(Not once, but at least twice -, I'm going to cross my limits now, but last resort - I want to have something that I can just use for a second time.

Speaking of which, even though it's just wrecked and talking, Satan wonders where Lagon's energy is coming from and finds out.

Fortunately, it was buried in the wreckage of the lagon, but the blood growth system was still working robustly, so while it was being transported to Cockatoo, it was adding a little but not more blood, an excellent source of energy, where magic was stored in the lubrication of the lago at best.

"Hey, Largo's already got consciousness connected in Alessandro, so maybe we can deplete our energy over here.

"Of course it is. Make it all Sata's, Lucy's.

"And I need you to tell Largo something in case. I should have told you when I met Largo before, but it wasn't even that simple, so I was going to tell you after Largo remembered everything again. But in this situation - I may not be able to tell you in some cases.

"Really? But I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I'll see Largo in this state either.

"Right. Besides, it's a long story. So... maybe you don't have library metal? Then I'm going to copy what I want to tell you.

"Oh, yes, I do. It's like a cross here.

"What? Oh, this is what you are. Then I'll type this in later and leave it with Deekichi.

"That's fine, he'll manage to swim well just at the tip of his mouth and deliver it to Largo, even if we're all wiped out. Then, Mr. Satan, go ahead.

Nodding, Satan carefully sucks up almost 100 percent of his magic only, taking care not to mix it with Alessandro's memory and experience information. Lagon became quiet to sleep this time.

Thanks to the blood stored in such luxury, Satan will also be left with the broken energy to complete the tremendously fuel-efficient Coppell technique.

Here, put together the Alessandromatons, Lagon is back.

"How's it going?

"Excuse me. I'm fine, but how's Alessandro's data?

"Because I used quite a bit of magic, the Devil's Nucleus seems to be the limit now. You can't push it too hard. It's just that the energy that your wreckage had, that grew Largo's blood, was effectively harnessed. So I'm sure, enough to make a collar to seal Lilith in. Oh, my God. If we lose this, we really won't have Alessandro's resurrection. I have to take care of it.

Yes, that's all due to Satan's overdone results. I have to return the data to the biological Alessandro, who says he will manage to return alive and sleep beneath the royal castle.

"Can you fight? With that body.

"Of course it is. I'm just making the whole thing understand the fix now because the sizes are a little different again. It's close to the data Margaretta originally got, so I think you can do it faster than the first time you tweaked it.

"Well, I don't know that first time. Then Lagon gave that body movement away from Margaretta in the first place, and you were fighting it from the beginning.

"That's right. So someone who saw me as a kingdom brave and fighting also said it was as if Mr. Margaretta had taught me.

"Haha. I don't think Margaretta's physical skills can be taught. Besides, if you're even wearing the swordsmanship of the brave Godfrey, there's no way you're gonna take a pull on Margaretta with an automaton close to the immortality that that Gymon made, is there?

"As a matter of fact, we have taken over both of your other things, such as combat experience, and we have learned academic tactics from Sir Leold's books, so even though we haven't been able to do this enough for our new body yet, we will never lose a battle between living beings.

It's a word I can trust because a nasty guy like Dirkichi doesn't say that confidently. Still, I don't know what hidden balls Lilith has. Anyway, this is their field, they're away.

If you don't know everything about Lilith, you've had the administrator of this hierarchy modded to make it easier for you to move around.

"Well, it's forbidden to be chronic. They have the worst evil spirit behind them. You'll like Margaretta's body a lot, but if you figure out you're stronger than that, I'm sure you'll get out and come at me trying to possess you. Until then, I was hiding, and I sealed up Lilith, who came out at that moment...

"If that doesn't make it and I'm possessed, seal me in with the Madante Planta collar. You want to help Mr. Margaretta, not as a replenishment of your power, right?

"You... All right. So rescuing Margaretta is a prerequisite now. Talk to Largo after that.

"To Largo? ─ ─ Mr. Lucy, you're pretty trusted, about Largo.

"Oh, you're Largo in a way, aren't you?

I don't know, Satan, who is uncomfortable saying a babe to himself or feeling like he confessed.

Return your heels to Dirkichi and let him do something to capture Largo, who is supposed to come from behind no matter what happens to him, and lower the cross to give him a message from Satan in this, and let him be in his clothes that he should not be targeted by evil spirits, just like Margaretta.

Then this time, he asked Satan the other way from Diekichi.

"So, you don't need any tools to make a collar?

"I don't need tools, but I have ingredients. Usually, I take down my cane and make it...

"Oh, Oh-Sister, that was taken by Master Lilith.

"You. When you call me again, stop calling me Lilith. Sounds like it. I see it by Margaretta. But it's okay, there's something better now than that.

"Nee, this is it.

Hayaji takes out a chunk of magic metal. It's considerably bigger than what I got then from a man who worked in a mine.

"Hayaji, what's that?

"There's not going to be any sticks or stones around here that could be a weapon. That's what I've been thinking since that Necromancer was dropped wandering into the mine. There are two more.

That's Hayaji, who says he's been in a fight in this world before. I admire the taste. Indeed, in this hell, where we have to even look for affordable stone places, two of the original stones of the most solid metal in the world on both hands can be said to be dependable weapons.

Whatever it is, Satan rejoices that it is appreciated. I would never use three, but whatever Satan has now, it has been used up in eternal prison. It was troubling to see how effective it was.

"Good. Then let me keep one of those. Because to do it, I have to particulate it and expose it to the target, or I have to do it where I stuck it to the subject.

"Then you can have them all.

"Fine, if you do both, the nucleus will break and I will fall, and Alessandro's data will...

If that happens, even if we defeat Lilith, it's all gone. Put your spell on Lilith, who popped up as an evil spirit. So, if Alessandromaton, who moves as a ragon, possesses it and seals it, and he falls, he surrounds himself with the ghosts of hell, and Hayaji, Kagelow and Diekichi alone have no winning chance.

Well, there's actually another one here, or the hell, pulling the luggage, but this is a ghost, and if it gets to be the other side.

Anyway, that was the only thing Satan would have to avoid.

To Alessandromaton, Satans, who overwrote Lagon's data and headed for Lilith's exorcism, walked all the way to the castle where Lilith was.

The place where Lilith is defining her belt is in the corner of the right wing, which is far off Main Street, and if the sequels are headed all the way to eternal prison, there is a risk that she will slip away.

(Still, Margaretta has to help.

Even in the meantime, thanks to its clairvoyance, Satan is expected to immerse the deceased in any mundane act against them in a building at the end of this hierarchy where Lilith's ruling Margaretta is said to be leaving the castle. It can be said that the deceased, whether male "cousin" or female "whore", will be exhausted as Lilith's ruling Margaretta sex slave "toy". The satyrus that I just heard from Kagelow, who is currently manipulating all the yawning of this hierarchy, said to be the greedy demon, is an abusive one that I don't think is pausing for any reason.

From what I've heard from Kagelow, the ordination in this hierarchy is to make the deceased like those desires and to ordain the deceased to bump into each other and suffer from the bumps of those desires. Hearing that, Satan and Hayaji recall the hungry ghost-like deceased who had eaten at the same place as their miners' quarters.

Lilith is an evil spirit imbued with such desires. Among the human liliths, it was the worst quality spirit if I had Satan tell me, extracting such parts without concealing them.

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