Then came Salé, who had driven him away to Jamon.

"Erigos, Lord Gymon wants to come home to the lab once, how about that?

"Right. Did you finally cut the paralysis?

But if you think about it, here's Astleto, where vampires who stubbornly guard and don't move the lair in that mountain will recognize him as the Lord "The Sagittarius". No, isn't that exactly who made that safe house? If we followed this immediately, it would have been Erigos, who I think would only solve getting inside, but it was Astleto at the time who was surprised to hear the words of that saire.

"What, is Jamon here?

It was Erigos who, in turn, was surprised by Astleto's first voice, which he uttered in surprise.

If you follow me, I was thinking in the corner of my head of what a slight hesitation should be to introduce a woman in seemingly untouchable witchcraft whose loyal vampires might fall down.

"What an Astleto. Are you talking about Jamon? ─ Oh, no, you did. Were you with me in a city called Bokovo?

But at the same time he raised his voice of surprise, Erigos remembered. Jamon told me that when we were together in the cities of Lago and Bokovo, we also met Astleto.

"It's not. We now let Hayami, the SS, take me to the lab and to the neighborhood, and set a new door for the transfer there, and we all visit the house of Ghamon, and then the house is empty. I was just looking around because the person in question is away.

That's a tough story - and Erigos was impressed.

In the first place, Jamon felt the resurrection of Samael, the evil spirit of old knowledge, and came so far to rely on his heart. The atmosphere made me fly to Sale, so I couldn't transfer right up to it and went out onto this beach.

The vampires from nearby neighborhoods wouldn't let us into the safe house, which I thought was even more obnoxious, and all that was inside was gone, but that was the Astletos, on top of which Astletos said they were moving to the lab to find Jamon.

"Say what! Earlier, Jamon and we were just coming from there. On the other hand, didn't you guys stay here until earlier?

"That's right. I had just come down to communicate with Samael in order to soften things that would pave the way for his eternal prison. While we were talking about it, I couldn't help but come down again, so I transferred the automaton to wander around the world from here to borrow it from Jamon.

"What a bad time between them. This is Jamon, who caught Samael resurrected and persuaded him not to do anything extra, as usual, to come this far with the help of Salé - well, we've been following that too. Because Jamon and his henchman, No. 14, know where you were. So, if Jamon goes back to the lab, he'll be able to meet Samuel, right? All right, then we don't have any help.

"What are we going to do?

Did you feel something slightly generous about Erigos, who suddenly rose up, holding a secret book and Astleto changing his complexion as well.

But I don't want you to hold that and lean too close, Erigos. I kept pushing Astleto with a gesture of calm, and first I flew down to Salé.

"Sale, explain the situation to the Gymons and return them to the lab with the people who came here. Fly the three of us to Buell before we do. Immediately."

"Erigos. Nothing. I don't even have the help of Salé. If you enter the safe house, there is the door to the transfer prepared by me. Of course, there is also a pair of them on the second floor of the borrower named Coffee Shop, where we used to be based, in the Wang capital where Buel is located. It's not dawn yet. It's just a short flight through the night sky from there.

"If so - let's hurry there.

Astleto - the woman in possession of the witch - comes close to the Erigos and says, holding the book of Dantalians' secrets.

"By the way, Erigos, what about this book?"

"Don't bring that thing anywhere near me. If you touch your body, it's going to collapse from that part, not very much.

"Okay. Then open the mouth of the transfer in the castle of the Demon King again, Salé.

"Are you sure about this?

Astleto, once he entered through the mouth of the metastasis and soon emerged from it again, no secret book was already in his hands.

"─ Okay, I put it back. This will do already.

"I feel like something's drifting from your body.

"It's my fault. It's my fault. Come on, let's go.

Yet I wonder if you are paying off the aftertaste of repentance that you have put on in the castle of the Demon King everywhere, with your sacred clothes all pampered.

That said, Astleto seems afraid that if he flies to the King's Capital with vague memories, Salé will fly him all over the city with a lot of people by mistake, etc.

It is still the middle of the night, but if it is a town like Wang Du, depending on the location, there will be endless overnight streets of Midnight Castle.

More than that, it seemed like he was definitely going to fly away and hide himself, once inside the building with a door connected to the inside of the coffee shop, asking what was going on outside from there, and move to Buell.

But there's still a group of Jammons Automatons in front of the safe house. Salé, who has already told Erigos to return the Ghammons to the lab and the companions he brought with him to wait for a while, led the demons to lean over.

You were tired of waiting, and you don't even seem to have to dare explain that Samael is waiting over there, and in less than a few minutes, the troops of the Geimons disappear.

Erigos tells the remaining demons to follow him inside the safe house with him and makes Astleto instruct the vampire who earlier stubbornly refused to enter the safe house, this time honestly opening the door to the safe house as he returned his palm earlier.

In the meantime, Erigos uses the door of the transfer to the King's Capital, where he asks his fellow Demons, who have brought him this far, to provide a place to wait, installed in Astleto and three bodies at the poke of the hallway in the lair.

"Ooh ya.

"As soon as Astleto enters the door of the transition, he tries to push the other door to open it, but there is no indication that it will open at all, just making chatter and noise.

"Such an idiot.

"What's going on?

"Someone seems to have closed the door to the transfer inside the coffee shop in some way from the outside. Wouldn't this get you out in the hallway of a vomiting coffee shop?

No matter how many times you chatter, they seem to have a pretty strong fixation. The door never tries to open.

"Hoof--I can't keep doing this. If you try to force it open, the door itself could be broken.

"Oh my goodness. I wish you hadn't returned Sale with me.

"Right. If so, will it be transferred to the Gymon Lab once?

"There's a way. As it is, the night dawns. That would make it harder and harder to get to Buell.

When the two demons were about to give up...

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