Yoshinaka, who thinks she carried two brocade beauty flags to the jailguards coming to her teeth surrounding Yoshinaka, such as protecting Largo and progressing, can't hide her confusion.

"Oh, my God, you know what I mean? You will not only point the blade at this Yoshinaka, but also at the Dragon God and the use of the Salamandra God to make fun of it.

"I can't help it. If it is the role of our prison guards to preserve the peace of hell.

The saying-word, Largo, who had a cock in "Peace in Hell," immediately discovered something caught in a few ghosts as he glanced through the hearts of the ghosts and searched his memories with the keyword "annihilation. 'Conscience' is strange, but because it is reproached in my heart, it is raised by the way and easy to understand. Largo also found" Rather ", an example lowered from the waist, connected to the one and only word of silence.

"Hey, you guys, I'm guessing you're talking about peace in hell, and you're inhibiting the immediate silence of the deceased, aren't you? On an order from King Jardaba. See, the ghost there has that rather like one. Isn't that a tool to inhibit euphoric silence?

The ghosts so told are clearly standing face to face with each other. When Yoshinaka saw that she was surprised at what it was talking about, it was obvious from such classified information that she had been secretly blinded. He is a decorative lord.

"Hey, what are you talking about, this thing? How do you know our terrible secret?

"Are you not the suspicious intruder that King Jardaba said?

"We're all looking forward to it. All the hierarchies until I got here, and they all let me come right.

At last the blood phase of the ghosts changes, but still the red ghosts remain red and the blue ghosts remain blue, so the question remains whether this expression is correct.

"Everyone, never let these men escape. When we find out the secret's leaked from here, we'll have a big eyeball from King Jardaba.

When the anger rose all the time, the ghosts simultaneously attacked Largo and Josinaca, who stood before him. Of course Tomoe and Tamamo can't miss that.

Tomoe leaps out in front of the two of them, swinging the tamamo that has turned into a sword again and cutting it with a bat. ─ Though, I don't get two straight, my neck flies, or my arms slit a thousand times if the attack on the tamamo is like that, or because this is hell.

When the tip of the sword, divided into nine pieces, captures and skewers the ghosts that attack freely, the jailers become immobile like they ran out of energy at once.

That calmed the battle down so much.

"What is the strength of this monster?

"I didn't know he was in hell.

Jailguards leaking surprise voices along with a slight groan as they sit down or as they remain fallen.

The strength of a prison ghost in hell, as Michisane had told me on earth, seems very toothless in living things.

"I have just sucked all the spirits of evil spirits that ghosts possess. Don't worry, I won't disappear as a ghost.

"What, Tamamo, if you don't even leave a little for this Yoshinaka, wouldn't you have the chance to show my brave warriors to the Dragon Gods?

"You sound great. There's a hipster who's always been protected by the women's stomach. Because he broke up with Tomoe at the end of the day, he fell into the hands of his enemies before sunset.

"Also do things that expose my shame to the gods.

"Master Noshi, don't talk to me like that, let's get ahead of ourselves. We need to send the dragon god over soon and talk plenty.

With those words on his back, as on the journey so far, he puts Largo on the back of his tamamo, teases him of the beginning, but then lets him walk his tamamo, taking the form of Yoshinaka and Tomoe samurai to the left and right behind Largo's step.

The ghosts who have done away with the manifestation of a desire to leave the scene quickly so that the sermons do not pop up any longer on the spot properly roll it around, and everyone hurries to eternal prison in an attempt to get out of this hierarchy as quickly as they can.

Anyway, now it's not just Millin and Crusty. Even the hanakaru and the beard, who were told to be sure to come back alive, were thrown into eternal prison with a lotus student because they followed Largo's instructions to anchor the Valkyrian feather coat to the ground and inhibit the prison feeding of Serene, the so-called goddess of the moon, on it.

(─ Yes, the number was firmly saying to Serene, the goddess of the moon at that time, what was Deanna, the evil god?

Hoping to ask the number later, he soon reunited with Viscount Cyber, Satori's raid, from which Largo ran off with the tamamos and broke up with the number, and he didn't have time for that sincerity, but even this hellish anomaly is being done by Bafomet, sent by something called Deanna, the moon's evil goddess who was involved for Serene, the moon goddess. Something's gotten so horrible about Largo being caught up in a hell of a big story before he knew it. I feel like that is no longer the case with rescuing two women from eternal prison. Up to this point, I have managed to come along well by tricking the dragon, but after this, I am worried that things will be very difficult and that I will have to ascend as soon as I get back to earth as a result.

I could hear a slightly gutsy word leaking from Yoshinaka, reassuring me that after I started walking a little, I had no more snakey remarks to make about such a Largo problem.

"There's really a lot going on today. King Jardaba went through here, and with the guidance of Master Masakato, he made a tease of himself, or even the Dragon God...

There was no way Largo missed those words. Even if it wasn't facing the face, Yosinaka's complexion looked concerned and peered, so the dialogue, which leaked all over Boso, also went into his ear so that the sound he picked up on the microphone flowed from the earphones.

"What, today? Has King Jardaba passed through here recently?

"I can't wait to see it. You're moving up. Are you moving?

Yasushi, every hierarchy should have been flying around to promote annihilation, so if you discover Yasushi, the evil you ordered, is trying to stop Kusushi, you should take some action.

In response to Yashidashi, Josinaka spoke of the time he met King Jardaba with a twist on his neck.

"No, that's funny, but there was something intruder in the upper hierarchy, so I went on a covert inspection, and I just saw you around the exit of this hierarchy on the way home. Besides, you don't bring a different hand washing ghost.

"The exit of this hierarchy? So you came up and down once?

If that's the case, I think it's odd that the Largo guys didn't squeak out because they were so rampant.

I met the Four Heavens King, but that shouldn't have been King Jardaba.

"We met. Get out of the way. Even so, I don't know what kind of monster that Jardaba King is.

Yes, the Largos have only heard that name so many times now, but of course they have not heard what kind of monster it is.

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