Largo tries to find out what happened when Josinaca met King Jardaba and peeks into his memory.

Then it will be Alessandro, next to him is Deekichi, and Lem, who will come up there. And a closer look at what's been going on since the encounter, it seems that this Josinaca looked more like Alessandro and mistaken him for King Jardaba just because of his appearance. Alessandro, of course, didn't know what he was doing, and while he was standing around, he saw how Dirkichi was getting rounded up because of something that seemed like it.

(─ Besides, Deekichi also got on with the assignment from his mouth. But why would Alessandro be the king of Jardaba, mistaken for the god of hell?

Yoshinaka complains, capturing Tamamo's verbal butt earlier, as Largo saw where he thought so too. In other words, it's about running King Jardaba's mouth as a 'monster'.

"A monster is rude. King Jardaba hasn't been quite a crisp man, and his tender heart is highly appreciated even in hell. I can't deny it's somewhat easy to cut off, and I don't think you can do it fast, but you're smart enough to think you're a god of wisdom at all, you're impeccable.

"Oh, really?

Once again tracing Josinaca's memory, the footage comes to mind of when he was assigned here, in the appointment of King Jardaba. He's different, but he looks just like Alessandro. At first glance, surrounded by jailguards ghosts and compared to the Nandoya tribe that Cross fought for, it still looks smaller than the Yataroka mother who was once smaller - only as different as being on the shoulders of a giant.

But now there was the reward of Tomoes who condemned such respect for King Jardaba of Josinaca.

"I guess I got rounded up and left the slut general's name wanting at the bottom of this kind of hell. My concubines," Straw "... No, my concubines, I'm sorry.

"Dude, that's all I've been doing since earlier. We need to get this Yoshinaka position cleared up.

"I don't know if I think I have a position in the present. Over the course of this period, there will be no big way out.

In any case, it was Yoshinaka, who had no head up in Tamamo or Tomoe.

"Well, don't you all attack Mr. Yoshinaka so much. Mr. Yoshinaka did so because this is where the purpose is to storm out the desires and selfishness of such intelligent life forms and contend with the deceased, and Mr. Tomoe just now...

"Dear Aww Lago, do not let such a concubine," Wow, "speak to me in disgrace.

"Ha. I don't know about that, but there's a lot going on.

"Atiki is always in the mood.

Well, guys - or Tomoe found Yoshinaka, and he managed to be decent and helpful.

This must have been the jealousy of a woman, or the thought of the recruiting Yoshinaka who tried to chase her to hell - should I call it an exclusivity craving - but temporarily blew up a desire that boiled down to Largo - not to anyone without him.

(-Oh, could the numbers and cyber Viscounts be that when they come in here?

Slightly worried, but I think we're both discerning adults, and I'm pretty spiritually trained, so I'm optimistic it's okay, Largo.

Relieved, I was concerned about the Cyber Viscounts I had left behind, about the mites with the hayahusas coming from further afield, and even about the Alessandro, who was supposed to be rubbing through the satori like we still had no news and stepping further into the inferior layers of hell this time.

I just hope they are protected around the combination of Satan and Margaretta that I flew to the lowest level as soon as possible.

(─ Yes, we need to get some information ahead of us.

Largo hung up on that.

"So, how far have you been looking around because of Yata?

"Hey, let's just get out of the way, but let's just say there was a big fight at the far end of this hierarchy. Rare lightning has fallen.

"Lightning? Isn't that another tier, below?

"Mr. Yoshinaka, why is that?

"Yes, lightning is the ability of evil spirits, if you've ever heard it used when quite a few twisted spirits are lost.

"Really? From the size of other hierarchies, I didn't think it was that far away. I've flown dozens of them.

Maybe the preceding Alessandros have broken out, or Satan and Margaretta are struggling, Largo thought.

"Have they noticed anything else? Yata-san.

"Get out of the way. I've looked at it quite a long way, so it's definite, but Margaretta says," Come on, come on, let's go. "


and teasing Margaretta was only a moment before she was in the well. I was impressed that I remembered it well.

"What a different vibe, but I followed the decoy spirit and walked off the wind with my shoulder. Yes.

"Could it have been caught?

That said, no one gets caught and walks in the wind with a shoulder cut, and the expression "follow the Necromancer" is strange. Of course, that's the kind of reply I get back.

"Such a shimmer. It was like a dead spirit or evil spirit or something like that. I used it with my chin and walked away in a friendly mood.

Does that mean that Margaretta defeated them, and then she could have followed them? But a raw Margaretta twists her neck wondering if it's possible to fight the Necromancer or something.

"Were there any Satans nearby?

"I can't see it.

Largo infers that the person is saying it's only a matter of guts, but that's just such an expression because it's circumstantially unconvincing.

If there is something invisible because it is far away, the signpost "Michishi Servant" will not serve.

In other words, unless there is one in this hell, Margaretta and Melon, Satan and Margaretta seem to think for sure that they are acting yet another after breaking up with Mitsu.

(─ That said, there are cases like the combination of Alessandro and King Jardaba that look just like you, so the possibility is not zero, though.

It just doesn't seem to be very good news that Margaretta, in such a state, and acting alone away from Satan, was seen as being followed by a dead spirit or evil spirit that would bring its roots to this otherness - hell. Rago with a slight heartbeat.

Then, as I thought earlier, there's no way that Alessandro and his friends want him to rendezvous with Satan and Margaretta as soon as possible.

As soon as possible, Largo unconsciously quickened his legs when he felt he needed to join them in the leading group.

(─ Well, that doesn't mean I have much power.

At this time, however, the advantages and disadvantages of ability are irrelevant.

That we should all pull together..., what if the three of us pull over?

Fortunately, there are also quite a few skilled female martial artists and yawns here, as well as locally sourced warlords.

Lago thought that if we got together, we would figure it out, because some of the others were small, but Golem's Rem, and Satan.

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