The evil spirit Lilith could barely be sealed with Satan's second sorcery due to the sacrifice of Alessandromaton. But Satan, whose impossibility was once overworked by Makaku, fell, and all that was left was the two deceased and the only Deekichi on his mouth. The fact that you cheated King Jardaba to summon Lilith on track is behind it, and the angry ghosts surround it with amazing shapes.

Thank you. Margaretta seemed to listen to Satan's tenderness and intend to work slightly more positively.

Lilith fell all around, and the prison guards, who burned a deceitful flame of anger behind both eyes, aroused with prey in their hands, surrounding the remaining Dirkichi.

"An undeserved man in the name of King Jardaba!

"What have I done to you, even Master Lilith?

"Don't move until the Necromancer! I can't forgive you!"

The jailer ghosts surrounding the three Deakichis were flashing their fighting spirit of vengeance in the line of Deakichi, who had also sealed that they had been deceived and, at the same time, had been named King Jardaba, to whom they pledged allegiance, to bury Lilith, whom they had to defend.

Diekichi takes to the immobile Alessandromaton, and the two spirits of Kagelow and Hayaji pinch him with their backs, each posing as a bare-handed quarrel, but too many are passive. Dirkichi screams pitifully.

"No more Akan-, Alessandro.

Everyone thought that the lynching against one weak living human being and the two ghosts of the dead would begin - by the eight prison guards.

"Do you think I would bother to miss that?



"Who said that?

"Mr. Margaretta, I've been waiting for you!

Dirkichi screamed but quickly, or Margaretta's moves, which had already been amply demonstrated, burst. For a long time now, Margaretta's physical skills cross over to the point where she wonders where Alessandromatons with the soul of Lagon and the fatigue that fought the battle between life and death lie. I don't know if the move so far is because I was reluctantly moving with orders from Lilith, or because even though I have such moves, it is actually Lilith who is thinking and moving them, even each of those moves was not the ratio of combat skills that came earlier.

Depending on what you think, it may be the result of the strength of the confronted opponent, no, trying to get behind the moves that would have been spotted with each other using the same moves, but thus blunted.

Either way, all the jailbirds lost their will and it didn't take 10 minutes for Margaretta to deliver the demonic spear.

I wondered what would happen for a while, and the Deekichis would buttocks on the spot when the thread of tension was loose.

Until earlier, Margaretta, who probably doesn't remember the battle between Alessandromatons and Dimensions in which Lagon's soul resided, asks gently, approaching the Deekichi and the others, acting as if he looked like a light exercise and tapped the dust of his clothes.

"Deakichi, what is this situation now? ─ ─ Apparently, I've caused you a lot of trouble.

"Hey Margaretta, I'm glad you're the only one who could help. If you hadn't come back to life with this, there would have been no Wye.

"This is--for the first time in hundreds of years, the abominable evil spirit Lilith has been resurrected, hasn't it? And what is the situation now?

Diekichi first tells us all about how they entered the Hell Gate from the well, but as sinners they saw the various hellfire arrangements in each hierarchy sent by that gatekeeper's carriage to the Fifth Reich, and how they got here by savoring it themselves. Lost in the upper hierarchy just crossing the gates Sabatler and Hayahusa, the deceased, who also appears to be Samurai of Yapan in the hierarchy of illness, mistakenly saw him as King Jardaba, and Cagelow came where he unwillingly pretended to be, telling him the secret of Alessandro's birth that he heard from the mouth of Cagelow's sister, who was the shadow of the former kingdom, and that Alessandro, who found out that he was not Sir Leold's son but a son of Bakemono, had become self-absorbed. or, face-to-face with King Jardaba himself, who was then about to come to see the evil spirit Lilith, as Alessandro bladed against King Jardaba, whom he had declared his father, he attacked the Yawn of the Giant - a hand-washing ghost combined with a hand-washing ghost - with a lightning bolt that Lem had gianted with the magic bill Alessandro had and annihilated it, but which flew retributively countless times from the lowest level, along with a hand-washing ghost whose soul King Jardaba had fallen out. Rem was also painful and quickly introduced in his proud tongue, for example, that he had healed Lucy's demonic nucleus, which appeared there.

From Satan's fall to the bottom, until he toured the Alessandro's here, Kagelow and Hayaji added commentary, explaining that the Lagon, who was defeated by a mighty enemy from eternal prison, captured as a kingdom brave man, and brought here in a cargo truck in pieces, was an automaton, as well as, in fact, that Alessandro was also an automaton on which Satan was carrying data of himself sucked up at Demon King's Castle, and that he overwrote Margaretta and Godfrey's moves with those of the copied Lagon, also with his consent for the Lilith offense, among other things.

Satan no longer fell, and Lagon was sealed without Alessandro's ego. Only Dirkichi could tell Margaretta the status quo of the rescue team that led here.

"When I met Straw, Lucy was in no magical condition, but Lem healed and the enclosed magic became available, and here Lilith manipulated you and Alessandromaton with Lagon data fought and managed to trap the evil spirit inside Alessandromaton, but Lucy was powerless on this street. Perhaps the data you had may have disappeared.

"So that means that Mr. Sabatra, who went to hell with you, Mr. Hayahusa and even Viscount Cyber, were sacrificed by the time we got here. And right now, I don't know if it's Alessandro or Kingdom Brave, but does that mean it's the Automaton, not the biological person, lying there anyway?

"Well, to be clear, that's what I mean.

"I wonder how Lucy is doing.

"I pushed it pretty hard, and I was saying things like using that technique.

"That technique means the technique of sealing the lilith that attaches the collar of the Madante planta.

"I guess Mr. Margaretta found out, too.

"Of course it is. Because the original evil spirit Lilith is what Satan had sealed in my body.

"I talked to Alessandro about how wizard life would suck if there was a demon nucleus, but I don't know if Wai is specialized around there either.

"Really? If I hadn't been made good by Lilith, I'm sorry I wouldn't have put everyone through all this trouble. Satan must have been angry at me for sawdust, right?

"Oh, my God. I didn't say a word about that. Except in this hell, Margaretta, whether you go or go back, I said there might be none without your help, and I worked so hard until I wore you out.

"You were. Too bad, if I hadn't been caught off guard with my enemies and broken the cross at that time...

"I regretted your crucifixion because I was soaked. Yeah, but I can't help saying that right now. Why don't we all do what we can, together? Let him." "

"I get it, Deekichi. Whatever you say is best... What shall we be where we repent? It's just moving forward.

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