Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Introduction to chapters 4/4.5, such as reveals and characters

Chapter 4: Revelations

The Royal Army pulling in Viscount Cyber is forced to struggle against the Mafia, which came at the same time as the end of the signing ceremony, but finally pulls out the witch herself with the support of the wizards and the taos and automatons from the King's capital. Descended together, in order to defeat the transcendent monster Behemoth, Lagon finally emerges as the kingdom brave, and lowers this, but with the flame of God the witch has bathed, blood evaporates. The function of Lagon stops, and its damage also descends on Lago, and together it loses consciousness.

Saw it. Crabby and Mitsu transform furiously, one after the other. To the newcomer, the witch puts the entire venue in line. Cross arrived there with His Majesty the True King. Mitsu, who defeated one of the two Moss against Beh, whom the witch summoned further, is hit, and Krasabi, to whom Yumeka attaches and helps him where he was about to disappear, is also put to good use, where Deekichi from the kingdom is sent to sprinkle him on Milin's headstand. Deekichi, a smallworker in Krasabi who was ordered to put two people on the truncator who no longer knew which was Milin, turns it down and is about to get his arm chopped off with the Milins. Jamon, who stopped this, is shot with a magic gun and is fatally wounded. Satan appeared there, and used Leviathan to sink Moss into the remaining Beh, and also made allowance for the human bomb. The witch of the certainty of defeat causes every bond Satan has stretched to forward and disappears smelling like an eternal prison ahead of her.

The remaining True King Lilin will once give up the Millin rescue, but with the decision of the Supreme Council, he will narrow down the wisdom of all parties involved and work with Largo to make a calculation for the rescue. But to Lilyn, Largo cannot dispel the anxiety that his companion is malicious or demonic, let alone afraid that if he were a Divine Dragon, as in the Lower Horse Review, the human world would shake from the ground up. Still, in addition to Margaretta and Viscount Cyber, Sabatra, plus the lizards returning from the Republic, also expressed their participation.

Lago, on the other hand, does not wait for the sunset of the signing ceremony and wakes up in the fishing village opposite Demon King's Castle. Largo, who immediately checks the situation and also gathers information in an attempt to strike his hand at going to save the Krasabi, receives opposition from the Devil's Four Pillars, but the SS all express their companionship and rely on Mitisane, who says he is familiar with hell, to fly to Yapan that night. Meanwhile, Parisis undine and satan came to the possessed mite of the itchy, which was healing the wounded mite's body in the sacred fountain of Demon King's Island. Parisis urges Hayahusa to join the Milin Rescue Squad, and Satan declares his participation in giving back to the Krasabis.

Lago, who went to Yapan, sends down Masakato, the spiritual representative of the eastern kingdom, and learns from Michissane that he will go to eternal prison via Hell. But there is no beast in hell, so it must be transformed into a human in Largo. Masakato asks me to take Tomoe, and he promises to prepare a bird that will lead us to the well that leads us to hell.

Still that evening, Diekici spoke to Alessandro, who was in Bokovo's villa, and came to the inn where Lagon was to go with him to rescue Milin. Largo, who was informed, doesn't feel the benefit of taking him, although he wants to know how far he is found out, leaving that response to the cross. Cross listens to the two of them and understands why, taking them to give them an arms test before telling Largo. But that battle seems to have miraculously been a cross loss, a cross much angry with the way Deekichi wins. Upon hearing the whole thing, Largo withheld his decision.

At Platoshire Ground in Tao, the Elnas brothers and sisters, who were leaving messages in the middle of the night, respond to four old men who have come to visit to play and ask the bee squad to caddy and take care of Hifumi.

The four are dragon men, who see Hifumi as a demon tribe, and Hifumi, who is put through post-play surgery, tells the secret of Largo. The dragon men, who had decided at first that Largo was a bad thing surrounded by demons, gradually reconsider their thoughts in the testimony of Hifumi and Erna. But in the end, Largo's willingness to stop him from going to eternal prison cannot be changed, and he confronts 100 demons led by Hifumi, who has been untied. Though I flinched for a moment after hearing the sincere words from Hifumi, the dragon men prevail. Unexpectedly, the Demons, when they join forces, leak a feeling of misprospect, and the fury echoes, where nearly 6,000 Whipley armies are all. The Whipleys burned their souls to a special attack, and when they also involved the King's Capital if they fought properly, the four dispersed, and finally questioned Erna about the possibility of coexistence with the Demons.

Kudan, brought back by Hayami, who returned with Cross, dies suggesting the success of the rescue and then the focus of Largo. Soon the cyber ship and Satan came forward and backward as well.

Largo has a meeting with Satan, the devil, while the ship approaches. The two first began discussing each other with their secrets, but each other's good men mingle with each other, hitting the rescue mission of the Millins with their secrets.

Irrespective of the story in this edition, Ronoweh and Nami had developed the application of false life, resurrecting dead people like Ganjin and making troops in the King's Capital to serve in opposition hunting.


Introduction to the characters and unique nouns in Chapter 4 [] is now available

[Ronoweh the Great Wise] Galenos the Demon Summons the Devil


Apparently, there is a technique called "manipulation of clothes".

Zombie powder Secret medicine to create zombies from corpses.

[Old Unitota boss] In the past, the boss of an evil organization in the country that tried to push Tao away and divide the King's capital. A fellow subordinate to Whipley cornered him and killed him.

[Ganjin] The ability to provide the witch with the wounded and sick of a slave collapse for drug-enhancing humans.

[Naoko (Telepath)]

[Cumiko (Temporary Control)]

Signing Ceremony (Battle) Venue: Amphiciata

Regular lattice [cyber, margaretta, ghemon, largo, lagon, buell, milin, orton, mayor of moritz, allesandro, homma]

It partitions the operation of the magic tools of Amphiciata, the magician who closed the roof of the presenter glass case.

Drug enhancement, human bomb, drug enhancement, biological weapon with a bomb implanted in the human body.

[Hannah Lizard and Beard] Shadow Lizard, mainly on Milin's escort.

[Nagar (Sedation/Voice Color), Nanako (Indomitable Spirit)]

Vampire warriors, former Mafia executives, etc., who have attacked Moitz.

[Hayami (Fast Travel)]

[Pespectiva and Gasparn] Wizard.

[Tao and his men, the Automaton unit of Jamon] The powerful man of the back society.

[Beast Troop, Notarine] Mafia, Notarine is the virtual boss.

[Witch Aladia]

Such super monsters of behemoth elephants and kaba, were bred by witches.

[Buell] Demon King Galenos Summons the Devil

[Galenos] Demon King, who was nestled in the only demonic vein in the kingdom for 23 years, perished before the story began

[Dora] Largo's mother. Looks just like Mitsu.

Cloning A demon clan, Galenos, who had increased the number of pregnant mites to 100 based on the sperm he had retained in his body, had summoned him to make a subdivision.

Regular Grid [Cross, True King Lilin, Astleto (Ishtal God Mode)]

When Cross, the SP of the entire Shadow Royal Family, brought True King to Bokobo, he followed him with the Kingsguard.

[Krasabi (Demon Mode)] Bright red.

[Mitsu (Demon Mode)] Black.

[Yume] Spirit.

[Hanako (Rigid)]

[Gymon] An alchemist who is said to be the best in the world if you let him create an automaton.

[Satan/Lucy, Leviathan]

[Naomi (blood healing), Hatch (slave)]

[Sir Leold] King's match of His Majesty the True King. Millin's father. father of Alessandro's upbringing.

[Cagey] The head of the Shadow Horse.

[Clerk Metobese, Bokovo Provincial Chief Brass, Maid Olga, Tao]

Adventurers teaming up Explorer to go looking for wonders in the world

[Lilith] The evil spirit born of Lilith, created by True Dragon and made Satan's daughter-in-law. Goddess of the night. Possessed by Margaretta, but sealed with a cross.

[Chief Gordo] Head of the Gnome Holy Spirit living in the pit of Holy Springs in Ganima.

[Mesopota] geeky, hikikomori dwarf. I make all the unusual things.

[Lovelin] Automaton with red double-legged snake girl in it. Millin's data has entered and is being moved in operation mode.

Identity determination tool made by Dwarf Mesopota. I identify myself with magic judgments and such, but only Cross and Largo treat me specially.

Salamandra Sun God It is said that God rules the sun in this world. The Church professes.

Deputy Kingsguard, Calabre.

[Sabutler] Prince of the Nigel Forest Kingdom, Deacon of Brichard III. He was called the legendary warrior who snuggled up as a guide.

He was assassinated by Mafia, the predecessor king of the kingdom of the Nile dense forest south of King Ajames I.

National Guest Express Ship Seaforth One A royal exclusive vessel in the kingdom of the Nile dense forest south.

[NUMBER/CAGUETS] The former head of Shadow Xuan, two generations before Kagai, escaped the kingdom in order to inform the Apostle of the poverty of the world. It's supposed to be dead.

[Kagelow] Kagezu's brother. During the kingdom's escape, he escaped with True King's tease.

Gessner Kagez and Explorer were combined. Participate in banditry, money and women are sloppy.

Debradel Kagez and Explorer were combined. Mage with blunt giant movement.

The god beast who protects the forest, who slaughtered the winged beasts Kagelows and attacked the Kagez.

Apostle? (voice of dreams) The voice heard in the dream Kagezu had in the Great Forest of Afar.

An evil god who ruled the Deanna Moon and ordered Aradia to decay church forces spreading across the earth.

Serene, god of the moon. He was said to be god of the moon since ancient times, but he was expelled.

The name of God, known as Bafomet the Devil and the Demon God.

Young Woman (Dora) From a rural neighborhood in Bokovo Harbor, she was brought here and abandoned as a servant of the devil who was exposed to the Demon Nation and came to the Grand Canyon to pick up secret drugs. The lizards take them home, but they run along the way.


[No. 14] The automaton made by Jamon, now tentatively copied Millin's principle of behavior, is moving in independent mode

[Bipedal Snake Baby (Lovelin)]

[Astleto, Buell, Ronoweh, Samidina] Demon King Galenos Summons the Devil Four Pillars

[Prudential] Spirit with nothing but pungent abilities. Hidden in the hem of the Yumeka kimono.

[Parisis undine] Princess of the Undine tribe, chief.

Used when calling 30,000 hertz whistle hayahusa.

[Hayahusa] After the retirement of his fellow Undine and dragon descendant, Princess Parisis Undine, he cheated on him even though he had promised to marry him, and was devoured and broken back and forth.

[MADANTE PLANTA (Curse Collar)] Satan's specialty, a magical tool that sucks the energy out of what you put on. The opponent's capability changes Satan's degree of loss of magic when making it.

The Spirit who works in the Tenmangu Palace, where Michissane is the norm.

[Michisane] The Spirit who was the master of Yumeika.

Takamura, a friend of Michisane's father's and a working man. The day was in the morning court, and the night I was helping the devil.

The Spirit who keeps the patronage of the eastern kingdom of Masakatoyapan. Actually, a cheerful countryman.

Yamatano Orochi Grievance Spirit An evil spirit possessed by Masakato and doing whatever he wants.

[Yachiyo (Transform)]

[Alessandro, Deekichi]

Soldiers guarding villas.

No. 12 Lagon thing.

[Hayami (Fast Travel), Heiji (Animal Manipulation), Cross (Sacred Ability Resistance)]

[Godfrey, Yosel High]

For liaison with seabird vessels and fixtures planted with special training.

[Erna, Camilla, Ares] Currently works at Pratoshar Ground in Tao.

Mysterious Old Man Four: Shermany, Midfender, Blocking, Wilhelm Dragon Man.


0123 ─ ─ Hiffy Bees Team ─ One of the original Bees 100th Squad in the Beekeepers, one of the two that barely took their lives after being hit by holy water in the Royal Castle General Attack.

Same as 0175 Hiffmi.

[Quadrapur] He was the general of the Wipley 10000.

Kudan/The Spirit of Prophecy. Once prophesied, he dies.

[Erigos] Demon King Galenos Summons the Devil

They have the skills to build connections.

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