Well, Krasabi had one unknown commentary, but it turns out that demons can also be thrown into eternal prison. Who made such a terrible thing?

If it weren't for how intensely you wanted to punish someone who was so nasty, you wouldn't have had to make a terrible place to go that far. But I think this collar, which can do the same thing, is such a nasty thing if you ask me.

"That sounds difficult. Well, if you misregulate it, they just put this collar on you.

"Yes, it will disappear. Back in the day, when I put the Overcapa collar on a human, I even remembered it and destroyed it in the first place.

"Oh, if I break it, will you go back?

Then I guess I should rush to break it if I can put it on. However, a cheap countermeasure that only needs to be broken while it is being sucked away is declared null and void.

"Sort of. But I can't take it while I'm sucking it off, so it was after they sucked it off and got laid. Once you suck it all out, it's easy to get it off. That said, the person who was normally sucked of all energy at that time should be unconscious, so I can't take it without someone else. That would make it easier to destroy them.

"But how did you get such an excess...

"Ah, well. It was royalty to say who it was. That would have happened if I made it bigger to suck it off and let it sleep again, even if my strength came back for a while. Ha, but, you know, that's why I knitted it out. That's what I said earlier. Petite mada is.

That's the name of the technique he said Krasabi would call me not to recall this one thing after this. Somehow I'm not relieved to think that some of the 'Madante Planta' is used. However, the information that energy and memory can be similarly sucked and trapped was not a pinch of rust at the moment.

"Were you okay with the guy who jumped in on the experiment earlier? You know, like... you don't remember?

"Dehe. I don't know if I have any thoughts around it, or if he's nice, or if he's going to take care of things up to now, but when you make the same thing, you think extra twist about what you do. I mean, in that case, 'It's dangerous if you suck it all out'? I'm not conscious. I wonder if it's his magical qualities.

"So you didn't originally suck it all out, did you?

"It's the same procedure. It's weird."

Krasabi is somewhat understandable. It tastes better than anyone else when Euda cooks. I know that there is one labor and two labors there because of the effort that has been put into thinking about the eater. Specifically when cooking fish, they separate themselves from bones, pull out every single bone, and in some cases finely crush the small bone with a blade from the thin body. I had seen some tough vegetables and other dishes with water in front of them, and more, very devilish cooking methods I couldn't think of.

"No, I kind of get it. You're a good one.

"Hmm, I'm pretty sure there are people out there. Even once he tried to do something with his magical tools, it used to happen that such a safety device worked, and even though I was doing magic, it wasn't as good as I thought. You're unconscious. So, I didn't think you were going to go in there on your own. That's not going to happen. But if I sucked his memory away, I might start working on that collar with the same kind of safety device as nature.

But Krasabi's interest was more in what would happen to our demonic clan, which originally created itself with the energy of magic, if all its magic was sucked out by its collar, or by its technique. It is the iron rule of the devil clan that if the magic is lost, it will be extinguished. Satan, in the application of that technology, is trying to suck away or seal his memory later, so I could naturally take it personally that I could be treated with care.

"I'll seal it up to my memories... But it's still a pretty hard move. Well, if you make a mistake and they follow you like that...

"Well, he's a human royal, to say the least. I don't know if it would be the royal family of the North Hall in this country, because it seems to be at a very high level. Still your best balls, maybe half of Quadraple? I wouldn't know if it was when it was going to come with magic, but I wouldn't make that mistake, so it's okay.

No, no, you mustn't taste the uselessness and degree of crunch. I think the Wipley Magic Retention Average is roughly about 25 in light of the standard of having a common human being as one, but Krasabi has never reached one third of it no matter how many times it is measured. Once, when the supply of magic from the Demon Vessel lagged a little or the Demon King used it heavily for other things, it dropped to at least a little over twice the human average.

"No, I don't have ten times as much magic as a normal human being, and it's a good place to fall.

I think ten times has made it look pretty good, but still, speaking of Satan, rumor is that he is the individual with the largest magic retention in the world, and neither 7 nor 10 would make a big difference.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Well, that might suck, Dehe. But you don't have to worry about that. Yuda said she noticed you and cooked well.

What a deceptive Satan to slap his brainy lightly with his left hand fist, tongue out and say 'To De' a statement that hits someone else's complex directly. But the praise that followed was the best for Krasabi.

Yes. Isn't it 'If there's a demon to throw away, there's a demon to pick up'? Even if you're retarded, have a bad attitude, a bad mouth, and have little magic, you make up for it with love and effort. Euda loves it because that's what she understands.

"Uh, really? Glad to hear it. I'm still the type to do it. No, sir.

Satan's unsettling demeanor exposes him to a bad mouth. Speaking of Satan, Galenos' Guest Care Stick. Truth be told, it is a treatment on the cloud, just like Erigos. Yeah, well, I didn't think I was a good person to talk to. But the area is flushed. My PR was then flushed as well. I don't think so, but I wonder if Satan is baking his own yakimochi through that just human Euda. Of course, I think I'm younger, prettier and better looking at my body line, but when it comes to Satan, the Great Wizard also uses the art of immortality. That's what you should be able to look like for both men and women - and that's supposed to be such a solid piece of information purchased from fellow rumorers. If you want to do it, there's no way that its ability to transform can be crusty that only possesses proper magic.

Yet for Yuda's year, Satan, who is a little ripe, looks better as old as Lucy.

"Yeah, that sounds... okay? And I hope you're not surprised from here. Never let that dragon man drop out loud or surprised.


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