Already, the details on the island, which Godfrey needs in his offensive, have been examined, and the question may remain as to whether he needs to hire and sail around the Bokovo return ship, which he was sparing time around. It is good to say that this voyage is the final confirmation of whether there are any details that we have assembled with the information we have gathered so far.

(In the meantime, while actually decorating at Godfroy's, there is also a secondary purpose to have Pespectiva, who is supposed to be in command of this operation, check on the ground.

Sometimes other times, the Lord prepared me in the Amphitheatre offense to see how far I could stand with a robe knitted in lead thread. If we cannot land on an island after the sealing of the "Stone of Hope" with just this robe that looks like a wizard wearing it, we must ask Ito unite one person at a time, or else we must really ask the Pespectiva to come to this island even to the Holy Spirit and the Wizard without a command.

"But I had no idea that any of you Demons - all of them - were under Lago's command.

"We don't need 'which' to call our demons. ─ ─ It's just that when Satan came to Demon King's Castle, he was under a contract with us in advance. Don't say the rare things in a voice you can hear.

"Uh, I'm sorry about this. Just don't forget how surprised you are when you suddenly crave this story from Lord Cross.

"So I urge you not to let that happen in your mouth here. Now you know exactly who the cross is.

"Of course, I've just admired the fact that there are people like Mr. Cross who can discuss a lot with Gasparn until he gets here and use the Demons among the dragon men.

"Ha, that's cool.

If that's what you think - Cumiko thought. Maybe if it was this understanding even though I explained and put it all down, it probably hasn't come out of the fact that I'm still a Divine Dragon about Largo. Cross also said to refrain from calling Largo the Demon King or calling Cross purposefully Whipley in his explanations to Pespectiva and Gasparn, who are deeply connected to the Holy Spirit and the royal family. Constantly speaking, he says it's something that leaks out of his mouth at some point in time, even if he thinks he needs to be careful there. The same can be said of their wizards.

Cumiko glanced at the small sandy beach that would be the landing point on the island of Godfrey by spreading the map of Kakshi Island, which he had written up with Krenai.

"Hey, there's the ship, stay put!

We have known for a long time that the ship is eyeing the ships on which the cummies ride. There are a few more than the crew of this ship because there are three or four boats aboard each. Besides, there seems to be something confident in my arm, at least half of it.

"My husband, Garza's husband. It's called.

"I'll take it, what? You mean this ship?

The captain replaced the rudder with a young man who looked like a deputy captain and replied from the top of the deck, which was a step higher, to the point where he could look down at them.

Then one of the men on the boat who had moved on to the beginning replies. Probably the first thing I've spoken to, the so-called executive class, the troop leader, etc.

"From earlier on, it looked like you were circling our island, but you're also trying to land?

"I'm a shipwrecker in Chiugatsu, Garza, but I'm not dealing with this island. On the way to Jomenha, he said he had suddenly forgotten what to buy from Chiugatsu. Stop making weird arguments.

"Is that true? Something suspicious. Speaking of Jomenha, it's where wizards come together, but are those the wizards?

As I traveled around the island on this ship, I thought about when I was called off, looked into the circumstances around here, and prepared this muscular. It is the information Pespectiva has given us that the manor farm around here has a system in place to make magicians and special craftsmen in the future by depositing them in the port town of Jomenha, home to a large number of wizards, to study well-made children. In particular, it is common to board ships from the ports of Chiugatsu and Hashibiro.

"Apparently, no, he might be a magician-- I don't know. Why would you suspect that?

"Uh-oh, no. The island owner's away now. Something's gonna get us in trouble. Let me go up to the ship" There "for a second.

"What the fuck? Is there some kind of authority for you guys? This is not your country. One way or the other, our lord and the lord of Hashibilo, and the opposite Godfroy climate buffer zone. Don't you know it is decided that whoever goes through won't be complained about from anywhere?

"What does that have to do with anything? Anyway, it's too late for something to happen.

After watching how things are going any further, Cumiko speaks to the captain so that he can hear them from the top of the deck, thinking that the brawl and the like will soon begin and that he will plant unnecessary vigilance on the island side.

"Captain! Nothing. This one has nothing to worry about. Raise him to the ship.

"Ha, hi!

"Who's there?

"I say Comic, the wizard's apprentice who rented out this ship. We are now about to go to the port of Jomenha to drop off two sisters for apprenticeship.

Because Cumiko's name could be flowing from Mahiroa to Aradia, I thought of a wizard with a cum.

"What, woman? Those guys sure look like wizards. Take the robe and show me your face.

"Why are you so suspicious? Is there anything on that island that's doing something dark behind it?

"What? Just a little bit of interest. I can see a little bit. The mouth line is pretty handsome, isn't it?

"Essentially! Welcome back to the island!

Once said, those who come from the island react immediately to the words of Cumiko.


"Wakalima Sitar"

"And it's going to work for the islanders!

"Lyokaishima Theater"

With that said, he hurried back to the island instead back to the boat he had been on. Pespectiva, who was looking at the whole thing, comes out later and leaks his thoughts.

"That's just great, Kumiko.

"It's a boring spectacle. Then we're done with our errands, and let's go up and deliver the map to Dear Godfrey.

"Let's just say we will. Then give me a boat on the beach on Godfrey territory.

The captain disputes, as surprised, the instructions that differ from what he said to those who are now from the island.

"Is that okay? Unlike what I said to the people on the island earlier..."

"It's okay. They'll never come to complain again. Never again."

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