Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Chapter 8: Restructuring Compendium: Satan Diekici Alessandro

(359) In My Hand

(364) Use mine.

(369) Fuck you.

(374) I will keep

(379) Lilith, your abuse.

(385) Re-seal

This series of reveals--

With Rem's last power, Satan, who had his broken demon nucleus repaired and had come back to life, burns his willingness to rescue Margaretta. However, there was too little pawn to fight the evil spirit Lilith in a state of depleted magic and endangered demonic nuclei, and it was thought that the Largo and the others, who had taken the women of man to various places, could not be backed up.

The contents of Lagon and Alessandro were replaced with the proposals of Lagon and even Alessandro and Diekici, who appeared to be in Alessandro's automaton, repeated trials and errors to transfer the capabilities of Lagon, and finally struck out into a bitter meat measure where Satan deposited that data in the dying demonic nucleus. As a result, Lilith tried to do business and possess from Margaretta to Alessandro, and once Satan's sealing technique was exchanged at the expense of his fellow Necromancers, he succeeded in sealing each Alessandromaton with the drive of Lagon and Hayaji. But the Demon Nucleus breaks with sound, and Satan himself falls down with the shock of running out of energy and demon nuclear damage.

(359) In My Hand

Lem, who exhausted his last power, remains fallen asleep.

True, no one here can drag this giant away, and the Satans couldn't afford to wait for the energy to build up naturally in that body.

"Apparently, you used your last power to repair a little of my demonic nucleus. Pretty much impossible.

He said, "Is he okay?

"Unlike the Demons, they won't extinguish if they lose their magic. Wouldn't it just take a little while to get back on track? As it stands now, I can't keep up after this, so I thought maybe I could at least... But this could free Margaretta from Lilith's curse and save her.

Yes, for this minute, it's not something you can very well expect, such as the speed at which Largo, who only brings a human girl, is coming through hell.

It doesn't look like the lowest layer Satan has fallen into is the kind of noise he's made with a hive so far, also because Mitsu hasn't been followed through the same route. I don't know if that's Mitsu struggling in purgatory too, or if he's shut the route down by his enemies, but the time it would take for such a mite to come through hell properly is also immeasurable.

Because now Mitsu is also human, and not without any effect on mental attacks. According to Deakichi's story, each of the three of these team members seems to have no sign of coming after him with one of the Four Heavenly Kings bumping into each other, and the mental attacks on the hierarchy without the Four Heavens seem pretty horrible, and it's quite likely that they will feed on those on the flying hierarchy of the devil to go with it.

For example, the mighty on this side will soon rendezvous, as Satan, who is already here, go on. Go back, as long as there are only three or four people in the general population lined up here with hairs who are not at all comfortable with it.

If we hadn't at least added Margaretta to this team, even though we had ousted King Jardaba, they didn't think we'd have a winning chance on this road. No, more than that, Satan had a reason to have to take Margaretta.

"I was just saying, Lilith, are you going to fight the evil spirit monster that was inside Margaretta? How dare such a bad spirit manifest itself?

"No, if that cross was safe, there was no problem, but this evil spirit of hell seemed blind to me, so I was attacked intensively. So..."

It was only as easy to say as it was earlier, describing such a situation when the evil spirit attacked me, the depressed Alessandro snapped.

"─ Margaretta and I are so flattered.

"No. I should have brought Mitsu with me, even though I would have fallen all the way here. My judgment is wrong. Without knowing what kind of opponent I was, I relied on Margaretta's help. Besides, I couldn't fully protect Margaretta's cross. I was really surprised. Forget where this place is. So the job I'm opening up from Lilith needs to be done by me.

That's why I have to take Margaretta. There's only one reason she joined this rescue team. My abominable ability to become immortal is a reward to the True King, who helped me, and to the Kingdom.

You can't leave her body like that, under the control of the evil spirit Lilith, and go back to earth. It was also caused by my mistake in judgment, staying in this state.

"Has Mr. Ruthie completely healed without it?

"As much as I connect what was cracked, and although it's not very complete, this doesn't seem flashy. I think I can use magic. Even so, it may not be possible to fight with that power alone.

Satan regrets that if he had at least an enemy with a large amount of magic, he could suck it off and make a Madante Planta collar.

"What's that? What do you mean, it's not flashy?

"In hell there seems to be a considerable limitation on exercising magic, for example flying in the air or something like that can't even be done with ability. That means that things like exercising magic outside yourself are restricted. I don't have anything right now to just do damage to what I'm touching, but I guess I can only do something like use magic tools. In fact, when I fought evil spirits, if it was where my body was in contact to escape capture, I'd have had a blast. But I couldn't fly that energy to someone I left.

"But in fact, Lem had that arrow of light flying in him. Is that supposed to be magic?

Satan had seen that lightning bolt in the fight against the evil spirits who had already lost Margaretta.

"It's like a spear that evil spirits possess, it's like a physical weapon, one way or another. Humans only touch physical things because they have shapes. Conversely, evil spirits don't have shapes, so you can't use shaped weapons. Exceptionally, we wizards can use such things through non-physical things called magic, and conversely, the Demons can create bodies that are real with magic and have access to physical things even though there is really no reality. I also have such an irregular.

"Oh, how can I know that because Master" Oyaji "said so?

Yes, it was. He was a magician who was once a disciple of Jamon the Alchemist. Because of that, they can only understand reason. Just a little bit, Satan revisits this great lie under heaven.

"Well, this is going to suck away as much energy as the enemy has. This is my nature.

Even other influential forces, if they are nature, can be harnessed because purgatory mites are a demonstration.

Still, the evil spirits and dead spirits here are moving each time absorbing the energy of this alien power, so it seemed that the only way to stop Lilith for real was with the collar of Madante Planta. Besides, if its ingredients, I've lost my wand, but there's something I've been tickling at in the mine.

I just had a feeling that if I used such a big move, I would surely not be able to withstand the burden of this damaged demon nucleus being too big, and it was going to crack again.

"Is that all right with you?

"But either way, you can't fight your way to eternal prison with this mentz. We need Margaretta's help.

But there was still a big problem heading into the fight.

"What is the inheritance of the Guardian of Milin, the king of the kingdom's best and noble.

"What's the matter, Alessandro?

"I just said it from there. Don't. This guy, his dreams, his hopes are gone.

"You have no choice. Leave unmotivated children here!

"No, that's biocidal or Mr. Lucy. He said he managed to take him. Until I got here, I've been taking care of this guy.

Thanks. That sounds like a lie. Most of the time on the road, I thought you said you slept with a taunt addressed to you. But on the contrary, if Alessandro has taken care of me, I can tell the story. I guess I can't abandon you just because this is happening right now. That's an important point that Satan likes humans. Whatever the way you put it, I wanted to take care of how Deekichi felt about it.

"Come on in and out, then I'll give you a hand.

Soon Hayazi, who had come from the mountains, turned his voice away. Besides, there are cockatoos in the back with luggage cars.

"Hey guys, have you forgotten about yourself? What are you trying to do?

"Uh, I did. It came with something like you. That's enough. Keep following me.

"Huh? No, but I am.

"Four-five says no!

It was a lookout cockatoo slightly vulnerable to pushing.

(364) Use mine.

"There it is.

Satan, whose restoration of the Demonic Nucleus was completed, was able to search for clairvoyance as well as teleclairvoyance, and Margaretta's whereabouts soon began to be precise from the general distance and direction heard from Kagelow.

Even the naked eye can faintly see out of the castle, but it seems to be a stubborn making, and of course the atmosphere surrounding the ghost has been conveyed so much that there are not a few in place of soldiers.

Kagelow, who can finally call me without about to misstate herself, gives me a voice that doesn't seem confident.

"But sister, isn't it impossible to fight a little with this number of people after all?

"I don't have to fight it. Anyway, if you manage to get Lilith out of Margaretta, it's ours.

"That's all, you're that sister-in-law, aren't you? Indeed, right now, I'm sure Satyrus, who manipulates this hierarchical idiosyncratic greed demon, is inactive, and the number of greed demons is small and seems to move slowly. Otherwise, even if this is off the hierarchy, we can't all be so decent.

"In that case, what did the warlord's old man say? Something about Satyrus hitting on me.

According to Kagelow, when Satyrus is active, greedy demons dance crazy to every corner of the hierarchy, and even though there are individual differences, the deceased are not sane under their influence and flirt with their own desires.

"That was lucky. In the meantime, uh, you don't have a precursor to the point.

With that kind of rhetoric, Advice The most greedy skinned guy on this team came in the penetration.

"What about the money that precedes us? What the hell kind of a shack is that?

"Hey idiot, what good is money going to do here? Magic. Magic. I have so much energy to make a Madante Planta collar to seal that Lilith, because Lilith herself doesn't have such a great deal of magic, it's not like that time, but still without a little energy - because my contents are soaked up.

"What about that one?

Even if they say so, I get in trouble. It's the hardest part right now. It was still too sweet to expect to see a warcraft with plenty of magic somewhere or just Largo or Mitsu.


"Use mine.

Surprised. Alessandro, who has followed me thinking that walking is something like doing, is clearly expressing his will.

But the will didn't immediately come to Satan.


"I 'm-- you'd understand. I have a lot of magic.

"What are you talking about, because you only have the magic of the royal family," I thought about it a lot, and it was almost at the same time that I realized with clairvoyance that this was not the creation of a human body.

Satan swallows all the words he tried to say. And then I say another word out of my mouth that I tried to say, 'Nah.'

"What? You're... I see! Right. You're the same as Lagon, but if you take it, you are.

"Are you saying you're going to be unable to move? ─ ─ Originally, it didn't help me or anything. Margaretta, you can't fight as many adults and as many children as you can.

"Are you that strong?

"Oh, if you do 10 bottles, they'll take 10. Besides, the battle is decided instantly.

Disappointing deekichi. He's the only militant in this, and I guess he was expecting a little. But that's when.

"I'm sorry...

At the last voice, everyone there looked at each other looking for whose statement. I suddenly heard a voice from no-one where.


"Who? You're the one I'm talking to right now? Ghosts."

Yes, the ghost who pulled the luggage... - Cockatoo was there. And surely the voice should have come from that one.

"No, no, this is him now.

"What? This?

Cockatoo pointed it on the luggage car.

"Yes, it's me.

"Ho, you can talk even if you fall apart like this, number 12. Where'd you get that? You've got some amazing moves.

Calling the wreckage of the lagon No. 12 means that from the time Diekichi was in Ghamon Lab, he was involved in building the lagon's automaton. When I asked Jamon Labs at the time, I thought he was the one who made the frigid one his apprentice.

I heard such a conversation between Dirkichi and Lagon, and now I have something to talk about self-immolation. Alessandro.

"Yes, you should have let me fall apart. I'm such a useless...

"What are you talking about, when you fall apart, you're dead. Don't you? If that happens, who goes to eternal prison?

"No, I...

I thought that was it. To make everyone understand Alessandro's true misery, it seemed necessary to publish the truth.

"Something Alessandro, that's really dark. It's all falling apart.

"─ Whatever you want.

"What, what's a rose?

"Good thing, don't be surprised. Listen. I forgot about that earlier, too.

Yes. I am self-inflicted as a human being, Alessandro here is not actually a human being. Satan explains the whisper.

When Alessandro attacked him at the Castle of the Demon King, Satan, who was out of magic, accidentally sucked Alessandro's magic from every memory of him.

They say that the real Alessandro flesh rests in a pit of the Holy Spirit beneath the Royal Castle, so to speak, in a state that has lost its soul.

It was here in Alessandro who set the information Satan had pulled out into an automaton made of lagon parts in the lab of Gymon, and he said that it did have something like Alessandro's soul in it, but his body was just an automaton.

And Lagon, now part of a fragmented doll, is also said to be seen by many sifting superhuman sword moves in the name of kingdom braves, but perhaps it must have copied the moves of a famous swordsman.

"It is. Actually, I have Margaretta's body surgery embedded in me. On top of that, I got some of Godfrey's swordsmanship, some other Krim's hand dexterity, and the tactics are loaded from Sir Leold's collection and worn.

"Something like that, when you transfer human memory to an existing automaton, you can create the ultimate homunculus that the master was aiming for.

Nevertheless, I didn't know that he was creating the same flesh made of man, but Master Geimon was still a genius. Something like that. Dirkichi is alone in admiration.

After all, even though he was ruthless and broke with both his ability and guts, he is only a rare and likeable apprentice, who helped even if Jamon broke his favorite power suit.

"That's right, Deekichi, don't you think you can cure Lagon?

"I can't do that. I wonder if I can cure you without such a broken tool.

"Really, you just can't? Kagelow said he didn't have any of those tools either.

"Yes, you don't seem to have a habit of using tools to make or cure things in hell.

This place called Hell, however Away, seemed to be solidified with all the unusable things around it.

(369) Fuck you.

Diekichi, the face that suddenly came to mind there, suddenly spoke to Satan as if he had discovered the proposal.

"How about copying the information stored in No. 12 to Alessandro all the time? Mr. Lucy, are you good at copying?

"Uh, I'm not good at it. It was a coincidence that I sucked Alessandro's off, and it was Largo who came up with this method in the first place.

I don't want you to say that I can't. The opponent is the first magical descriptor in this world to come up with the idea of embedding the script in a magic tool, the best alchemist in the world.

There's no way Satan can imitate anything like that, even if it's a niggat at at all. Neither could Alessandro's copy paste without a hands-on lesson from Gymon.

(But I don't have a problem if they tell me to do the same thing again because I only remember these things.

Largo was doing something to the biological human brain that overrides the memories, experiences, and techniques gained by others to make those abilities his own.

Diekichi tells Satan to do the same, overriding Alessandro the abilities that Lagon gained by integrating them that way, but he gets in trouble for having them say it so easily because Lago can.

"Exactly how can you do a divine thing?

"That's no good. You shouldn't do it.

Now, I can't get around, but I only have a database with a lot of knowledge, and I can't get out of Lagon. When I hear that, the fallen magician Dirkichi leaks his displeasure.

"Why not, number 12. If I could, would it be worth a try?

"I was thinking about Largo for a while. If it wasn't me, if I overwrote the extra another human thing on the data of a normally born and raised person, I would have stopped knowing that the person was born and raised, that they could be distinct from their original personality, that the parts that would be fundamentally needed would be missing, or that they would create inconsistencies in the person, and that they might upset their balance as human beings.

If you ask me, when pasting Alessandro's data, I should have written it all down where there was nothing. I mean, it was a blank paper state, so I couldn't even think about it. Still, Geimon made Satan do the polite task of writing out his experiences and memories separately for something called Pastebowl and Library Metal once too, just because it was the way Largo did when he wrote the data to Millin's automaton, and copped it to Alessandromaton.

But in the case of Lagon, there is a mixture of Margaretta's body technique, Godfrey's swordsmanship, and someone else's dexterity. You're going to cope with that over an Alessandromaton that already has one serving of memory and experience, but Satan, who doesn't know the reason, has no idea how that's possible without erasing existing data.

"Then why were you, in addition to all the other things, okay?

"I don't have my original personality or anything, so even if my original personality breaks down, you don't know. Originally, it was irregular to move in autonomous mode this way, and it only had the role of a connection, so to speak, which was starting to automatically change when the operating instructions from Largo were interrupted. When I was in trouble, my signal came out, so I had difficulty judging and doing so, even when it came to my personality, it was to that extent. Oh, and when I overwrote it, I was careful not to overlap Largo politely. They're each put together separately for each ability. Plus, I took backups in advance, so that I could turn them all off and put them back together when I had to.

"I see. If I could write in a pastebowl or something..."

In the case of Lagon, it seemed to be done experimentally with no original readiness, since he was ready to go back to the state he was in before Lago completely overwrote, even if he failed.

If there's anything else in there, it's possible to leave it there. But now it doesn't either. First of all, Satan doesn't know how to turn it all off. If you can do that, after transferring the contents of the lagon to Alessandro, if you blank the lagon's storage device and write down what you have, even if something happens to you, you can take it home and figure it out.

I don't know why Largo only knows that, but I guess that's why they call him a magical descriptor who plays games and rarely sees them.

It's not convenient to say that you don't remember anything, but that's the only place where peculiar memories come out flabby.

"Isn't that funny? You can break my personality. If you can be strong, do it.

"Akan, if Alessandro's personality goes crazy, His Highness the Millian Rune will grieve.

Dirkichi is right. There is no question that the data on the personality that has been overwritten and gone crazy remains strange even if it can be restored to its original body.

When you return to normal life, there is no guarantee that there will be no obstacles.

"I can't go back to that place anymore!

It is clear from anyone's eyes that Alessandro is already a jerk. There is no way any good measure can succeed in this.

But an unexpected helpship raised its voice to see the octagonal blockage of such a kingdom's leading hero.

"Mr. Alessandro.

He is Hayaji, a deceased who was dropped from purgatory to the lowest level with Satan and has followed him until now claiming to protect Satan.

Suddenly, an unrecognizable big old man caught me in front of him, and it was Alessandro who ate him.

"Hey, what are you?

Hayaji, who is grateful, looks up and shows off his former fierce man's awesomeness. Alessandro was supposed to be depressed until now, but he was slightly overheard.

"I am a king and a citizen of Hayaji. So I don't know what's hard. But His Highness the Millian Rune is the hope of our people. And Alessandro is his patron saint, the Guardian. His Royal Highness has an immortal warrior named Alessandro as his brother, so we lived in peace. Even when the Wang Du was about to be hit by the Demon Clan, they went to the Demon King's Castle to protect His Highness Milian Rune from the Demon Clan, didn't they?

"Well, that's... But now I'm...

Alessandro doesn't want to get laid and try to work it out like a shin child. Both Satan and Diekichi give up that there is nothing more they can do, but Hayaji eats down.

"You haven't changed now or ever. Why is Alessandro here? To help His Highness, I presume? Then don't be rude. Tao's husband said he was coming. He said the one who fights to lose is stupid.

"Well... Am I stupid? But sooner or later, the blood of a monster named King Jardaba appeared.

"You can eat something like that!


Alessandro stares at Hayaji in surprise at the words.

"You can do it. I wouldn't count on talking about things like me, but I was a country bum until I met Tao. My father, who was a left-hand man, was soaked in alcohol, and he sifted all the violence against his mother without even doing his job. After my mother died prematurely, I ran away before I was 12. Then he went on a bad road, and he remembered to drink and do the same thing as his father. That's when I met Mr. Tao, who was coming to the region to build the Platoshire grounds. I got into a fight in the tavern and got knocked down. ─ ─ Well, put aside the details, I got Mr. Tao to slap me back in the gut like that. Then I stopped saying a drop of alcohol. I've tried to think I've had enough for the rest of my life. So if you're Alessandro, the immortal warrior, eat the blood of King Jardaba.

"Damn it. - You know what? Fuck it. -Okay. Right. Fuck you!

Alessandro looked like a blowout for the first time. Something tells me that Deekichi is convinced of the situation.

I don't know about Satan, but Alessandro seemed to have something to feel for the keyword 'fuck it'.

(374) I will keep

Waiting for much discussion to subside, Satan made a statement to sum up his general remarks.

"Have we talked? Then we reject the proposal to overwrite Lagon's data on Alessandro.

But there still seems to be something missing from Dirkichi.

"No, wait a minute.

"What's going on? Dickitch, there's still something..."

Not answering Satan's question, Dirkichi put his hand on Alessandro's shoulder and cut himself out to touch him.

"Hey, Alessandro. I heard it was disgusting.

"Oh, say anything.

"The man you once said you wanted to be my cousin, you ghosted my heart.

"I don't remember saying that, but say it quickly.

"I was shy and naughty, and I used to make a living by tickling two of my master's automatons and making him do street art.

Surprised Alessandro blocks the word and condemns it because the forethought that was supposed to be something important and good was such a shameful cumming out.

"Oh my God, you are!

"Really, Jamon, I was mad at you.

Attacking by the two of us, Dirkichi looks a little grumpy, but proceeds without disputing, even though it was a good place to start. It's a wise decision as a deekichi, because there would not be any objection to it originally.

"Well, at that time, or because there was a difference between what the two automatons could do, I replaced the parts that hit that brain. There wasn't a lot of brain-parts for them.

"You're not like mine? If you trade that for a lagon, that means...

"I guess. I don't think so, but there's no big difference. Let me see.

"Where? Oh, back.

Separating the hair from Alessandro's back, when he opened the back of his head, a tightly packed Gymon alchemy machine appeared from the inside. Kagelow and Hayaji are pulling by surprise. Satan asked Deekichi, who returned to normal after a careful inspection.

"What do you think?

Diekichi shakes his head hard in that reply and replies with a sinister face.

"─ Akan. It's not as easy as number 3 or 4. Number 12, can you show me yours? ─ ─ I see. Sure, it seems to be made with the same technology, but it's not easy to replace it with just bare hands.

"Really, I see. So there's no problem replacing all of them. Then...

Yes, Satan had flickered with his earlier Dirkichi proposal.

"What do you say? Mr. Lucy."

"Again, how about saying all about Alessandro?

"Huh? If I did that...

"And overwrite Lagon's data there.

You need a lot of energy when you're copping, but you don't have to transfer data into yourself.

"I see, if you don't touch the parts, why don't you just replace the contents?

Now Satan answers Dirkichi with a difficult face, with a clear path and a bright face.

"But there's a risk in this way.

"What? I don't care what kind of risk I take at this time.

"Then I'll tell you, there's nowhere to leave the sucked Alessandro data. Only in my body. If there's a new automaton here, I'll move it there. Besides, my demon nucleus is about to break, and if I don't make it back to earth safely...

To Satan's weak remarks, Deekichi leaks his displeasure.

"Mr. Lucy, go home alive. Let's do something where all the strawberries are safe, huh?

"I don't know. I used Madante Planta's technique, and I might be able to help. If the nucleus is cracked, there shouldn't be any data left, and we won't be able to pull it out if we do.

Then the lagon, which was nothing more than a wreck, unfortunately ate down.

"Mr. Satan, why don't you erase my contents and keep Alessandro's data back?

"Uh, either way anymore, but I was wondering if you could call me Lucy, 12 ─ ─ No, Lagon. In order to erase your data altogether, there's only one way for me to suck up one chili left, just like Alessandro, and then I'm worried it might mix with Alessandro's. I'm the all-powerful dragon, not Largo.

They say things that are hard to do. Unlike Largo, Satan doesn't do it knowing what it means. Because this idea is all about what I've done - no, by combining what I've done, I just happen to be the first thing that I can do to make sure it happens.

Then, you thought Satan bent his navel, and a lame Lagon voice sounds.

"Oh, no. Even in Largo when that happens, I don't know why, but once I was writing it down in pastebowl and library metal. Excuse me."

"Okay. Oh, speaking of which, Alessandro's data was also told by Jamon to write down the memory and mind spells separately.

I don't seem to know the details of what I'm hearing on the side, but I understand just to say that I don't have a safe and secure hand, Alessandro finally told Satan with his powerful eyes.

"Lucy, no. Satan the Great Wizard. What am I supposed to do when you try to risk your life as a wizard? If you like to keep failing and hide in a safe hole, you can't come here. For Millin's sake, it's a life ready to throw away at any time for the kingdom. Hayaji and them, too. Then don't convince me.

Hayaji, suddenly shaken, confirms with a slightly bewildered look.

"Ah, oh. It's never gonna happen, is it?

"Absolutely. Hayaji's words, they stained my chest. King Jardaba's blood and shit.

As Alessandro repeated the word with force, Hayaji suddenly responded with a bright face, just as forcefully.

"Ouch. That is the immortal warrior Alessandro.

Alessandro nods twice satisfactorily, turning to Satan to state his words of determination.

"Come on, we talked. Then do that again.

"Okay. Then I'll take care of everything about you again. That's good.

"─ It's tough.

Satan used his technique carefully as he watched how the healing nucleus was going.

First, with all the magic of Alessandro, suck up all the experiences and memories recorded. Now Alessandromaton is empty with no data or scripts, just like when Gymon told me to write down that data. The problem is Coppell's work from Lagon. It requires massive amounts of energy. To replenish it, Satan flew to the original Sacred Springs on Demon King Island to refuel. Of course, unlike the biological Alessandro, the Alessandromaton, which stored Largo's blood in his lungs, had tons of magic and Satan was sucking it up with the data.

(Also, if you're done with your job at Coppell, you can just follow this in and...

Then we have to wait again for the energy to be enriched until Alessandromaton, who wrote Lagon's data, can fight. Surely with all this magic, unlike the magic of the weak human Alessandro, a change would come even if he copped. Put it all back, Alessandromaton will never be able to fight.

But what's more, I wanted to keep the energy to make Madante Planta collars against Lilith.

(379) Lilith, your abuse.

(Not once, but at least twice -, I'm going to cross my limits now, but last resort - I want to have something that I can just use for a second time.

Speaking of which, even though it's just wrecked and talking, Satan wonders where Lagon's energy is coming from and finds out.

Fortunately, it was buried in the wreckage of the lagon, but the blood growth system was still working robustly, so while it was being transported to Cockatoo, it was adding a little but not more blood, an excellent source of energy, where magic was stored in the lubrication of the lago at best.

"Hey, Largo's already got consciousness connected in Alessandro, so maybe we can deplete our energy over here.

"Of course it is. Make it all Sata's, Lucy's.

"And I need you to tell Largo something in case. I should have told you when I met Largo before, but it wasn't even that simple, so I was going to tell you after Largo remembered everything again. But in this situation - I may not be able to tell you in some cases.

"Really? But I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I'll see Largo in this state either.

"Right. Besides, it's a long story. So... maybe you don't have library metal? Then I'm going to copy what I want to tell you.

"Oh, yes, I do. It's like a cross here.

"What? Oh, this is what you are. Then I'll type this in later and leave it with Deekichi.

"That's fine, he'll manage to swim well just at the tip of his mouth and deliver it to Largo, even if we're all wiped out. Then, Mr. Satan, go ahead.

Nodding, Satan carefully sucks up almost 100 percent of his magic only, taking care not to mix it with Alessandro's memory and experience information. Lagon became quiet to sleep this time.

Thanks to the blood stored in such luxury, Satan will also be left with the broken energy to complete the tremendously fuel-efficient Coppell technique.

Here, put together the Alessandromatons, Lagon is back.

"How's it going?

"Excuse me. I'm fine, but how's Alessandro's data?

"Because I used quite a bit of magic, the Devil's Nucleus seems to be the limit now. You can't push it too hard. It's just that the energy that your wreckage had, that grew Largo's blood, was effectively harnessed. So I'm sure, enough to make a collar to seal Lilith in. Oh, my God. If we lose this, we really won't have Alessandro's resurrection. I have to take care of it.

Yes, that's all due to Satan's overdone results. I have to return the data to the biological Alessandro, who says he will manage to return alive and sleep beneath the royal castle.

"Can you fight? With that body.

"Of course it is. I'm just making the whole thing understand the fix now because the sizes are a little different again. It's close to the data Margaretta originally got, so I think you can do it faster than the first time you tweaked it.

"Well, I don't know that first time. Then Lagon gave that body movement away from Margaretta in the first place, and you were fighting it from the beginning.

"That's right. So someone who saw me as a kingdom brave and fighting also said it was as if Mr. Margaretta had taught me.

"Haha. I don't think Margaretta's physical skills can be taught. Besides, if you're even wearing the swordsmanship of the brave Godfrey, there's no way you're gonna take a pull on Margaretta with an automaton close to the immortality that that Gymon made, is there?

"As a matter of fact, we have taken over both of your other things, such as combat experience, and we have learned academic tactics from Sir Leold's books, so even though we haven't been able to do this enough for our new body yet, we will never lose a battle between living beings.

It's a word I can trust because a nasty guy like Dirkichi doesn't say that confidently. Still, I don't know what hidden balls Lilith has. Anyway, this is their field, they're away.

If you don't know everything about Lilith, you've had the administrator of this hierarchy modded to make it easier for you to move around.

"Well, it's forbidden to be chronic. They have the worst evil spirit behind them. You'll like Margaretta's body a lot, but if you figure out you're stronger than that, I'm sure you'll get out and come at me trying to possess you. Until then, I was hiding, and I sealed up Lilith, who came out at that moment...

"If that doesn't make it and I'm possessed, seal me in with the Madante Planta collar. You want to help Mr. Margaretta, not as a replenishment of your power, right?

"You... All right. So rescuing Margaretta is a prerequisite now. Talk to Largo after that.

"To Largo? ─ ─ Mr. Lucy, you're pretty trusted, about Largo.

"Oh, you're Largo in a way, aren't you?

I don't know, Satan, who is uncomfortable saying a babe to himself or feeling like he confessed.

Return your heels to Dirkichi and let him do something to capture Largo, who is supposed to come from behind no matter what happens to him, and lower the cross to give him a message from Satan in this, and let him be in his clothes that he should not be targeted by evil spirits, just like Margaretta.

Then this time, he asked Satan the other way from Diekichi.

"So, you don't need any tools to make a collar?

"I don't need tools, but I have ingredients. Usually, I take down my cane and make it...

"Oh, Oh-Sister, that was taken by Master Lilith.

"You. When you call me again, stop calling me Lilith. Sounds like it. I see it by Margaretta. But it's okay, there's something better now than that.

"Nee, this is it.

Hayaji takes out a chunk of magic metal. It's considerably bigger than what I got then from a man who worked in a mine.

"Hayaji, what's that?

"There's not going to be any sticks or stones around here that could be a weapon. That's what I've been thinking since that Necromancer was dropped wandering into the mine. There are two more.

That's Hayaji, who says he's been in a fight in this world before. I admire the taste. Indeed, in this hell, where we have to even look for affordable stone places, two of the original stones of the most solid metal in the world on both hands can be said to be dependable weapons.

Whatever it is, Satan rejoices that it is appreciated. I would never use three, but whatever Satan has now, it has been used up in eternal prison. It was troubling to see how effective it was.

"Good. Then let me keep one of those. Because to do it, I have to particulate it and expose it to the target, or I have to do it where I stuck it to the subject.

"Then you can have them all.

"Fine, if you do both, the nucleus will break and I will fall, and Alessandro's data will...

If that happens, even if we defeat Lilith, it's all gone. Put your spell on Lilith, who popped up as an evil spirit. So, if Alessandromaton, who moves as a ragon, possesses it and seals it, and he falls, he surrounds himself with the ghosts of hell, and Hayaji, Kagelow and Diekichi alone have no winning chance.

Well, there's actually another one here, or the hell, pulling the luggage, but this is a ghost, and if it gets to be the other side.

Anyway, that was the only thing Satan would have to avoid.

To Alessandromaton, Satans, who overwrote Lagon's data and headed for Lilith's exorcism, walked all the way to the castle where Lilith was.

The place where Lilith is defining her belt is in the corner of the right wing, which is far off Main Street, and if the sequels are headed all the way to eternal prison, there is a risk that she will slip away.

(Still, Margaretta has to help.

Even in the meantime, thanks to its clairvoyance, Satan is expected to immerse the deceased in any mundane act against them in a building at the end of this hierarchy where Lilith's ruling Margaretta is said to be leaving the castle. It can be said that the deceased, whether male "cousin" or female "whore", will be exhausted as Lilith's ruling Margaretta sex slave "toy". The satyrus that I just heard from Kagelow, who is currently manipulating all the yawning of this hierarchy, said to be the greedy demon, is an abusive one that I don't think is pausing for any reason.

From what I've heard from Kagelow, the ordination in this hierarchy is to make the deceased like those desires and to ordain the deceased to bump into each other and suffer from the bumps of those desires. Hearing that, Satan and Hayaji recall the hungry ghost-like deceased who had eaten at the same place as their miners' quarters.

Lilith is an evil spirit imbued with such desires. Among the human liliths, it was the worst quality spirit if I had Satan tell me, extracting such parts without concealing them.

(385) Re-seal

Finally, the Satans were coming to the point where the evil spirit Lilith, who manipulates Margaretta, was resting, even visible to the naked eye.

Even closer, Satan, who found the cool bushes, decided to stay on the spot, waiting for Cockatoo, and the hitched luggage, to head directly under the castle with only four of the remaining men.

The contents are lagons, but the appearance was that Alessandro's automaton took them from a cockatoo that hated the king sword Del Solomon, who originally had them, and the prey that it was Valkyrian's prized weapon, Kela Gladius, and made them double-sword gear, and then also instructed him to take the shield with both Diekici and Kagelow. For in their power alone, they seemed too heavy to carry.

"What are you guys?

"Where are you from?

A rogue jailer ghost shouts and intimidates. They seemed to have originally been inside the castle with Margaretta, surrounding the entrance to the exit castle with about eight bodies, but there seemed to have been a lewd and self-depraved feast, common in this hierarchy, and there was a glimpse into the superficial psychology that the prodigal threesome was still disgusted and had fled outside.

"Hey, Lilith, there's evil spirits all over here. Shall we? When I heard all the stories about my arms standing up, King Jardaba came to see me immediately. They say that they will teach their bodies to do little in Hell. Then today, I couldn't bring a handwasher or a prison guard. Duel with a grand knock! This is Oban, come out!

As we talked about by the time we got here, no, more than that. When Deekichi flaunts his mouth, Kagelow and Hayaji, with a single shield, are left and right, and Alessandro is walking forward from behind.

"King Jardaba!

"Truth be told, King Jardaba has not been able to provide..."

"Sure, definitely. King Jardaba is here.

"So you, Lilith, were you a bad guy?

More than half of the eight jailer ghosts have apparently seen King Jardaba in person, wandering around worshipping Alessandro's face. But King Jardaba and the evil spirit Lilith, I can't even guess what Satans will pursue with evil on this occasion.

And I guess that was what I heard, Margaretta, who showed her face on the balcony out of the castle, screamed as she dressed up in a messy outfit that seemed to have extended to quite a bit of abuse inside.

"Who said Oban! I don't understand!

"If you think you're young, call me! King Jardaba wants to deal with you!

"What do you think straw is? It will be Lilith, the evil spirit who inherited the most important soul of Lilith, the original human being created by True Dragon. Knowing that, do you challenge such a shallow battle? The evil spirits that live in this hell are all born of my mother, Lilith of Original Plains.

"What are you talking about, now you don't know this King Jardaba is partitioning it all? It's like you guys, but annoying if you start to look big. You guys really have a bad degree of shova vandalism. Let me live in our territory. Do you really want me to say hello by cutting benevolence? I don't know if it's the Evil Spirit of the Original Plains, but if you say so from Oban, this King Jardaba will be overlooked even if the demon of Hell forgives you!

"Why don't you just let me know about the straw?" I will not forgive you!

"Come on, Lilith!

Thus the two spectacular one-handed knockouts cut the curtain. The swords and swords that bump into each other, as well as moves and moves, the spiritual power "Hiraki" and the pulsating power "Hiraki" scatter sparks.

The two men, who make the exact same physical moves as Alessandro of the contents Lagon and Margaretta of the outward sight, watching over Deakichi and the rest of the dead, the dead, the jailers, etc., will be the backing of the evil wisdom of the evil spirit Lilith and the backing of the swordsmanship of Godfroy and the tactics gathered by Sir Leold.

"What? This strength. But why would King Jardaba... the demon god of hell... Yikes!"

Though little difference can be seen in its arms, Alessandromaton replenishes the health of the biological young Margaretta from his spiritual strength, while the growing blood momentum of the Largo concession triumphs slightly and Lilith-operated Margaretta is caught up over time.

More time and the battle became incandescent, and Lilith, who had finally boiled her business to the battle of impoverishment, jumped out of Margaretta to possess Alessandromaton.

Satan, who waited for it now or now, jumps out of a distant jaw and chants the sealing technique of Madante Planta at the same time as drawing attention.

"You're finally out, Lilith! Authentificate..."

"I am a resentful enemy, Satan! It's all yours!

"Ahora! It's too late to know by now. You didn't fight King Jardaba. Just a doll made to look like King Jardaba, an automaton or something.

"What, why would something like that...!

Already at that time, the demonic metal particulated from Satan's hand had been released. But as if he had seen through it, the necromancers that were around him jumped out in front of Lilith as a shield. No, that's not the will of the Necromancers. It's the ability of the evil spirit Lilith. Satan could see a net-like ruling line from Lilith. So I was forced to draw him in front of me. But the particles of exorcised magic metal can't pull in anymore.

The particles embody in the shape of a wheel, knocking them all down to the ground when they think they have captured the Necromancers from one side. But instead, the ruthlessly evil spirit Lilith remains flawless.

"Damn, failure...?

"Ha-ha-ha! I'm looking forward to what you're going to do!

Winning Lilith. Satan is in a hurry for a development he didn't predict. The voice of Lagon sounded there.

"Mr. Hayaji, give me that...


Lagon - Alessandromaton whispered his hand to catch a chunk of stone like a thrown round ball. Lilith jumps in with that lagon in mind.

It was at the same time that Lilith was sucked into Alessandromaton and his outstretched hand lost its power, grabbing the chunk there and taking it to wrap it with both arms around her ear belly.

And Alessandromaton stops there.

So it was visible that it was only a matter of time before Lilith's reign took him in. I can't hesitate there anymore. Satan makes a bitter decision.

"Sorry, Lagon! ─ ─ Alessandro ─.

Chant the same spell again toward the magic vegetable metal held by Alessandromaton. Satan felt his demonic nucleus make a pissy noise and crack, and although he saw a shaped demonic metal seal him every lilith on Alessandromaton's neck, his consciousness kept going far.

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