"What makes you think that? Maybe when it comes to 'everything', but that's the word of prophecy. Let's take it anyway?

Astleto says sweet things, but as a prophetic professional, Erigos must make it clear that there is certainty here.

"That's what I think in contrast to the prophecy before that. In the last sentence it should have been said, The devil shall also be plucked out of his fangs, and he shall submit, and the sheep shall be brought a bright dawn. Seeing it, if it is only the demons, it is described as' the demons'. If it is only the humans, it is described as' the sheep '. When it comes to everything, it seems to mean all the creatures on this earth. Or of this universe..."

"What do you mean? So, Galenos, didn't they want to make Lago the last champion of the universe?

Erigos darkens in front of Astleto's just satanic predictions.

"I see, but it's a ruinous idea, but did you even think that you could extinguish every universe and escape eternal suffering? However, when I complimented you on the act at the time, Galenos said:" My best sorcery is super frozen. Using it, we can freeze even eternal prison.

"─ In the first place, only Mr. Galenos, who is a cryoslime, can use it. It's a terrible business that air also becomes an individual.

"But I have also heard that if you use it, Master Galenos will be sent to eternal prison. I mean, he's the last of the demons.

"Yes, but if it's something that's been sent to eternal prison, it's not terrible either. It's just that in prison, maybe...

"That's right. Magic against others does not take effect. I am often told that I cannot move one finger, which is probably expressed in comparison to it because the Demons can give more power than humans, but my knowledge states that I can move at the level of the deceased.

"Well, you can't freeze around if you do - which means you can only freeze as much as your contents. Still, it could be a good way to escape prison blame bitterness.

"I wonder if Galenos will use the technique himself. If Galenos could have eaten something else and let him catch his magic in his body, it might be possible.

"Really? Think about it, so that you can't use magic against others while wearing Madante Planta's collar, it seems plausible that Galenos, who is in prison for that move, will be used to block the effects from the outside.

"Is it about clairvoyant that I can use with that on? We're just talking about clairvoyance.

"I see."

But what thanks is there for having clairvoyance while savoring the greatest possible suffering in such a world?

From what Satan told me, in the case of a collar, if the collar functions have stopped due to some mistake, there may be a lot that can be done in the exercise of magic even if it is worn, but it is very unlikely that such a thing will happen in eternal prison.

In the case of Galenos, where it is conclusive that he will be trapped in such a place forever, even if, as a result of pondering over, he considers that he has tried to end this entire universe and take the inheritance he has created once as the champion of this earth, but that is never possible, even if he has also tried to end his own suffering early and take heart with this universe.

"Aside from that, when such a ruin occurs, so does the demon world, no. This universe is even gone. Is that alright...?

"Even so, this future is already in motion. I'm not moving in another direction now. That's what prophecy is all about.

"Even though we demons are happy with the ruin of human misfortune when it comes to the destruction of human intelligence and other frameworks...

"If it does mean that all this universe will be destroyed, then of course our demonic world, which is attached to it, and even this earth that is manifesting itself, will be gone. I mean, I try to rejoice in the misfortunes of others, like you, but I try to coexist, like my lord, but I can't help but lose everything in any case. Well, for example, it might be the other way around for someone who is locked in an eternal prison or something, and is permanently tormented.

"You can't even go back to the demonic world, which means you die like a human being. Does that mean my life is over?

"I never thought about that, but no matter how you discount it, that's not a good idea.

"But the future was no longer chosen. If we keep going, this world will always end, even if the Lord Largo does not want it. Moreover, according to the prophecy, Lago was soon awakened from eternal prison, and then before the next spring - by then.

"What do you mean? I didn't know it would probably take a year for us to find the Lord we serve and think we could be active from now on, but it will take all of us to perish. Can't we manage to change that future?

"Unfortunately, this future cannot be the only one that can change. Perhaps the future is already there. It was this sentence that took it out in fragmented words. Dantalians have been saying this before. There's no doubt about the effectiveness of the matter, the order in which it happens, but he said it's normal that it doesn't take much to intervene between them. But in this case, at least until it's all over since you dominated the world, it doesn't change anything but a year and a few months.

"If so, what do you think? If you slow down world domination a little. It gradually expands its scope without complete world domination. Isn't there something else wrong with us, no matter how many thousand years it takes? Especially here! Even seek out the last octopus.

"I see. I know exactly what you're saying. After that, he says until the next spring.

"If that's what you mean! Not good."

"What's going on?

"What if. Suppose the word" octopus "or" certain dragon man. "

"You think he's a certain dragon man? Does anyone have any idea?

"You know what a legendary explorer is?

"I've heard the story. Those are the mighty dragon men.

"That's right. Those are what Lago is after.

"Oh, my God. I can't deny the theory that you call it the Tatsunoko by offering those explorers exactly.

"In Ronowell's reading, he's now following Lord Largo - and probably infiltrating hell.

"Please! Keep them close to Master Largo.

"What if something around you buries them, even if it's not you?

"That's right. I won't have this universe until next spring! We have to manage to inform Master Largo of that.

"How? I'm not sure where you are right now.

"It's eternal prison. We have to send someone in there.

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