"By the way, Viscount Cyber which. Could you introduce him to us, too?

From slightly up the back of Viscount Cyber, he pinched his mouth as a flying spirit moving to the right mixed in the conversation.

Towards that spiritual body, Viscount Cyber answers with regret.

"Oh Lord Michissane. I'm sorry outside the mosquito net. As I said earlier, Lord Suulia was the gatekeeper when we tried to break through the gates of Hell with three inches at the mouth of that Dirkichi without waiting for Lago and his successors. Lord Swuriya, this is one of us, and this spiritual body is better known as Lord Michissane, which became the proclamation of Lago the Divine Dragon from an island nation called Yapan, on the eastern edge of the earth, which protects the kingdom of Yapan, which says it is before the Spirit, and it is also God in that country. And this woman, from the republic that just signed a security pact with our kingdom, may I say that she is a helper in attendance? Nevertheless, you yourself are said to have benefited greatly from the royal family of my kingdom, the number which.

Swuriya presses and stops when she is about to sigh.

The poor reactions I make here can give the Cyber Viscounts extra disappointment or, in turn, anticipation.

But when I thought about it, I thought the first person I had was six human species. Not even a piece of clothing was damaged by the time I reached that place called the Gate of Hell, and I wondered what the hell I had come to do with it.

Its main culprit, and this Viscount who seems to be the leader of the troops, the two who thought they were half-fishers, might be supermen, or brave men, or a mixture of the water Holy Spirit, Undine, and the Beast Man. And I thought it would be rude, so I didn't pursue it, but there's two of them like artificial humans.

Nevertheless, being a living human species, they ended up flirting with a spiritual attack, a hell of a maneuver, which was also inflicted on the demon. The artificial man seems to have endured.

In any case, I could see that it was Othi who would mummify the mummification if he went into eternal prison in such a formation. Nothing friendly or anything, but I wish I could give up and go home. Not a snoring inside, but a demon king is not a ghost. He is somewhat of a kind God of heart.

But in fact, there were still hidden balls.

Nine-tailed silver fox that its general is, after all, the new dragon Largo that that Salamandra God is watching over its end, but it was among the demons that ran on it. I don't know who the woman who was using it is, but it must be the lineage of the famous Yin Yang Master, who is said to be in the country at the end of the east, who can probably use so many demons. And here you are, a woman with the right arm of a dragon. And it's a ghost that merges with evil spirits and serves them.

For humans this is supposed to be an away, but if we have led something that can work in hell so far, would it be inevitable to have some expectation? His Royal Highness, the princess who wants to be rescued, must be a savage fruit reward.

"Well amazing man, I brought Ginger. I thought it was just humans, so I thought it was kind of lame, but that would be comforting." Even so, all the bright stories here can't say it's kind to them. Swuriya still ghosted her mind and cut out a tough story. "Still, that..., you went first, Mr. Kanryu? I don't care what kind of hidden balls you put out there. In that regard, I agree with the four of you.

"What can they say?

"Whatever, I don't want you people named Kanryu-san to go as long as you're human, if you're human. Now the earth and this hell are pretty far to the ground. If I could, I would ask the dragon to do me a favor.

I can't afford to be talking about the details, but Salamandra God told me this universe is stuffed with cut wings. Besides, if we talk about that, it's the kind of bloody ones who want to get Largo into battle and get him into the moon world that he's not even ready for yet.

Everyone here looks like they've heard me say this many times before.

I seem to have grasped the general contents of such a story, and after chewing it for a while Michisane speaks directly to Swuria.

"One thing from me, I'd like to ask Master Swuriya.

"What did you say about the Spirit of Japan-- God's Spirit? Really, that country, whatever it is, is going to be a god. Well, let's do something like a ghost, shall we? I do see shards of divinity in you, too. So what do you want to hear?

"Yes, I think it's natural that Master SURIYA has already been told quite a bit at the Hell Gate that Master Shinryu Largo has been found out who he is, but why the hell are the four dragon men after Master Largo earlier? I was able to get out at the same time as them and the conversation seemed to be taking place, so I thought you knew something.

I see this ghost is distrustful that the dragon man is after him, knowing that he is a dragon. Naturally, we are hostile about it and it seems we have never discussed it.

"Well, it's a lot of stuff. At first, you don't like the birth of that dragon. That's a lot now-- no, I was just talking to him, and he changed his mind a lot. Now you think it's more a waste than a dislike to have a goddragon born on earth locked up in a prison of missouri?

"That means that not only Master Sulya, but those four, even Master Largo, will never return to the lower realm if they are put in eternal prison, and they don't even think it will come out of it.

A woman with the right arm of a dragon suddenly comes to visit in desperate shape.

Sounds cute, but you're right. If he chopped off his right arm and left it, it would be impossible to crawl out of it.

I just had to tell him that even the true dragon who made it, even the Salamandra God, couldn't do it.

"That's natural. The only thing I've ever been able to get in and out of there is the special thing that I've been chained out of jail to bring Kammon who works in there and doesn't go in there. I don't know if you were born in tens of thousands of years, but even if you say dragons, I can't believe you're coming out. Even the Salamandra gods were absolutely capable of dragging him out of jail once. ─ ─ Though he said so himself.

"Salamandra, is that the Great God, who is said to unite all this universe?

Even so, there are only two more spirits here who have come from the earth, but when I heard the story, I silenced them. It seems like all hope has been lost.

After all, shouldn't his name have been given? Salamandra God is all hope for man, the hope of the future. But the Salamandra God himself now supports the universe in a state of death, on earth.

If we cannot improve this, in case we can save His Highness the Princess, a thousand years from now, or hundreds of years from now, if worse - no, if what we are trying to do is speed it up for a moment is move in hell today or in the back society on earth, then in a hundred years or so, the life of Salamandra God may be exhausted.

Still, True Dragon never gave up and had hope for the future. Were you saying, "Giving up is a fool's conclusion"?

That must be communicated to them.

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