But I wonder why the dragon men have left their own weapons.

Perhaps if we were to try to stop the Largos, we would be more powerful, and weapons should be imperative.

Or, like the Largo's, did they rely on old information to brace their heights that something like this would not be in hell?

When I did approach Hell Gate, everyone was supposed to carry a monogothic weapon, like the dragon man I saw for a while on the ground but came after.

If they were to leave something like that proud weapon, it must be when they go through that Hell Gate first. Or you mean they made me take an oath to discuss it as a condition for letting me go inside?

If there's something there that makes people with tough postures like dragon men let go of their weapons that can be described as the outline of a favor to go after Largo in this hell, they don't know all that much about the talent in the Hell Gate, but Largo is the only one I can think of.

I'm sure by now, it's the one who says this with a slight face, looking down at the four people who go home in a pantyhose, lying like a bloody cloth.

"Ma Lu told Shiteng's opponent to fight with his bare hands.

In a way, Largo wrapped his tongue around that man, turning him into a human deceased in this hell, and saying that he might be more terrible than King Jardaba.

"So what is that Mr. Meteor?

"Hi, the one above told me to confirm the anomaly in hell, confused by the absence of the Four Heavens Kings and Jailguards on each level so far, I discovered them all here and told them the circumstances, and it seemed that you had already grasped the disturbing movement in hell as well, and you were immediately convinced.

"Right. Even the one above hell, you've got that kind of movement.

"There were a few of them, so some of them took four of the dragon men back to the Hellgate, but there are still three or four of them left here. Shall I tell you something?

"Did I tell you about Valkyria?

"Oh, I haven't told you that yet.

"If you have any doubts about the situation in hell, I think that's important too. There's a chance that we can do something about going to eternal prison. Then maybe everyone can help me. Be sure to convince me.

"And my lord, with this group of me, I find it hard to rendezvous with you. So I'd like to give these people a chance to fly there somehow.

"But Mitsu, you won't be able to fly. I don't think I can fly either.

"What do you mean, maybe?

"No, because we're all together. I didn't think I could fly anyway, so I didn't try.

"What? - I'm now- I'm certainly not going to be able to fly, though. Still, we can get there faster than we can with this group.

"Then do me a favor. If we can do that, Sabatler and Hayahusa will be with us.

"No, I don't think you two can yet. Now this place is still in the flying hierarchy of the devil, so it's getting better and worse over and over again. Just me for now, and I'd like to head over there, wouldn't you?

"That would help if you could come to Mitsu. Anyway, it's just humans and foxes except me.

Nevertheless, I have the least reliance on it.

"There's also a raven.

"No, that's not what I mean. ─ ─ Then please.

"Got it. Just a moment longer, please, Lord.

I didn't give it away because I didn't think of it as a force of war. God's use of the deposits must be given back in good faith, without scratching.

"I don't know if Largo Han thinks he's just a crow on the road, but he's still so strong.

"I know. Mr. Yoshinaka shut him up in one shot.

"I don't know about that. Well, good to see you. Don't worry about what you see again.

Leave such a creepy word and shut your mouth or make fun of it.

After a while, Tamamo, who was walking well across me, makes a weird voice.

"I don't know what this is about, Zamas. I'm starting to feel weird.

"Tamamo Han, you're one of the best demons in the world, aren't you? I don't know, I don't know what else to say. ─ No, I do, but I do smell strange about this.

"What's wrong with you? We're both joking again.

"Tengya ahem. As it were..."

"Yes! I'm sorry.

Largo, who felt something nasty from the way they both said things, looked at the Yoshinaka and the others, where they both already did their earlier sinister mood. I stop a long time in front to change the color of my eyes and stick around in the same atmosphere as a freshly aged couple. Oh, my God, it's so embarrassing to watch.

Suddenly an unlike music rang in a place called Hell, and my uncle came out with a ghost dancing from the shadows screamed.

"Oh? I can't believe there's a fox or a crow in the middle of this hell, eyesopos fairytale.

If you ask me that, I feel like I've heard that story somewhere, but maybe that was about the fox taking away the crow's food. I feel a little different from what I'm in right now.

Appearing with such a loud voice, his uncle, who adorned his slightly nee-talking bald head with something of a floral wheel, wore a degree of fur on the bare with a jawbeard parrot and held something like a wine glass in his hand. You may not have to, but the important part you're hiding is firmly erect.

But first, calm down and trigger a thousand eyes to see what's going on here.

Then earlier, when I heard and checked Yoshinaka's allegations, I saw little, what seems to be another spirit body of a different atmosphere than the demon, so much so that it seems like there is a large group of magpies around. This disgusting uncle to observe would be Josinaca's satyrus.

"What have you done to my people!

"I didn't do anything. These guys are beasts in the first place. I wonder why you don't return to the heart of the beast. My bears aren't sweet enough to prevent it with such a boring old passport. Boring guys get eaten by crows and foxes. Look, it's a treat!

I thought that was what they said, and when Yataka teased me, Tamamo suddenly hit me in combat mode.

"Yata-san, Tamamo-san, get sane!

Different eye color. I haven't heard this one at all. ─ It seems more unacceptable than...

Yasuko no 9 tails strike me like a long sharp blade to make a bumbling noise and chop up the largo.

When he exchanged them and fled, Yasuko's three legs raised his nails and blurred right in front of his cheek. Indeed, the self-declaration of being so strong is not Dada. Had I not been given such a handsome body in hell, I would have been caught in the first blow or two.

Where he barely escaped, now Tamamo opened his mouth and tried to bite him with a sloppy fang. I barely got away with it because I didn't get that combination at all, but I could barely afford it anymore.

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