Operation Caxie Island Strategy had already begun.

There is only one goal for Godfrey, who used the boat as a vanguard and landed a few people off the cliff. It is to seal the stone of hope that my ancestors placed on this island.

Godfroy army strength, his squire Omosel runs behind Godfroy with a large box.

Still further afield, three inflexible men, who also look like golems, are putting together a human horse and sending me the magic of support from afield with the wizard Pespectiva on board.

It's the first move I've seen for Godfrey, but something like a lump of lightning that appeared in the air scattered like a fountain, falling in all directions. It's like a curtain of lightning.

The enemies coming from the left and right of Godfroy, or from the rear of the wizards, when they notice an intrusion, are not such a large number, but no one can approach them by being held back by the curtains of the riches.

Godfroy was told by the wizard that he should just think about moving forward and move on.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

Outside the island, on the other hand, the shipowners of the two ports, who spoke of Garza at some distance, were surrounded by different ships, large and small, tight as they surrounded the island.

And Garza's ship of the day and a few even bigger than a dozen are now threatening to land on the only sandy beach that seems to be able to land.

Today, Yosel High is in command of its front line, and was a manoeuvre to attract humans from all over the island there, leading a convoy that Pespectiva intends to land largely off the predetermined sandy beach beforehand.

Accompanied here were Gasparn and Ito and Hanako, who had come to the castle, and the two of them snuggled together neatly wearing a leaded hood, which looked like a standard costume of a wizard, in order to hide their appearance, for the reason that 'no woman should be exposed to a fighting ship'.

Others should still be aboard the shadowy micage that was going up to the castle, but they were nowhere to be seen at the point of sailing from the bars of Godfroy territory facing the coast only slightly, even without dressing like that in a work pattern.

Other girls who were with Pespectiva are on board the ships surrounding them because of the danger.

"I seem to have put out something like a cannon.

This is not a warship, so the ship is not equipped with anything to serve as a weapon. Everyone knew that another ship was equipped with empty guns for monster repelling, but that it was nothing more than a mess.

But apparently, the only person standing around for that was Yosel High, who uttered the word.

"It's okay. Because it seems like it's time to start noticing internal anomalies over there. Here we go."

The voice is a micage. Indeed, there is an army of enemies gathered so much that they cannot stay on the beach any longer, a disturbance that softened in roughly less than two hundred. There seems to be an equal number of enemies in the woods that are not yet visible or on the high ground, but it is difficult to ascertain from the ship. But I'm pretty sure most enemies are gathered here.

The cannon squad on the beach was rushed by a voice directing from the high ground to set up the cannon in a good front row of sandy beach scaffolding, where it was found to be loaded with ammunition and ammunition. It is dangerous to sit and wait any longer.

The moment I thought so, the ship suddenly leaned heavily.

"Hey, what the hell.

Looks like Yosel High is the only one who's surprised by this too.

The men of the sea, grabbed by a helicopter, are flat. As if nothing happened. That doesn't involve the crew of the ship next door at close range.

"It's okay. It's the beginning of the show. Hey, Lord Micage?

Gasparn turns his face in the wrong direction and asks for his consent. The old master stood perpendicular to the deck tilted without shaking with a single cane.

Unexpectedly clinging to a nearby pillar and spared the fall, Yosel High, when he listened to his voice and looked at the sandy beach, the army that was assembling on the beach is already in a state of total collapse.

The inclination of a ship as much as just now must be the aftermath of a big wave, no tsunami hitting the beach. More than half of humans, including cannons that were coming to the beach, were floating at sea exposed to waves. But the main force seems to be safe thanks to being at a high altitude.

"Oh, my God, Old Master, is this the show?

"No, this sounds prelude.

Yeah, Gasparn says, but it's quick, or there's a loud whistle. Then the fleet around the outer perimeter, which was solidifying behind Yosel High, scattered left and right, as it scattered the spider child.

The source of the whistle is a large warship behind it. I've also seen Yosel High drive offshore, yes it's Gilman's national highway ship Seaforth One.

A ship that triumphs just this way, it is shallow to discover with Godfrey that it was at a distance but at sea, and in an instant it wraps its tongue around the speed at which it disappears from the front horizon to the rear horizon. There's no way I can missee it. It's a big warship.

"Hey, why are you here?

"Come on."

The captain's voice sounds and all the ships that were surrounding the beach open the sea wide to Seaforth One. In the meantime, the bow opened its mouth wide up and down. Yes, it was exactly fitting that I opened my mouth, resembling exactly what a shark was trying to wear.

"Anti-shock defense!

The words spoken by Gasparn against the staff echo like voices from heaven. As soon as you get there, you can hear the sound of throwing a ray in from each ship.

Without knowing what it was, I threw away the instruction stick that Yosel High also had and hugged him on the column he was clinging to.


─ ─ But a more intense, so to speak, cannon-like stream of water was fired towards the beach than it was flowing out of a narrow waterway with narrow turbulence. Column-like water currents beat the wide range around the beach. After the ship seemed to have opened its mouth, no enemy gathered on the beach for just a moment would be able to exchange one.

The ship that was on Yosel High also inclined heavily for a moment, but it didn't seem to have that much of an impact on the surroundings, which soon subsided. However, with the exception of Seaforth One, the outwinding ships retreat greatly together without being able to resist the power of massive amounts of seawater returning from the island.

And for a while... Almost all of the enemies were lost on the coast when the light of the sea water pulled into the pretty deep forest of the beach.

Then he advanced to the tip of Seaforth One to look like a half-fish man with a luxurious robe, possibly the owner of this ship, undoubtedly King Saint-Maximilia II of the dense forest. I don't know much about the half-fish man's face, but isn't it Quedward who somehow has it on the rear named Captain Royal Guard? The half-fish man, dressed with clean seashells, etc. attached to pull that robe slightly further back - perhaps your lady's - would be a posterior ochozelda. Obviously, I could tell from here that he was taller than a half-fish man in general.

"Lord Micage, have you seen the power of my Seaforth One main cannon, the water cannon?

"Only with these eyes. Thank you for your grant.

"What are they saying? A return of just a tenth of a benevolence for risking your life to protect my Prince Brichard III. No, if you ask me, I don't owe you a debt of gratitude, but I have a brother-in-law who caused you trouble."

I see, Yoselhai understood that Micage had protected a prince somewhere who was said to have been caught in the Viscount Cyber Territory.

"No, I've had enough of that."

"Our Gilman clan will never take such benevolence lightly. The motto is to return the favor 10 times.

That's when Gasparn shouted out loud wondering if he nodded his hand to his ear.

"Pespectiva contacted me. Safe, Lord Godfroy said, has succeeded in sealing the stone of hope and has found an affordable cave to evacuate there.

"Now, Mr. Quedward, give me the final finish.

"Got it.

Thinking something like an army of half-fish men appeared on the deck, drums and cymbals rang and trumpet-like sounds rang. Then a number of large balls of water emerged from around the island and burst as they rose one after the other over the island. Waterfall-like rain is pouring all over the island.

"This is a much-washed, pure water from Ten Nine. Not everything, but it will wash everything away.

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