"Well, sometimes I don't feel bad.

"But we have come this far relying solely on God on earth, the Divine Dragon, to believe only in his power. But you say it's impossible for the god Salamandra to do that, to grasp the Mori Monument of this universe. Isn't that without dreams or hope?

Thanks, Swuriya decided to elaborate and gently explain that she didn't seem to know by the mystery to the extent of 'herself, she said'.

"No, let it be. Listen to me till the end. Well, Salamandra, if you're a god, you said so." I'm sure the dragon I'm going to do is born to do something I can't do. "Do it.

"─ Oh, my God! So there's hope, then.

"Will Lago do this to the point of not being able to do the Salamandra God?

"No, that's my parent!

It is so noisy that it is thought that the salted green vegetables suddenly became full sunflowers in the middle of summer. That's why I didn't want to say this far. Because I knew I was going to let you have the easy fantasy. Swuria turns to extinguish the flames with the faint expectations that have begun to swell.

"No, I don't. I don't care if you say so. Just where you go. Well, no, no. You should have thought about it. Yeah? Salamandra, I did what God said, and I thought," Well, I'm counting on that. "

Salamandra God - True Dragon's talk of 'hope' was too ambiguous if you let Swuriya say so.

The rationale for this is to say that the dragon of this era, Largo, who seems to draw the blood of the True Dragon direct system, has an extraordinary blessing of wisdom and witchcraft, which he does not even bring with him to the present Salamandra God.

But the former of them, those four dragon men said, I wonder if it is because the new dragon Largo is peculiar.

And the Salamandra God's belief that Largo will probably acquire the greatest ability in this world, "The Invitation to Luck," is another rationale.

Just to do that, at least three times, you have to be aware of the danger to your own life from the bottom of your soul. On top of that, he says that if the title of Divine Dragon is not recognized from around him, he cannot make it entirely his own. However, if not, regardless of his will, 'The Invitation to Luck' will activate itself and all Mori Luo Wan will be what he thinks - that is, he believes that this universe will be resurrected again.

However, the ambiguity - to the extent that it knocked over the dead line in the battle - is so inexplicable in its ability.

In order to blossom that ability, which is a legitimate pedigree that can gain its power, but which no one is said to have obtained before, the Salamandra God has fought numerous enemies during the True Dragon era, diving precisely the dead line.

Still, he said he had never been frightened by the fear of his own death.

But True Dragon, who really wanted to gain that power, only for that reason he gained the spiritual departure - the art of Doppelgenger - and at that time, possessed by the winged dragon, who was dominating the sky on earth, jumped into a volcano that burned only to taste the fear of death.

Of course, so Winged Dragon died, and although I got the feeling that life would run out at that time, True Dragon himself was never frightened by the fear of death. Because even if that winged dragon died, he knew his soul would go back to normal.

And the other thing is, in that way, I couldn't get close to opening my eyes because I had made the lives of others grossly crude, and the death was suicide, and if it wasn't the innocence given by the others, it wasn't necessary for sacrifice, so to speak, it was full of deception, and now Salamandra God was reflecting, but Swuria doesn't know as much about its authenticity as it does.

True Dragon then awakens to this ability after throwing himself out of the feeling of self-sacrifice that he must rescue others in a tested eternal prison he made himself. It has the effect of ensuring that you feel the fear of death just by entering it. Reflections before that probably come from this experience.

If there was something really like being trapped in jail as a result of Largo's visit to that place this time, and the mention that he felt a crisis in the survival of his soul in it was resurrected, he said another step should bring him closer to its depths.

Moreover, I am convinced that if it is an exhausting Largo who has done so, if life is taken from any enemy on top of it, he will feel in danger of his third life.

The truth is that Salamandra God's eye opening during the True Dragon era also seems to be self-analyzing against the dragon after he came out of his own eternal prison, surrounded by a dinosaur with one thing in his belly, and this was cleared for the third time just because he freaked out.

He told Swuria fervently that the unknown fear seemed imperative, which he would take with such an innocent mind, for the opening of the eyes of the supreme surgery.

Apparently Largo says he should be savoring the real fear of death, albeit in battle, at least once at the sight of Salamandra God.

(Yeah, but I still can't make this story these guys.

When such a consolation and encouragement are interrupted, the Spirit Michissane again calls out to me seriously.

"Swuriya which.

"What or ghosts.

Something terrible is going to be said, so even if you don't look at your face deliberately, you don't have to look at them with clairvoyance to see them. I answered, but I can't show you one nasty face even where you don't look at them like they're made of humans. The intelligent creature thing was seen as quite a struggler, even from the swuria we have seen over the years.

"I was originally a human being, and now I have been worshipped and told of the Spirit and so on, and many fears have polluted God's feet. As you can see in such a position, when you are human, you were meant to know almost anything as someone with some high education in that world. Still, there is something about anxiety. There were a lot of things I really didn't understand about where people would go when they died, where the sun would rise from and where the moon would set, but I gave up thinking that was such a thing and came. This is how people call me a company and a god, and when I see a lot of things, I feel like I've figured this out again. But..."

That's what I started saying, Michisane's, I know more or less what I'm trying to say. That could have been better understood in the present day, Swuria, than when we broke up with the human being that brought us from the gates of Hell. After Michisane's lengthy story because I felt that way, I wanted to connect in my own words.

"What a long story, but I know what you're talking about. I did it, and I've been looking at the world from above this sky, and I felt like I knew everything. One day I realize I don't know anything about it. But that's because I'm blind. I noticed because I didn't see it because I wanted to see things. After that, I didn't see it. I came back to see it. I thought I was going to show you my job.

"That's about Master Largo, isn't it?

─ ─ Not only. The future that Swuriya wanted to confirm was the future of the universe and, more importantly, the future of Salamandra God and himself.

"It is, and no, that's not all. What does that man do and what changes? And why did you quit your previous job? There's a reason for all that. He told me not to.

"Let's go! To see with that eye what Lago will do.

"Oh, okay. Come on! Just one more time, but it's glowing like old times, don't be shy! Mariachi, call Saturday.

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