At last, Mariachi's unspeakable joy at the willingness of Swuriya, who helped the Cyber Viscounts on their way to eternal prison, to say that they would blossom.

Though Sulya lived with True Dragon in the Sun Palace during his retirement, he turned down the new Salamandra god who would inherit it and completely dawn on the Sun Palace, temporarily residing in the mansion of Saint Junior, who had used it as his rear palace, but - with Saint Junior telling him that it was hot and painful - quickly left here and sealed himself up in an area called Paradise, and so on. But I didn't want to be without doing anything either, and I volunteered to be the gatekeeper of the Japanesemen, who asked God Salamandra to tell me that roughly nobody would go through. But after it subsided there, Mariachi felt a teething sensation that Sulya, who no longer had light or heat, lived quietly for the most part.

Because Swuriya has been an absolute God who, since the birth of this universe, has given light, fever and nurtured the grace of life and watched over everything on earth.

When this universe was formed, 400 million years ago, as the space dominated by the chaotic creatures and the inanimates from which the slime originated accumulated at the bottom of the vessel over a long period of time, the soil was divided into water, soil and fire, and the soil was consolidated into the earth, where water accumulated in the recesses and became the sea and so on, filled with the feeling of putting up empty walls where there was nothing, and the sky began to spin. The fire gathered together and gave its soul to its life as the source of energy called Salamandra, and ascended to heaven to become the "sun” ─ the sun. That is the birth of the Salamandra God.

But because the sun had always stopped in the heavens - in the centre of the sky - a period of 200 million years of scorching ensued, and thermal rain poured down on the surface and stuck in the soil as well.

By this, the earth stored great energies, such as light and heat, and organisms began to adapt to the environment in the water and in the soil. Yes, everything that was alive had acquired the power to use the magic of adaptation. Slime-like organisms, or after jellyfish and octopus in the sea, were transformed into shellfish and human deads, and in the ground from namequats and mites into hiatus, resulting in fish and worms with bones on the outside, and further taking shells into the body to create bone-like vertebrates.

When the soil and water fires first split, the elements of the fire that were mixed with the soil and water did not have heat. For this reason the element, which was not divided, received heat from the sun for a long time, and gathered on the surface to ascend to heaven and become a star. One big star gathered more stars around in heaven to the same size as the Sun at the coarse density of Scarska, but the big star was a crushing fire, so I thought about merging into the Sun (climbing to the same height at), but the Sun began to escape from the cold big star, reluctant to be deprived of heat. At first there was a chase in heaven, but when I saw the Big Star, the Sun began to hide. Thus 200 million years ago, the day and the night were as ready as they are now. Big stars became known as the Moon, and with other stars who no longer received energy from the Sun, they stayed in the sky using dragon veins carved into their minds to glow and keep flying.

On earth, besides the fish that were born in the veins of water, the cold-blooded beast of the earth, the bird beast of chi, begins to walk wide on the surface where it has become temperate, the Salamandra God gives life in mating with each other, and the ancestors of the dragons and fairies, the kings of the three beasts, are born.

Blessed from water, soil and qi all the vegetables, the first creature grew up absorbing the vegetables of fire that crept into the earth, gaining excellence from the power of the pulse of the earth that sighed over hundreds of millions of years as a dragon that also manipulated fire.

On the other hand, the fairy, who was a mixture of the same three beasts, becomes only one who benefits from the ground vein, one who cannot live away from the pulse. What inhabits the underground pits that have been pulsed are nomes, what is aquatic is undine, what is everywhere is called silf, called the Holy Spirit with special abilities based on the power from the pulse, always coexisting with its world without dispute.

The dragon also housed a dragon pulse in his own body to gain infinite power, and it became the era of the dragon's dominion for 100 million years, from 200 million to 100 million years ago, mainly because it could follow a subspecies (dinosaurs) mixed with cold-blooded beasts that lived in the soil. They created hell and eternal prison of the other world to create demons and evil spirits, or to shut them down, which is the source of hell and the demonic world today. It was the true dragon that controlled that world and ended the age of the dragon to create an era that is said to be human.

To tell this story, Marici dwelt on its history long ago from Sulya, who was the Salamandra God.

Mariachi could not live up to the exorbitant expectations that the swuria, which was a reward, was about to burn again and shine in heaven on such a day.

But when everyone is watching where they're going, the stars flow far above the starboard rear. Mariachi doesn't miss it.


"Doesn't he? Oh, I'm glad to see you now.

Naturally, Swuria realizes that, too, and follows its tail with her eyes.

"Yes. I went a little off the road. What's going on?

Suddenly, what you're looking at around you twists your neck as Mariachi and Sulya look at the sky on their right hand side all the way from behind - it should be the ceiling.

Michissane, not reluctantly, immediately asked Swuria.

"What's wrong?

"Oh, the meteor-- no, I found out. I passed over my head. What are they doing?

Michisane asks further questions to Sulya, who seemed slightly angry.

"Shouldn't you?

"No, it's nothing. Yeah, I don't know. Why did you come straight to him and take the road?

"No, so far, why weren't you with me?

"Oh, I thought there might be a lot of tough stuff going on in hell, and I asked them to investigate if there was anything strange about rushing over.

"Then again, is it up to you to go back here?

Looks like a complaining old lady, but as a Guardian, Marici sticks around to complain.

"Well, hang in there. It's not the same speed as the wax flying.

"So they were all coming later?

"Sort of.

"The only thing I could see flying now seemed to be for one person.

"Ah, you did it. Do you have some business with just one of us going that way?

Of course, I very much don't see any reason for meteors to behave that way on their own.

I dare say, with an extension of the order I received from Swuriya, I could only assume that if I were to explore information from the rear, I would have detected something on this starboard side, possibly around the front that could be considered a hellish anomaly, was occurring.

"Master Swuriya, we need a rush crowd, so I'm sorry, but could you bring back the meteor?

"What do you think? ─ ─ Oh, my God. You're flying a lot faster than on Saturday. The meteor one. It's pretty quick.

"That said, we can't beat Master Swuria very fast. Even now, Master Swuriya will be able to catch meteors soon.

"If you say so, what if we were to look for him here for one second?

Mariachi asks the abrupt suggestion.

"When they say he is?

"The name just came out, like the dragon who went one foot ahead. Yeah, well, he's not just a dragon. The quartet just told me. Quite a pedigree. Yeah, a real dragon or something.

The eyes of the Michisanes who heard it shine.

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