"I'm fine. If our successors are born, the future ahead will always be bright. That's why, Euda, I want to hear about parenting in the land where you were born and raised. If you're so keen on education, your kids are probably being raised with care.

"Yes, when it comes to importance, but the time I was born and raised was when my children were raised so harshly.

"Hmm, what's harsh?

"Teachers do corporal punishment, and children who don't listen to their parents throw them into a break-in, bracket them in a tree, or skip a snack...

Yuscario, if not a wife belt in his previous life, had no children, he was a so-called bachelor, so he can only say confidently about the circumstances of his birth and growing up.

But when I grew up, that was a lot less, but still, in the country, corporal punishment in schools was an issue from time to time. On the other hand, I know that there does not seem to be any such thing abroad, not to mention neighborhoods, and that it was somewhat problematic with children's human rights backward countries, etc.

"Alas, human children are hard to grow up with, so I heard that it's normal to raise all you want to be selfish anyway, except for dangerous things until you're about 5?

In that regard, Yusukalio feels that this whole hurn is similar to the world he was in, overseas. I've never actually been or lived there, but I've always thought it was very similar to the ancient to medieval times in the flourishing regions of the developed world.

"It's been so loose ever since, and I hear that stuff was normal in my days long before I was born. Especially since I used to have low child survival rates like humans in this country. Anything before my birth, a famous person named Cintaro made something called Spartan Education popular, and it seems like I've been able to have a temper that it's normal for me to do that to my kids for a long time.

"Spartaculous...? Is that what you put in brackets on a tree?

"No, I mean, I have to listen to you -- it's despotic, feudal and violent, so it's kind of obsolete, but as far as I know, it's been familiar for a long time in the music and sports world.

Surely there should have been an animation where a father who wears a gibbs that prevents his young child from growing up or flips his shabby table if he didn't listen to what he has to say in order to make his child a super first-rate professional baseball player would eventually raise a fine professional baseball player. I do remember there was even a scene where the police were likely to fly right away, like turning an oiled ball into a fireball and knocking on a kid.How impressive it must have been to remember after 1000 years. I remember when I was a kid, a friend of mine who was studying music relations lamented that the way the teacher taught was extremely demanding. Everyone did. But when I grew up, I was surprised to hear that I was never biased in such a demanding way of teaching in the classroom of overseas instruments.

Apparently, in the country of Yuscario's birth, the idea was established that historically the teaching of art was a harsh one. That was beginning to make Yuscario wonder if things like art were in the history of originating from the lower classes in that country. It was commonly referred to as "martial arts," etc., but if you are a martial arts student, you can't help but have something historically harsh. Because that puts your life at risk. But no matter what you think of entertainment - for example, the performance of songs, dances or instruments, if you make a mistake, or if the art is boring, will it take your life? Or would that give you a birth that would shape a lifetime of life? Think of it like that, it's limited to the low-status class that people take their lives for that or decide what to eat for the rest of their lives. It is a culture that has been cultivated in those things, so could history have been made that the polishing of that art requires as much rigour as the rigour of a martial arts?

If we continue to live dozens of times longer than our human life expectancy and live more than a lifetime of different worlds and cultures, we will have such thoughts.

"Sports, Ongak? Yeah, humans seem to prefer those things.

"I like music, too.

Apparently, the Demons are not emotions, Yuscario feels. Still seems to know something delicious.

"By the way, for a long time now, there have been these words in my country of birth." Let the little one travel. "

"Are you traveling to your child? Perhaps."

"Right. If you let an unexplained child travel or something, they may eat humans depending on where they are.

"Uh, that's not what I meant, and the old human journey was risky and life-threatening. I think that meant that if I let that happen, I would grow up a lot smarter.

"Do you want me to do something about my life? You're going to die.

"Even in my birth world, it wasn't as big as a monster, but there was something called a beast that eats people. One of the strongest and most fearsome of these was the lion, yeah, very similar to the lief here, but... There's an anecdote about that.

"Oh, that's pretty scary. It takes several heads and is famous for hunting even behemoths.

"Is that still true? There are these things in that anecdote. The lion -- it's about the little one from Rief, but it's about bringing up my son as my son only what has come up in the valley of Thousand Seekers.

"I see. That's an admonition that you can't survive in nature unless you're a child with so many sights. I know exactly."

Lucy, who remained silent until then, suddenly breaks into the conversation and goes in and speaks.

"That's the kind of anecdote we have in the world of dragons. There are stories that Ryu Sisin, who was in a place called Mount Ootai on the western continent, thrust into the valley of Mount Ootai's Thousand Seekers in an attempt to get someone of his sons to meet him with an amazing ability that he could not wear even if he sought it all his life.

"Why would you do that? What's that? What's that great ability?

"You don't know what a lucky invitation is, do you? True Dragon had it. I'm sure he went up to heaven because he finished his eternal prison and opened his eyes to it. He also said he got over many real imminent deaths and wore them. That's the only way to open your eyes to that ability. But in the end, they couldn't wear any of Sissin's kids. Not in the valley of Chihiro, right? Dragons are things that can fly.

Galenos, who was reacting to "Awesome Ability" and listening to the story with interest, arms up and leaks a word, as he was convinced.

"More like a crisis that my soul fears will have to descend on me. If you are an invincible dragon on earth, it would be quite difficult to see such an eye?

"But that's what happens if you have room to compete with a bunch of kids, right? In our case, it's probably just one important child who can only give birth once.

Listening to the story, Lucy pointed her mouth in the face like she had obviously chewed up a bitter bug. I don't know what that intent is on Yuscario.

But it was Galenos who disputed Dora's words.

"But spoiling it could get you in trouble in the future. I wish I didn't know who I was."

"You can no longer think about that. But what worries me, my dear, is if anyone thinks this born child is something that should not be born in this world, or if he comes to grab it because he manipulates it the way he thinks he is.

"Surely the mother of the world is always worried about my child. But it's okay. Because your two children have such strong parents and Lucy - Satan.

I've talked about that before, but in the end, by the time Largo was born, we were both gone from the world.

Yuscario desperately tried to bring him all the way to this king's capital so that he could live in peace, but was he not very trusted? No, I guess not. When the witch arrived, she seemed to turn to the crusty to keep herself from being suspected. But even though I don't know if I'm going to be able to say anything like this, I should have let Largo tell me all sorts of things until he was born.

Always saying 'I have as much time now' and so on is my mistake for living so long.

But Satan... what's Lucy doing now?

With that in mind, Yuscario stroked me nostalgic for the golden collar Lucy put on.

At that time, the magical door that stood against the hallway into the kitchen began to chatter and sound.

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