Mitsu looks back at the queue she is following and sighs lightly.

(Hard to hold this group, I might not be able to make it as far as I think...)

The contact from Largo has been interrupted for some time to Mitsu, who has taken Ehrawan and those who enslaved him, with the still incurable Sabator, Hayahusa, whose footsteps have become even heavier.

The last contact was that Valkyria was Serene, the goddess of the moon, and was taken away to eternal prison with hanakaru and beard, or only with the leading Cyber Viscount at last. He was then forced into a struggle against the third Four Heavenly Kings over the battle against Valkyria, but managed to move ahead with the help of everyone powered by the power of Michisane, but as a result he became three with Tamamo and Tomoe.

Of course, when the Largo and the others started fighting Satori, they were notified of the emergency by Largo again, and now Mitsu, who was observing the Largo and the others using telescopic clairvoyance from his own side, was well aware of the circumstances that had led him to that.

But I'm quite uncomfortable that in hell I don't know what's waiting for me, it's only accompanied by a single human being and an all-out yawn.

Altogether, the fact that there are now only two single "One Mi" human women and a female fox brings unfounded anxiety to Mitsu's mind.

(On the day I first met Lagon, when I was taking off all my clothes and treating the Lord with blood draped from Lagon's mouth all the way under his buttocks, I knew exactly how it felt to accidentally half-kill the bad guys who came in and didn't understand what they were doing.

Although Mitsu finally noticed, he was still beginning to walk with Error One, who hung the exposures, the hiccups, and the two Four Heavenly Kings, caring for Sabatra and Hayahusa, whose bodies seemed spicy, invaded a little by the disease.

"But I wonder if I've been resting a long time. I'm recovering quite a bit in strength.

"I can't tell you how long I've been falling asleep.

"No, but I feel that this was recovered so far because you intervened in density, not flattery.

"Of course, I appreciate it a lot.

The two change and stop and keep their heads down. Though in an indescribable state, the gratitude is clear to the mind that while the two of them were resting, they were only allowed to protect their surroundings and keep their heads with their knee pillows.

"No, I didn't do anything.

Mitsu relieves herself of her chest that means that she is completely unknown that she has fed milk and her energy has recovered.

I still think that if the two of them knew the secret of saying they could supply their bodies with magical energy with mite tits, like Largo, that would have been suspected first.

I wasn't too familiar with that area, but I peeked into the memory of Sabatra resting and learned that he was an invincible brave man in a name that would also remain in the history of the half fishermen for good in the future. Though that's the hell of a punishment, he became possessed by the devil and unconscious, he was originally a demon tribe, and now he's a human being, but he gets the milk of a woman like that - no, it would involve a voucher as a strong, courageous brave half-fish man who has piled up so far when it sounds like he simply sucked his daughter-child's tits to cheer up and restore his strength, etc. It seemed wiser to keep that fact absolutely down.

Also for Hayahusa, the mite who knows that the reason for joining here is' to restore the honor of using colored eyes on a woman of an approximate half-fish man while in love with the princess of the Holy Spirit Undine ', thought that Hayahusa, who had the strength of being a born lineage called the mixed blood of the dragon man and the Holy Spirit, and had the ability to attack rarely seen in the earthly world, would not have stood any waves since returning to earth, even if he had not realized why his strength had been revived, even though he had not had not had as much pride as Sabatra, who had worked up and grabbed his seat.

{You managed to be safe, didn't you?

In my heart, Yume whispers to Mitsu. I guess I still thought that act had a lot of problems when I looked at it objectively. Nevertheless, even when Largo talked about the magic supply, he didn't say anything about Yume.

{No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

{But if that was His Royal Highness Milian Rune, if Mr. Sabatra and Sabatra were to be resurrected, you wouldn't be able to do it.

That, of course, is something that Mitsu can do because he has always done to give magic with breast milk to the wipleys, who can be considered his own children, and if he is His Majesty King Lillianloon, who has had and raised a child, he cannot yet glance at His Holiness the Virgin, the Father, who has never even opened his body to a man. Bringing such a comparable object is sloppy or out of the question.

Even so, there was no other way to bring the Sabatrahs back into line than that, who were so disoriented and indistinguishable from the dead. Even His Highness Millian Rune if it comes down to it, but no, it's her, and if that's the only way to save the world, she might be prepared to show herself and do that much. ─ ─ I'll think of it, but I still wouldn't be able to think realistically. It may also be said that the answer comes from Mitsu's clear refusal that Valkyria could not do so if she were watching.

But the effect is tremendous, and this is how the two of us, who gave milk to the present but did not return to consciousness for some time, are starting to walk through the hierarchy of the disease.

(Because these two forces are absolutely necessary after this.

But after a short walk, it still seems that without a free passport, he is constantly attacked by a constantly present disease, and even though he has enough energy, the wounds of a once-affected disease also seem to be about to develop another disease without healing.

When I read the minds of the two of them, I also found that they looked like they were having the grin they made in the tension on their faces, but that they were forced to walk by pushing their physical condition, which wasn't actually enough, on their rather damaged bodies.

{Can't you do anything about this?

{That's right. As Master Michisane has given you all the art of beating Satori brilliantly, I'll think about how I can handle it with the power of my spiritual powers, but not with the ability I've been getting mites?

That's what they say and think about it, but the ability you've left so much with your people is by no means omnipresent. Hatch's subordinates and Hanako's powers did help. But in fact, Clay and Heiji's abilities have not turned up so far. As for Clay's unusual abilities, they are due to a lack of unfamiliar ideas of mites who happen to be unable to live in an environment called Hell, but also because there are no animals in Hell even if Heiji's abilities are to be abandoned.

(I'm sorry, Heiji's power may not be at the service of the Lord until the end.

{Well, maybe not.


Mitsu feels her neck looking back on its own, not her own will. At the end of the line of sight is Error One.

Well, this is certainly an animal, but it is currently set up to carry luggage - exposing the culprit - as they say to the entrance to eternal prison with Takamura's markings.

Without using Heiji's abilities, I never became aware of Error One, which moves the way Mitsu wanted me to, as an animal who behaves as an instinct, but one day the time might come for this big guy to work for me.

(Well, if I tell you about the current situation of Master Largo, I guess I'll lose my anxiety ahead of me, and I'll feel energized because I want to help Master Largo?

Mitsu seemed to get the feeling that when they gently asked the two of them how the advance group purchased from Largo was doing, they couldn't stay behind, though a little bit in their minds.

The body still looks spicy, but Sabutler, who is back in good health, suddenly speaks up.

"Oh, Lord Mitsu. It was a long time ago, and there were some signs of contention.

When I heard that, a video popped into Mitsu's eyes with telescopic clairvoyance, something like one strong man bullying some weak people so weak. If Mitsu is one of us, I feel like I need to help him soon.

"Can I leave this row to you two often?

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