"That's enough, when you get here. ─ ─ Even if you open your mouth.

Lucy speaks kindly to me.

She, too, seems to have kept her mouth shut as long as she could in response to what Erigos said earlier.

After all, with two women, Girls Talk is a must.

"Thank you. I call it crunchy.

"I know. What Euda often hears.

Yes, I was just greeted from the other side.

"How far do you carry it?

"All the way down here, I made another cell. I don't think it's a prison. It's a special room. Do you have a hard mouth?

"It's okay. I also told Euda that I would cast an obsolete spell when this was over, so...

"You are. Your Capa will lose a lot of magic, won't it? I really don't have to go that far. Then I'll do you some special magic when I get out of here. The one I call Petite Mada. Well said, my specialty. It only sucks away certain memories and seals them. If they put that collar on you and you might remember when it lost its effect, but that can't be in the world, so it's definitely the way to go.

Lucy then put on the spell she had planned for me when the work was finished as she put it and back in front of the castle's cookery.

What Krasabi remembered was the memories sealed at that time. Lucy revealed that - no, then she came to pick up Judah from Satan, who is now mixed up with this rescue team - that Satan, and she told me in detail what she was going to do. And Krasabi also understood that now was the time when Lucy wore that collar, which was supposed to be 'That can't be in the world', and that it had lost its effect.

And as it brings back that memory, it's still clear that the truth about where you are right now is something you can't go wrong with.

Satan, who had since been named Lucy, finally cut out a story that touches the core of Krasabi.

"You told me after this that you would seal all those memories, so I'll tell you as clearly as I can. First of all, what you have now, it's a dragon woman who I put on my Madante Planta collar and couldn't use all my abilities. Madante Planta's collar is a cursed collar that sucks all the energy out of its body and makes it impossible to use its power. It's my specialty. Those who can do the same will probably no longer be on this earth. And if they put this collar on, in the words you know... you've heard of eternal prison, haven't you? I feel the same way when I'm in it.

Just hearing the name Eternal Prison, Krasabi, whose spine was run cold, spoke unexpectedly.

This - maybe a woman - that I have is sleeping in my arms right now, experiencing such a different dimension of pain.

"Eh! I don't know..."

"─ It should be. Until all the energy is sucked out. Normally, by then, my consciousness may be flying and I don't know. It's harder than dying in prison, isn't it? I don't know, of course I've never wanted to go in there before, but I've actually always liked one person. At the time, he was able to make the same thing, but... when I said experiment, or made something like that for another purpose, something else came in that I had no intention of doing, and I went inside to help it, and I hurried to throw something in by mistake.

"Uh, if you do that!

"Of course, it seems like a lot has happened to me since I couldn't get out. Well, in the end, I managed to save him, too. But originally, just before that, I used a lot of energy to make Madante Planta's stuff, so it seemed really hard enough to actually rip my soul apart.

"─ That's what the person said.

I feel rusty when my hair feels better. But in old times, were there many Madante Planta collars like Satan and wizards who could make the same thing?

And I wonder why he's gone now. Krasabi, who has no knowledge of the wizard's origins, just hangs his neck.

"Harder than that, I knew creatures would always die, but the moment of accepting that death is the hardest. I don't know if that's the limit you can't get over as a creature, or if you don't want to get over it. In jail, I don't know how that feels, or should I say it's pain, but it goes on and on and on and on. Still won't die? I guess that's why they say it's better to die. But in fact, the only person who came back from that experience...

If I didn't go through everything myself, my mouth also got a little loose on the blank satan pretending like I didn't know.

"But from what I've been in once, how can you help me out?

"You can't have a system of eternal prison right now, I'm sure. He said he made it so he couldn't do it the other way around. That's what I heard. But what that person made in the experiment, when I said it, was just a container that made the collar of the Madante Planta into space and had the same function, so I don't think it would have been a problem to jump inside and throw out someone who was falling in there while I was conscious.

"How did that person get out afterwards?

Krasabi only asks me how it would help if I were thrown into a place like that.

"Uh, well, like I was about to say, when you put that collar on, you said you'd feel the same way you went to jail. There's a limit to how much you can suck in a container the size of this collar. If you exceed that limit and the collar stops functioning, then you can crawl out with a strong sense of consciousness as you endure it, even if you have the pain of being sucked away again when energy comes from your natural undoing power.

"How much energy can you suck away from that?

"It makes a collar, - I can set it up, for example. If I fail to do so and set the capacity of that Madante Planta collar much smaller than the other person's level, it's only a hard time until it's full. It's just not normal, so you'd better think about it until the magic and vitality of the person you've been put on is gone.

That much I heard revealed one question on my head. Satan's commentary is only about half understandable, as it seems to be quite a bit of a mess. The crusty question that cannot be considered so elaborately is simple.

"Huh? Don't we demons get wiped out when all our magic is gone? Doesn't that mean there are no demons in eternal prison?

"Oh, I don't know how I regulate eternal prison because I didn't make it, but the collar I make reads and makes the other's capa beforehand. I can't cope with something like the gradual gushing of energy out of my body pulse, like the royal family, but I wonder if the system is autonomously doing that kind of regulation. And I've always thought I'd taste the pain.

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