Almost no one should hear the conversation between the couple talking in a whisper amid the noisy drunken mess around, but the witch's hellish ears continued to capture the sound as well.

My uncle, who wants to end his inconclusive insane talk fight as soon as possible and say Aradia and Gudagda, tells his ancient wife to fold up.

"Well, I'll do something about it anyway, so shut up and go home today. I haven't had enough.

"You drink and you come home, you'll sleep well, but I won't be able to sleep again this evening.

With that said, the drunk opponent was nasty even to her husband, and still the old lady left with a giggle, not telling her husband not to lay a hand on her.

After checking enough of that, I give you an empty glass and order a replacement, and finally I turn to Aradia and start talking to her.

"I'm sorry, I watered the story down.

"I don't mind. You're talking about an important job. Because if your job jumps in right now, I might let you take a seat right away.

"Well, without saying that, let's go for another drink.

Aradia also ordered another little fortified liquor, showing the gesture that if you say so, I would stick with you, because the glass was almost from, but while the ancient wife was in formation, it was also a long way from calling the bartender.

Drink that gleefully and cut it out while pretending to be a little drunk.

"Well, that just kind of got to my ear."

"That's not good.

Again, it wouldn't be a good thing if they were asking, but this is Aladia who goes on her knees saying she has to bring it in for business, even if it's not.

"No, it's not unsavory. I came here looking for it, too!

"Why, sister? Is that you?

"Who's that guy?

My uncle's small voice suddenly gets even smaller.

"It's a smuggled import.

"No, that's not true. I usually had a proper and regular route in, but it suddenly stopped coming in, so I asked you if you could get it when you got here.

"Heh, there's chocolate on such a regular route. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Write" chi "and circle it. I've never heard of that multitude on a regular route to another country. Well, no. The snake path is a snake. I don't know if you know the area, but it was actually only a few days ago.

My uncle says a few days ago, a circular ran from his national directive to the suppliers concerned to ensure that a large amount of ingredients mixed with that chocolate and drugged into this country would serve all the hand-held chocolate on top.

"Actually, if you're a major dealer, it looks like the vendor who brought in the milk and other ingredients first signed up for a replacement and bought it up. So, an order was given to release all the way to a small place like ours. But we've always been more specialized in the sidestream, so we've already talked about buying a certain amount of mulch. But he got caught, and now he can't put it away for delivery. He's sleeping in a warehouse, and he's worried about what to do. Well, my sister is a regular... vendor. Do you have a card or something?

"No, but I don't have any tickets to buy on this side of the border. So I was worried about what to do.

Then I just thought it might be a dark deal, and on the umbrella my uncle got a big attitude.

"─ Then we're talking about a boat over there. When I bought it at home. Maybe even a single chocolate isn't easy to get into this city anymore, and that's why they don't attack the medicine warehouse inside Miyagi.

"If that's the case, please do it here. I wonder how much is there?

"Well, even if it's such a big deal, we're just going to flush it out. About a kilo, but is there a problem?

A kilogram should have been somewhat more than half of a kilogram in units of imperial weight. Because we don't know what the situation will be, we can never say that there is much to throw definitively into the mouth of the devil's girl Cross. I thought it was slightly less than I had planned in order to get my hands on it and feed it, but it's better than not.

"I get it. I'll take it all.

"Well, you're welcome, sister.

Such a story came together and he promised to visit his uncle's shop tomorrow to pay for his liquor, and Aladia felt better and went back to her room.

(Exactly, there is business, and if I were to see my daughter-in-law tomorrow, you wouldn't have tried to get your hands on it. Well, if I did that, I'd probably do it to a toad overnight.

Opening the door of the room with that in mind, there seemed to be 15 familiar locusts on the bed of the room, waiting for Aradia to return. They are user-demon bugs that can create as many as they want, but unlike crows and others, they are less intelligent. The decision that the situation is abnormal can only be set, nor can it be informed in a person's language. Besides, unlike crows, the speed was slow to inform the distance. It is no longer different from the level of a slightly delayed - bug news - but rather than not.

But the fact that 15 such locusts have come to Aladia makes Aladia feel that what is happening locally is not half viable.

(15 hiccups! I don't...)

If you look only at that ability, a level of flying locust that you can't call a very user-demon could be placed so close to unlimited, unlike a crow.

However, it is not possible to speak without its own ability to determine the situation, and it can only inform itself of the anomalies that have occurred around it by flying to the source of Aradia if there are anomalies that are not normally reflected in the conditions. It is possible that in some cases one individual of that locust may also activate in boring facts such as being targeted by natural enemies.

Although I am careful about the placement so that the alarm is not activated by such boring things of course, it does not change that the locust is quite inconvenient. If you're just a crow of demons, there's a limit to how many, and up to three can be used simultaneously in Aradia's abilities.

And if you try to fly long distances like this one, whether it's a locust, or no, even a crow, you also have to be sufficiently worried about being preyed upon on that road, etc.

With that in mind, we place a sufficient number of flying locusts, but these guys don't have any shards of wisdom, so if there's anything abnormal about them, everything flies up to Aradia at a glance like it was switched on.

Conversely, in the case of insects like locusts, flying in a group makes them more likely to be preyed upon is also a painful and itchy story.

In other words, the fact that 15 people came alive here is nothing more than the news that more than dozens of things flew through the scene.

(These locusts are on the road from Godfroy's castle, and these guys put them on the opposite shore. And most of the rest I put inside the island--)

Due to the location where the flying locust was kept, the anomaly that was supposed to react set, Aradia, who sensed Godfrey's army activation and even an anomaly in the Cache on Cachey Island, decided she had to broom the night sky all the way to Cachey Island where she was based.

Shockeye thus knew no such circumstance and would run to chocolate purchasing in the morning, but before Aradia, who had returned to his home base, the reality that he could not let that happen was spreading under his eyes.

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