Yuscario suddenly wakes up even though it's still midnight, then he hesitates to wake everyone up because of the sound, even though I think it's time to go over the mornings of the coffee shop.

So I stayed in my pajamas and somehow fluttered up to the upstairs kitchen. The knob is fastened in chains to prevent easy opening and closing of a magical door in the hallway to the kitchen.

(I feel like I've seen something similar at Demon King's Castle.

To Ares, he thought it was just a set of doors and edges, something that was supposed to be mounted somewhere was stopped and placed, but there were several times when he happened to open it, another landscape was spread over there, and of course he closed it immediately without stepping out there and went to get someone and said there was nothing he could do to open it together.

Not only one person, but several people were in such a state of sight that it was said to be suspicious and was physically sealed recently.

If it's a door like a curse, it would be a wise decision because it could drag you into the demonic world or reborn into another universe, like yourself, and you wouldn't be able to come back.

In fact, Yuscario doesn't know why he was flown into this universe. No, I may have forgotten it for a long time.

Anyway, I don't think I want Ares and the girls here to have a hard time like myself.

If you live there, you can call it the capital, but Demon King Castle is Demon King Castle, and the Royal Castle was enjoyed at the Royal Castle, but this place is also quite comfortable to live in.

(I happened to..., I smelled the monster meat roasting, so I jumped in, but this place was a real hit.

You get the ingredients for the dishes you specialize in, and you don't have to worry about getting out front because you're hired.

The only thing that makes it a little difficult is that customers don't really want the taste of cooking or anything like that because there are a lot of old people looking for girls, but still some people order it until they are surprised when they all have a bite to eat. From what I hear from the girls in the hall, I feel it's quite a reputation.

(Well, let's just do that. Wait for Satan's return, because for what he takes care of in the lab of Gymon, no one really craves food, something that will make you understand what it tastes like.

Besides, it is imperative that Yusukalio doesn't want to be seen because what is going in and out of the Royal Castle isn't necessarily a stopover.

But Elna, the young lady owner here, doesn't want to go out in public either, so she doesn't complain at all that she won't leave, and she leaves occasionally being asked, but you can tell her that her presence in the hall is almost non-existent because her brother Ares is doing the area for her.

Unlike upscale restaurants, there's no such thing as regular customers definitely want to meet chefs in person and say their ratings, and most importantly, they don't have to worry about getting fired because they're making money.

The truth is, even without me, I think I can already bribe the cooking area with just Ares and Erna, but they're not so hung up and willing to make money, and most importantly, they're going to say Ares is busier outdoors in the future, so they're still asking me to say I need it for this cooking area.

This is how I was perfectly acquainted with the maid coffee kitchen, and this was a yuscario I was going to let slow me down here for a while until I got in the way.


And, Yuscario recalls.

In the southern region, we no longer have anywhere to hide ourselves, and the two of us who have flown all the way to North Haln, when they were worried about going anywhere in this kingdom, happen to know that there is an island of demons living in peace, not crusaded for more than 20 years. That was the kingdom, the island of the Demon King floating off the West Keeno beach, ruled by the Demon King Galenos.

Originally, I could only imagine how well the Church had accommodated such things from afar, no matter how few brave men were near them within a few years of their resurrection, and despite the fact that it was the stone that would talk to the lord of the land and just exorcise them, leaving them alone for 20 years would be harmless to the surroundings. At least that's what Satan thought.

Satan, who had always been foolish as to why the Demons could not coexist amicably with humans, decides to try and hit the gate once.

Dora was the first person I saw then. It's bad for Satan, but I remember she was as beautiful as Euskalio had ever seen before.

But then, when you look at the two 0032 - the mites, the crunchy ones, the beautiful women of the wipley - every day, it's almost horrible that it's become normal and that's taken for granted.

She then begged Satan and the horse to match each other and to defend, with Satan's power, the inheritance of Galenos, which she would sooner or later lay down.

Satan had already been drunk at that time, and he beat his chest in good shape and understood the suggestion in two replies, so he decided to reside at the Demon King's Castle in Galenos.

But the truth is that the Demon King's Castle of Galenos was not abandoned until then because it was a harmless, demonic people able to coexist with humans.

It was the demon king's crusade that had to be left alone because, as we had heard rumors in the countries of the south, the previous king had erroneously misled the government of the prodigy, "Every Meaning," and as a result the country and the people were lost. Moreover, even though the Church had offered its cooperation in the crusade, it had been refused even by the then Prime Minister, who was reluctant to intervene in internal affairs.

Nevertheless, life with the Demons was not so bad. Maybe it was because of Satan's treatment as a guest.

Then Yuscario sets up in the kitchen of Demon King's Castle to serve plenty of dishes made with meat, milk and other monsters he remembered in his previous life.

When I said I could ever make something like that, I couldn't quite shake my arm because I was immediately told he was a suspicious guy and guards, land lords, etc. flew in.

But thanks to constant efforts to prevent Satan from rusting his arms alone, he is proud to say that his reputation was excellent even at Demon King's Castle.

With such a role, Yuscario always had a good relationship with Galenos and Dora.

The Demons generally only take two meals in the morning and evening, but instead, instead of eating a treat biased towards dinner or something, Euskalio waved his full arm at each meal, often samurai "Habe" near the table where they dine quite often, such as explaining how to eat it and the contents of the dish.

The knowledge that Satan said so from Galenos and Dora was also often asked because he told them that Yuscario was a peculiar person.

Peeping into the absence of Satan, this happy hour reminds Yuscario of the days that were so serene.

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