would have walked around an extra hour or more than I came for. In the meantime, he wandered from the villa where he noticed he was running away to a hiccups and searches.

"Really? Heiji, Hayami.

"That's right. He was here to cure the automaton that came back from this liar and everything. There was a time when No. 14 was with me.

"Okay. I see you had that route. ─ ─ Finally, Alessandro's readiness was better understood, but what exactly is the source of Dirkichi's readiness? I don't see why you would lead His Highness so far.

Well, the cross question is best. For this nasty man, it's something I've come up with a lot.

"Be honest with me, Deekichi.

"Really? Can I talk to you, Mr. Cross?

"This is what I'm asking. Speak quickly. Wasn't he talking a lot earlier?

Either way already, it conveys my desire to tell you to hurry. There was a feeling that it wasn't a big deal to ask or not to ask about your readiness. Jamon, too, noticed it or cut it out.

"Huh. ─ ─ I hear you know, but he's a big sinner under the sky. Arrangements also go all the way around the kingdom. It will be handed out to the Republic shortly. Nobody noticed at the signing ceremony venue, but I can't get my ID in the first place, and I have to close my doors to get anywhere and go down the interstate road behind the mountain. If there's a crime, incident, etc., I can't even stay at the inn. Of course I don't want to settle. I can't even marry a woman I like.

When we talked that far, Cross barely penetrated.

"I mean, Mr. Elna and I want to be properly happy.

"You! You even know about Erna?

Surprise, Dickitch. Think about it, it doesn't come as a surprise to the extent that you know the woman's name because the reason she committed the great sin under heaven is the woman. In the first place, Alessandro thought that was the most suspicious part of the source that he knew so much about, but the statements supporting it come back from the cross.

"You're more right about Erna than you are about Erna.

Hear that, Deekichi, his expression becomes desperate at best. As a matter of fact, it seems that Diekici stopped at her last rental house with Erna just before coming to Alessandro, but the tavern, which looks like a stuffed shell and finally worked, has also been closed since last night. Diekici, who did not see Erna, just seemed heartbroken that he could not confirm its cheapness and that he had come to Alessandro without talking about his determination again.

"Is Erna okay? When I was caught by a witch, I was under attack, and I thought number four would protect me.

"It's okay. Let me move near the king's capital just in case, and the witch won't find me.

"Did I, thank you. If you're getting strong people like you to protect you, don't worry. Then I will welcome you to the rescue, Your Highness.

"But instead, you may never see Erna again.

The word gave Deekichi something much heavier, but swallowed it and Deekichi, once again, expressed his determination.

"─ But instead, when I come back to help Your Highness, I ask you to reduce the sin party by its merits. Alessandro asked me to, and I promised him that. Besides, if His Highness is not safe, this country will have hard times again. If that happens, Elna can't live happily ever after.

This time, the cross will tease you for a while. In her, I wonder if Dirkichi, who I thought had ever been championed, has become a trustworthy person in any way?

"─ You mean it, don't you? I don't think the Lord will be able to bring you foot hands like you, but anyway, your words will be told to the Lord as they are, so could you please wait here for a while?

Is that what Largo talks about after his consciousness returns? Or has Largo's consciousness already been restored? But now, I just have to drink that story.

"Nice to meet you, Lord Cross.

"I asked you, wacko.

Also, Deekichi says extra things. Hearing that, Heidi complained again.

"Cross... do you really recommend this to the Lord?

Of course, I'd like to think that the subject of 'something like this' is Dirkichi alone.

"If you listen to me now, I may change your mind. Just for the last time, let me see if you guys can help. Together, I would like to report that to the Lord.

"Try it? You got our arms?

Dirkichi shouts a barbaric voice. It would be bad for this man if possible, but it also seemed more like it was for him to have only Dirkichi fall for that exam.

"I just want it.

"If it doesn't seem to be on chopsticks or sticks, give it up a little bit.

"You're gonna do it here?

"No, the rooftops here, people don't seem to come in winter. Let's go there.

Climb the stairs to keep them out of sight. It was originally the top floor room, so it was immediately on the roof. On a midwinter moon and night, the rooftops of the port town are quite chilly.

"So what does an arm test do?

"Yes, each and every one of you would like to see how useful it is in practice.

"I have Alessandro's support.

Though he doesn't have himself in his arm, Deekichi offers a shabby two-on-one.

"Okay, you two are fine at the same time. For both of us, why don't you let me be serious, or if you hit the prey somewhere in my head, you mean my loss? Of course, you can choose your prey as you like.

"I wonder what Lord Cross will use.

"I'll use this needle.

Cross had a needle about where he removed it from, about the thickness of his pinky finger, and about the length of his arms.

Dirkichi, who sees it, says face to face.

"That sounds painful.

"I won't be using it directly on you guys as you will get injured if you hit it up ahead. Let me use your two attacks just to pay for them.

"Is that what this is about? What if this one wields a heavy sword?

"Fine. And because Master Alessandro won't make a sound. Let's just say that your rude man is no longer able to move.

Big confidence. Because it's such a thin needle that I'm going to deal with anything.

And Alessandro's body discerns that it's not human.

"So how can I tell if Lord Cross has been taken seriously?

"You don't know if you mean it, unless you stabbed each of your bodies, because Alessandro won't get hurt if the tip of this needle stabbed you, right?

"I see, I get it. Clear rules.

"Okay. Then I'm with this iron pipe.

Deekichi brings an iron pipe that seems to have been used on this rooftop fence or railing and was overloaded.

That was longer than Deekichi's leg length.

Alessandro shredded the excess from the branches of a dead winter tree with a short knife and finished it with a stick about the length of his own arm.

"Both of you. Are you sure you want to do that?

"In the blade class, I can't sift my strength because I'm afraid of injuries.

"I'll tell you what, I'm not even gonna scratch you for real.

"Then I'll be the judge.

Heiji raised his name, two big men and one girl, the curtain of battle was cut and dropped.

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