"There it is.

Satan, whose restoration of the Demonic Nucleus was completed, was able to search for clairvoyance as well as teleclairvoyance, and Margaretta's whereabouts soon began to be precise from the general distance and direction heard from Kagelow.

Even the naked eye can faintly see out of the castle, but it seems to be a stubborn making, and of course the atmosphere surrounding the ghost has been conveyed so much that there are not a few in place of soldiers.

Kagelow, who can finally call me without about to misstate herself, gives me a voice that doesn't seem confident.

"But sister, isn't it impossible to fight a little with this number of people after all?

"I don't have to fight it. Anyway, if you manage to get Lilith out of Margaretta, it's ours.

"That's all, you're that sister-in-law, aren't you? Indeed, right now, I'm sure Satyrus, who manipulates this hierarchical idiosyncratic greed demon, is inactive, and the number of greed demons is small and seems to move slowly. Otherwise, even if this is off the hierarchy, we can't all be so decent.

"In that case, what did the warlord's old man say? Something about Satyrus hitting on me.

According to Kagelow, when Satyrus is active, greedy demons dance crazy to every corner of the hierarchy, and even though there are individual differences, the deceased are not sane under their influence and flirt with their own desires.

"That was lucky. In the meantime, uh, you don't have a precursor to the point.

With that kind of rhetoric, Advice The most greedy skinned guy on this team came in the penetration.

"What about the money that precedes us? What the hell kind of a shack is that?

"Hey idiot, what good is money going to do here? Magic. Magic. I have so much energy to make a Madante Planta collar to seal that Lilith, because Lilith herself doesn't have such a great deal of magic, it's not like that time, but still without a little energy - because my contents are soaked up.

"What about that one?

Even if they say so, I get in trouble. It's the hardest part right now. It was still too sweet to expect to see a warcraft with plenty of magic somewhere or just Largo or Mitsu.


"Use mine.

Surprised. Alessandro, who has followed me thinking that walking is something like doing, is clearly expressing his will.

But the will didn't immediately come to Satan.


"I 'm-- you'd understand. I have a lot of magic.

"What are you talking about, because you only have the magic of the royal family," I thought about it a lot, and it was almost at the same time that I realized with clairvoyance that this was not the creation of a human body.

Satan swallows all the words he tried to say. And then I say another word out of my mouth that I tried to say, 'Nah.'

"What? You're... I see! Right. You're the same as Lagon, but if you take it, you are.

"Are you saying you're going to be unable to move? ─ ─ Originally, it didn't help me or anything. Margaretta, you can't fight as many adults and as many children as you can.

"Are you that strong?

"Oh, if you do 10 bottles, they'll take 10. Besides, the battle is decided instantly.

Disappointing deekichi. He's the only militant in this, and I guess he was expecting a little. But that's when.

"I'm sorry...

At the last voice, everyone there looked at each other looking for whose statement. I suddenly heard a voice from no-one where.


"Who? You're the one I'm talking to right now? Ghosts."

Yes, the ghost who pulled the luggage... - Cockatoo was there. And surely the voice should have come from that one.

"No, no, this is him now.

"What? This?

Cockatoo pointed it on the luggage car.

"Yes, it's me.

"Ho, you can talk even if you fall apart like this, number 12. Where'd you get that? You've got some amazing moves.

Calling the wreckage of the lagon No. 12 means that from the time Diekichi was in Ghamon Lab, he was involved in building the lagon's automaton. When I asked Jamon Labs at the time, I thought he was the one who made the frigid one his apprentice.

I heard such a conversation between Dirkichi and Lagon, and now I have something to talk about self-immolation. Alessandro.

"Yes, you should have let me fall apart. I'm such a useless...

"What are you talking about, when you fall apart, you're dead. Don't you? If that happens, who goes to eternal prison?

"No, I...

I thought that was it. To make everyone understand Alessandro's true misery, it seemed necessary to publish the truth.

"Something Alessandro, that's really dark. It's all falling apart.

"─ Whatever you want.

"What, what's a rose?

"Good thing, don't be surprised. Listen. I forgot about that earlier, too.

Yes. I am self-inflicted as a human being, Alessandro here is not actually a human being. Satan explains the whisper.

When Alessandro attacked him at the Castle of the Demon King, Satan, who was out of magic, accidentally sucked Alessandro's magic from every memory of him.

They say that the real Alessandro flesh rests in a pit of the Holy Spirit beneath the Royal Castle, so to speak, in a state that has lost its soul.

It was here in Alessandro who set the information Satan had pulled out into an automaton made of lagon parts in the lab of Gymon, and he said that it did have something like Alessandro's soul in it, but his body was just an automaton.

And Lagon, now part of a fragmented doll, is also said to be seen by many sifting superhuman sword moves in the name of kingdom braves, but perhaps it must have copied the moves of a famous swordsman.

"It is. Actually, I have Margaretta's body surgery embedded in me. On top of that, I got some of Godfrey's swordsmanship, some other Krim's hand dexterity, and the tactics are loaded from Sir Leold's collection and worn.

"Something like that, when you transfer human memory to an existing automaton, you can create the ultimate homunculus that the master was aiming for.

Nevertheless, I didn't know that he was creating the same flesh made of man, but Master Geimon was still a genius. Something like that. Dirkichi is alone in admiration.

After all, even though he was ruthless and broke with both his ability and guts, he is only a rare and likeable apprentice, who helped even if Jamon broke his favorite power suit.

"That's right, Deekichi, don't you think you can cure Lagon?

"I can't do that. I wonder if I can cure you without such a broken tool.

"Really, you just can't? Kagelow said he didn't have any of those tools either.

"Yes, you don't seem to have a habit of using tools to make or cure things in hell.

This place called Hell, however Away, seemed to be solidified with all the unusable things around it.

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