Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Chapter 8: Restructuring Compendium: Largo Line, Yoshinaka, Yanagi Tease

(352) General Hotsukasu

(362) Shame on Yoshinaka

(367) A hell of a big story

(372) Precedent rumors

This series of reveals--

Tomoe slipped over to Largo, who was put on the tamamo and threesome through Satori's hierarchy, some time after entering the next hierarchy. It is the effect of this hierarchy, which opens up the desire of the deceased, and the tamamo cannot be blamed. Yoshinaka happened to show up there and came back because he was arguing with Tomoe. Seems familiar with Yoshinaka, Largo leads Yoshinaka to eternal prison, where he inadvertently promises to guide him when he hears that the faithful Masakato is holding him back. On that journey, Largo realized from his recollections so far that he was caught up in a hell of a big story: King Jardaba, ruler of hell, and Deanna, evil god of the moon, and so on, and because of Yataka, he discovered a strange Margaretta in this hierarchy.

(352) General Hotsukasu

Largo and Tomoe, who were put on the back of the tamamo and exited the hierarchy managed by Four Heavenly Kings Satori with an animalistic sensation, even advanced to the next hierarchy, looking sideways at a field where, everywhere, one side of sharp blades, needles, swords and spears and other weapons stood upside down.

(However, this whole hierarchy is like a pile of needles...

The mountain of needles is due to Largo's past life memory, but somewhat unlike the image of the needle hell Largo had. Satori was lucky to engage in a place like this, from the edge of the hierarchy, around still devouring the previous hierarchy, wondering if it would further demonstrate its ability to attack. No. Should I call it Viscount Cyber's handle that drew me that far?

Still, unlike even the mountain hierarchy of this needle, we know very well that we have already made a voice call of silence. Unlike before, not only was it a fast trip on the back of the tamamo, but the lack of so much sadness was the reason because the deceased was in an exceptionally low but still condition.

Eventually the end of the hierarchy can be seen by the number of needles and blades. After that I finally entered the second hierarchy from the end. From that point on Largo somehow realizes that Tomoe's density, which is riding directly behind him on the back of the tamamo, is unusually close.

"Largo. Well.

My voice is weird, too. It is not like a samurai woman on her nose, it has a sweet female atmosphere.

"Duh, what's up? Mr. Tomoe."

"Hey Tamamo, why don't we take a break here and take a moment to talk about the future with Lago.

"Ooh, thank you. It seems like the atmosphere of the hierarchy here has gotten to me. If the hierarchy in front of Satori earlier is a sick hell, then the atmosphere has been pumping here, even a lust hell.


Rather than being grabbed by himself now, Largo noticed that despite the unstable back of his tamamo, his free passport, which was supposed to have been attached, was missing from Tomoe's arm, which was tangled with both hands and legs.

"It seems that this is a hierarchy where the purpose is to rampage the desires and selfishness of the minds of human beings - no intelligent life form - to contend with the deceased. Some things will be fine if you live like the chicks, but stool women like Tomoe are vulnerable and naturally susceptible to these kinds of mental attacks because they have a two-sided nature that makes a woman's sexuality" sausage "stick out in order to clear up the excitement over that side of the Lord, who fights male victories on the battlefield" Sausage "and remains in an exciting state on the battlefield in her bedroom.

"What am I supposed to do with that?

"What are you saying, Master Largo? Please share some sympathy with your concubine, Straw.

"Hey, Mr. Tamamo, can you do something about it?

"Well, let's keep it a little cute.

"Uh, that's irresponsible. You can't do that to Tomoe, who has a decided person.

"I will also be happy to receive a little extract of the Divine Dragon for Atiki at last.

"What are you talking about? To Mr. Tamamo! Stop joking.

"Nothing's wrong. Tamamo was originally the spirit soul of the beast. Since then, it has moved instinctively, so I am a lotus student with the concubine" Straw "of the night.

"Uh, so what am I supposed to do?

Finally, Largo entered an area where it could be said that the deceased of this hierarchy were immersed in unspeakable acts here as they were being cornered in all directions. They don't seem to intend to hide anything at all. Tomoe, who sees it, is getting more and more motiony on Largo.

It was only then that I saw a group of men and women of the deceased doing mundane things as intertwined, on top of the many jailbirds in charge.

Suddenly Tamamo stops on his feet, and Tomoe shouts a ringing loud noise that echoes around him, as he suddenly returns to his sanity.

"Aren't you a nuisance!

Above that, four men and women - precisely a man in samurai dressed in ancient Roman-style simple cloth cuts, just like Masakato, and dressed in old fashioned armor of Yapan, but rather docile, sticking to three fleshy women who exposed their skin - reply.

"You... aren't you my concubine, Tomoe?

"What is it? That nasty, nasty face! It was said that there was this man in the capital, who took an alias as from General Asahi, Ah Asahaya. with such females bulls of Nanban North Di.

Said meth cows are likely chunky women, which would be common for born in the Hurn continent.

They are angry, taking themselves away from the samurai in the center of the samurai figure, but the samurai, called to Tomoe, pushes it aside, and can not hide the slight appearance of the samurai, standing up and shouting.

"Hey, what are you saying! You are the representative of the Yamato stroke, said to be in front of Tomoe, and more importantly the body of Jin-sook, but you are such an inhuman handsome man and treasure on Hell's Road?

"Couple fights don't even eat dogs, but unlike those odarisks over there, this exotic handsome guy is out of standard, Yoshinaka.

I thought not, but Tamamo's statement still makes it definitive that this warrior man came all the way from himself to hell hoping to meet Tomoe thinkers, his ex-husband Yoshinaka.

"Oh, I'm surprised. I didn't know you were in hell with Tamamo. Did you try to kill yourselves, or did you try to catch up with this Yoshinaka romance? Whoa, Tamamo wasn't a soul in the first place?

The samurai men, who felt like they had to say something, the women who were betrayed that they had done their love to Yoshinaka's lumpy and twisted response, descended from their backs and walked away from this group.

Yet the real wife of the adulterer's man intruded, and she also looked like a business woman who had lost her money backing up.

"─ What do you mean, boring things.

"I'm sorry, I don't know if I can talk to you, but when I heard that I was coming to this hell because of unwelcome circumstances, Mr. Tomoe came to see Mr. Yoshinaka at first sight.

─ ─ What are you talking about? Is that Santaro? "

Hi, I don't know if I see reality or if a guy named Yoshinaka is a super realist and I'm not convinced of such a hell of a situation, but it's Yoshinaka as if Tomoe can't accept that he came to this hell alive from the ground. But it was Tamamo's fury that erupted there.

"What the hell! Many fears turn to the Dragon God. Atiki and Tomoe got to dive into hell alive under the guidance of Dragon God, and they've come this far with a lot of hard feelings. Well, when this whore prodigal... I can't forgive him any more!

"Well, Mr. Tamamo, that story is a bit...

To much indignation, I'm glad Largo accidentally went out poorly on Tamamo. This is going to lose the credibility of Ryujin's statement, but what surprised me was Yoshinaka.

"Hey, what do you mean? Tamamo!"

"I'm not lying or joking, Master Shinigami. This one will be revealed to the Dragon God without deception.

Dragon god testimony also pops out of Tomoe's mouth, but of course I don't think there's any way you can believe it in this state. The person in question is most questionable about it. Of course, again, Yoshinaka shakes her head and denies it.

In this way, it seemed that there was no way to make Yoshinaka trust without even being here on the Inchiki identity determination machine in the example.

"Can you believe such nonsense? Besides, who the hell could believe that the dragon god, the champion of the earth, could let him enter the bottom hell of this earth for anything? Ghosts, don't miss this bastard! I'll catch you and make you throw up who you are!

When he heard it, the ghost besides just waiting for him surrounded one with the two Largos in a battlefield position with his prey.

(362) Shame on Yoshinaka

But at that time, just above Largo and Yoshinaka's head, a high voice echoed.

"If it's awkward, it's awkward! Oh, my God!

Looking up over his head, Yoshinaka raises her bare voice.

"Heh? Oh, you!

"I thought I might have gone to hell and spooked you, but I thought I remembered you properly.

When I thought I had screamed, I suddenly jumped out of the box and saw Yoshinaka crawling to the ground, uttering words of sight from the satisfactory top, and Yasu stepped down about a meter before Yoshinaka.

Indeed, given the sheer number of the deceased, it is not yet apparent that the promotion of annihilation has taken place in this hierarchy. I'm sure Largo and the others were slow, so I thought I was watching.

That's right, speaking of Yoshinaka, a first-rate samurai. It has only been shown that there is this person in the capital and so on from earlier on, and he certainly seemed to know what to do because he said that he was worshipped by a company somewhere in that capital.

(Well, you can tell by the size of it, and just the number of legs. More importantly, this is a hell of a place with no animals at all but humans.

"Sorry about that. We're out of time. Why are you going to this place again?

"If they say why, it's a long story, but finally, this dragon god is going to take Shura's way, so if he's going to show you around, that's it. Do it? They drove me out. I came all the way from Mr. Kwon to give you the words of the Great Japanese Spirit, Ohime. This application is made by Masakato, who is also responsible.

"Ha - Is it called the guidance of the Spirit Masakato, whom I believe in? That was rude. In that land, though we were broken up by the plan of a cowardly court of mornings, and we did not hesitate to discuss it, the good battle of our army was by the guidance of Master Masakato. Ah, no. It's not something you can grate. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Master Masakato, Yoshinaka. Now for this hierarchy, we are entrusted with one end of the security of this hierarchy, this Yoshinaka, to guide you to the Dragon God.

I see, if you say you are able to follow the ghosts to help maintain law and order, this treatment is understandable despite the status of the deceased.

"This hierarchy? I don't know what to say. If you're so loyal to Masakato Han, do you think this place will lead you to the end of Hell, even to eternal prison?

"That, of course, Josinaca, if he is a man, is happy to offer this soul if he is instructed by the benevolent Masakato, and he does not dislike this body, even if it is the bottom of hell, the eternal prison.

"Oh really? - That would help.

"Yes, but I'm going to ask you again... Wouldn't you think a dragon god would be as defenseless as that?

"What do you want? Didn't you just say Shura's way? Your ears still seem to rust. I wonder how velvety they let the stomach of the furry ones who keep them around lick them. Oh, it's lamentable that a general who once targeted the heavens as Mononov should fall. Unless you feel sorry for yourself as a stool girl when you think you gave three sisters a happy fuck to a man like this.

"Say what! How dare you expose yourself to such shame in front of Dragon God? ─ ─ But is that true, Dragon God?

"Uh, I'd like you to call me Largo if you can talk about me. ─ ─ But it's true. But if you don't feel comfortable, you can take your time talking to Tomoe here at all. Anyway, perhaps even with all this hard work, I think it's very important that we have a story to tell you that we wanted to meet Master Yoshinaka.

Yoshinaka's eyes when she hears it connect words as she complains of her desperate desire to somehow get through this scene.

"Tomoe wants to talk to this Yoshinaka? That 's-- well, that's important, but aren't you the one who needs to rush ahead as soon as possible now? Let's be. Probably has to be. If this Yoshinaka, this man, is in possession of us to deliver the Dragon God safely to the entrance to eternal prison, please help us to the fullest. Until then, this conversation with Yoshinaka and Tomoe, if it's a personal matter, I'd like to put you behind me.

Thank you. I think you gave up Josina Ka's personal circumstances entirely. When your long mouth was over, Tomoe gave up and crushed him bossy.

"It seems scary to talk to the concubine Straw. I can see how much life in the Sake Pond Flesh Forest has been overwhelmed here.

"Well, when it comes to Asahi General Yoshinaka, because there are no strangers in the capital of Yapan who have passed by so much as lovers, if the three Tomoes grow their roots in this hell that they are not watching, this wave of abuse should have been extrapolated.

"Come on, I'm telling you it's you, Dragon God. Don't say such a thing. Again, in this hierarchy, we all have no cowardice and don't seem to talk about what we like. Isn't it ruined by the Lady of Yapan, who was proud of her high cleanliness and grace?

"It's nothing like that.


"Ha, thank you. I guess Satyrus is even asleep now. Evidence of this is that the animals, the tamamos, are not disturbed by the storm of instincts. But just fine. If that is the first time you are active, anything with elements of a beast is very insane like that. If ex-beast men and others fall here, they will often be completely rampant and untouchable. Then let's get you out of this hierarchy quickly, within the present time when the greedy devil hasn't really flown around. Come on, you got the jailbirds talking.

Then one of the great things of the body in the ghost entered before Yoshinaka and made a difference.

"Dear Yoshinaka, what will you say? We can be used by King Jardaba. If you do say that he is a dragon god, he may historically be comparable to our birth parents, but if it is still going to be like bowing to King Jardaba, we can't let him through here.

"Oh, what are you doing already? Take your prey for what you can't hear about Yoshinaka, and don't hesitate to call me."

And the said ghost surrounded Josinaca with his own prey in his hand. Without leaving a single one, all the ghosts are turning to their enemies.

Yoshinaka surprised by its state. He seemed to believe that he had more hopes - no, it should be called ghost hopes - and so on.

"Whoa. Are you not going to listen to all of you? At times like this, if you say you're a judge, and you're passive enough, you should have a little something to say.

"What are you saying? We did not pledge allegiance to Master Yoshinaka, we pledged allegiance to King Jardaba and served Master Yoshinaka on that order. You can't betray the true Lord, King Jardiba, by mistake.

"Besides, I don't know what Yoshinaka-sama said about" Ho, Ho, Cancer, Biki ". You can't beat a loser.

When one hell of a ghost says so, everyone agrees that it is. Hi, it looks like Yapan's common sense doesn't go through here.

It's no longer a four-way song, but apparently this samurai man named Yoshinaka, if he's armed, didn't seem so confident.

(367) A hell of a big story

Yoshinaka, who thinks she carried two brocade beauty flags to the jailguards coming to her teeth surrounding Yoshinaka, such as protecting Largo and progressing, can't hide her confusion.

"Oh, my God, you know what I mean? You will not only point the blade at this Yoshinaka, but also at the Dragon God and the use of the Salamandra God to make fun of it.

"I can't help it. If it is the role of our prison guards to preserve the peace of hell.

The saying-word, Largo, who had a cock in "Peace in Hell," immediately discovered something caught in a few ghosts as he glanced through the hearts of the ghosts and searched his memories with the keyword "annihilation. 'Conscience' is strange, but because it is reproached in my heart, it is raised by the way and easy to understand. Largo also found" Rather ", an example lowered from the waist, connected to the one and only word of silence.

"Hey, you guys, I'm guessing you're talking about peace in hell, and you're inhibiting the immediate silence of the deceased, aren't you? On an order from King Jardaba. See, the ghost there has that rather like one. Isn't that a tool to inhibit euphoric silence?

The ghosts so told are clearly standing face to face with each other. When Yoshinaka saw that she was surprised at what it was talking about, it was obvious from such classified information that she had been secretly blinded. He is a decorative lord.

"Hey, what are you talking about, this thing? How do you know our terrible secret?

"Are you not the suspicious intruder that King Jardaba said?

"We're all looking forward to it. All the hierarchies until I got here, and they all let me come right.

At last the blood phase of the ghosts changes, but still the red ghosts remain red and the blue ghosts remain blue, so the question remains whether this expression is correct.

"Everyone, never let these men escape. When we find out the secret's leaked from here, we'll have a big eyeball from King Jardaba.

When the anger rose all the time, the ghosts simultaneously attacked Largo and Josinaca, who stood before him. Of course Tomoe and Tamamo can't miss that.

Tomoe leaps out in front of the two of them, swinging the tamamo that has turned into a sword again and cutting it with a bat. ─ Though, I don't get two straight, my neck flies, or my arms slit a thousand times if the attack on the tamamo is like that, or because this is hell.

When the tip of the sword, divided into nine pieces, captures and skewers the ghosts that attack freely, the jailers become immobile like they ran out of energy at once.

That calmed the battle down so much.

"What is the strength of this monster?

"I didn't know he was in hell.

Jailguards leaking surprise voices along with a slight groan as they sit down or as they remain fallen.

The strength of a prison ghost in hell, as Michisane had told me on earth, seems very toothless in living things.

"I have just sucked all the spirits of evil spirits that ghosts possess. Don't worry, I won't disappear as a ghost.

"What, Tamamo, if you don't even leave a little for this Yoshinaka, wouldn't you have the chance to show my brave warriors to the Dragon Gods?

"You sound great. There's a hipster who's always been protected by the women's stomach. Because he broke up with Tomoe at the end of the day, he fell into the hands of his enemies before sunset.

"Also do things that expose my shame to the gods.

"Master Noshi, don't talk to me like that, let's get ahead of ourselves. We need to send the dragon god over soon and talk plenty.

With those words on his back, as on the journey so far, he puts Largo on the back of his tamamo, teases him of the beginning, but then lets him walk his tamamo, taking the form of Yoshinaka and Tomoe samurai to the left and right behind Largo's step.

The ghosts who have done away with the manifestation of a desire to leave the scene quickly so that the sermons do not pop up any longer on the spot properly roll it around, and everyone hurries to eternal prison in an attempt to get out of this hierarchy as quickly as they can.

Anyway, now it's not just Millin and Crusty. Even the hanakaru and the beard, who were told to be sure to come back alive, were thrown into eternal prison with a lotus student because they followed Largo's instructions to anchor the Valkyrian feather coat to the ground and inhibit the prison feeding of Serene, the so-called goddess of the moon, on it.

(─ Yes, the number was firmly saying to Serene, the goddess of the moon at that time, what was Deanna, the evil god?

Hoping to ask the number later, he soon reunited with Viscount Cyber, Satori's raid, from which Largo ran off with the tamamos and broke up with the number, and he didn't have time for that sincerity, but even this hellish anomaly is being done by Bafomet, sent by something called Deanna, the moon's evil goddess who was involved for Serene, the moon goddess. Something's gotten so horrible about Largo being caught up in a hell of a big story before he knew it. I feel like that is no longer the case with rescuing two women from eternal prison. Up to this point, I have managed to come along well by tricking the dragon, but after this, I am worried that things will be very difficult and that I will have to ascend as soon as I get back to earth as a result.

I could hear a slightly gutsy word leaking from Yoshinaka, reassuring me that after I started walking a little, I had no more snakey remarks to make about such a Largo problem.

"There's really a lot going on today. King Jardaba went through here, and with the guidance of Master Masakato, he made a tease of himself, or even the Dragon God...

There was no way Largo missed those words. Even if it wasn't facing the face, Yosinaka's complexion looked concerned and peered, so the dialogue, which leaked all over Boso, also went into his ear so that the sound he picked up on the microphone flowed from the earphones.

"What, today? Has King Jardaba passed through here recently?

"I can't wait to see it. You're moving up. Are you moving?

Yasushi, every hierarchy should have been flying around to promote annihilation, so if you discover Yasushi, the evil you ordered, is trying to stop Kusushi, you should take some action.

In response to Yashidashi, Josinaka spoke of the time he met King Jardaba with a twist on his neck.

"No, that's funny, but there was something intruder in the upper hierarchy, so I went on a covert inspection, and I just saw you around the exit of this hierarchy on the way home. Besides, you don't bring a different hand washing ghost.

"The exit of this hierarchy? So you came up and down once?

If that's the case, I think it's odd that the Largo guys didn't squeak out because they were so rampant.

I met the Four Heavens King, but that shouldn't have been King Jardaba.

"We met. Get out of the way. Even so, I don't know what kind of monster that Jardaba King is.

Yes, the Largos have only heard that name so many times now, but of course they have not heard what kind of monster it is.

(372) Precedent rumors

Largo tries to find out what happened when Josinaca met King Jardaba and peeks into his memory.

Then it will be Alessandro, next to him is Deekichi, and Lem, who will come up there. And a closer look at what's been going on since the encounter, it seems that this Josinaca looked more like Alessandro and mistaken him for King Jardaba just because of his appearance. Alessandro, of course, didn't know what he was doing, and while he was standing around, he saw how Dirkichi was getting rounded up because of something that seemed like it.

(─ Besides, Deekichi also got on with the assignment from his mouth. But why would Alessandro be the king of Jardaba, mistaken for the god of hell?

Yoshinaka complains, capturing Tamamo's verbal butt earlier, as Largo saw where he thought so too. In other words, it's about running King Jardaba's mouth as a 'monster'.

"A monster is rude. King Jardaba hasn't been quite a crisp man, and his tender heart is highly appreciated even in hell. I can't deny it's somewhat easy to cut off, and I don't think you can do it fast, but you're smart enough to think you're a god of wisdom at all, you're impeccable.

"Oh, really?

Once again tracing Josinaca's memory, the footage comes to mind of when he was assigned here, in the appointment of King Jardaba. He's different, but he looks just like Alessandro. At first glance, surrounded by jailguards ghosts and compared to the Nandoya tribe that Cross fought for, it still looks smaller than the Yataroka mother who was once smaller - only as different as being on the shoulders of a giant.

But now there was the reward of Tomoes who condemned such respect for King Jardaba of Josinaca.

"I guess I got rounded up and left the slut general's name wanting at the bottom of this kind of hell. My concubines," Straw "... No, my concubines, I'm sorry.

"Dude, that's all I've been doing since earlier. We need to get this Yoshinaka position cleared up.

"I don't know if I think I have a position in the present. Over the course of this period, there will be no big way out.

In any case, it was Yoshinaka, who had no head up in Tamamo or Tomoe.

"Well, don't you all attack Mr. Yoshinaka so much. Mr. Yoshinaka did so because this is where the purpose is to storm out the desires and selfishness of such intelligent life forms and contend with the deceased, and Mr. Tomoe just now...

"Dear Aww Lago, do not let such a concubine," Wow, "speak to me in disgrace.

"Ha. I don't know about that, but there's a lot going on.

"Atiki is always in the mood.

Well, guys - or Tomoe found Yoshinaka, and he managed to be decent and helpful.

This must have been the jealousy of a woman, or the thought of the recruiting Yoshinaka who tried to chase her to hell - should I call it an exclusivity craving - but temporarily blew up a desire that boiled down to Largo - not to anyone without him.

(-Oh, could the numbers and cyber Viscounts be that when they come in here?

Slightly worried, but I think we're both discerning adults, and I'm pretty spiritually trained, so I'm optimistic it's okay, Largo.

Relieved, I was concerned about the Cyber Viscounts I had left behind, about the mites with the hayahusas coming from further afield, and even about the Alessandro, who was supposed to be rubbing through the satori like we still had no news and stepping further into the inferior layers of hell this time.

I just hope they are protected around the combination of Satan and Margaretta that I flew to the lowest level as soon as possible.

(─ Yes, we need to get some information ahead of us.

Largo hung up on that.

"So, how far have you been looking around because of Yata?

"Hey, let's just get out of the way, but let's just say there was a big fight at the far end of this hierarchy. Rare lightning has fallen.

"Lightning? Isn't that another tier, below?

"Mr. Yoshinaka, why is that?

"Yes, lightning is the ability of evil spirits, if you've ever heard it used when quite a few twisted spirits are lost.

"Really? From the size of other hierarchies, I didn't think it was that far away. I've flown dozens of them.

Maybe the preceding Alessandros have broken out, or Satan and Margaretta are struggling, Largo thought.

"Have they noticed anything else? Yata-san.

"Get out of the way. I've looked at it quite a long way, so it's definite, but Margaretta says," Come on, come on, let's go. "


and teasing Margaretta was only a moment before she was in the well. I was impressed that I remembered it well.

"What a different vibe, but I followed the decoy spirit and walked off the wind with my shoulder. Yes.

"Could it have been caught?

That said, no one gets caught and walks in the wind with a shoulder cut, and the expression "follow the Necromancer" is strange. Of course, that's the kind of reply I get back.

"Such a shimmer. It was like a dead spirit or evil spirit or something like that. I used it with my chin and walked away in a friendly mood.

Does that mean that Margaretta defeated them, and then she could have followed them? But a raw Margaretta twists her neck wondering if it's possible to fight the Necromancer or something.

"Were there any Satans nearby?

"I can't see it.

Largo infers that the person is saying it's only a matter of guts, but that's just such an expression because it's circumstantially unconvincing.

If there is something invisible because it is far away, the signpost "Michishi Servant" will not serve.

In other words, unless there is one in this hell, Margaretta and Melon, Satan and Margaretta seem to think for sure that they are acting yet another after breaking up with Mitsu.

(─ That said, there are cases like the combination of Alessandro and King Jardaba that look just like you, so the possibility is not zero, though.

It just doesn't seem to be very good news that Margaretta, in such a state, and acting alone away from Satan, was seen as being followed by a dead spirit or evil spirit that would bring its roots to this otherness - hell. Rago with a slight heartbeat.

Then, as I thought earlier, there's no way that Alessandro and his friends want him to rendezvous with Satan and Margaretta as soon as possible.

As soon as possible, Largo unconsciously quickened his legs when he felt he needed to join them in the leading group.

(─ Well, that doesn't mean I have much power.

At this time, however, the advantages and disadvantages of ability are irrelevant.

That we should all pull together..., what if the three of us pull over?

Fortunately, there are also quite a few skilled female martial artists and yawns here, as well as locally sourced warlords.

Lago thought that if we got together, we would figure it out, because some of the others were small, but Golem's Rem, and Satan.

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