Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Chapter 8: Restructuring Compendium I Buffering Areas with Giant Countries: Tao, Orton and the Giant

(366) God of pity and mercy

(376) Romance

(387) Onyquil Travel

This series of reveals--

Orton and Tao, who went out to the construction site of the Platochar (golf) site, taking place in the buffer area of the Giant Nation, suddenly emerged from the representatives of the Giant Nation, in a deliberate meeting on the topic of the Nandoya chief Kuiyata Loker and Largo. On several occasions Tao whisks Orton by making a statement touching the harp line of Yataroka, but there also appeared the mother and brother of Yataroka - the fierce general Onikil - to further the story, finally Tao unveiled the love story of Lord imaginary dragon Largo and His Highness Milian Rune blown in by Sir Leold, and finally also exposed that Largo was on his way to help Milin, who was taken away to eternal prison. Yatarokar orders his brother Onikil to leave the King's Capital by selecting a reliable one that can move quickly from the Seven.

(366) God of pity and mercy

Orton felt that Yattaroker's voice was in a cloudy state.

"Well, in the kingdom, is the resurrection of the Divine Dragon seen as a vicious omen? That's a shame.

I'm not threatening anything else, but it's the giants who look up that show the discomfort of 'Yukiya'. Tensions run between not only the two giants who have ever exchanged words of affection with the Taos and who, after the appearance of the chief Yataroka, are pulling the giant slightly backwards and refraining from doing so, but also the giants of the offering who joined with the chief.

If we consider that a month ago its very existence was one of the important issues involved in critical survival for the kingdom, it is not strange that this place should tremble, but nevertheless Tao will not be timid to stretch his chest to explain the legitimate circumstances perceived by the human side.

"No, it's not like that, but if God were to be born in this world, there would be quite a number of reasons and consequences. If there is such a troubled problem on earth today that God must be born, that is, it may be a serious problem that cannot be solved in the hands of man, or which, depending on the way of thinking, should not be tried to solve. Therefore, if we were to dispose of it at the hands of God, then there would be a risk that we would be treated intelligently.

When Tao preached that, he nodded quietly many times wondering if Yataloka, who was listening, had put on an arm. Between all the giants who watched it from behind, the tension loosened for a moment. Orton lowered his chest in relief in his heart.

Originally, I can't say enough about the meeting with the giant Nandoya at the point where he says he's following me, but I now realize that Orton was snuggling around with a sense of crisis that Tao should normally have to feel by saying he's with him.

But I also knew as a living instinct that I wasn't going to kick this place away with my hind legs now. After all, this place where Tao keeps himself is definitely a place of battle between humans and giants, even if he is not declared to be putting his life on the line.

"I see. I somehow see what they're worried about. In the unlikely event that the cause is the presence of a human being, there is a danger that all humans on earth will be subject to treatment.

Such an understanding, in search of the Divine Dragon Largo, was supposed to have been able to explain to all those on board in the ship that ran the sea at an incredible rate at night to meet Mitsu, who wanted to clue to it - its use, or even feel that it might not be a split person - but once again at this moment when a common perception came across races, and because it seemed to be the opponent of a giant with an overwhelmingly superior potential to man, we know that the descent of the Divine Dragon Largo was protruded as a marvel for the living and living things of the earthly world.

"Simply put, it's not like that. I just know. How full of warmth and mercy he is.

What Tao called that one is undoubtedly the Divine Dragon Largo. But we talked many times, and Tao said he didn't see Largo in person. He was heard returning to Bokovo while on the cyber book and returning to the Wang Capital on foot with the men he had taken.

But the statement now tells the story of how close Lago the Divine Dragon was to Tao. I'm sure you must be referring to Lagon, who also lured him into the tavern of take-home freedom, because Orton is never allowed to be any other human resources, is a benefactor of life, and is hot because he stays at home for days to get the same pot of rice, and has a medal for what it will be.

"Well, this Yataroka agrees on that point. I have only met Lago the Dragon once. And I've only heard your voice once, but if there's no madness in this yataroka's eyes, it's never a mistake to call him God of pity and mercy.

Surprised. Sure, Yataloka had just made a declaration of meaning to dedicate herself and pledge allegiance to Largo, its ruler, as well as Cross, who cares about her mother's medical condition, but it suggests that there is a direct and profound engagement with Largo the Divine Dragon.

Now Tao, who overheard it, arms up and nods loudly over and over again.

"Eileen, you're the god of Kushimi, I see.

"You helped us, once overlaid with blades as enemies, no, my mother, who had been invaded by that disease beyond our help, out of the abyss of death to stop that futile feud.

Was it? There was a battle against the giants from Tao, but at that time a cross called that little royal beauty guardian fairy came out of the royal castle, manipulated and intercepted what was supposed to be an army of God that would have been or probably had been deposited from Largo, and finally attacked the home of the Nandoya giants, letting them kneel down to the fierce Onyquil and the chief Yataroka for victory.

As one of the Republican delegations, as long as we worshipped that figure relatively closely during the execution of the official New Year's festival, the adorable and pathetic cross, which is also difficult to imagine such anecdotes at first sight, was certainly blinded by a girl so divinely beautiful that she was sung with the Guardian Fairy, but if she had already known such a martial arts tradition that she had been heard from the first time she left the King's Capital on this journey, she would have stared at it with so many holes. Moreover, the story of that legion of gods was that even the King's capital had been stopped by soldiers who saw the real thing, so much so that although it was rumored under the water like a fairy tale, when the mayor of the accompanying republic Moates was heard and taught, he wondered where the lie was, and in case there was any truth to it, a person named Cross, who led it, was somewhere else.

However, in the village where he traveled and stayed, Orton was also convinced of the fact that he had the opportunity to speak directly to how many men saw the brave girl dragon marching in the moonlight and had to believe. However, the fact that there was such a beauty talk afterwards seemed to be just what Tao would even hear for the first time.

"How dare you. (11) This city of Orton, which was also across the ocean, was ravaged by a dark organization called the Mafia, and this Orton, together with the mayor and other city executives, went out of his way to help us where there was no news. As a matter of fact, he sent his subordination to you, but not such a very sweet man.

I can no longer speak for Orton beyond this period. Until now, I haven't even spoken to Tao during this journey, and I'm going to talk about another important project of the Lagon's crossing, which has been in my own mind.

"Yes, I know that too. That one had been asked by his mother to bring the red double-legged snake, who knew that if he were born, he would be killed by the hands of men, and had deliberately brought him to our republic without such a legend, trying to find his owner. He's such a sweetheart. No matter what anyone says, there's no way that guy would choose to clean up something that would make the human world more difficult. I think of you as the Divine Dragon of Mercy.

"Do you think the Lord does, too? That was a little Orton in the Republic. It fits the story, I like it.

Yataroka wrapped the two in the palms of both hands and cheeked as he lifted them up and approached them near his face. This is a greeting from the Titans to man, showing the highest level of affection.

But it only came to Orton's mind so much that he would not trust anyone if he told the family who had left the Republic that he had exchanged such greetings with the chief of the belligerent giant Nandoya.

(376) Romance

Orton had come to the construction site in Platochar where he and Tao said the Giants were helping him with the construction.

And so he has a meeting with the Nandoya chief Kuiyatarokar, who has long been described as a belligerent giant and has protruded his horns with the kingdom, and has an opinion on the benevolence of the Divine Dragon Lago.

But Yataroka, who seemed to have united his mind, suddenly pointed out its frivolous qualities to Tao.

"But, Yataroka, the old man seems to complain unnecessarily, but what about the earlier words?

Orton once again looked with regret and pride at the fact that he had the intellect to speak so far, taking an intimate relationship with the head of a nation, without even being timid, even in the state in which he had deposited his right to the present life.

Advice Yataroka gives a grumpy voice, and Orton feels painfully nervous that the giants around him ran again.

The two are wrapped and lifted in the palms of both Yataroka cars. If there were two countries under the declaration of war a month ago, there was no wonder they could hit the ground like the mosquito Kamaru here, or if they were smashed.

"What? Did I say something that wasn't good?

The leader of the Titans was also condemned for his own qualities at the moment where his men lived, and he still hasn't raised his voice of anger, only because he is connected with his faith in the nasty rago that these three had raised their voices earlier.

No, I'm not angry. Instead, all I could see in those eyes of Yataroka was the color of a doubt from this little man connected in Largo who wanted to know what was going on in his words as pointed out.

I guess you understand that enough. No matter how many dead lines he says he has dived through before, there is no doubt that Orton's acquaintance answers the question with his chest open.

"Give yourself to this one. If you are the one I know, perhaps the chief of the kingdom will say to advance for the kingdom, and hence for the giants.

I don't know what you had in mind, Yataroka staring at Tao with a troubled face, but fortunately it doesn't seem to represent anger or discomfort.

I kept trying to say something else and tried to open its mouth wide. Exactly then, a voice that still figured out to belong to the Giants comes from behind the yattaloker, which cannot be confirmed from the Ortons' position.

"That's right, Yataroka, that little human being is right.

"Dear Mother, Onyquil!

Amazing Yatta Loker. The view behind him also opens up from the palm of the palm that was being lifted because Yatta Loker turned around.

There he was, accompanied by a yattaloker and a splendid giant of no less colour, who looked like an old, wandered giant lady.

"─ Really, you've had too light a mouth since you were little. Largo, you have to keep everything so secret, while keeping it thorough from your mouth to those inside. There is too little awareness that you are keeping a country exactly as the head of the giant Nandoya, such as just leaking it from you.

Yataloaker returned the Ortons to their former high ground once to be polite to their later approaching mother and knelt firmly back to their mother.

And most importantly, start making excuses.

"I'm sorry about this, Mother. I heard about the good reputation of Lago the Divine Dragon, which made me more and more intoxicated in my earlier conversation, and I kept my mouth shut without being there. But don't worry, apparently these people were all very light-mouthed in the kingdom.

"That's not extra nice!


"Think about it. Isn't it like going around advertising that the Divine Dragon has manifested itself in our country when we talk about things we shouldn't say to the light-mouthed ones?

"Ah yes, I was. No, pity."

"Well, there are no strangers in the country who speak lightly of their brother. If Lago the Dragon, you will also see that his brother's mouth is roughly light, so that he saved his brother from the abyss of death is something he didn't really intend to stop.

"Come on. Don't say anything noisy. So, what is it? Can't you tell me anything without killing me?

"Isn't that actually true? Being a truly light-mouthed chief. My mother is ashamed.

"Ha - I'm so sorry.

Now the mother turns to the Ortons and begins to speak with a gentle look on her face.

"That's why small guests. I do not think of them as light-mouthed as My foolishness. Since that is the case, I hope that Yataroka made such a silence, at any rate, to the inside.

"Of course, you can't tell me that the chief won't lift his head to the Mother's Hall at last, or that his mouth is torn, hey Orton.

"Oh, yes, of course. Tao."

"I'll take care of it, Mother. No, this is a giant country. We had a good souvenir story!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

But that was Orton's answer, and he also told them that it was a Tao first-rate joke.

"You see, Lago is full of charity, and there is no reason to be scolded for that, but it is not for us to deduce how many minutes the manifestation of such a person means in this world, as was said earlier. Besides, thank you for your patience.

Thus, a flower blooms into a conversation that I can't bear to add Tao and two, the mother of the new Yataroka cars and the fierce general Onyquil.

Communicating alone, Tao, who figured out with the three people who could tell the story, cut it out as if it were a largely preserved story.

"No, that's the Mother Hall. I just need to talk to you about Divine Dragon, but can you listen to the chatty old man's bullshit and laugh?

"Sounds like an interesting story. I'll ask. But the sun seems tight here, albeit in winter. Why don't you go to that worker's lounge over there?

"Ah, thank you.

"Now let me ask you something. I paid once and for all. Yataroka and Onikil, and we are the only ones here.

Orton also found out that he had apparently spotted Tao's story as quite something and had been taken care not to divulge it outside. Tao also pays tribute to that care.

"I see. Looks like you cared. But to tell the truth, it's not that much of a story either.

"Whoa, that won't be it, little tao.

Thanks, what I was expecting was that Yataroka seemed to be the same, and that he was betrayed by Tao's suddenly refrained attitude.

"No, it doesn't matter, I'm sick too if I'm revealed too much, and I don't have to have a heart.

"You were. Take care of yourself- Now, what's that bullshit about, like, hiding, like, sex?

"Well, that's exciting.

"Ha, that's not so much of a dodgy story. This story probably goes back to His Highness Milian Rune's 12th Birthday Party seat.

Thus began Sir Leold's direct love story.

(387) Onyquil Travel

The story of Tao's takeover and sale began.

Tao's story is the love story of the Divine Dragon Largo and His Royal Highness Milian Rune that Lord Leold gathered all the information inside and outside the castle and ended up announcing only in the supreme council as a result of discussions with the royal beautiful guardian fairy Cross.

It was secretly conveyed when Lord Leold was invited to the King's Capital mansion by Orton and the Republic only to what was called to the Easter of Ganima as guests, who were at the site of Amphiciata and knew His Highness's news. Tao also happened to be invited at that time and was present to listen.

Largo, who descended into the world because of the late, and Milin, who welcomes adulthood, meet attracted by the thread of destiny and fall in love that scorches herself into compassion. But His Royal Highness, the man in question, also had ties such as having to take a son-in-law in order to succeed the throne, and he was going to give up his love for no one without revealing his feelings to the dragon opponent.

But then the Demon King's Army problem broke out, welcoming the Church Army. Once appeased, His Highness, he was dismayed and cried knowing the scale of the Demon King's Army's - 20,000 - formed by Galenos and leaving the island. It was Largo's words that supported Milin then. "Milin, I'll make sure you're protected." Listen so far, Orton tilts his neck in his heart.

(But in the absence of His Highness and Lago God, where the hell has this word come from?

Having already heard from Milin then that the captain of the Church Army, Godfrey, had planned a surprise raid with two supermen dispatched from the Church and Margaretta, who had been stationed in the Kingdom for many years, Largo boards the residence of the single Demon King Galenos, as declared, and opens up with the wizard Lucy, who had him infiltrated beforehand, hitting the play and taking little magic away from those in the Demon King's Castle before a proper surprise raid, leading the Godfreys to victory.

But at that time, due to an accidental accident, Milin is sent to the "Divine Angel Animal" Familia "as a sign of his promise to resurrect Alessandro, his brother, who is suffering from an unconscious and severe illness, so that Milin also gives it the name of the thinker" Lago "and takes him around for a time.

The evil organization Mafia, not sure of that, tried to annihilate His Majesty around the king's city as he was escorted by soldiers in a show against the kingdom that resisted them, so Lago, the Divine Angel Animal, invited an agent of the Divine Dragon named the Kingdom Brave to annihilate the enemy, leaving a message of love from the Divine Dragon in public saying, 'I only look at you'.

Believing the word and gaining courage, Milin led the Godfroy Church Army with the divine angel animal Familia Largo to free Bokovo Harbor, which is ravaged by the Mafia and its lower domestic organizations. But even though Largo, who sent agents to the port town one foot away, mostly self-destructed from his broken allies, handled the bombs as well by exhausting the summit and others who tried to escape by planting bombs on the port streets of the Republic, presenting His Highness the Princess with peace between the Kingdom and the Republic.

(But I believed then that there was no way that such a thing could just be done by a human being, and that that fellowship split coincidentally, and the replacement of a ship, etc., took place in a secret society willingly organized against the Mafia, but now everything was definitely being investigated by the Divine Dragon Largo.

Other things, the Divine Dragon Largo secretly fulfilled the resurrection of his brother Alessandro, which was the wish of His Highness the Princess, and also gave him the immortal power of his two namesakes to return them by Milin, who was in Bokovo.

Then draw the holy pulse into the sea, where there was the Island of the Demon King, so that its great demon king would never be resurrected, and let Undine carry out this management. And I sent the monsters away from the sea to the kingdom that was in food distress in that battle, and the happiness of the sea also for His Highness the Princess.

But the dragon was in a place where the agents could not rush to rescue his fellow wizard Satan after another unexpected witch appearance because he himself had left the protection of His Highness the princess to the family and the agents Alessandro.

Satan, who was at the witch's advantage with overwhelming power, was sent to eternal prison for every junction that wrapped His Highness in the witch's hands.

Having learned of it, the Divine Dragon Largo was now travelled to its rescue with volunteers from the kingdom to help the princess under heaven from eternal prison, who for the first time met with the royal family and said that nothing had arrived or returned alive for love.

"─ That's what's happening.

"It is! Isn't that a lot?

"That's right, not if you're doing a pee-pee in a place like this!

"Onyquil is on a journey soon, too. No, because of how many times I've gathered the seven Nandoyas that the Giants are proud of! I'm coming to Lago's grant with an iron wall formation.

"No, no, wait, Lord Yataroka. I hear that God Dragon's eternal prison is followed by quite a few means of everything. So, it's been two weeks since I've been traveled, but I can hear no tone out. That also seems to be due to the fact that the flow of time over there is pretty slow, but you think you were headed by such means that by the time you got there anyway, you had to go through everything in the hell world? And we have no idea how to do that, but if we find out, we can still go and see each other now.

"No, then I'll be fine. There is an easy way to reach the eternal prison, which is passed down to my Nandoya tribe.

"Really? If you knew that, I should have talked to you sooner. Exactly who is the leader of the giant Nandoya!

"No, no, it's not so praiseworthy. But with it, you will soon be able to meet the Lagos who have been sent to eternal prison, and will surely be of help. Leave it to me.

"Lord Yataroka, by the way, how?

"I can't say very loudly, but there are many different ways to do this. ─ ─ One of them, for example, fills the futon with too much cold stuff the night before. If you keep doing this for days, you're bound to go to eternal prison. There's more. If you pinch a snack or something before 3: 00, this goes to jail for good too.

"What is it? That's like an anecdote taught as a hoax to a prankster.

The mothers of the yattalokers who were listening to it, sitting in their chairs for a while, stuck up and held their heads, but raised their faces and spoke out.

"Yataroka, stop talking like that stupid because you're embarrassed already. It's a lie that my mother thought and taught me when you were little, to teach you not to listen.

"Oh, my God! Didn't my mother tell us that if she lied to us, she would go to eternal prison?

"It's also a cliché! A really lamentable kid. I'm sorry, I told this kid it was imperialism, and his father taught him all about putting the clan together and fighting and winning, so there's really no common sense.

"No. I was relieved. I even expected for a moment and doubted if the Giants could really go to eternal prison that way.

"Well, with a smaller tao, isn't that what happens?

"Right. Anyway, it's not strange to have such a kind of fluent language because it's a place where there's not even anything we've tried to go before. But, Lord Yataroka, you shouldn't have done much sooner. For example, the Lagos may already be on their way back to Hell again to help His Highness the Millian Runes. Then, if Lord Yataroka is boarded directly into eternal prison, he may go wrong. In that case, you will never be able to come back from it and Lago the Divine Dragon will be most saddened.

"That's right, Yataroka. This little tao is the best thing to say. You must not pull Lago's legs any further.

"─ Okay, but what a toothpick. In the meantime, Onyquil, can you at least just..., no, up to three of the seven-members elect what you can count on, go to the King's Capital of the Kingdom and talk to me about how I can help you?

"Hmm, I know exactly how my brother feels. Dear Mother, may I work that out as soon as possible?

"You don't even have to ask me. That's what the chief says. More and more, we have entered into a treaty of friendship with the Kingdom, and no longer have any species that defy our surroundings. Onyquil and the seven-man are just strength, even in the country. If you want a place to be active, do as Yataroka wants. Nice, little tao.

"Well, there's certainly no need for giants to come out at the moment. I think so, but let's keep the situation going incrementally while we're getting ready to go. To go and tell you just what you intend to do will deliver a million allies to the kingdom.

Orton finally understood Tao's intentions in mounting the powerful allies' cooperation in the discussion, and now it was time to lower his chest and sigh of relief.

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