Diekichi, the face that suddenly came to mind there, suddenly spoke to Satan as if he had discovered the proposal.

"How about copying the information stored in No. 12 to Alessandro all the time? Mr. Lucy, are you good at copying?

"Uh, I'm not good at it. It was a coincidence that I sucked Alessandro's off, and it was Largo who came up with this method in the first place.

I don't want you to say that I can't. The opponent is the first magical descriptor in this world to come up with the idea of embedding the script in a magic tool, the best alchemist in the world.

There's no way Satan can imitate anything like that, even if it's a niggat at at all. Neither could Alessandro's copy paste without a hands-on lesson from Gymon.

(But I don't have a problem if they tell me to do the same thing again because I only remember these things.

Largo was doing something to the biological human brain that overrides the memories, experiences, and techniques gained by others to make those abilities his own.

Diekichi tells Satan to do the same, overriding Alessandro the abilities that Lagon gained by integrating them that way, but he gets in trouble for having them say it so easily because Lago can.

"Exactly how can you do a divine thing?

"That's no good. You shouldn't do it.

Now, I can't get around, but I only have a database with a lot of knowledge, and I can't get out of Lagon. When I hear that, the fallen magician Dirkichi leaks his displeasure.

"Why not, number 12. If I could, would it be worth a try?

"I was thinking about Largo for a while. If it wasn't me, if I overwrote the extra another human thing on the data of a normally born and raised person, I would have stopped knowing that the person was born and raised, that they could be distinct from their original personality, that the parts that would be fundamentally needed would be missing, or that they would create inconsistencies in the person, and that they might upset their balance as human beings.

If you ask me, when pasting Alessandro's data, I should have written it all down where there was nothing. I mean, it was a blank paper state, so I couldn't even think about it. Still, Geimon made Satan do the polite task of writing out his experiences and memories separately for something called Pastebowl and Library Metal once too, just because it was the way Largo did when he wrote the data to Millin's automaton, and copped it to Alessandromaton.

But in the case of Lagon, there is a mixture of Margaretta's body technique, Godfrey's swordsmanship, and someone else's dexterity. You're going to cope with that over an Alessandromaton that already has one serving of memory and experience, but Satan, who doesn't know the reason, has no idea how that's possible without erasing existing data.

"Then why were you, in addition to all the other things, okay?

"I don't have my original personality or anything, so even if my original personality breaks down, you don't know. Originally, it was irregular to move in autonomous mode this way, and it only had the role of a connection, so to speak, which was starting to automatically change when the operating instructions from Largo were interrupted. When I was in trouble, my signal came out, so I had difficulty judging and doing so, even when it came to my personality, it was to that extent. Oh, and when I overwrote it, I was careful not to overlap Largo politely. They're each put together separately for each ability. Plus, I took backups in advance, so that I could turn them all off and put them back together when I had to.

"I see. If I could write in a pastebowl or something..."

In the case of Lagon, it seemed to be done experimentally with no original readiness, since he was ready to go back to the state he was in before Lago completely overwrote, even if he failed.

If there's anything else in there, it's possible to leave it there. But now it doesn't either. First of all, Satan doesn't know how to turn it all off. If you can do that, after transferring the contents of the lagon to Alessandro, if you blank the lagon's storage device and write down what you have, even if something happens to you, you can take it home and figure it out.

I don't know why Largo only knows that, but I guess that's why they call him a magical descriptor who plays games and rarely sees them.

It's not convenient to say that you don't remember anything, but that's the only place where peculiar memories come out flabby.

"Isn't that funny? You can break my personality. If you can be strong, do it.

"Akan, if Alessandro's personality goes crazy, His Highness the Millian Rune will grieve.

Dirkichi is right. There is no question that the data on the personality that has been overwritten and gone crazy remains strange even if it can be restored to its original body.

When you return to normal life, there is no guarantee that there will be no obstacles.

"I can't go back to that place anymore!

It is clear from anyone's eyes that Alessandro is already a jerk. There is no way any good measure can succeed in this.

But an unexpected helpship raised its voice to see the octagonal blockage of such a kingdom's leading hero.

"Mr. Alessandro.

He is Hayaji, a deceased who was dropped from purgatory to the lowest level with Satan and has followed him until now claiming to protect Satan.

Suddenly, an unrecognizable big old man caught me in front of him, and it was Alessandro who ate him.

"Hey, what are you?

Hayaji, who is grateful, looks up and shows off his former fierce man's awesomeness. Alessandro was supposed to be depressed until now, but he was slightly overheard.

"I am a king and a citizen of Hayaji. So I don't know what's hard. But His Highness the Millian Rune is the hope of our people. And Alessandro is his patron saint, the Guardian. His Royal Highness has an immortal warrior named Alessandro as his brother, so we lived in peace. Even when the Wang Du was about to be hit by the Demon Clan, they went to the Demon King's Castle to protect His Highness Milian Rune from the Demon Clan, didn't they?

"Well, that's... But now I'm...

Alessandro doesn't want to get laid and try to work it out like a shin child. Both Satan and Diekichi give up that there is nothing more they can do, but Hayaji eats down.

"You haven't changed now or ever. Why is Alessandro here? To help His Highness, I presume? Then don't be rude. Tao's husband said he was coming. He said the one who fights to lose is stupid.

"Well... Am I stupid? But sooner or later, the blood of a monster named King Jardaba appeared.

"You can eat something like that!


Alessandro stares at Hayaji in surprise at the words.

"You can do it. I wouldn't count on talking about things like me, but I was a country bum until I met Tao. My father, who was a left-hand man, was soaked in alcohol, and he sifted all the violence against his mother without even doing his job. After my mother died prematurely, I ran away before I was 12. Then he went on a bad road, and he remembered to drink and do the same thing as his father. That's when I met Mr. Tao, who was coming to the region to build the Platoshire grounds. I got into a fight in the tavern and got knocked down. ─ ─ Well, put aside the details, I got Mr. Tao to slap me back in the gut like that. Then I stopped saying a drop of alcohol. I've tried to think I've had enough for the rest of my life. So if you're Alessandro, the immortal warrior, eat the blood of King Jardaba.

"Damn it. - You know what? Fuck it. -Okay. Right. Fuck you!

Alessandro looked like a blowout for the first time. Something tells me that Deekichi is convinced of the situation.

I don't know about Satan, but Alessandro seemed to have something to feel for the keyword 'fuck it'.

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