Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Chapter 8: Restructuring Compendium: Hell Hierarchy 6: Swuria and Viscount Cyber Line

(351) Large bugs, small bugs

(361) Show Your Horse Legs

(371) The giving up-

(382) It glows like it used to

(392) Meteor Destinations

(397) Daiyuan Woman

This series of reveals--

Seeing Largo ahead with Tomoe and Tamamo, Swuriya tells Satori about the explorers who are also secretly trying to push the Cyber Viscounts forward against Satori. Thanks to this, the Viscounts of Cyber were able to follow after Largo with Swuria through the sixth tier.

On that road, Swuriya is introduced by the Michisanes and questioned why the Dragonman Explorers are after Largo, while trying to hide the fact that they have directed a march at Viscount Cyber. It is absolutely impossible to rescue from eternal prison as the answer to that, but I refer to the slight hope that the Salamandra God will have the power to overcome it even for Largo.

But the fact that it required Largo to wear the 'opening invitation', which he could not wear without making it a Divine Dragon and savoring the fear of death three times, and breaking through the difficulties, lay low.

In one line, Swuria is motivated to take leadership and delight in the march, but the two wonder when they realize that the unity of the meteor that should be following Swuria has flown away in another direction. Once he met with Largo and listened, he assembled a rescue team to try to move on, but when he heard from the number and Michisane that there was an evil inhibition of extinction in hell, he changed his policy to bear a meteor that seemed to have caught something first.

(351) Large bugs, small bugs

Wilhelms Explorer wanted to follow Lago, who had gone ill, on his way to Ayumi, but for that reason he moves his gaze to see if he could leave this Satori management field unnoticed from this scene, which remains a killer, albeit a tie. There the position was reversed and the battle with Satori continued, albeit with a slight cyber advantage.

It is a convenient and casual imagination of ourselves, but as far as the struggle to cut that life was concerned, it seemed that Satori could not afford to just notice ourselves if we slipped through the side hiding our figure and signs in the junction.

"─ While we're at it, we're going after Largo while he's surrounded by information cover-ups.

Explorer tried to slip across the battles of the Satoris sideways so as not to make any footsteps, etc., but a loud voice echoes at that time. Wilhelms, in the perception of the peculiar, is a guy named Kansai Valve, a past life memory unlike God, who had felt it since he was first called out.

"Hey, Satori and I did. There's more suspicious people out here trying to get out!

"Oh, what do you say, Master Swuria?"

"For God's sake, you're such a killer!

For once, though "The Original," I wondered if I was going to complain to God, but even though I should know that this one managed to do it inconspicuously, everyone thought too much about the way it was done. There is no God or Buddha exactly.

"Ahoy, God says we're all equal. Even in the past, I have given light to anything the same way. Those guys are fighting so hard, it would be unfair if only you guys were missed here.

"Oh, my God.

Satori, who heard it, jumped out of front of the humans left behind by Largo, who had been engaged until now, and now stood in front of the four Explorers.

I have not yet confirmed their appearance, to be precise, but rather the four recognize the enveloped junction and stand before it and proclaim it.

"Surely those there, dressed in such a soothing bond. I don't care how you look at it, I'm far more suspicious than these guys!

Satori, whose earlier battles had initially been predominant and supposed to be unfolding, now leaning heavily towards disadvantage, could only seem to have switched prey to such a weaker one that would be easier to give based on his mouth. If you decide that you can't do this many on your own in any case, it's not strange to deal with the slightly easier to give.

Shermany lifted the line, saying it was no good hiding herself within a half-way junction that could no longer only cover up incomplete information than was seen as suspicious.

"Behold! We are never suspicious!

He didn't have a weapon and broke the line. Express the unwillingness to fight, but it is all the more revealing that something called Satori was not fighting to exterminate the bad guys who came to vandalize this field in the first place.

"Who believes in such crap? Besides... you think there's a crook in the world who says he's suspicious! Besides, this one isn't attacking you simply because it's suspicious.

"If you're saying that, the guys you've just been fighting will get away with it!

"That's right. Do you mind if I move on with these hand-working things that you've stumbled upon?

Midfender and blocking will try to take Satori's attention there, but the enemy won't catch it easily, of course. Apparently, Satori was only plugging fights when she found a combat object that fit her hand, and saying whether or not to enter her management field was nothing serious, but the allegation that Satori stumbled upon her came more kachin than that.

"Shit! Who did this to you? Those guys took the time and hurt him enough. And whoever pursues the two rabbits shall not have a single rabbit. You big bugs here, and the little bugs will no longer be missed.

When I thought I'd thrown it away, Satori was more motivated than ever to challenge the Explorers in order to undo their previous human disadvantages and clear up their worries.

"Hey! If I were to say that, I would take advantage of the big bug and kill the little bug. Shit.

But Satori is relentlessly attacking the four Explorers with prey in his hands, just because he no longer has an ear to hear such accusations. Come to think of it, Shermany's point wasn't the kind of clinging that would happen because I just said it. Once again, the four bareback explorers will just be pushed into the same position as the humans before Largo used his weird hands.

In the meantime, Suulia just pushed the humans who had been fighting Satori forward, and she ran away with them.

"Ah, the one! What a cowardly..."

"Fool, even that one is God. When he calls out, he's gonna look pretty good.

"Yes, now it's time for both your eyes to be crushed.


But I couldn't afford to say that resentfully to the Explorers.

"I can't help it if this happens anymore. Return to your beginnings, to the feelings of those days when you were still fighting without our artifacts, and you just have to teamwork to get through it!

"But without Dora and Grandad...

Yes, even an opponent whose enemies possessed the artifact could have won because they fought with Dora, or her mother, Granda.

But I couldn't afford to be crying like that. Now, if you lose sight of Largo in this infernal low hierarchy, you will lose your hand in stopping him from going to eternal prison.

"If you do, that's the only way to move on from here.

In that case, we will lose the opportunity for miracles that will, at best, have the Divine Dragon on earth again, and at worst, the Absolute God, born of the Demon Nation, may rule the earth. Just in case it doesn't happen. That is why the four of us have come this far in line, even if we cannot draw a single conclusion entirely.

But such Sharmanny's psychology is also crushed by Satori's words.

"You want to move on from here? Will you let the trespassers like you any more? That, the formation you guys are trying to do, etc. is already foreseeable!

All the teamwork formations will be read, because they were called legends by their explorers and did not allow anyone to follow them at all. Eye and eye signals, A 'if Pattern A is no good with Azure's breath, B if it is still no good, and Wilhelm who feels that the teamwork formation that has shown an invincible effect if it is his first opponent, although it is true that its switching is patterned, will not make it through all. Each time, one or more of the four will feed on Satori's prey. Even if the fatal wounds were barely followed, Satori's prey definitely damaged four bodies each time it was waved.

"No, this guy, he has the predictive ability to read all of our next moves.

"Oh, my God, then...

"I don't have a chance!


The four Explorers, who were not proud of their weapons, were gradually hunted down and, like Viscount Cyber, who had reached Lago's place, they were once again slammed to pieces.

(361) Show Your Horse Legs

Even though he was becoming slightly more dominant, Viscount Cyber, who was prepared to still have to meet that monster named Satori for a while without the drive of Swuriya, conveys his hasty gratitude to Swuriya, who is running with his footsteps together, as he follows the Lagos who rushed through the next hierarchy first.

"Thank you, Lord Suulia. You didn't abandon us, did you?

"It's not like that.

He seems to think Viscount Cyber has returned for us to follow ourselves, and Swuriya to strike it off in advance.

A complaining voice containing sayingly anger at Viscount Cyber's words is raised from Marici, who runs and follows him as he hears that exchange behind him.

"Abandoning, etc., is outrageous. Lady Swuria took you...


The sudden shout out was that the hurried face is a rounded soulia if the Cyber Viscounts don't want such a humanistic tale to be heard.

Viscount Cyber questions Marici in the form of total disregard for the swuria that comes to such a disillusionment.

"Lord Mariachi, what do you mean? Was Lord Swuriya acquainted with Lord Mariachi?

Of course, that question was quicker than Marici answered, and the hurry-faced swuria caught a pointless extinguishment of fire.

Mariachi is somewhat like a chuck in her mouth, reflecting that what she said earlier is something that makes her position pretty bad.

"What are you talking about, this human being? There's a strong god on my bodyguard who won't come to the gatekeeper.

"Lord Swuriya. I don't know, Marich. I don't know which one of you is Lord Swuria's bodyguard.

The more you talk, the more and more Swuria exposes her horse legs. Mariachi is watching such a swooliya with her mouth open as if it were open.

"What did you say, uh, yeah? ─ ─ How dare you, the peasant, become a nobleman with only your arms and even your head. Yeah.

Swuriya herself, I don't know what the hell she's talking about. I hope I managed to change this place to other topics, but I couldn't erase the words that had already slipped out of my mouth. It's just that I've already admitted what Viscount Cyber said.

"I am honored to keep it in my praise, but does that mean that Lord Marici is still Lord Swuria's bodyguard and that you have been following us on your orders? Even though we parted ways like that, it pains me to take such care of you.

"No... that's not true. Not at all. It just so happens that Mariachi, who happened to be the bodyguard, got lost in the horse pulling the carriage. Oh, yeah. You did it. So, what, you're not coming? I don't know. Nothing special about you. [M]

Anyway, the moment I break up with the Cyber Viscounts, even though I abandoned the fact that I hated humans so much, it is rare that I was now more kind to the Cyber Viscounts that it is extremely badly bated Swuria.

"No, I can't tell you very much to look me in the eye specifically. It was us who tried to trick you into this hell. They took up their familiar own work, even though they were being punished for what they deserved, and they brought them here in the carriage so far. That's all I have to feel obliged to do. This marich says that while I was being flirted with by one of the four kings named Satori, he drove the other three into the next hierarchy with his masculinity. Besides, you rescued me from Satori's hands, too, and brought me here.

So finally, Sulya understood that Mariachi was the only one with Viscount Cyber.

The other three were undiscovered by Satori in some sort of neatness, and while this man was hitting on one, he already seemed to have delivered it in Mariachi illusion to the next tier.

Once wrapped up in the masculine technique of Marici, its effects will continue about until it cuts through this hierarchy. But beyond that, man has an inferior quality annoying evil hell, and further below, an infinite hell/annoying hell spreads. It was said that the hierarchy was packed with dead spirits and evil spirits that were not in other hierarchies, instead of almost no jailbirds. It will not be possible to reach the bottom of the bottom, which leads to eternal prison without being reported to them and not even found by King Jardaba, unless even those who are so familiar with that hierarchy are guided. I can imagine if he could perhaps be discovered by the Necromancer and put a fierce man with evil spirits on the sub-four kingship warcraft that is lent to him by King Jardaba, or if he could be immediately injected into King Jardaba, a quote trampled down and defeated by a rumor giant, and the end of which he would not dare to be hungry and broken by evil spirits and Necromancers.

Not to mention the worry that those troubled young people will first follow from the next hierarchy to the bottom.

"Did you do that, Marich? If it weren't for you, there would still be two wiggly hierarchies underneath, and King Jardaba would be there. I wonder if I can go very far beyond just those humans. Good thing I just went. If Kanryu and I could rendezvous and do something about it, yeah.

"Did Lord Suulia know Lago the Divine Dragon?

Untaken so far every day, Swuriya feels nasty about Viscount Cyber listening to people.

Nevertheless, this is a very self-absorbed species. Though SURIYA reflecting once again that she has slipped her mouth, she does not put it on her complexion as much as she can, where she gently flushes it and tries to just verify her identity for now.

"Well, indirectly. Just what people told me, but Largo is the one who rode the fox earlier and went first?

"It is. That is the only hope that will help His Highness Milian Rune, the next heir to the throne of the kingdom imprisoned in eternal prison.

Again, I don't have to check it out, and I'm convinced that it was the man I was earlier, Swuria. Well, it doesn't seem like it was a mistake to think that the eyesight was two melons on the true dragon when he was younger.

The word 'hope' was also used by Salamandra God. However, I sometimes wonder if the hope of these countries was His Royal Highness the Princess who came to help, but how everyone is so hungry for hope.

When the prospect is raised that it will be a good future, people use the word hope even when they want to do something about it that they can't.

Suulia wonders if the hope that the humans in front of her are now saying is the latter.

"Well, some guy said something like that, but can he do something he can't even do, really? ─ ─ There's not much more going on there right now. I think it's sweet to say to myself that I can't possibly do something about it.

"Yes? Lord Swuriya, what are you talking about?

"Ah? No, no, about this one, to myself.

Swuriya deludes herself when she's about to be asked about the extra twinkle again. I still think it's too early to make them hear the word of Salamandra God. That would give us extra hope.

When it was time for Satori to run a distance that she couldn't catch up so easily with those four, she decided to put everyone's footsteps in a hurry and slow them down to the point of footing.

(371) The giving up-

"By the way, Viscount Cyber which. Could you introduce him to us, too?

From slightly above the information behind Viscount Cyber, he pinched his mouth as the flying spirit moving to the right mixed in the conversation.

Towards that spiritual body, Viscount Cyber answers with regret.

"Oh Lord Michissane. I'm sorry outside the mosquito net. As I said earlier, Lord Suulia was the gatekeeper when we tried to break through the gates of Hell with three inches at the mouth of that Dirkichi without waiting for Lago and his successors. Lord Swuriya, this is one of us, and this spiritual body is better known as Lord Michissane, which became the proclamation of Lago the Divine Dragon from an island nation called Yapan, on the eastern edge of the earth, which protects the kingdom of Yapan, which says it is before the Spirit, and it is also God in that country. And this woman, from the republic that just signed a security pact with our kingdom, may I say that she is a helper in attendance? Nevertheless, you yourself are said to have benefited greatly from the royal family of my kingdom, the number which.

Swuriya presses and stops when she is about to sigh.

The poor reactions I make here can give the Cyber Viscounts extra disappointment or, in turn, anticipation.

But when I thought about it, I thought the first person I had was six human species. Not even a piece of clothing was damaged by the time I reached that place called the Gate of Hell, and I wondered what the hell I had come to do with it.

Its main culprit, and this Viscount who seems to be the leader of the troops, the two who thought they were half-fishers, might be supermen, or brave men, or a mixture of the water Holy Spirit, Undine, and the Beast Man. And I thought it would be rude, so I didn't pursue it, but there's two of them like artificial humans.

Nevertheless, being a living human species, they ended up flirting with a spiritual attack, a hell of a maneuver, which was also inflicted on the demon. The artificial man seems to have endured.

In any case, I could see that it was Othi who would mummify the mummification if he went into eternal prison in such a formation. Nothing kind or nothing, but I wish I could give up and go home. Not a snoring inside, but a demon king is not a ghost. He is somewhat of a kind God of heart.

But in fact, there were still hidden balls.

Nine-tailed silver fox that its general is, after all, the new dragon Largo that that Salamandra God is watching over its end, but it was among the demons that ran on it. I don't know who the woman who was using it is, but it must be the lineage of the famous Yin Yang Master, who is said to be in the country at the end of the east, who can probably use so many demons. And here you are, a woman with the right arm of a dragon. And it's a ghost that merges with evil spirits and serves them.

For humans this is supposed to be an away, but if we have led something that can work in hell so far, would it be inevitable to have some expectation? His Royal Highness, the princess who wants to be rescued, must be a savage fruit reward.

"Well amazing man, I brought Ginger. I thought it was just humans, so I thought it was kind of lame, but that would be comforting." Even so, all the bright stories here can't say it's kind to them. Swuriya still ghosted her mind and cut out a tough story. "Still, that..., you went first, Mr. Kanryu? I don't care what kind of hidden balls you put out there. In that regard, I agree with the four of you.

"What can they say?

"Whatever, I don't want you people named Kanryu-san to go as long as you're human, if you're human. Now the earth and this hell are pretty far to the ground. If I could, I would ask the dragon to do me a favor.

I can't afford to be talking about the details, but Salamandra God told me this universe is stuffed with cut wings. Besides, if we talk about that, it's the kind of bloody ones who want to get Largo into battle and get him into the moon world that he's not even ready for yet.

Everyone here looks like they've heard me say this many times before.

I seem to have grasped the general contents of such a story, and after chewing it for a while Michisane speaks directly to Swuria.

"One thing from me, I'd like to ask Master Swuriya.

"What did you say about the Spirit of Japan-- God's Spirit? Really, that country, whatever it is, is going to be a god. Well, let's do something like a ghost, shall we? I do see shards of divinity in you, too. So what do you want to hear?

"Yes, I think it's natural that Master SURIYA has already been told quite a bit at the Hell Gate that Master Shinryu Largo has been found out who he is, but why the hell are the four dragon men after Master Largo earlier? They were out at the same time and the conversation seemed to be taking place, so I thought you knew something.

I see this ghost is distrustful that the dragon man is after him, knowing that he is a dragon. Naturally, we are hostile about it and it seems we have never discussed it.

"Well, it's a lot of stuff. At first, you don't like the birth of that dragon. That's a lot now-- no, I was just talking to him, and he changed his mind a lot. Now you think it's more a waste than a dislike to have a goddragon born on earth locked up in a prison of missouri?

"That means that not only Master Sulya, but those four, even Master Largo, will never return to the lower realm if they are put in eternal prison, and they don't even think it will come out of it.

A woman with the right arm of a dragon suddenly comes to visit in desperate shape.

Sounds cute, but you're right. If he chopped off his right arm and left it, it would be impossible to crawl out of it.

I just had to tell him that even the true dragon who made it, even the Salamandra God, couldn't do it.

"That's natural. The only thing I've ever been able to get in and out of there is the special thing that I've been chained out of jail to bring Kammon who works in there and doesn't go in there. I don't know if you were born in tens of thousands of years, but even if you say dragons, I can't believe you're coming out. Even the Salamandra gods were absolutely capable of dragging him out of jail once. ─ ─ Though he said so himself.

"Salamandra, is that the Great God, who is said to unite all this universe?

Even so, there are only two more spirits here who have come from the earth, but when I heard the story, I silenced them. It seems like all hope has been lost.

After all, shouldn't his name have been given? Salamandra God is all hope for man, the hope of the future. But the Salamandra God himself now supports the universe in a state of death, on earth.

If we cannot improve this, in case we can save His Highness the Princess, a thousand years from now, or hundreds of years from now, if worse - no, if what we are trying to do is speed it up for a moment is move in hell today or in the back society on earth, then in a hundred years or so, the life of Salamandra God may be exhausted.

Still, True Dragon never gave up and had hope for the future. Were you saying, "Giving up is a fool's conclusion"?

That must be communicated to them.

(382) It glows like it used to

"Well, sometimes I don't feel bad.

"But we have come this far relying solely on God on earth, the Divine Dragon, to believe only in his power. But you say it's impossible for the god Salamandra to do that, to grasp the Mori Monument of this universe. Isn't that without dreams or hope?

Thanks, Swuriya decided to elaborate and gently explain that she didn't seem to know by the mystery to the extent of 'herself, she said'.

"No, let it be. Listen to me till the end. Well, Salamandra, if you're a god, you said so." I'm sure the dragon I'm going to do is born to do something I can't do. "Do it.

"─ Oh, my God! So there's hope, then.

"Will Lago do this to the point of not being able to do the Salamandra God?

"No, that's my parent!

It is so noisy that it is thought that the salted green vegetables suddenly became full sunflowers in the middle of summer. That's why I didn't want to say this far. Because I knew I was going to let you have the easy fantasy. Swuria turns to extinguish the flames with the faint expectations that have begun to swell.

"No, I don't. I don't care if you say so. Just where you go. Well, no, no. You should have thought about it. Yeah? Salamandra, I did what God said, and I thought," Well, I'm counting on that. "

Salamandra God - True Dragon's talk of 'hope' was too ambiguous if you let Swuriya say so.

The rationale for this is to say that the dragon of this era, Largo, who seems to draw the blood of the True Dragon direct system, has an extraordinary blessing of wisdom and witchcraft, which he does not even bring with him to the present Salamandra God.

But the former of them, those four dragon men said, I wonder if it is because the new dragon Largo is peculiar.

And the Salamandra God's belief that Largo will probably acquire the greatest ability in this world, "The Invitation to Luck," is another rationale.

Just to do that, at least three times, you have to be aware of the danger to your own life from the bottom of your soul. On top of that, he says that if the title of Divine Dragon is not recognized from around him, he cannot make it entirely his own. However, if not, regardless of his will, 'The Invitation to Luck' will activate itself and all Mori Luo Wan will be what he thinks - that is, he believes that this universe will be resurrected again.

However, the ambiguity - to the extent that it knocked over the dead line in the battle - is so inexplicable in its ability.

In order to blossom that ability, which is a legitimate pedigree that can gain its power, but which no one is said to have obtained before, the Salamandra God has fought numerous enemies during the True Dragon era, diving precisely the dead line.

Still, he said he had never been frightened by the fear of his own death.

But True Dragon, who really wanted to gain that power, only for that reason he gained the spiritual departure - the art of Doppelgenger - and at that time, possessed by the winged dragon, who was dominating the sky on earth, jumped into a volcano that burned only to taste the fear of death.

Of course, so Winged Dragon died, and although I got the feeling that life would run out at that time, True Dragon himself was never frightened by the fear of death. Because even if that winged dragon died, he knew his soul would go back to normal.

And the other thing is, in that way, I couldn't get close to opening my eyes because I had made the lives of others grossly crude, and the death was suicide, and if it wasn't the innocence given by the others, it wasn't necessary for sacrifice, so to speak, it was full of deception, and now Salamandra God was reflecting, but Swuria doesn't know as much about its authenticity as it does.

True Dragon then awakens to this ability after throwing himself out of the feeling of self-sacrifice that he must rescue others in a tested eternal prison he made himself. It has the effect of ensuring that you feel the fear of death just by entering it. Reflections before that probably come from this experience.

If there was something really like being trapped in jail as a result of Largo's visit to that place this time, and the mention that he felt a crisis in the survival of his soul in it was resurrected, he said another step should bring him closer to its depths.

Moreover, I am convinced that if it is an exhausting Largo who has done so, if life is taken from any enemy on top of it, he will feel in danger of his third life.

The truth is that Salamandra God's eye opening during the True Dragon era also seems to be self-analyzing against the dragon after he came out of his own eternal prison, surrounded by a dinosaur with one thing in his belly, and this was cleared for the third time just because he freaked out.

He told Swuria fervently that the unknown fear seemed imperative, which he would take with such an innocent mind, for the opening of the eyes of the supreme surgery.

Apparently Largo says he should be savoring the real fear of death, albeit in battle, at least once at the sight of Salamandra God.

(Yeah, but I still can't make this story these guys.

When such a consolation and encouragement are interrupted, the Spirit Michissane again calls out to me seriously.

"Swuriya which.

"What or ghosts.

Something terrible is going to be said, so even if you don't look at your face deliberately, you don't have to look at them with clairvoyance to see them. I answered, but I can't show you one nasty face even where you don't look at them like they're made of humans. The intelligent creature thing was seen as quite a struggler, even from the swuria we have seen over the years.

"I was originally a human being, and now I have been worshipped and told of the Spirit and so on, and many fears have polluted God's feet. As you can see in such a position, when you are human, you were meant to know almost anything as someone with some high education in that world. Still, there is something about anxiety. There were a lot of things I really didn't understand about where people would go when they died, where the sun would rise from and where the moon would set, but I gave up thinking that was such a thing and came. This is how people call me a company and a god, and when I see a lot of things, I feel like I've figured this out again. But..."

That's what I started saying, Michisane's, I know more or less what I'm trying to say. That could have been better understood in the present day, Swuria, than when we broke up with the human being that brought us from the gates of Hell. After Michisane's lengthy story because I felt that way, I wanted to connect in my own words.

"What a long story, but I know what you're talking about. I did it, and I've been looking at the world from above this sky, and I felt like I knew everything. One day I realize I don't know anything about it. But that's because I'm blind. I noticed because I didn't see it because I wanted to see things. After that, I didn't see it. I came back to see it. I thought I was going to show you my job.

"That's about Master Largo, isn't it?

─ ─ Not only. The future that Swuriya wanted to confirm was the future of the universe and, more importantly, the future of Salamandra God and himself.

"It is, and no, that's not all. What does that man do and what changes? And why did you quit your previous job? There's a reason for all that. He told me not to.

"Let's go! To see with that eye what Lago will do.

"Oh, okay. Come on! Just one more time, but it's glowing like old times, don't be shy! Mariachi, call Saturday.

(392) Meteor Destinations

At last, Mariachi's unspeakable joy at the willingness of Swuriya, who helped the Cyber Viscounts on their way to eternal prison, to say that they would blossom.

Though Sulya lived with True Dragon in the Sun Palace during his retirement, he turned down the new Salamandra god who would inherit it and completely dawn on the Sun Palace, temporarily residing in the mansion of Saint Junior, who had used it as his rear palace, but - with Saint Junior telling him that it was hot and painful - quickly left here and sealed himself up in an area called Paradise, and so on. But I didn't want to be without doing anything either, and I volunteered to be the gatekeeper of the Japanesemen, who asked God Salamandra to tell me that roughly nobody would go through. But after it subsided there, Mariachi felt a teething sensation that Sulya, who no longer had light or heat, lived quietly for the most part.

Because Swuriya has been an absolute God who, since the birth of this universe, has given light, fever and nurtured the grace of life and watched over everything on earth.

When this universe was formed, 400 million years ago, as the space dominated by the chaotic creatures and the inanimates from which the slime originated accumulated at the bottom of the vessel over a long period of time, the soil was divided into water, soil and fire, and the soil was consolidated into the earth, where water accumulated in the recesses and became the sea and so on, filled with the feeling of putting up empty walls where there was nothing, and the sky began to spin. The fire gathered together and gave its soul to its life as the source of energy called Salamandra, and ascended to heaven to become the "sun” ─ the sun. That is the birth of the Salamandra God.

But because the sun had always stopped in the heavens - in the centre of the sky - a period of 200 million years of scorching ensued, and thermal rain poured down on the surface and stuck in the soil as well.

By this, the earth stored great energies, such as light and heat, and organisms began to adapt to the environment in the water and in the soil. Yes, everything that was alive had acquired the power to use the magic of adaptation. Slime-like organisms, or after jellyfish and octopus in the sea, were transformed into shellfish and human deads, and in the ground from namequats and mites into hiatus, resulting in fish and worms with bones on the outside, and further taking shells into the body to create bone-like vertebrates.

When the soil and water fires first split, the elements of the fire that were mixed with the soil and water did not have heat. For this reason the element, which was not divided, received heat from the sun for a long time, and gathered on the surface to ascend to heaven and become a star. One big star gathered more stars around in heaven to the same size as the Sun at the coarse density of Scarska, but the big star was a crushing fire, so I thought about merging into the Sun (climbing to the same height at), but the Sun began to escape from the cold big star, reluctant to be deprived of heat. At first there was a chase in heaven, but when I saw the Big Star, the Sun began to hide. Thus 200 million years ago, the day and the night were as ready as they are now. Big stars became known as the Moon, and with other stars who no longer received energy from the Sun, they stayed in the sky using dragon veins carved into their minds to glow and keep flying.

On earth, besides the fish that were born in the veins of water, the cold-blooded beast of the earth, the bird beast of chi, begins to walk wide on the surface where it has become temperate, the Salamandra God gives life in mating with each other, and the ancestors of the dragons and fairies, the kings of the three beasts, are born.

Blessed from water, soil and qi all the vegetables, the first creature grew up absorbing the vegetables of fire that crept into the earth, gaining excellence from the power of the pulse of the earth that sighed over hundreds of millions of years as a dragon that also manipulated fire.

On the other hand, the fairy, who was a mixture of the same three beasts, becomes only one who benefits from the ground vein, one who cannot live away from the pulse. What inhabits the underground pits that have been pulsed are nomes, what is aquatic is undine, what is everywhere is called silf, called the Holy Spirit with special abilities based on the power from the pulse, always coexisting with its world without dispute.

The dragon also housed a dragon pulse in his own body to gain infinite power, and it became the era of the dragon's dominion for 100 million years, from 200 million to 100 million years ago, mainly because it could follow a subspecies (dinosaurs) mixed with cold-blooded beasts that lived in the soil. They created hell and eternal prison of the other world to create demons and evil spirits, or to shut them down, which is the source of hell and the demonic world today. It was the true dragon that controlled that world and ended the age of the dragon to create an era that is said to be human.

To tell this story, Marici dwelt on its history long ago from Sulya, who was the Salamandra God.

Mariachi could not live up to the exorbitant expectations that the swuria, which was a reward, was about to burn again and shine in heaven on such a day.

But when everyone is watching where they're going, the stars flow far above the starboard rear. Mariachi doesn't miss it.


"Doesn't he? Oh, I'm glad to see you now.

Naturally, Swuria realizes that, too, and follows its tail with her eyes.

"Yes. I went a little off the road. What's going on?

Suddenly, what you're looking at around you twists your neck as Mariachi and Sulya look at the sky on their right hand side all the way from behind - it should be the ceiling.

Michissane, not reluctantly, immediately asked Swuria.

"What's wrong?

"Oh, the meteor-- no, I found out. I passed over my head. What are they doing?

Michisane asks further questions to Sulya, who seemed slightly angry.

"Shouldn't you?

"No, it's nothing. Yeah, I don't know. Why did you come straight to him and take the road?

"No, so far, why weren't you with me?

"Oh, I thought there might be a lot of tough stuff going on in hell, and I asked them to investigate if there was anything strange about rushing over.

"Then again, is it up to you to go back here?

Looks like a complaining old lady, but as a Guardian, Marici sticks around to complain.

"Well, hang in there. It's not the same speed as the wax flying.

"So they were all coming later?

"Sort of.

"The only thing I could see flying now seemed to be for one person.

"Ah, you did it. Do you have some business with just one of us going that way?

Of course, I very much don't see any reason for meteors to behave that way on their own.

I dare say, with an extension of the order I received from Swuriya, I could only assume that if I were to explore information from the rear, I would have detected something on this starboard side, possibly around the front that could be considered a hellish anomaly, was occurring.

"Master Swuriya, we need a rush crowd, so I'm sorry, but could you bring back the meteor?

"What do you think? ─ ─ Oh, my God. You're flying a lot faster than on Saturday. The meteor one. It's pretty quick.

"That said, we can't beat Master Swuria very fast. Even now, Master Swuriya will be able to catch meteors soon.

"If you say so, what if we were to look for him here for one second?

Mariachi asks the abrupt suggestion.

"When they say he is?

"The name just came out, like the dragon who went one foot ahead. Yeah, well, he's not just a dragon. The quartet just told me. Quite a pedigree. Yeah, a real dragon or something.

The eyes of the Michisanes who heard it shine.

(397) Daiyuan Woman

"Even so. We all admire you as such.

"It is. Lago is the first dragon born in tens of thousands of years, sent to the lower realm to solve the problem of the moon, so that the dragon man of the Great Forest of Afar can hear my wishes and defeat the resentful evil god Deanna.

"Huh? Then you told me about the crisis in the universe.

Swuriya remembers. Salamandra, God's. 'I've been watching. The story begins when the woman of Ninja, who secretly protects the king of a nation, learns the secret and meets the woman of the dragon man whom she spoke earlier to tell the crisis of the universe'. The result is that handsome man who looks like a true dragon and is either a stranger or a singularity.

"Daiyuan? Maybe so. But that Dayuan is that witch Aladia. Already regarded as Lago by destiny, to my knowledge Aradia, as the use of the Moon's invader Evil Divine Deana from the underworld, the use of witchcraft that attempted to decay church forces spreading across the earth and deprive the human race of hope from the world. I am a proxy for the God of the Moon conspiracy, which is denigrating everything in this world and finally also trying to oust the Salamandra God.

"Seems so. I was surprised to hear about them earlier. For that, I feel like I owe it to this hell.

"Yes, I've seen one of those scales all the way up here.

I didn't feel any major anomalies on the road that Suuriya walked with the Diekichis, but maybe just when the Divine Dragon moves it will bolt out of Hell. I'm also curious about its content, but if you're detecting Hell's anomalies first, it's convenient not to have to explain everything.

"Then the story is quick. Just go after him.

Kanryu, who took his steps ahead, is SURIYA, who wants to meet and talk to him as soon as possible. A ghost with a piece of godliness has stopped and interrupted the attempt to move quickly.

"Dear SURIYA at times. The number is right, we also had something to catch on as we walked through hell to this point.

"Being caught? Even the first time you guys came in, something strange happened to you?

If you try it as a soulya that has come the same way, I am interested in the anomalies that the unfamiliar dragons noticed and didn't see for themselves. I got drawn to the story.

"Yes, I've worked here at the Hell Gate since I was a lifetime -- a child -- and a person called Takamura was still passing through from the ground, so Takamura often told me how this one was doing.


Suulia was tempted for a moment to hear that she had been taught from her early childhood by Takamura, the second plunger, who was considered a natural enemy by everyone in her, no, Hell's inhabitants. But without wishing to do so, the ghost continues to talk.

"Yes, from then on, things may be a lot different that we can't do with the passage of time, but there are a few things I'm really not convinced of.

"Of course it's changed since the time Takamura arrived. Well, why don't you ask me what it's like?

"The weirdest thing that seems to me may no longer be in your ears, but... It's an act of silence.

"No, listen. Heh.

But if that had been done intentionally, it is as important as hell turning upside down.

What about the survival of the Gate, and the Great Demon will not be able to decide to keep it.

"In this hell, what used to be a way of atoning for sins in just one hierarchy has now changed to atone for various sins a little bit in each hierarchy, hasn't it?

"Seems so. Somehow, the magician Bafomet has managed to rationalize the neighborhood and changed it. I think Enma appreciates it to a certain extent. Unlike murdering people in the human world by soiling their hands, there are bad guys out there who taste mental pain with social measures or push them into a situation where they can't help but kill themselves. I don't know if I can handle that.

"That's good, but I don't think even the demons can manage such things as how many people are appropriate in the hierarchy all over for that matter.

"Maybe so, because I've seen it over here for a long time in what order, so I think it's possible to subtract that amount.

"It is. It's what makes the neighborhood hard to understand, and I wonder if maybe it's intentional.

Sayuriya can't hide her frustration when she's smart enough to talk.

"What are you trying to say? I wonder what would happen if that happened.

"Actually, while I'm here, should I say graduation from each of those hierarchies? In the terminology I was hearing, I saw the fact that silence was being inhibited.

That's what matters. I would have liked you to come to a conclusion soon. It is SURIA. But whose instructions are those that matter the most?

"Do what? Who does that?"

"Apparently, there was something about this ruler of hell named King Jardaba being made reluctant by the ghosts who swore allegiance to themselves.

"Why would you do that? What's wrong with doing that?

One breath, the ghost became an even calmer talking. It's not a weird way to talk, but it's not because of preconceived notions, or because of what happened to Takamura.

"From here it's our imagination, isn't it to keep here something that can be immediately reincarnated with light punishment?

But that insight goes both to the idea of Salamandra God and to his own perception.

"I see... So we're on the ground, and we're getting a little less humans. You're seeing something, aren't you? Ghost, you look pretty smart.

"It's an honor to keep it in compliment. Because I still have a pretty good reputation locally as a god of academic achievement.

"I see. You mean brilliant talent over hard workers.

Besides, I also freely manipulate the power of the Spirit that gave those guys who were forcing that Satori opponent to struggle earlier with the power of reversal just a little ear slapping. If as a ghost you don't have to worry about running out of energy, then being in hell is hard to put in the corner and Swuria wraps her tongue around.

"No. ─ And one more thing. I have no idea what this is for, but I cared to persevere in trying to hurt the bad guy's body on Narita Road. But if you ask me what it's for, I don't have one answer for you right now."

Stripping the deceased naked and weighing his sins with the weight of his clothes, because the only thing that can be inferred from the private lust that he wore in his lifetime, such as the imposition on his surroundings, other than what he cannot take with him like family possessions and assets, is the clothes he wore when he died.

Since the birth of Hell, the family of the Great Demon King, who is by the River Midway, has taken on that role.

All I had to do in those days was rip my clothes off, but now she says she eats too much skin and even meat. I hear, however, that it is limited only to those who have done evil deeds on earth.

"Okay. I'll ask you that, too.

Quite a long story. But at this rate, meteors may also be gathering a variety of information. What concerns me is one meteor rich in starboard. First of all, Sulya thought that all of those information had to be gathered to make a decision. In that case, it is a slight change of policy.

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