Aradia is in a hurry. Whatever the case, Kakshi Island is a safe haven built up in secret over a long period of time since Aradia was pursued by a scaffold called the Kingdom of North Harun.

It was originally an island where demon kings would be resurrected once every hundred years, usually with demonic veins.

But once upon a time there, a runaway brave man didn't even throw a party, and he boarded with two of his squires. And what those two brought with them was what was named the "Stone of Hope," which was said to have absolute repellence to the Demons.

Generally speaking, that mass of stone, crushed and used in a mixture of holy swords, etc., demonstrated tremendous abilities and did not even donate another ability to sift the Demon Nation, surprisingly and easily succeeded in the Demon King's Crusade.

But normally - although it is normal for a brave man who did this to go to another demon king's exorcism again - a neighboring lord who had burned his hands to the demon king who occurs every 100 years on this island, by accommodating and providing each other with territory, made the brave man near this island - only partially but also in the face of this bay - an autonomous community and welcomed him as a new lord.

To say why that has happened, there are three countries adjacent to this bay, with the exception of the present autonomous region of Godfroy, and eight more countries and territories will be given the benefit of this maritime area, including those that will receive it as a route of passage and importation. In other words, it seems that eleven countries were confused with the existence of Demon King's Island here, and yet the lack of a good compromise with the Church, as the lords of the three neighboring countries were not faithful, is passed down to the main cause of this result.

So it was said that instead of giving the Autonomous Territories and making them lords, by having their "stones of hope" served on this island, the Demon King could never be revived again, ensuring the permanent safety of vessels and fishery officials sailing through this area. The descendants of the brave man were driven out to the kingdom this time as a church army, Godfrey.

Aradia had no idea that the Demons would appear again in such a lair.

Still, what I cared most about was precisely the Lord of Autonomy, now Godfroy, in the hands of the brave.

If Godfrey, connected to the kingdom, knew that Aradia's lair was close to him, and heard of this terrorist incident, he almost certainly didn't know as much about himself, and thought he was quite likely to move on his crusade.

So even while away, I have ordered my mouth sour since the Amphiciata incident that I would never give the interior of the island to anyone else to understand, and that I would go hand in hand with a more friendly relationship with a good islander who seems to live with a nearby port, etc.

In any case, there is no such thing as a drug enhancer on that island that seems to be in use.

It's crushed, appropriately selected from mafia-like organizations, and even when it comes to easy-to-use arms, there are only about 200 common rough guys kept there.

Moreover, the vast majority of them are just as useless as Shockeye, even though the detached who were in those organizations in the first place, in order to make them do tasks that, in one way or another, cannot be just rough crude force, such as cultivating drugs and manufacturing explosives. Something that could be used for a physical battle would be dozens of people at best.

With a full-fledged army organization, if Godfroy's army attacked me, there wouldn't be one.

But for that reason, I had enough tools to say it was a cannon and a magic gun.

From the structure of the island, Aradia stomped on the fact that the Godfrey army, which was stupid to attack, could not be blamed even if it took a week.

And if the army moved, in a couple of days, the locusts were supposed to fly up to Aradia.

Unfortunately, however, the Aradian garrison had moved as far as the border area as a result of the fall, leaving a flying locust to inform the moving point of the next destination as well, but I guess that news was delayed for another day or two to follow it.

Still, Aradia thought that if it was a human-held army, there would still be time.

But Aradia is stunned by the sight when she continues to fly without rest to the sky above the lair and arrives before dawn.

This is the Demon Clan!

It was clearly the devil who was occupying the island he had built for a long time.

And what you can clearly see there that the Demon King is back is that a church army, thought to have originated from outside Godfrey's territory in hopes of that island, was assembling on beaches and small ports across the island.

At the beginning of it, we do have Godfrey.

But in the first place, didn't anyone calculate the threat on this island? Because there was no ship there.

(WHAT! Isn't this just a restraint?

Aradia asks what the island looks like from quite a bit over the sky, keeping her figure hidden in the junction.

Because, just above the island and even surrounding the whole island, bats and large worms, which seemed to be the family of the demons, flew around, and the sea was also filled with hawks and snakes.

Chains and large wolves and bobcats with dark auras roamed the beach and cliffs too, because even if they were disappearing, they could have been detected by smell or, in some cases, not seen but could have been bumped into because of it, and could not come close to the murmur. The aura of darkness, by the way, refers to the peculiar smoky ones that rise from them, which the wizard perceives to discern the demons and their families.

On the other hand, a slightly smaller golem and about half of the Giants' common golem are moving around in such a busy fashion.

(No way - is the Demon King back?

To see the status quo, I just thought so.

Moreover, he follows a demonic tribe that has as much power as it can to summon so many dependants as soon as it is resurrected.

The fact that he was not a half-breed demon king was felt vile by Aladia's sixth sense.

Because we know that, the Godfrey army also remains in custody.

"Huh! I mean, I was soaking up.

I try to whine remorsefully, but I could no longer help myself with this.

Neither does the Holy Sword or the Holy Water now at the witch's disposal.

No, actually, does that work for the big balls here? Wasn't there supposed to be a stone of hope here? He is the demon king that has occurred by pushing it over.

But according to the Kingdom's announcement, Galenos, the demon king who abandoned Aradia from the time he was prime minister and crusaded a month before Margaretta and the others, had succeeded in producing his succession as a demon resistant to the repellence of the Holy Vein.

(You say something like that was born here too?

It should not be possible for a demon king who can no longer occur in one demon pulse to arise from another as long as there is a native demon king there.

But suppose there was a demon pulse without a native demon king at all...

Aladia didn't know the answer.

(I wasn't thinking about that possibility.

The exhaustion of the Salamandra God was visible thanks to hundreds of years of Aradia and Diana the Evil.

It is the end of the century, so to speak.

In those times, it may not be surprising that a demon king has finally been born who is resistant to the abhorrence of Seiku.

Or maybe the demon king's succession that Margaretta and the others took up has actually moved to this island that is not dead or has risen and no protector of the Holy Spirit like Undine.

(Must be that! Yes, yes. A demon king with holy pulse resistance is born.

Exactly, karma. He said that the inheritance with Holy Pulse Resistance produced by the Demon King that he had left alone would reside in the home where he had thought it would be okay as long as he had a "stone of hope", etc.

(Such a dumb story, I was pitiful enough to report it very much to Deanna. This, before you eat reprimand, activates the legacy and doings of the example Galenos, and you need to earn your honor!

Aradia's impatience was about to reach its peak.

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