(─ Shit! Now the two attacks are falling apart, but if we capture a combination, we may not be able to prevent them...)

As a last resort, you can wield the Devil's Cutting Sword, but if you can pull out this sword and beat it, the tail of an octopus with nine, and the foot of an octopus with three, will almost certainly be less than the number of common crows and foxes.

(─ No! I can't use it.

"Well, if you're just running around, you're gonna get caught someday.

Such a real shooting star jumped in between Largo and the Tamamos just fleeing with hesitation to interrupt what would or suddenly.

Largo's flying down on each other so they don't get involved unexpectedly.

At that time it was Mitsu who appeared as if he had jumped off a meteor, and stood before Largo.

"Were you okay? Lord."

"Mitsu, you're here.

"Yes. Of course.

When you look at that kind of mite unexpectedly, your free passport is alive and well on your wrist.

"Sorry, I haven't heard from you in a while.

I tried to explain the situation quickly and talk about what to do, but sooner than that, Mitsu takes the yo-yo out of the area around the chest of a simple piercing coat and stands in front of the two of them.

Probably came all the way through telescopic clairvoyance to see how the Largos were doing until they flew here.

"Leave this place to me.

"No! Hurt me or...

I would just like to say that for a bump - but it may be impossible to ask Mitsu, who has begun to use that power with caution, to regulate Astleto's ability to exercise it.

"Two Kemonos would be perfectly fine.

(─ Everyone is just being manipulated because they are called greedy demons.

And in my heart I tried to scream, but Mitsu stops in front of the two beasts that strike me when I say the last word away.

But it was easy for Largo to imagine what kind of tragedy would wind up if Mitsu, who confronted Tamamo with a tease of genuine mode, came completely insane and approached him, waved the power he had deposited from Astleto.

As Yasu praised himself, surely its strength is not half raw. At the time of the Battle of Valkyria, it is enough to regret why we could not fight with these two combinations.

If you try to stop it at all costs, of course you have to wield just the same power.

Even if Satori read his opponent's mind earlier, it should be noted that Satori was inferior to Valkyria in offense, except for his ability to read his opponent's mind, which was such an overwhelming force that he could not be very fat enough to feed it back to his head.

These two combinations could outperform Valkyria.

And if Mitsu tries to counter it, the more powerful martial arts deposited from Astleto must burst.

At the back of Largo's brain, if it sucks, a grill of round roasted birds and foxes that were ripped off their wings, run out of fur and cooked, or at least like a fox and crow pot utensil that was squeezed up in the roots with Yoyo's captive function, comes to mind, but I soon found out that was over-thinking.

Mitsu sits back, hands pompous and depressed, and rolls the yo-yo to the ground. Then one and one fierce assassins already lined up quietly before the mites, as if they were completely unwilling to fight.

"Come on. You're both good kids. Hey, time's up. Yes, take the tamamo. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.

Mitsu was playing with the two, as if they were adorable owners of tamed dogs and hand-roaded literary birds. On his hands he is too big. However, he stops on the shoulder of a crouched mite and brooms from behind to the face of the mite, and the tamamo is sweet by leaning back in front of the mite to show his stomach.

"Uh, why?

Well, Mitsu was given his abilities by the SS who dropped him off at the end.

I remember some of them, Hanako, Clay, and Heiji the Animal. Its ability cannot withstand its dominance as long as it is an animal, as it has also shown on the ground.

It seems to be an incomparable force of compulsion to the degree of stray of the mind that has become unstable from instinct.

Satyrus how he reached his angry mind rather than saying he was surprised to see it.

"I wonder what you're doing, you guys. How could that be..., uh, if this happened already?

"Now, what are we going to do 'when this happens already'?

Largo literally tells them to take out the "heirloom's sword" and show it off. Needless to say, this is the Tabernacle Card, the Tabernacle Blade, deposited by the Great Demon.

"Where the hell did you get that knife?

"Yes, you know. I hear there's nothing I can't cut. I'll have you disappeared, Evil Spirit dispersed!

Largo cuts and cuts and cuts a large group of things around him called the Yunxia Lust Demon.

Either that or it's more tedious than the chains that were on the Valkyria.

More and more disappeared than just the severing sword touched it to cut it off.

I think Largo's body is getting used to this move of leaving himself to the cleaver fist to be allowanced or cut as soon as possible.

"You bastard! Damn it, remember!

The ghosts fled together at first sight. You saw the Tamamos' ability to fight until now, even if you didn't know what Mitsu's strength was, and you thought if it turned to the enemy, you couldn't be very fat.

But it's called a line, what a deserving way to disperse from being hit by anything.

"Thank you, Mitsu, you saved me.

"No, I am sorry that I have ever left the Lord's side.

"We've almost cleaned up the greed demons around here already, so we're all right with the other two, right?

"─ So, who is that man?


When I saw it, Tomoe and Yoshinaka were both sleeping where they had just stopped, and it was looking pretty awful good.

At some point Yoshinaka had taken off all her armor and dressed a bit like a less kimono-like underwear like Chinese clothes, but that's even going to haddle her.

But Mitsu called me like that, and we both suddenly seemed to return to me. Anyway, Largo, I'm glad you managed not to take off just the easy X-ray stuff.

"─ Could this be Tomoe's original husband, who said he wanted to see you?

"Oh, yeah. See you here by chance. As I explained earlier, Mr. Yoshinaka is going to lead us to the entrance to eternal prison.

"Come on, you're going to someone like Margaretta now.

"Of course I do.

I haven't worn the armor I've taken off yet, but Yoshinaka pinches the words as I heal my standing.

"Ha, sure, in this direction, there's an castle out at the end of this hierarchy that's empty. I have heard from those below one level as if they had heard from a Necromancer who said they would let me use that castle exit.

I'm serious, but there's an unspeakable sense of awkwardness.

Tomoe and others have hidden themselves behind Yoshinaka, where the usual bravery goes. When he saw how it was, and some of it was pretty cute, Largo renewed his sight.

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