Erigos, near the Demon King's side, was already in the Girls Talk while diving deep into the basement of Demon King's Castle in the work of making it a marvellous secret, a crusade that I felt had already been asked such a surprising story, or a story I should not have heard.

But I listen with the certainty that Satan, who suddenly changed the tone of his voice, is going to start a story that you really shouldn't and shouldn't remember from here.

"Actually, the name of the person you're walking with right now is Dora. Yes, anyone in this Demon King's Castle knows, I think there are rumors going on right now about making him Galenos' beloved princess, but the mother who laid Galenos's legacy, no, the mother who laid that egg, is the mother.

Crassabies calling themselves fallen demons who do think it's okay to do this from day to day with energetic weather, but also things on the clouds, were so surprised that they seemed to fly.

"What! Why is that so obvious to me? - No, are you there?

I only reworded the end of the phrase, but of course against the pet princess of Galenos the Demon King, 'such is' also an NG word.

But that also made me understand this weight. When it comes to dragon men, it is consciousness that makes them lighter than clouds, but it is natural that they have more weight than beasts based on super-dozen giant monsters.

"I don't even know that. Anyway, last night, Galenos and Dora had a big fight after dinner. Dora, who came here under certain circumstances and abandoned her original powers, couldn't resist Galenos and lost her mind when I was called. And Galenos said he'd be eating at dinner this evening. Order Euda, the diner you've always helped me with.

"Eat what?

"Of course, if Yuda refused to allow herself to dismantle the Dragon Man, she would have let me wear a curse collar. But Euda, who always watched us eat together, cried so much that she could do it, she decided to talk to Erigos and eat it and hide it somewhere else.

I heard rumors, so I knew more or less about Galenos' personality. Krasabi has something to catch him in his current state. But I didn't know exactly what it was, so I gave it a nod for now.

"─ So this is how you're carrying it right now.

They say in human society couples fight don't even eat Momoiro lizards, but if it's a couple fight between the Demons and the Dragons, they won't even eat a belly-grabbing monster.

"That's right. I asked Astleto to create a dedicated place deep beneath this basement because I had to camouflage it so that I could not see the presence of Dora, even if I could explore it out of Galenos' sight by mistake, and with Galenos' ability. Of course I don't know what Astleto made it for. Erigos just instructed me to make a place like that and I did it. It makes the so-called shelter in the basement a temporary, eternal prison space.

"Forever is that! Mr. Satan...?

"Actually, I know a little bit about eternal prison, but as I put it out for you earlier, that and the magic used in my moves Madante Planta collar are originally the same thing.


"So, I'll skip explaining why that's happening because it's going to be so long, but if it stays the way it is, I'll have to feel bitter again when I naturally accumulate energy of life and magic in my Dora. The best way to avoid that is to take your collar, but then I fear that Galenos will notice me if Dora's bioenergy comes back to life. So in the future, I want to reflect that I wish Galenos hadn't regretted killing Dora, or at least keep Dora hidden in it until that successor egg is covered. If you saw the baby's face, you might change your mind about Galenos.

"But... why would they go in there?"

"Actually, I think the real eternal prison is the same, but the two systems between that Madante Planta collar and each other are incompatible. If we put the two together, part of the system of eternal prison, or at least a good extent around its collar, will come off the influence of prison. At the same time, that collar stops its ability. I mean, even if I wear it, it's the same as if I didn't wear it. But when you look at it from the outside, it might just seem like the eternal prison and its collar are working. Even so, no one else has seen that, so I don't know if I'm going to experiment with it now. In any case, Dora can hide it, and if she's in the shelter of eternal prison, it won't be hard to wear that collar.

The word 'else' bothered me slightly, but at that time Krasabi, in the back of a blitz only about the fact that it was the pet princess of Galenos holding herself to Satan, and the mother who had already given birth to her succession, another dong-pulling information that was caught around the back of her throat filled her head, and she couldn't stop mouthing it.

Yes, that must have stuck in my head because Satan had come earlier to talk about it many times, but I didn't really want to hear the name of that place again.

"Huh. Wait a minute, please. I'm not sure about that kind of difficulty, but wasn't that a contraindication that we Demons should never have done? The children of Galenos and Dora...

It is assumed that there shall be no children between the dragon man and the devil tribe. That's a story that is limited to demonic males - but the truth is, there is no difference between female and male demons. I'm just talking about acting that way because I'm determined to be either a female or a male in that tribe. But the wizard is similar, and Satan and others are often seen in men, so the crusade I met in this woman named Lucy quickly came to my notice. And for reproduction by the devil tribes, because the devil tribes cannot create something called eggs alone, another very special method - a sorcery ritual - is used, which is also similar to the ritual of summons.

Meanwhile, in order for the Demon Nation to be a child with other intelligent creatures, the only way to do so is to seed the other female. Moreover, it is assumed that we cannot have children only with humans. It's not a decision, it's a natural dish. So when rumors broke that the pet princess of Galenos the Demon King was human, everyone thought it wasn't to be a child. So everyone was skeptical the other day when rumors broke out that Dora had laid eggs that would be the legacy of Galenos. Human beings don't have children. And if you're a common beast man, you don't produce eggs.

If you think of connections as calculations, because if humans are +1, the Demons are -1. It is said that the beast man may be considered to be +2 of man and beast. So the Krasabi and the devils were taught that if the beasts and the devils were connected, they would remain 1 as beasts and the beasts would be born, and in the devils and humans they would become 0 and nothing would be born.

Then Dora was one of the few, it was plausible that she was an egg-laying beast man, but at that time no one suggested the possibility that she was a dragon man. For it is that no one should ever go.

But Satan in front of me, he says all the same. That the mother who laid the eggs of Galenos' succession was a dragon man. Krasabi seemed to have a tremendous heart that was not in the Demon's chest.

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