Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Chapter 4.5- [10] Satan bids farewell to Yuscario and meets with Largo

─ ─ Combine the following number of stories in Chapter IV ─

Anekdot 164 Yuscario Wakes Up

Annekdot 177 Lucy and Yuscario

Satan 188 to meet Anekdo Torago

Satan 189 to meet Anekdo Torago

Satan 190 to meet Anekdo Torago

─ ─ ◇ ─ ─ ◇ ─ ─ ◇ ─ ─

Anekdot 164 Yuscario Wakes Up

About Yuscario, what Euda woke up in was a dim room where she and an old man in tuxedos were put to sleep.

"What's going on? What am I...?

Today, in preparation for the party that will take place after the signing ceremony, we should be cooking for the party in a building with the best party room in Bokovo - no, we should have been cooking.

"Oh, have you noticed?

I tried to get up, the pain runs all over Euda's body. Looks like he punched all over his body.

He spoke to me to care about it, because it's too crude for the bedroom we're being put on, the table and the back are the same, so little a girl that we didn't first notice.

"Ah there he is. All over the body... where are we, and you? Little lady."

"My name is No. 14. The Lord of this lab, Jamon, is an automaton made. You are an ancient friend of Jamon's, Satan, who brought you here, but I hear you were resting here because you were unconscious because you were caught in the explosion and fire that took place in Aberharnville, where the signature ceremony took place, and you inhaled the shock and smoke, so you wanted it to heal with the power of the individual pulses here.

Surprised. This little girl, no, she should be called a toddler, she's not a human, she's an automatic moving talking doll.

"Was I? My name is Yuscario. Yes. I do remember that. I was there. You're a gentleman here, aren't you, Jamon? Are you off? No, are you badly injured?

At that time, I finally realized that this room was a small but holy, drawn, resting room.

"Yes, Master Yuscario is still not feeling well. Please remain at rest. Did Master Yuscario, perhaps, know Mr. Gymon?

"Ah, once about two hundred years ago, Lucy, ah, I was introduced to what you called Satan. You're not going to change. That's the wizard called the oldest ginseng...

"Was I? This is what you look like because a lot has happened.

"Really, I'd love to. Take care of it. So where did Lucy go?

"In Abehalnville, soon after I brought you here in the explosion, I was at the amphitheater, participating in a great battle that was waged with the witches, their wicked men and the remnants of the mafia, but they disappeared somewhere after the witches who had fled from it. Then you're not home because you captured the witch's destination as it were and they still seem to be fighting somewhere, or using a lot of energy, so now you may be heading to your usual energy replenishment.

The way you speak fluently at this young age is unusual but somewhat resembles His Royal Highness the Princess of the Kingdom.

Is Euda the only one who not only sees similarities when he is young and speaks well, but thinks that His Highness's habits appear in the first place?

"Really, she's fighting, too.

"It wasn't until I brought back Master Gymon, who fell from this venue, that I found out that you were here. It was Erigos, who was there, who told me that Lucy had brought you here with such a greeting. Although that Erigos is also a guest that Satan brought with him.

"Was Master Erigos here, too?

"That voice! If you think you've heard something or a familiar voice from earlier, isn't it Euda, the person who did that Satan string? I see, was Satan brought with him in time?

"It's hard to say what a string is, but it is. I am Euda, a cook who was long looked after at Demon King Castle, which was previously taken to Satan. After the fall of Demon King's Castle, in the kingdom he named himself Yuscario.

"The verse was a treat for a lot of good things. I want you to taste good food again. This body should be back to normal in a little while. It's pretty warm now, so excuse me in this way.

How many times has Erigos had a helpship sent out to the order of the Demon King, who says he can't do it anyway, near the side of Demon King Galenos?

"What do you say? Thank you Erigos for all your help. Mr. Galenos did a good job on Dora's case.

"That story is good enough. I was going to thank you at least because you always fed me something good, but in the end, I... But as Dora said, he preached the prophecy to the Demon King except for one truth. In any case, Dora was doomed, so I can't help but say what we do.

"Really? I'm not sure about the area though.

Dora was the pet princess of Galenos, but even though she was her favorite, shortly after laying Largo's eggs, Yuscario told her to sweep into the wrath of the Demon King with something she did not know and eat. Even then, Lucy put the collar on Largo on her, and Yuscario was able to tell her the dish, but Erigos told me that I should bring the rare animal meat from the food bin and keep it out.

Dora's not human, apparently, but I'd like to beg your pardon, even if it's the Beast Man who cooks just about anything human.

"Knowing that, Dora approached Master Galenos. But what Jamon says has a downside to it. I can't tell you that the heir is dead. Such a thing is very incredible in the world. Never before has the prophecy of the world come off.

"What is wrong with you?

"It is better to be the heir of Lady Galenos that he is dead.

"Is Largo there, when?

But Largo must have been eating his breakfast well before he went out to Aveharnville. Was it caught up in that that there was then a fierce struggle in the signing ceremony venue?

"It was the day Galenos was attacked by humans.

No, that can't be right. Largo's eggs were always in his own hands. At that time, there was no help from Erigos, and I was wandering around to see what I could do.

"That's not true. That person now says Lago, but I have brought him safely and he is currently protected by His Highness in the Kingdom.

"Oh, my God! That's a big deal. Are you saying you are imprisoned?

"That's not true. You won't be noticed who you are or who you are and you are greatly adored. I also introduced Master Largo, which means that he made a good face in the Great Kingdom.

"No, I don't know what that means. Why did you succeed him? But if that's true, we have to go and rescue the heir as soon as possible.

"Is Largo who looks like a lizard?

"Mr. No. 14, which way did you see Largo?

"At the signing ceremony venue, I was beside His Royal Highness the Princess of the Kingdom. If you're that person, I'm sure you're in a lot of trouble right now.

"What's the big deal?


Yes, when she hung up, there was a sound of the front door opening in the distance and a familiar voice.

"What about Euda? Have you noticed?

Annekdot 177 Lucy and Yuscario

Arriving at Jamon's lab, Lucy sees Yuscario, who was safe, hugs him and gives him many kisses, and No. 14 reluctantly leaves the room.

"And I'm glad. Yuscario is no big deal.

"But was it? I had no idea, but the whole thing exploded because I thought it sounded amazing when I started preparing meals in Aberharnville, and my body floated away and seemed to be losing my mind.

"The whole thing didn't explode, but it seemed like there was a bomb planted on the floor where I was working on the Euskalio and the other downstairs, and that was detonated at the same time. So the upper two floors were peppered, and the hall on the roof came up from the top and crumbled. Yuscario was underneath it, but you didn't manage to crush your body with the power of the collar. But the flames and smoke were imminent, so it might have been dangerous if they had left me alone until I got there.

"You have to thank Krasabi. Because you used your power without worrying about who you are, and now you've managed to keep me alive.

"And his Highness, who told me to go to Euskalio. Because I sent out a child who knew I was being targeted, but who would change my mind.

"Was it? For my time. ─ ─ And then"

"That's right. It's not Yuscario's fault, though. I didn't even think that witch would do that. But I think the appeal to send His Highness to eternal prison, who took him away even in lies against the kingdom and the royal family, is enough to make him feel desperate.

"What? Is that a lie?

"No. You probably knew I would find it unless I just didn't give it a name because Aladia wasn't absolutely sure of herself and threw it into another world than she was wrapped up in mine. I don't think we can send him directly to eternal prison. I do think it's possible to get Aradia on a regular route from hell to eternal prison. But then, if you were wrapped up in a bond, you'd be suspicious. So you must throw it somewhere in the other world and wait for my connection to be broken and extinguished.

"How soon will it go away?

"A whole day or a half. I'm not sure I'll last two days.

"Then I wonder if we might catch up by eternal prison if we hurry.

"I'm not sure. Going to hell isn't that easy either. I have to look for that hand first.

"Then hurry up. I'm all right now.

"Right. I'll try my best with Largo, whom you helped. If I'm not back safely, rely on Jamon. I think you'll live forever again.

"You don't have to worry about me. If Lucy's gone, it's better to stay old and die human.

"You're gonna say something cute. Well, when I get back, I'll count on that collar, and I'll come find you properly.

"Right. Be sure to bring His Highness back for the kingdom. I've lived for a long time and I've seen many countries disappear or collapse with this eye, but it's never funny to watch. Especially since I've become so attached to this kingdom, I want that Your Highness to make a good country too and make sure people look like they're living with a smile on their faces.

"Maybe that kid would do it. The whole world has been exhausted since history began. That's right, and Yuscario hasn't taught Largo anything? Especially when it comes to your mother.

"Right. I think I planted something to talk about, because Largo still can't speak.

"Can't you speak the language? It's Largo, Galenos' successor.

"That's right. He can only make the same sound of 'Largo' as his name.

"It was. Then why is she...? Hey, don't you remember Yuscario's 0032 from Whipley?

"I remember. With Krasabi, he helped me cook occasionally. He seemed kind of busy, and although he wasn't there as long as he was crusty, that kid liked to cook, too. -That's right. Actually, the witch came to hear about them, and she made a terrific mistake there. Well, I'm not sure that's what Krasabi says either.

"Is that about Aradia?

Lucy was told by Yuscario what the witch Aladia had sneaked into the villa and told her in detail.

"Ha, what's that? That sketchy feminine pervert delusion.

"That's hard to say, but what a strange story, isn't it? There can't be so many girls like me from next to next.

"Well, not really. I think Girl Uke is good because Yuscario is a good cook, and he's nice to the crowd, but he's the type that doesn't get hot when he takes it.

"─ It's hard to be clear.

"That's good. There's something called me."

"That's right.

"But that's definitely the next time I see him, I'll have to smash it all into Aradia and make him laugh.

"Well, that's fine, but what's wrong with Mitsu? 0032 says Mitsu in a human name now, according to Krasabi.

"Ah yes, I did. She's in good communication with Largo. Those children's companions seem to call them lords, and they have received many orders.

"Is that what I know about Largo? I dressed up as a slightly weird lizard.

"That's right. If I hatched it, it might have changed a little, but I was wrapped in a blue and white scale, you see, just like Dora, the kid with the collar on, as I was told by Galenos at Demon King Castle to stay in the egg. I gave it to you.

"Of course I do. I came all the way to the king's capital with it. But the lizard I was born with didn't talk or anything. I'm a demon king's kid, so I was thrilled I didn't have to talk about using magic. His Royal Highness liked it at first sight, and the name I got there that day was Largo. Then we were supposed to be safely kept as normal cold-blooded beasts in a breeding shed inside the royal castle. Thanks to that collar Lucy put on me, they think I'm a regular lizard.

"Yes, I also heard that that collar deceived the repellence of the Holy Springs by saying something that seemed like a misunderstanding that it was useful.

"No, I did say that, too. Lucy may not know after that, but His Highness is targeted by the Mafia even in the King's Capital. That's when I was taking Largo, so I got brave, so they took me on the next trip. That's why I accompanied him as a bait clerk.

"You were, and never in the meantime, you haven't spoken to Largo.

"I won't talk, because I'm a lizard. But I'm a demon, so I guess it's not weird to talk, after all. First things like that for Largo, for sure.

"Largo is the Demon Clan. Is that what you said? Well, he didn't know who he was, so he said he was born. Well, then I wonder if he really is the legacy of Galenos and intends to be the Demon King. Maybe he hasn't even spoken to Yuscario to falsify his nature. Then I guess I'm really up to something. Maybe we should see how this goes a little. But Yuscario, you knew who Krasabi was, didn't you? Didn't you know he was serving Largo?

"I don't know that. But you said something weird. He said he was no longer a demon like before. That's why she was desperately trying to protect His Highness's life. I didn't watch that scene all the time, but everyone I traveled with admitted to her.

"Then I guess the reputation I've heard so far hasn't been a mistake. Fine, we'll meet with him later and then we'll ask him.

"Does that mean that Largo, after all, pretended to be able to talk but not?

"That's right. And you understood everything you said. Plus, you must have heard a lot of information from the crusaders.

"Was it? I hope I'm not talking boring because I don't think I understand. Wait, Krasabi once said something the day after the witch arrived... The day before yesterday with this collar, I killed the man who attacked me. Largo watched it. So maybe he was watching over me. I wonder if that's why the witch came in the middle of the night and taught Krasabi everything she heard that she was making a weird misconception.

"What happened then? You ended up on the witch's invitation, didn't you?

"I rode it, but I just had a really delicious meal.

"Really? I didn't fight them.

"Right, just so you don't know I'm special then, I'm turning into a girl who made a trip with a bunch of people, acting like I'm really hot for the girls around me.

"I see. I was just telling you, the Mafia guys just misled me that it seems like Euskalio did what Largo did back there.

"Right. He was paying attention. Next time I'll make something delicious to thank you for.

"Now again, I wonder if Largo has a chance for you to feed him.


"If you help His Highness come home, then you'll know who Largo is. I don't know what you meant to be kept in the royal castle, but you can't be in a place like that anymore as just a lizard. I can't believe you had that in the first place."

"Really? Your Highness likes Largo very much.

"Really? Then maybe Largo doesn't hate His Highness either.

"That would be, if you could be so cute. I didn't actually see it, but at the Duke's party, when His Highness was targeted by a poisonous spider, Largo popped up as if he knew it, and drove away the poisonous spider. One theory also says that he loved the bananas where the spiders were hidden.

"I see. I see. You don't even know who you are, and you mean the first person to be kind to you, thrown out into this world as a regular lizard, was Your Highness. Then you tell me you're a demon tribe, and then even after I find out you're the heir to the Demon King, I'm still trying to protect Your Highness. Maybe you like her. I mean... as a man.

"No, whatever it is. It is. For example, if His Highness kisses like a gaga, he will return to man, like a prince or something. Largo is a born lizard. Or maybe it changes into people because they are demons, but I think that's a very unfortunate love.

"Really? Sometimes it's a rotten edge. Like me and Yuscario.

"We are corrupt, we are. I'm pretty happy with this, though.

"Because I'm going to say cute things again. You want me to just do it one last time?

"No, it's someone else's house like that. Go to Largo's earlier than that.

"Right. And make your Highness and Largo a happy ending.

Satan 188 to meet Anekdo Torago

It is finally a meeting with Largo. Satan thought he had to figure out if his opponent was a rarely seen masterpiece in the way of his reputation, or a monster with a hint of malice that he wouldn't show around. From previous intelligence gatherings, Largo should think of himself only as a demonic tribe of Galenos' son. We need to see what you're thinking as a Demonic Largo, not cut out of Satan here. On top of that, if that identity is so stained with evil that it cannot be taught, we must do something about it before we realize our true power. But is there something I can manage by myself? Besides, I don't know how far you're letting your abilities blossom.

On the other hand, Satan is heart-pounding that for the first time in tens of thousands of years we can see the same thing as' he '. At the same time, chills strike my fear when I have to fight it.

(Can I win alone?

The only salvation is that Largo may be the letter 'ho' to His Highness. Love changes people. Neither do I.

My pride as the Great Wizard Satan, and especially the point of sprinkling a bubble on that confident witch, won't subside unless I brilliantly rescue those two and show them. If we build trust based on that cooperative work and lead it in a good direction, this unsolved situation should also make a great difference. Besides, there's a girlfriend in the land, and if we can get them to meet, it's neither possible nor impossible to come back here.

The only problem is worrying that Largo doesn't have the collar on his roots. Maybe you should just apologize.

With that in mind, Satan felt something somewhat nostalgic about Largo's castle that he had just done while being guided by Astleto. Anyway, it resembles the castle of the Demon King where Galenos lived.

Astleto opens his mouth when he sees Satan watching for a while.

"Remembering the castle of the Demon King, I have arranged it for the size of this rocky mountain.

Yes, it was. Originally created by Astleto, the Castle of the Demon King. I was put through something like a relatively calm reception room.

I thought Satan was going to be taken to a place where he was flirting with the devil. Satan claps out slightly.

Besides, I'm surprised to see a person greeted lightly at that door.

"Ah, you! Ardam?"

Suddenly I shouted out loud. You're surprised at that, and the other guy makes a barbaric noise.

"Heh? I say Largo...

Such a weird voice, a young man with a resemblance to Adam, was Largo, whom Satan came to see.

(That's right. In the first place, Ardam is a clone created in the image of when 'he' was his brightest.

Largo's resemblance to Ardam is by no means a coincidence or a strange thing.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Because it's something similar to someone I knew. I'm Lucy. You've never seen me like this before.

Come on, Largo, do you remember that time?

If you remember, though how much Yuscario helped you hide who you were when he brought you into the royal castle, you must apologize first for putting that on.

"Oh, yes? No, you did. Had you seen him at Demon King's Castle before? I'm sorry, I was still...

Good. You don't seem to remember. But that would also be because of wearing that collar. On the contrary, you may not even know your birth or your abilities, but also be thrown into human society and taught by Euskalio that you are a demon, and still assume that you must take care of the remaining demons in the legacy of Galenos.

But no matter how angry he reached his head, Galenos, a bottomless idiot, tried to eat Largo with what the hell in mind. And did you make yourself wear a collar? Moreover, when he was about to perish, he hastily admitted that he was his heir and entrusted all demons. I don't care what you think, it's just unconvincing, but no one knows why that happened anymore.

"Oh, right, you don't know. Good."

(Shit... 'Good' is an extra word.

And I regretted it, but it was after they already asked me.


(─ Look, they made me look weird.

For the first time in tens of thousands of years, Satan misses seeing such a little look very much like 'he'.

It was good back then. Human beings were few and rustic, and looking annoying even in a flashy contest between dragons was about an unintelligent dinosaur.

Second, such memories come from Satan's brain. But now that I've said hello, it's time to introduce myself.

After tens of thousands of years of living, I don't know how to introduce myself, but let me start by explaining from this mess that they say it's Satan or Lucy.

"Yeah, it's nothing. Then introduce yourself for now. I'm Lucy, and this name was called before I became a wizard, and I took it from the name Lucifer, but after I became a wizard, I became known to humans as the Great Wizard Satan. Yeah, well, Euda who took you out of Demon King's Castle, is that Yuscario in your perception? Of course you do, don't you?

That goes without saying. Largo is also given to His Highness from the hands of Euskalio as a cold-blooded beast, falsely speaking and thus transformed into a human being. But now he stands at the apex of the Demon Nation, so to speak, close to the Demon King. It was a somewhat anxious question to remember even the name of such a working man.

"Yes, thank you very much for your help. It is thanks to Mr. Yuscario that I was able to live in the royal castle and to see His Highness.

It was surprising. I was sure Largo would be taught the Demon Clan, and then I realized he was the heir to the Demon King if I didn't know what route it was, and I thought he was letting it be his ability to do whatever he wanted, but it doesn't seem to be the excessive hide of Jamon. Of course, Jamon himself didn't seem to think Largo was the heir to the Demon King.

(Speaking of Geimon, it would have been cheaper to say that Largo was the heir to the Demon King.

"Oh, you're thanking me? You have a good reputation.

When it came to Yuscario's story, I relaxed my attention and it came out for real. Well, this is a good rating.

What's my reputation?

Whoa. Don't let Satan be taken by the weird wind, like he's asking around about Largo.

You can name Gymon, but given that Largo has not revealed to Gymon that he is the heir of Galenos about himself, it is also considered that he is at some distance.

No matter how much, I wouldn't give my automaton to a demon clan like Jamon is soon going to be the Demon King, so I might start worrying about my relationship with Jamon and keeping my distance from him, too.

They're poking each other in the face. I want to hear the truth. And if Largo's identity is evil, there is no such danger. We may have to destroy Satan at that time, even if we put all of it on him.

"Yeah, yeah, he said Euda was a good kid. That Euda and I, the Apostle - generally speaking, the Apostle's apprentice - have corrupted Euda like that, and since then, we've been sloppy for over a thousand years on the brink of corruption.

"You're close. The two of you.

Regardless of Satan's impending readiness, Largo said something that tickled his heart. Satan forgives his concern and shows off his crazy conversation with Yuscario.

"Uh, not really. Well, when living falsely the past with that Euda in human society, I decided to call him Euskalio by the name of the land where he was born. So he started calling me Lucy from my old name.

With that being the case, I recall the towns of South Harun, which have lived in Love Love with Euskalio, from ancient times to the Middle Ages, on a rolling basis.

Many times, I've been on the run at night when I was about to find out who either of them was. Not once or twice have I been likely to be on a witch hunt or have Yuscario been snitched.

Still, the two of them have been coming together for a thousand years. I have also lived in countries with many beasts and in wartime hiding my abilities. Such a struggle had tied the two together stronger.

"I see, so I see that you two are called by two names.

That's what Largo told me, and he returned to me, and remembered that the ship of the kingdom was coming, and that he didn't know when this meeting would be interrupted either. Next time I need to explain my involvement with Largo. Anyway, Largo thinks it's his first time.

"So, you don't seem to remember much, but you were born in the Castle of the Demon King to take care of..."

If you don't remember, it's the only way, or convenient. Let's just stay there. Rather than being taken care of, it's a good surface skin to be wielded, in any case. You can talk about the collar again someday, when most of it is cold enough to make it a joke. But Largo was very responsive to this topic.

"Yes, I hear the Godfroys attacked and got hit.

No, it's the same response to every topic, but I guess that reply just stuck in Satan's mind when he heard Largo's casual words.

"Right! You're talking about when you don't remember anything!

It was an unexpected way of saying it. I didn't manage to put it on my face, but from what I said, no doubt, I would have been remembered for being full of anger. Anyway, because until earlier, the way I spoke was dere. The discrepancy is never small.

From Satan, I made that defeat because, at the order of Galenos, Rago's once-father, when he put a Madante Pranda curse collar on Rago in the egg, it wasn't enough to follow all of Satan's magic, but to root the demonic pulse on Demon King Island and suck some magic out of all the demons there.

Thanks to that, I was in a coma until that little swordsman woke me up, and I sucked from him to give him something that didn't have to be taken more than magic - even memory information, and Margaretta and Cintaclaus bogged me down, and the Demon King was buried in Godfrey. Even though everything was caused by the use made to seal the power of Largo, it is not tranquil in Satan's heart to be told by its culprits like other personnel. And Satan's honor, which was also said to be the undefeated demon of all wars, and the name of the wizard, who had no magic alongside the world, fell into the earth every time.

"Yes. I... I'm sorry, I didn't know anything. So, I was the son of Galenos, who was the Demon King there, and it's called Largo.

That's already going on with the premise, but I guess I thought I had to say something. In that haste, Satan regains his peace of mind. Come to think of it, it's not really Largo's fault.

Knowing that he was the same as' he ', he looked sweetly at it because he didn't even know it was in an egg, and it was his fault that he tried to seal that power. That God-damned Stupid demon king Galenos.

Satan is not a peculiar, by the way, but the knowledge of the otherworlds of these peculiars has still been acquired by peculiars and afu-uscario, who call their minds without knowing the meaning of the words they used. I want to share my beloved man's knowledge.

Satan's Sky Blue hair is also what transformed the doll of Sky Blue hair, about Classgoad, into Yusukalio's memory because Yusukalio took care of it in his previous life. By the way, it seems that God-Damn Stupid means he's a big idiot.

"I know. But do you have any proof that you're Galenos' son?

"What! Evidence?

That just seems surprising. Largo should have nothing inherited from Galenos. But that is certainly the proof that was born between Galenos and Dora, but that does not make it any proof that others can show. Perhaps Largo also remembers the doubt there. I'm sure someone in the Demon Nation must have tracked down a yuscario with a Largo egg from the Demon King's Castle, checked where it hatches, or something that was clairvoyant through the egg remembered and found its appearance, and taught Largo its pedigree. What a bunch of people.

"Ha, it's a joke. This is more proof than anything that you can follow the Demons here.

"Ah, so I, Yuscario, have taken me out to live in the royal castle of the king's capital from the castle of the demon king, making contact with the humans, gathering the survival of the demons.

There. How did that happen?

"I'm gonna ask you a bunch of bums in the first meeting, but why is that?

No matter how much, because of the collar, I didn't know who I was, usually if I listened to my birth like that, I'd say, 'Oh well, if Ware is the son of the Demon King, now that the Demon King's doomed, Ware is the Demon King!' I wonder if this led to the determination of the demonic tribes that we gathered, and to the establishment of things with humans. Not to mention if you don't know the world, and you don't know what kind of race you are and what role you were born in.

But there's also an honorable answer back there for some reason.

"The demons were looking at the rebirth of the kingdom of demons. If you couldn't find me, you might have had the chance to do it to your blood. Besides, we only thought of humans like bugs in the first place, and even the Demons wouldn't hesitate to survive stepping on weak things between themselves, so it was a lot of dangerous conditions.

"Well, you can't help it. Because that's what demons are called.

I can't change that. "He" wrongly created the Demonic Clan when he took demons from the battle and other remnant dragon souls that perished once, and pulled out the demonic, or demonic, resentful spirit body from it, and took demons from the dinosaurs to create the Beast Man. Because those demons are the demons that materialize on the pulse, there is no heart or emotion. Of course, there is no hesitation in even eating together to trample down a multiracial race is the demonic morality.

Satan 189 to meet Anekdo Torago

Satan, who met with Largo, tries to make Largo, who, because of his collar, doesn't even know the common sense of the Demon Nation, unravel the nature of the Demon Nation with the intention of teaching it, but receives unexpected objections from Largo.

"At first it was just a feeling that we had to stop that state, but now I wonder if we can give order and a role there and find a way for the Demons to live in this world without being crusaded by humans.

Even if they say so, Satan has no idea why. It even sounded like an attempt to educate and talk to an uninhabited beast, or to make fish fly in the sky.

There are things in the world that can and cannot be done, but there are horrors that Largo may be able to do, that may become new common sense.

"Can you do that? Because... if you could do that, it wouldn't be the Demons.

"But everyone in the Demon Nation seems to be turning into a lot more of that feeling, too. You're born because of me, but you don't want to be crusaded or anything right away.

No, sure, if it's Largo, I guess that's a good feeling. Conversely, the good sense of this world may be said to have originated from 'he', who has the same heart as Largo. If the beasts that are called monsters are the kings of the world, they are fine, if the devils think they are the kings of the world and Largo. But shouldn't Largo, who doesn't realize it now, have only the perception of himself as the Demon King, a human marvel who is weak while wanting the power of his subordinate demons?

"Normally, aren't you aiming to conquer the world or something?

"That being said, there are strong men as well. Strong oppression, holding it down with force, will always shrink underfoot with the weaknesses of the Devil Nation on something stronger or on those cooperative forces. More importantly, for human society, if the perception that the Demon Nation is useful and harmless is settled, there are no livestock or internal combustion engines in this world, so we can help each other with powerless humans and wonder if it will be a better world.

There are only a few things called livestock. I think the Nynenkikan refers to something like a magic tool that can be a source of power, but is it suggesting that the Demons help humans to become a source of power? Incidentally, these are also cross-world knowledge previously gained from the Euskalio.

In that context, there is a premise that the Demonic Nation positively performs activities useful to humans. Besides, the idea of trying to substitute something that's not in this world with something...

"Are you -- are you maybe a peculiar?

Speaking of, obviously, a werewolf Largo.

"Oh, wow, so loud... Yes, actually, they do, but I'm not sure I remember that or anything.

Again. That's because of the collar Satan put on. Satan gets a little depressed when he hears that.

"Oh, yeah, that's what I..."

"Huh? Mr. Satan?

No, when it's too early to talk about it, Satan chucks at his feelings.

"Yeah, it's nothing. I was wondering if I could do something for you.

"Uh, I'm happy about that, but, well, I'm not in any trouble. Besides, I have a problem with that. You can't go back to your old world anyway, can you? Then that knowledge will come out when you need it. I thought it would be easier now.

What a flexible thought. From the person's point of view, there are different directions for peculiarities as well, cursing their own misfortunes or self-inflicted abandonment who are reincarnated without knowing anything, but is it just that the peculiarities born into this position are of different qualities?

"But it's strange, even though there shouldn't be a singularity in a position like yours.

Does being drawn to the same position as' he ', the common sense of another world, mean that the world is plotting that common sense must be overshadowed before? Or is this called the end of the century?

But Largo panicking at Satan's point.

"Huh! What are you saying? Oh, that's not true. 'Cause I, you see, this is how I live. But Michisane also told me. The devils don't have any peculiarities. But aren't some of those irregulars?

What are you so wandering about? Satan thought Largo was too confident in himself. I feel like I'm talking to 'him' for a moment, but when this happens, I can see that the contents are completely different.

(Because the fundamental recognition is wrong. Hey, but it's still early to teach, isn't it?

Yuscario also imprinted a sinful misconception. Nevertheless, it is also due to the collar Satan put on at the same time. What a troubling place to leave this place. Satan speaks the true meaning of the unnatural.

"─ When you have such a non-standard peculiar come along, this world loses its balance from the ground up ─.

That could have led to the debacle of this world. For that reason, it should have been established as a taboo as the supreme sin to be put in eternal prison so that a being like Largo would not be produced, but Dora dared to commit it. I closed my eyes to the life I had already breathed in Dora because I was Satan, who had lived freely in exile myself, but I had no idea why the transformation of the world that 'he' feared would happen. And the largo that was born. It is a paradigm shift, unimaginable to Satan.

"Oh, is it possible that I'm annoying?

Whether annoying or not, the history of the future dictates. There is no way Satan, who has lived for tens of thousands of years, can judge it as annoying, even if it is called old age.

"Uh, that's not true. I didn't even think this was gonna happen, Dora.

"Huh? What's Dora?

Again, silence. I wish I had said Galenos, but that demon king of Nentarin didn't even have the knowledge that if Dora had a child, the same thing would have been born as' him ', so it didn't even come to mind. But when I saw my son like this, Galenos, and Dora, I felt like I wanted to see what he looked like.

And now I still don't think I should tell Largo her story.

"Oh, no, no, it's this way. More like you've done a lot of things before, but what kind of attack capability do you have?

Yes, if you don't need to wipe out Largo here, it's a fellow member of the mission: rescuing them, the benefactor of Euskalio. Knowing what kind of power you have is by no means strange. Of course, it was Satan's interest to see in the hands of Largo, who has fought well against his mafia opponents, supported by the witch Aradia.

I wonder how much capability 'he' already possessed is ours?

"What? No, I can't make a big deal out of it. Look, you were just born, right? So let everyone tell you what you can do one by one.

Pathetically, it's a human feeling, and if you're a demon or a Lago race, you should already be aware of your species, your abilities and, in some cases, your role in this world, when you're born. Aside from whether you can actually use it, it's not something someone else would tell you. Perhaps it was the Madante Planta collar Satan put on that inhibited it.

"I also happened to be told that I could do it to Yusukalio when I found out I could tie the line, and I said I could do it. Just like that. After that, the sky can fly, and this is how you can change into a human, and your nails, oh, no, this is not good. And then I can give you demon-like arms-- that's it.

No, then you can't fight properly. It's unlikely to beat a mafia opponent, with magic tools and drug enhancement humans. The Demon Clan has often followed such a bad lizard.

Moreover, its' arm power 'is not of demonic origin.

Speaking of which, even when it comes to wipley here, it's about the mite that feels so strongly magical, and there's no sign that there's even a double-or-level wipley. Amongst the whipleys, are all the grubby fish following Largo? From trios, double-ohs, and other things that were, as Demons, capable of intermediate or higher warriors, are they being abandoned?

For that, as a Galenos recall demon, I don't know what it means to have Astleto, number one in strength, so intimate.

"Is that what it is? So how have you ever fought those witches?

I'm not a witch. With that power, I'm worried if the drug booster human bomb that was there can fight reciprocally, even if he's not holding the bomb at all.

Largo, seemingly unsure of himself in the first place, began to talk with his eyes down, increasingly frightened and with his head on his left hand. He is, however, like a child scolded by his mom for pranking him.

"Uh, I'm not exactly, uh, fighting witches with bees. As you may have seen when you helped me at the signing ceremony, the next time I was taken away with my fellow Krasabi and His Highness, Lagon was fighting for me. A lagon is an automaton that happens to be picked up, and I rewrote the script and named it a lagon. Then when I really had to fight, I used magic tools, but most of them were fought by everyone in the SS.

Lagon is definitely about the work of Jamon's synagogue, No. 12, which Satan lost in the Demon King's Castle attack. Gymon also said he admitted ownership to Largo. Largo doesn't seem to know that it originally belonged to Satan, and politely explains that it was an automaton. I think it was all thanks to this Largo that Gemon thought he was a magician who had studied Leviathan's self-reliance mode for many years, and that he was able to reveal his nose by sending a 'shutdown attack' by the witch demon.

(Well, the night they took me away was that number 12. But what would Grandma look like if she found out that it was the unique ability of a peculiar person, born with the best contraindications.

Nevertheless, it is a tearful story. If you thought you could use your abilities as a champion of the sawdust world all you want, and you've come this far with the momentum of the bamboo, you've only followed such a cheesy fallen demon tribe, and even managed to do so, exploring symbiosis with humans in it. Then the quadraples, trio and double eaux will follow, as will the general wipley. Perhaps he's seen as the head of common sense and has been overlooked by the total skank.

"Really, you're having a lot of trouble. All right. And you know what's going on with your own mother?

"Huh? A mother..."

The complexion changes. Well, if you don't know who you are, you have no reason to know the fate brought to your mother at the same time. Someone whose mother is not supposed to be talking about Euskalio either, and it would be about herself and Erigos who know that exactly. There's no way it's being passed on to Largo. I'm sure you think it was destroyed at the same time as the destruction of Demon King's Castle.

Dora, yes. It all starts with her. She couldn't move ahead from her right arm elbow. It was also a testament to Dora's determination that she had to contradict, even though she knew she would be thrown into eternal prison. "I, for one, have tried to kill a man who came to us with his life at stake to inform us of the poverty of the world. This is the price. 'Dora, who is said to have also defeated the demon god with one of his right arms, transferred almost all his power to the right arm of that legend, and put it on that man to do it. He said it was something he no longer needed.

Dora was already in possession when Satan rolled into the residence of the Demon King. And the moon was full, laying down the eggs, and one day the cause was not known, but Dora, who had a great quarrel with Galenos, was pronounced to eat just like that day, ordering Satan to wear a Madante Planta collar and give it to Euda alive to cook.

(He was a demon king who really liked to 'eat' anything.

I had no choice but to consult with Erigos and let Euda cook the meat of a rare monster not nearby, with a collar removed from Dora on the side to deceive him. Then, on the day when the egg hatched turned out to be the last day of the Saturnarian Festival in Erigos' prophecy, Dora disappeared from the unopened, which Satan and Erigos alone knew was made in secret.

Both Erigos and Satan knew where she was sent when she disappeared. But Dora never told anyone what was in the world's misery until the end. He also said that if he got out of the Afar forest, it would be because he didn't know where he was being asked. What kind of person do you have to be so vigilant about?

"Oh, I'm sorry, that's what happened. I'm not sure of my memory, and you don't know it. Sorry."

"Uh, no, that's okay.

Satan then asks Astleto to introduce us to the SS Whipleys here. Whipley is originally just beautiful daughters, but half of them here are kids, toddlers. Perhaps he could not maintain a large body and only be a human - a child - of that size. There's even one baby. Once you've examined the amount of magic you can retain, it's only a few times more than a human. That's what I've been fighting for a long time.

So when it comes to exchanging hands with each other and going to eternal prison quickly, such fragile whipleys will follow. The other decent demons, the Whipleys, must be pointing their way around, but at least the loyalties of the members here are not half viable.

But Satan preached and made him listen to what he knew about his land, and tried to make him give up his company.

Satan 190 to meet Anekdo Torago

The demons see the eternal prison too sweetly. It was a tougher move to bring him home than to go, and he declared that he would never come back alive. This means that those who have all gone will be trapped in that prison forever. But even when you hear that, you're still eating up demonic girls.

"I'm already ready for that. If Lord Largo commands us, we will not be afraid of it.

"Though that's a brilliant preparation, I wonder if Largo would like that.

The rest depends on how Largo feels. But if you really take him, it's only gonna be a foot job, and you're gonna abandon him and leave him without being brought back. Even in the case of the Demons, if you can't move one finger as an over, you have to be prepared to pack as much as that.

"That's right. If I go to the land and can't come back permanently, you will inherit my will and not shy away from humans, but I need the Demons to do their job of creating a fine country where I can live in peace forever.


Can these kids do that alone? No, you can't. But Satan is stunned when he peeks into the hearts of these daughters.

Following that feeling of Largo, below Quadraple Trio and other wipleys sweat on their foreheads, raising bees. Some of the trios, who also look familiar to Satan inside, are going around the course becoming caddies of humans playing Platoshire for what it might be.

(What the hell is this footage?

I wondered if it was the delusion of these demonic daughters, but Satan is even more surprised by the voice of Trio Nine stuck to that footage.

"In this way both the beekeeping business and our friendship with humans through Platochal have been well on track. Earlier, His Majesty the True King came to inspect the monster hunt and said," I greatly expect the provision of monster meat to the kingdom. 'You said.

This is like regular reporting, using inter-species communication between wipleys. And Satan realizes that his perception was incorrect. Here you are, the only one who isn't special is the low-powered demon clan. The thoughts of Largo empathize with the demons who for some reason have no heart or compassion and take a step towards coexistence with humans.

"I will come back to you one day if I live. [M] Until then, I want you to make a country where everyone can live in peace and happiness. Demons, humans, spirits, a country where we can all live together.

"Lord, Wayne, Wayne, Wenwen.

If you look at that fact, Satan will also know the weight of Largo's words.

I felt like I even somehow figured out what it meant to know why Largo was a peculiar person, and besides, for the first time in tens of thousands of years, he was created by breaking contraindications.

"That's what you wanted to do.

"Oh, not like that.

"Fine. I know your personality very well.

Yes, he was. 'He' was really that personality, too. Maybe if I stopped on the ground like that, I would have done the same thing over a long time. Unless I ascend to heaven alone that day.

"Huh? Really?

I was feeling somewhat sentimental, but aside from that, the current problem is going to eternal prison.

"So if that's what convinced you, could the ladies just take a seat off?

I had orders from Largo and all the SS and demons were asked to leave the room. Soon Satan sets the line between Largo and the two wrapped together. If you ask so much already, in some cases, you may tell us who Largo is, and it's an information cover-up.

"Good. My people are like that. If we were going to help the Krasabi, we'd be worried about how we could convince them that all of the SS would get there.

I've been wondering about it for a while now, but Largo refers to the Demon Clan as' his people '. Largo should have been made aware of the inheritance of the Demon King, acquired. I mean, demons and demons should see it as subordination. Moreover, he also said to the Eternal Prison:' The witch has taken me away, I want to go rescue my companion Krasabi and His Highness'. For the head of the Demon Clan and the imprinted Largo, it means that they care most about their men, who should be there again. If so, is it Satan's mistake to think he's in love with Millin? I heard from Yuscario that maybe just as Aladia inflated her delusions with her hobby and tailored Yuscario to the Great Erotic Demon, Satan also thought that Largo had loved Milin, a human, because he had changed with the person he loved.

(No, maybe Largo just hasn't noticed how he feels yet.

Besides, Satan thinks that sometimes helping a girl she really likes may mean that she can't say it in public, and now she decides not to get flunked. But Satan and the two of us alone don't seem to lie about the word 'buddy' that comes naturally. That's why Largo really doesn't want to drag his dear companion into eternal prison.

"Really? Then you're glad it was that one. And Mitsu might be asking, but if you're going, I can help. It's the two of us who helped Euda. It's something you can't abandon. Besides, I have to reveal the nose of that stupid witch, who's going to beat me above all else.

Satan, on the other hand, should have gone alone if he hadn't looked for Largo and found him. I couldn't do that because I didn't know how to call Samael now that Jamon was down. So I thought if I rely on Largo, I might be able to figure it out, so I just found Mitsu.

Above all, Satan wanted to show his Royal Highness, who had rescued him to the witch Aladia, and make him regret it. And now I can't tell you, if Largo is in love with His Royal Highness, the driving force is to stick you two together to thank you for resurrecting yourself who may have been dead in Demon King's Castle for over 100 years, and the crusade and His Royal Highness's gratitude for hitting Euda's rescue comes afterwards. Because if you have some injuries or a state of temporary death, even Satan can handle it. Of course, I appreciate and respect those two hearts and minds. But if you had locked yourself back in that place for 100 years, almost certainly Euda wouldn't have been in this world. That's more horrible than my 100 years of claustrophobia. Even in that sense, Largo owes me an unrequited favor.

"Thank you. It would be very comforting if you could help Mr. Lucy. I don't know much about it. But I want to help you both out quick.

Also, if you're a normal person, your spirit will soon collapse. Even the Demons are told that their egos will disappear and that only suffering will continue to molest them, and they are afraid. If I can, I want to help you before you go to eternal prison.

"That's good, but how are we going to get there? You couldn't do Samael a favor, could you? Maybe catch that witch? Witches who can escape to the other world don't get caught that easily, and I don't think they'll open the gates to that side so generously.

When he cuts it out that way, Largo starts talking like he smiled a little. Is it still something, or even the ability to blossom? Satan thought so, but that expectation will be betrayed as much as ever.

"Mr. Lucy. Hell and eternal prison are connected, aren't they?

"That's right. You should be able to go some way if you get to the bottom of it, because you're just using the same different realms separately. But how do we get to hell? We're not human beings. We don't have a way to hell.

"I found that. There is a man in the Spirit of Japan who knows the way there.

Again, it's not my hidden ability. I knew I was drawing the Spirit into my people, but he went all the way to Yapan in just half a day and found such a route. From Satan's point of view, however, it is more surprising that Largo has found a way to get to his destination at this short turn, regardless of his inability to do something about it in the first place. Obviously, if it's Satan, it's definitely on the verge of throwing out frustrated.

(Wait, 'he' must have had some amazing abilities that no one else had, a lucky invitation, right? Is that--?

I just thought you said you had done a tremendous training or something to be able to use that. If it had been activated in the first place, I would not have been taken to such a place by my own people, by an automaton, which could have been the only weapon near uniquely. Or it would be weird if I hadn't let more and more of my abilities blossom. In other words, isn't this achievement a skill acquired in previous life as a peculiar rather than as a species of Largo?

It would be like the culinary skills that Euda possesses, which are not found in this world, or even the networking skills.

Only the most vulnerable people in this world have the skills they want to acquire.

In fact, even the races live helping each other, but if they have any power at all, even the beasts are proud of their own power and do not try to rely on anyone other than themselves.

Moreover, Largo taps his skills into the soul through the simple task of raising insects to the most abominable demons.

Finally, it is a revolution of innovation, or ideas.

However, that would be good, but the bumps I've relied on all around me come around here. What is Largo going to do with it?

"I see. So spirits and hell are a lot of trustees. But even if we can go to eternal prison from there, that's what we were talking about, hey, guys, are you gonna go alone? By and large, can you do something by yourself? You can't use any magic tools over there.

"So what do I do?

The easiest thing to do is break your collar and bring your memory back, but that's not here. Or explain the truth, some hands to make you aware, but apart from the question of not knowing if you can believe me, Largo barely balances himself with being a peculiar, yet unaware of his species. Or the world is in balance. The appearance of out-of-standard like Aradia on Largo's first enemy is also evidence that the world is trying to balance.

Come to think of it, the schematics would be the same as I liked humans. Probably the world, that's how it's done. Here, if you awaken Largo, there will always be movement in the world, which should always be called its reversal. An allergic reaction in the world, fearing sudden change, must undoubtedly trigger action.

It just seems strange that the role hasn't turned to me. Now Satan and Largo are about to be positioned in the relationship of working together. Here, we should work on solving the problem in a way that can be put on Largo's pace. Let's give as much information as we can and see how it goes.

"If you're going to push hell forward, all you need is arm power, right? Even so, if you take the Demons, you can't move over there. It's just like there's no magic in there, so you can't use a cylinder that's built up magic or anything like that.

"─ Earlier you said that demons who are moving by magic will not be able to move, right? So how does anything else work?

"We wizards have pulses in our bodies just like royalty. So I can move with it. There must be a pulse in your body, too, right?

(Is this something I can say? No, the demons and the royals have pulses, so it should be OK.

Speaking of which, Largo says as he opens his hands and confirms his body as a jerk.

"Uh, this isn't magic.

Magic is also the same when it comes to the same because it is a direct energy based on pulses, but there is a fundamental difference between being able to retain magic and having pulses in your body. Moreover, according to the frequency of use, unlike the wizard's pulse, which requires external supply, Largo's body pulse does not need it. Don't you notice that discomfort? With that in mind, Satan is going to be depressed again. I mean, innate knowledge, all lost. I guess Largo never wonders about it, like a fish swimming in the ocean from birth.

"You didn't know? To put it in detail, I mean... Well, nobody can tell me, so I can't help it.

It is an energy that can be used for magic, called magic because the Demon Nation is not lively and it only works with it. There's only a little bit to be done or human, but I don't know what that means. 'He' said that humans need it because they know nothing at birth, but even Geimon didn't seem to know what that meant.

In eternal prison, disable the activation of this energy. It is like Madante Planta has become a space. Disabling it means absorbing it, but it assumes that the magic power it holds is finite.

Side by side Satan, who could barely move because of his liveliness as a wizard, 'he' was working fine.

The prison basically rejects Madante Planta's collar because something that does not use magic to operate like a human being, or if a magic holder with a Madante Planta on it enters his land, it will not be the same as before.

Even when Dora traveled, only the collar remained after that.

"It's called a demonic vein in your body, isn't it?

I want the details to be heard even by the wizard who is studying it. But even if it doesn't hit, it's not far away.

In particular, Satan, royalty, etc. would be limitless close to it. Except for the only exception Largo.

"Well, if you call all the individual pulses demonic veins, maybe so. I think it's just a 'pulse'. Do royalty have the same thing in their bodies? But in fact, a wizard-owned pulse is called a demonic vein, and can I either?

"But bioenergy isn't all about magic, is it? With spirits and living humans like milin?

Around here, it will be a takeover and sale from Jamon.

"Anyone other than the Demon Nation is alive, not magic, right? You know that.

"Yes, so do automatons.

You just seem to know that well.

Although, if you didn't know that, you wouldn't even be able to move it well by then.

And from here on out, it's the wisdom and knowledge Satan thought for himself and sold to him.

"The vibrancy, the spirituality that gives me energy, is full of that, and from there it's fine, but it gives me some vibrancy. It's like the Demon Clan gets magic directly from the Demon Vessel. Can spirits move directly with spirits? Even the Demons can move if they are vibrantly converting their magic, but when they wield their magic, they deliberately make it into such a system because they can't maintain their function as eternal prisons.

"You know more about it.

"When I make one over there, too, you're chewing one.

"Did you make it?

"It was the dragon and Samael who made it. But how can we keep the Demons locked up there, or disable the magic and keep them locked up, so much so that I've lent them wisdom because it was a big problem.

There is something about Satan's skill or his ability to use the magic of others as a more prominent ability than others.

In fact, it means you can take away the blah blah blah blah blah magic. Now I've pulled everything out of Alessandro.

It will be the collar of Madante Planta that shaped its ability. It is in eternal prison that we have applied it to space.

Even so, it's not like Satan did the trick on that space. That's what 'he' did. So I don't know everything, but I know the reason.

"Ha, really? So, what if you're a good, strong person?

Soraki. Largo's unique networking skills are demonstrated.

"That would be nice. Who are you bringing in? No way, Margaretta? Could it be Viscount Cyber?

That's it no longer, I feel like I'm coming on a boat.

Even if Largo doesn't go dictating, I guess what Largo is capable of is coming bearing leeks from the other side.

If it means I came on that boat, in some cases they might ask me to take you on an army level, but I'd like to hope with a few elite ones because that would just carry in the excess baggage.

"No, there's a woman in Yapan who wants me to take her to hell. Strong is the monster that remains legendary in the myth of Yapan, with the ink of Yamatano Orochi and the Spirit Masakato, who also possesses the monster's possessed sword.

Oh, my God, they took it off a lot once again. We're going to incorporate people we've never seen or met into such an important operation. Shall I say chubby or unplanned?

It was quite the spirits of a person's good parental skin, although the countryman who just introduced me was a country man with a quick mouth of what he thought was not something he knew at all, pure.

When he offered Satan the Spirit of his subordination, he was speaking out loud, which Satan could hear, so that his mentality would not tone down.

It's an important mission to find Satan's weaknesses that Masakato didn't achieve. But that's not what they're supposed to say where they sound.

Are you trying to get rid of it, or are you in a way that you can't have done that? In any case, Satan didn't hate that kind of Masakato thing.

Anyway, they're tasked with protecting the eastern half of Yapan.

"I see Masakato knows me, too. He's got sights. That woman seems useful. What do you do with Mitsu?

"While I'm gone, I want you to lead everyone that's left, but if you take me, I'm a reliable ally. That's a troubling place.

She says she has now become a human being, but she is the daughter who followed a strange fate in the first place. Probably will go even if I stop it.

And beyond that, I don't know if I can see her, but she's got to be just like Mitsu. If I knew that, wouldn't that just make her fly away?

Furthermore, unlike the demonic SS, I can't say enough that it's useless.

"If he's willing to go, there's no stopping him.

"Later, there is Yumeka, who is possessed by the mites, and a spirit named Michissane, whose parental status. It possesses a yawn called the Spirit of Word, and it has tremendous power.

I knew Yume, but even the Spirit Michisane on it, he said, had already entered. It may be more useful than human beings in different worlds.

But can the Spirit leave Japan? Well, I guess I've done something around it with networking skills and stuff like that.

"The Spiritual Body has no problem because it energizes the Spiritual Power itself. Just plain spirits won't beat the enchantment of living in hell, will they? But if you have enough spirits to be spirits, you'll be fine.

"But that's all I have. If the Demons are no good, that's exactly where they're going to hang out.


From that ship first is the sight of who will come down. And I feel like I'd like to see what kind of deal you make with Largo by your side, but until I can talk about it, it seems like I'd better keep it as Largo's trump card that I'm in. With Satan, or not, the other person's reaction may change.

On Satan's account, that's surely not all that accompanies Largo. However, not much time is left to avoid gathering people. It is Satan who is getting worried that it is time for a junction brought out of his own hands and into another realm to become ineffective.

"Huh? Does anyone have any idea, Mr. Lucy?

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