Yes, it was.

The fact that I remembered so vividly must still mean that I was thrown into eternal prison.

Yes, in those days, we never dreamed that Mitsu was our own grandmother, 0032, and we believed that it was the same fallen station of 9,000 as ourselves.

Yes. Mitsu, a grandmother, is just a great yuan made a demon out of Kamal in the first place. The fact that it was two melons with Dora means that I feel that there is something special about it, Krasabi.

(But I can't believe you were captain of the 100th squad.

Nevertheless, I can say that I was fortunate enough to have remembered the relationship between the collar of Madante Planta and the eternal prison that Satan taught me then at a time like this.

But that's it. Krasabi is unlikely to be able to do anything more.

(Is that it? But I've heard that we demons can't move a finger once they're in a place called eternal prison.

Was that just something called an urban legend? Somehow, nobody's ever been there and come back, so I can't even be sure if that's true.

I'm not very happy, but the Demons who came in here with sanity reminded me that I might be the first.

(Ah well. With the favor of being around this collar, maybe the pain is cancelled, so I can move.

That said, even if I wanted to fly, my body wouldn't float, and I don't seem to be able to produce any more Whipley-specific powers than I slapped Millin on the cheek earlier.

Apparently, the only thing that can be used with a wipley-like ability is limited to this clairvoyant ability.

In other words, the power that affects the outside world can only be used to the extent of human beings.

However, clairvoyance does not work in a place called outside this dome.

I had no choice but to look inside this dome from corner to corner.

The size is just the size that made that amphitheater two turns smaller, so to speak, like it took away the audience seats.

It turns out there the prisoner is rolling gobbly and in roughly less than 100 numbers.

Plus there's a big hole just around the center. And in the deepest part of that hole, a big wooden box. No, a crusty spot where you find a coffin.

(I wonder what this is?

It is a coffin in which two or three people are likely to enter. Of course Krasabi clairvoyant it.


I raised my voice not much of a surprise, but of course I don't sound like that in this space.

Yes, it was Mitsu in there - no, she looked just like Mitsu.

Yes, with Satan at that time, I carried him deep underground in the Castle of the Demon King, yes, Dora.

Of course. Dora knew she'd be sent to eternal prison.

I can only assume so. If a dragon woman gives birth to a demonic child, the human element is erased by the demonic species and a dragon is born. Anyone who is a dragon or demon knows that.

(Wait a minute? Dora was the one who gave birth to the Lord I love. You mean it was the Lord who was born, in violation of this universe's greatest contraindication. Then the Lord is not a demon.

Krasabi realizes the identity of the heir Euda took to the royal castle he headlines, and is dismayed that he realizes it.

(It was. That's why the Lord is so kind. Because the Lord hasn't drawn the blood of the Demon Clan. Oh, no. All my friends have been receiving the Lord's blood as energy.

I feel like I've noticed something worse than the fact that my spine is getting cold and I'm in eternal jail.

(I mean, then who have you served and whose blood have you been breathing to live?

That's not just me. The same is true of the mites that were sucking that blood directly from the lagon every day to further grow that transferred blood and give it to everyone. And no one is aware of that fact.

Krasabi remembers when he met Largo.

(Did the Lord know the secret of his birth?

No, what I don't think is coming back to the back of Krasabi's brain.

For example, Largo, who didn't know he was a demon and was surprised to hear that Whipley was a vampire. I didn't even know there was blood in the Demon Clan, and Largo felt that I was even the heir to the Demon King. Instead of being able to counter the repellence of Holy Springs, Largo dives into the jihad itself and takes the Holy Spirit as his servant...

Why didn't you notice it from the beginning? That makes me wonder more.

Yes, Largo was the first dragon to manifest itself in the world in tens of thousands of years, undoubtedly spawned from the demon king's seeded eggs, but at the same time did not take over the pieces of the demonic lineage.

Once again, Krasabi takes a serious look at Largo's collar, which is solidified while wrapped around Millin's arm.

But this collar was originally worn by Satan, who knew who Largo was.

In other words, it was mounted knowing that there was a real, and infinitely close, dragon vein in Largo's body. To enclose it requires infinite capacity in this collar itself. But realistically, it's impossible to make a small collar like this have that ability, so even if it's just the energy that was filling Largo's body when it was installed, it's something that sucked all of that away at once and made Largo have enough capacity to sleep for a while.

And this collar, which was worn long after Largo woke up, must have probably always been full with the energy he sucked out of Largo. So I wonder if the crust, which at best has only about 10 times as much magic retention as humans, would not have vanished, even if it had been applied in a state of magic depletion.

No, the capacity this guy sucks off magic still seems a little bit.

I guess I used up all my magic in the battle with the witch and with no blood replenishment from Largo, it was the original magic power of Krasabi that naturally came back to me, so every time it accumulated in my body, it was sucked away by the collar of Madante Planta that I had made it all into a bracelet.

In the meantime, I'm pretty sure I thought I was out of energy and completely unconscious, like Millin is now.

Still, why didn't we achieve the natural end, or extinction, of the demonic tribe that completely lost its magic powers? I don't even know that by Krasabi, but somehow I feel like it's because Largo was protecting me.

(You just don't have any basis for that, do you?

I mean, instead of feeling it, maybe Krasabi just wants it to be.

However, the bracelet, which once sucked all of its energy out, should have been loose so that it could be removed freely, as it was when it was wrapped around a largo.

So I guess that means that there was some trigger and I don't know anything about it. Mirin mounted it on me, or someone switched it from crusty to mirin.

And Millin, with all its raw and only a few magic powers, sucks roots in the collar of Madante Planta for Largo, which has this enormous capacity.

But a normal human being, the biological energy that would be depleted in an instant should also have contained an enormous amount of biological energy compared to ordinary human beings, even though the body of Milin, which drew the blood of the royal family and welcomed adults, may be a fraction or a dozen of that of His Majesty the True King. It must have taken some time to pull that out.

And even though it was just a great imagination of crusade from here on out, while it was being sucked away, of course Millin was probably in a state of disorientation - and at that moment, crusade followed him around, saying that he had been thrown into what could be considered this eternal prison.

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