Erigos forced his former subordinate, Salé's power, who specializes in the art of metastasis, to summon the demon Astleto to explain the circumstances, before letting him take the secret book that Dantalian had forgotten, inside the castle of the Demon King, which we cannot enter ourselves. Among them should have been words written that prophesy the future chosen by Galenos the Demon King, which Erigos most desires to know at present.

As soon as Astleto is taking the book by the power of Salé, in case, Erigos instructs Salé not to spread much of its contents before returning to Gymon.

And after a while, Astleto came back with a thick book that looked familiar.

"This is it.

But a large book of bright white taken would have been exposed to the repellence of the Holy Springs while trapped in the junction of Demon King's Castle. Dantalians and Erigos, who are not close to each other, to a dangerous and abominable atmosphere that is impossible to stand up to.

"That's Astleto. But can't you do something about it?

"Hmm. But the repellence of the Holy Springs is not something you can take so quickly once it's on. Stay a little further. So, which area do you read? I'll read it here.

"Yes, then, I'm afraid...

Dantalian carefully instructed Astleto where he was.

The book of secrets is something that does not float the necessary information unless it is in the hands of Dantalians, but the content that appears once also does not disappear unless it is intended by Dantalians themselves, so at the end of the text that is floating conveniently a lot, there should have been that wording.

And finally, Astleto finds the page of Erigos' chosen Scenario of Galenos, the Demon King he wanted to know, in which the Trail Successor Largo will be the champion of the earth.

"Then I'll read it. Uh, the day the castle sleeps, the day it rises."

Once he listens to it, Erigos rushes to withhold Astleto from reading.

"Uh, no, no, I heard that. No, just remember that the Dantalians are the only ones with that sentence. The world wants to hear it next.

"Well, next time. The day the castle sleeps, the day it rises."

Exactly the same. How many times should I make him say the same thing, Erigos roughs up his voice that there is a limit to the warmth of his head, no matter how much he speaks of the Grand Duke of Astleto, the user of the Galenos Demon Castle.

"Well, wait, wait. Isn't that the same?

"No, calm down, it's the same beginning. Earlier, he said, 'On the day when the castle brings the demon to a sleeping sunrise, the servants of the Son of God wave the blade without knowing its meaning.' And then it's like, 'Tsuyoki things don't tend to beat each other right, they beat each other with their own lifeblood.' Until the next sentence is around it, the text is the same - 'I shake the blade without knowing what it means.' Next is different.

Come on. Early in Erigos, I can see you're in a bad mood, an inherently bloody Astleto.

But it could be. It would be strange if it weren't for the same place where the Demon King's Castle was attacked.

"I see, I'm sorry about that. Then read it from the beginning.

Have you cared for Erigos, who has metabolised, and Astleto begins reading again toward the book?

"Got it. Then - 'On the day when the castle brings the devil to a sleeping sunrise, the servants of the Son of God wave the blade without knowing its meaning. Good things. They will take the armament of this battle, and they will take the cripples, and there will be a virgin Abbess before them, and they will be found, and they will form a demon palace in the midst of the underworld. And the devil gathered unto it, and forgot the divine things, and dawned upon it, and made enemies before he dived with the devil's things into the flock of sheep, and smeared, and mourned. I seek the path that leads to the unwillingness of my power to rebel against dark searches and finally untangle my origins. After intervening in the Temple of Ambush and reaching the Daego Immunity, the hundred-year-old Heqing, for no reason, also relies on the power of the people of the United States, and then leaves the others, and at last even symbolizes the Son of the Dragon, and stands at the apex of all living and living things, with the grace of the earth, until the light of day comes upon him.'.


"What do you think, Erigos? This content-

Erigos nods again and again to divulge his thoughts after having his head crushed the sentence for a while.

"Hmm, this is for sure. It would certainly be a prophecy of a future that has become a reality, chosen by Master Galenos.

"Well, is it?

Unwrapping his arm, Erigos conveyed what he had largely deciphered.

"First of all, the beginning is the same, but 'good things win armies of this battle' must mean, of course, that we demons are evil and humans are good. It was the humans, not the demons, who won that battle.

"Surely if you say so, there would be one story that doesn't make sense right now that we are good. When people say that the world is good or right, it feels silly.

"Sa too. Because it's" The Devil "by name. And the place" I want to take the crippled up "is slightly irritating, but I must be referring to Lago, who was also taken to the King's Capital for many fears and captives while still in eggs. But more so with the crippled...

When I hear that, Astleto also seems to be slightly outraged, but that is not to the human opponent who has only the power when it comes to bugs. I guess he remembers his anger at his own fuzziness more than that.

I don't know if this is just a conjunction, but Erigos doesn't point out that it doesn't affect a lot of people.

"You're absolutely right. What a pleasure, albeit temporary. I just don't seem to remember you on most of the itinerary, but it didn't seem to hold up.

"Ha, that's a rigid thing to look forward to ahead. ─ ─ But I'm not sure what" virgin "means. In the previous sentence, there was" The Fountain of the Virgin of the Sheep, the Father, welcomes a new God, "which meant that there was a wording that seemed to be about the Holy Fountain, which had never been offended by the Demons. Now, can I understand this as a fountain, too?

"No, then I understand. Lago is first adored by Her Royal Highness the Princess Milian Rune in front of the ritual of adulthood after being entered into the royal castle. Besides, he also met the good Ripleys, a legion of beautiful women, and organized the SS, which is made up of more than twenty demons and others who stand out as children. Isn't he referring to that princess or toddler's wipley as a virgin" pawn "? I hear that Whipley, who had a role to play in exploring everything Largo, has worked. And you remember-- you remember-- The man Satan brought in to make the good stuff, his name is..."

"Is that Euda?

Then we lived together in a lab in Gymon until a few days ago. He also told me that he did take him to the royal castle, and how he was adored there.

"That's right. From the Castle of the Demon King, where it sank into the sea, he brings out the eggs of the Lord Largo, hatches them on the road of the Church Army Triumph to the King's Capital, and listens as if one of the wiples who was watching the moment had noticed. Let's just say I found the missing Largo. And it was that made-to-measure coffee that made it. That's where the maid lives, probably if you call it the Demon Palace.

"Were you, I see. The neighborhood was a stranger to the world. You should have thanked him more. I didn't know you could connect me to your people. So you've become more and more credible that reality is moving forward as this prophecy suggests. And then," The Devil's Thing, the God-fearing thing, the God-fearing thing, "he says, means that Lago didn't realize he was a dragon.

Having heard the story, Astleto stares at Erigos with the book aside and shouts out like he made a fool of himself. What a disgruntled young Virgin she is.

"Oh, my God, what does Erigos get told about the slippage between them? Master Largo is revealed to be the Demon King. He will be the Great Demon King, who is of the same demonic lineage as us. If you're talking about demons, what do you mean, stupid Largo is a dragon?

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