Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Chapter 8: Restructuring Compendium: From the Border Territory to Kakshi Island: Aradia Shokiya

(360) Witch Trauma

(383) Chocolate

(400) Luxury BAR

(405) Emergency

(410) Demons on Caxie Island

This series of reveals--

After being imprisoned in the Wang capital, Shokiya, who also smelled capital punishment, was guarded by Aladia by Hiakint, who was guided out of prison by Hiakint, who named him Aladia's subordination, although he did not mean it. He was then making a local confirmation to assault the True King, while finally coming to the realm of the border territory ruled by Borderline Boso-Rakiyo in order to obtain the chocolate that was supposed to be the weakness of the cross. After Aladia was convinced that the explosion that took place there was not the work of those hostile to Aladia, it was too late to find a supplier, so Shockeya would break up with Aladia and take a separate inn.

As promised the next day, Shockeya is frustrated when she tries to buy chocolate because Aradia, although she tried to rendezvous, did not show up. Normally in this peripheral territory, chocolates processed as medicines were all bought up a few days ago, and everything left was processed as medicines and bought up by the government.

But Aradia at the time had compiled a story the night before from her uncle, who happened to know her at a hotel bar where she stopped to gather information, who was sidelined with chocolate, about buying out the chocolate for smuggling that had accidentally remained. But then came Aradia, who had returned to his room because of the presence of a locust that informed him of the anomaly of the lair, and who sensed the anomaly and returned to the locality, not even with the stone of hope that had been in his lair, but seeing the state that was spreading numerous demons and their families, the demon king who occupied the lair was convinced that the demon king, born as a successor to Galenos, was resurrected who was resistant to the repellence of the Holy Springs, and wanted to hasten the activation of the magic tools that would cause him to lose the hope of man whom he heard Galenos had left behind.

(360) Witch Trauma

Shockeye thinks.

(Who manages to buy this chocolate last but not least, is there any way to get away from Aradia?

I promised Natsumi that night that I would no longer help her with a bad job, but the witch is willing to target the life of His Majesty the King of this country again. If we stay that far together, it happens to be a repeat of the same thing. According to the talk, not only the remnants of the Amphitheatre terrorist attack that Chai Mask broke out of jail, but also the head of Unitata, who thought he was dead, and the Nandoya Titans, who were inside the considerably capable and witchcraft who were collecting narcotics-enhancing human material, will join us, albeit one at a time.

If that happens, I have no choice but to be killed on the battlefield or caught with my hands up early, but if I break down where I was captured and find myself on death row joining terrorism again, I probably won't even be able to hope for amnesty this time.

If you do, you'll never see the nuts again, and you'll never see the face of your own child that the nuts will give birth to.

(But if you say that now, this Aradia will kill you. If you look at the kingdom's chimps when you were an amphitheater - Deekichi, you can guess what kind of tricks await you.

Well, isn't it the mountain of Sekiyama that can often be transformed into a toad?

This time, unlike when it was an amphitheater that seemed to strike His Majesty the True King while he was on the move, it would be difficult to catch up with the True King if the troops on his side didn't stand around so well. Moreover, it is possible that the collapse of the True King will be hidden in the kingdom centre, as this time around, Aradia says, in the total annihilation of all offerings. So its hard to finish. At least the True King's body will be taken back to the King's capital, and it seems that Aradia's revenge will not be established without doing enough to make him an expatriate, under the eyes of the people.

Nevertheless, unlike last time, there is no preparation for the secret weapon Behemoth of last resort. Instead, Aradia seems to have decided that the enemy does not have the strength of Satan or his supposedly devil tribe who last turned to the enemy in this investigation. When I got out of jail, it was more proof than it was that such forces showed no movement at all, Aradia said.

This time we must fear the hidden balls on the part of the Church, also known as the "Sitting Child of the Royal Castle" Zakira ", a cross believed to possess the ability to use the devil, an abominable clan called the devil while belonging to the sacred forces that the Church is seen to have invited. If only the girl had been cleaned up, the kingdom side would have Ninja troops and Kingsguards now known as Shadowy. Even so, only a few of them can say that their arms stand, and the rest are just soldiers gathering elephants. What stood up as successful as the earlier defense against the Demons would have been kept among each nobleman, but they could not have been deliberately driven out during the movement of the True King, etc., and the troops of the Automatons that had joined us at the time of the Amphitheatre were also desperate at that time, as were twa objects such as Viscount Cyber, Margaretta and Alessandro, who were the main forces. Godfrey has already made it back to his castle in the South Harun region, and it will be difficult in a week if he moves his troops here even if he has to. With such a move, they're supposed to hear from the nearby harbor, the stronghold of the street, the locust of the user demon, etc.

Indeed, from Aradia's point of view, it can be said that there is no better chance of attacking the royal family. If you mean shortage, in what seems like such a smooth breeze, but compared to the days of full mafia, this one's pawn in hand would also be limited. In any case, there is no drug enhancement human material, so that enhancement is not desirable. The Beast Man says that including the chi mask is just a few of the handiwork. And then there are about 30 battle-based soldiers who rescued them, and nearly 60 opposition collapsed villains who procured within the kingdom, saying the rest of Unitata's 25 or so are the total.

If these are the people of the U.N., with a leading army of kingdoms, they should above all consider the extension of His Majesty the True King's life, so that places such as forests and mountains are threatened with escape. At least if you lose sight of the target, you can't win this one. Within the kingdom of Away, there is no winning battle for a very, but prolonged, wear and tear. If His Royal Highness were to be followed by His Majesty the True King, he would turn the whole country against his enemies, and if he failed, it would be difficult to replenish the food that remained hidden somewhere, as it is today, instead of fleeing. We need to aim for the life of His Majesty the True King at a pinpoint in a much wider place where we can neither escape nor hide. Such a place had no such choice on this inspection.

"Sometimes, Aladia, the sun is already tilting, and it's quite a state where something like a strict ordinance is still laid down, so I'm not likely to find a lodging where you can ask for a selfish order for two men and women to take another room, etc...

"What's that? I'm so sorry about you and staying in the same room!

That's horrible. I refuse from this one, such as spending the night in the same room as the witch. Shockeye scratches bitter bugs when some dreams give a great night like a nut to something called a woman, while others, like this witch, can only shrivel a man from the core.

"No, of course not. I will dive into the barn around there or even in the wild.

"What are you talking about? Even though it's this cold during the day, you'll freeze to death at night. I saved you because of this, but you don't have an ex or a child to die for.

"Uh, thank you for caring about that. If so, Lady Aradia should not stay in a solid hotel in a first-class location. It's quite crowded with high-end bureaucratic stuff from the country, but the facility itself must be comfortable. I'll look somewhere in the lumberyard and dive into the right place.

"Huh? Hey, aren't you wearing that weird bitch over there again?


I saw an excessively surprising shocker because I floated in the back of my brain wondering if the nuts had been scattered, and Aladia is pulling the other way around. It's rare to see Aradia in a hurry in front of his men for something like this - rather than impossible, Shockeye thought.

"Uh, I'm sorry. Hi. You seem to be traumatized about Hiaquint, I am. Well, you don't have to worry about that. Sometimes it's a small thing before it matters. Make no mistake.

It is a tone in which Aradia reflects a little bit on who she sees as a man and thinks like a colorful man without him.

From what I hear, Soldier Hyakint apparently deployed considerable intelligence gathering in the King's Capital where he was unfamiliar in order to rescue himself, and he was gratefully told that military funds had been poured into it for a long time.

But I feel like I'm going to try my best to be a nutcase again. But I don't even give that to you every time, and I'm shocked that you talk about administrative contact on the poker face.

"Of course it is. So what should I do about tomorrow morning's connection?

Tomorrow morning's meeting place and time, and even if I didn't, I was given the money to investigate the route of chocolate purchases first.

I'm talking about the persistent and weird woman - a shocker who not only thanks Hiakint for sifting his arms too far in the King's Capital, but also thinks that one thing with that Gigolo cook in Bokovo might be pulling his tail, but I can literally say that extra remarks to this woman are fatal.

Even in the unlikely event of not seeing him, he was instructed to put a message on the reception desk at the hotel where Aradia was staying once the steps had been taken, and the day was dissolved.

(383) Chocolate

There is no sign of Aradia coming to the rendezvous point the next morning.

On the other hand, I think Shockeya would run away like this, but since she was credited with a lot of military money and deposited, on the contrary, I had the idea that it would be difficult to determine the slump as it was.

(I have no choice. As per the meeting, let's go put on some chocolate purchases.

The morning was early but the market and so on were functioning. It was already yesterday, and the chatter followed in turn from the content of the gathering of information with the men who were seen as informants at the tavern at night as meals.

Let's just say we've been reading reports and stuff coming up from soldiers in charge of gathering information around here.

Chocolate, however, was a luxury ingredient, and there did not seem to be enough products gathered in this emergency borderline Burso-Lakeyo Territorial Office, and it was also extremely difficult for Aladia to buy the bulk that she wanted.

Even during yesterday's interview, I had the impression that I didn't seem to know much about chocolate, even to the general public, in terms of where it was available and when I examined the market and distribution situation.

"Is there no real thing here either?

"That's right, so far the market says to wait 6 months. Come on, it's not like I can sell to a jump like you.

"I have money.

"Even if they say so, if it wasn't until a week ago, no, it would have happened three days ago. It's hard to get around here, here comes a vendor that handles something called milk. In exchange, I bought chocolate from a major store and went home. The vendor also had a lot of sucrose and put it on milk. This is the state of the Realm itself, isn't it? The chance of something like that coming in, I don't know what time it comes next. I can't replace my belly on my back, so I let go of chocolate without everyone.

"Three days ago?

Speaking of three days ago, right after I was helped to escape the King's Capital. Shockeye thinks he might have gotten quite a bit more if Aradia had lagged behind his investigation into the buffer zone where he said there was a former Platoshire field because he thought there were demons, etc., or a place called the 'Canyon of the' to argue for the royal family, but it is a well after festival.

It also took an unexpected amount of time to select the location of the True King raid. Sure, I thought it would be a dressed place if we were just going for the queue, but if we looked at the positional relationship between this unit and the target, there seemed to be no good place to balance the limitations on the size of the junction that Aradia could put up. If you strain it big, you could lose sight of the true king who escaped to the canyon terrain and bushes, and if you close it small, you can't hide this unit. In particular, the giant Ayasino was considered to have nowhere to hide.

Finally Aladia abandoned the place and discovered that there was a large lake on the street leading there. Around it spread the forest along the streets, and there was also a lake to hide the giant Ayasino, which led to the conclusion that if we set the line so that it did not fall on the streets, there would be no better place to escape to a single line of True Kings than just a wide plain and a lake.

"That's right. However, they didn't do anything to buy up the full amount anywhere.

"Then Grandma, how come there's nowhere left?

"You're so docile looking for chocolate. Chocolate, when added with sucrose and milk, is nourishing, especially for children. Of course, adults will be delicious. Because we got plenty of those ingredients, all the chocolate in the inventory was turned around in your processing plant.


That's the first story I've heard. But I don't see any reason for this old lady to lie to herself. Perhaps it is a special circumstance of chocolate in the land that we do not know. More or less, Shockeye has never even seen such a thing as chocolate with this eye. It seems to be made from beans, but only some merchants in the empire can handle it, and the origin of the beans and so on are said to be completely secret.

"Well, if it turned out to be such a drug, it wouldn't be easy to get anymore. Even if I couldn't buy it up at all, I wouldn't have had a lot of chocolate myself in the first place, because that's the only cure for this peripheral area.

"Huh? Is that what's going to be handed out to the people here?

"That's right. A decent fountain will be sent here, won't it? That's why the Emperor of the Empire pities the people and distributes the chocolate, also known as Noble Classhold, to the upper classes of the country alone, to civilian distributions like ours. But some of our peers, like us, seem to be uncomfortable, flushing important chocolate into the kingdom in the dark.

I see. Because Aradia said that the frontier territory is the frontier, that seems to be reflected in these places. I don't know about the injuries, but they may be sick or used to prevent them, but they mean that processed chocolate is distributed as a drug.

And it turns out that when other ingredients are not lubricated, distribution keeps them as ingredients, and sucrose - a sweetener called sucrose, to the best of Shockeye's knowledge - and this one has the ingredients necessary for processing the milk that is not familiar, the public processing plant buys it up and turns it into medicine, and furthermore, it is delivered to the border authorities to distribute the chemicals.

Of course, they are controlled goods, so making money is no big deal, so if they are expensive, they try to export them outside the country, but this is inherently smuggling and punishment. However, the soundness of the vendor's management also needs to be applied in order to keep chocolate in stock at all times for distribution, and the darkness seems to have been publicly missed in the half if official export bills had also been issued. But that's only because other ingredients are always in short supply, so to speak, only dubbed chocolate is sidelined.

If there are materials that can be processed as medicines, it will be virtually impossible for the authorities to look away, buy them all up and flush them out. Still, if it were the reign of Uncle So-Lakyo as a custom, it might have been forgiven, but now that officials from the Imperial Centre are in charge of everything, it leaks out of the vendor's mouth that such controls are also being carried out as determined.

"─ I wonder if there's anywhere else that just sells that medicine.

"I can't. If you're a resident with a tax certificate, you could've easily gotten it at the office desk in the castle if you'd just notified me if it was normal, because now an official from the Empire is doing it. Hey. I hear that payout is pretty tough.

This is troublesome. Finally, it is impossible for Aladia to get the quantity she wants. No, I'm anxious to get the chocolate itself, as opposed to the quantity I want for this minute. Instead of purchasing chocolate and calculating how to wash your feet, even though you haven't asked for it, you won't even be able to buy chocolate, which is the most important job I've done by helping you out of the barn. It will be seen as useless.

I wish I could have checked the box, but didn't I know too much about being banished?

Alternatively, so much so that the enemy needs to be stopped from leaking information.

(400) Luxury BAR

As a matter of fact, Aladia never overslept in the time she promised Shockeye.

Unfortunately, at that time, there was no Aradia in the hotel, not even on the border.

The circumstances go back to the day before after I broke up with Shockeye.

As advised by Shockeye, Aradiah picked up a room at a luxury hotel in First Class, and, as Shockeye said, had a slightly earlier dinner, avoiding the time slot of the group taking the room from the Imperial Capital. Then I washed away my dusty body in the shower because I couldn't stay in a satisfactory inn so far, and after a breath I took a solo seat in a place such as the so-called counter of BAR, which still only houses fine liquor in the hotel.

(In the drinking seats, nobody feels relaxed and the treasure information pops up, so...)

It's not that I don't believe in the Shockeye report in particular, but it's because I stayed in a hotel like this. It's because of the expectation from quite a few people that I can get information that I can't collect from the town.

He drank fashionably at the counter, using magic and slightly dressed to create the kind of atmosphere that the kingdom's lavish daughter was coming to the future on behalf of her parents.

At the table, slightly younger nobles are already able to make noise to say that the Imperial Officers - who look like soldiers - are. Because my parents are in position there at the Imperial Center, I have come as a subordinate to such a border emergency - such an atmosphere was obscured.

The story I hear is pretty much about internal circumstances such as whether or not to use the walls that were Miyagi in the future when I finally finished processing all the bodies.

Aradia was asking for an opportunity to make contact with the table somehow.

But there by himself, a well-deserved uncle suddenly enters the store, reluctantly sitting in the seat next to Aradia, and he even calls out.

I also thought I'd ignore it, but if anyone thinks I'm a good loving woman, the servicemen thriving at another table might also speak out with booze momentum and whim.

Or because this uncle himself thought it might be something that had some sort of network with them to drink where such a military is giving them a wide margin.

"Ma'am, are you alone?

"Yes... It's something my father's body isn't feeling well today, and I came into business instead. The first time, I didn't know the right or the left, and my father told me that things were a lot different in the border area, and I just went around all day asking what the hell was going on in this city.

As a setting, Aradia thought it would be more convenient for this neighborhood to be new.

I thought it might be hard for people to talk to here, or if it's a woman who's just getting started and doesn't know anything about it, she might let her mouth slide.

"Right. That was tough. Things would have been a lot different if the city, which I don't know right or left, had indeed asked my father. Anyway, there's been such an accident since the end of last year, and since then, it's changed completely on its own. Until now, I've been a lord who has hardly ever been allowed to defend what seems to be decided because I'm a jerk, but suddenly all the officials who say decent things from my own country have come in, so as a people, yes.

"Well. If you say it out loud like that, you'll hear the military people behind you.

He said so and looked around again, and his uncle leaked with his head on his tongue with an even smaller voice.

"Whoa, whoa. They're a little in there too, so I stuck around and talked too much. Come on, it's a regular here. I don't care if that's the case, I'm here for a drink, but I usually drink quietly by myself. It's quite unusual for Beppin, like you, to be drinking alone here tonight, and he talked too much.

A little slippery mouth would be more convenient. I want you to spit out everything you know if you can.

Fortunately, the conversations at each table are getting so exciting that we can't hear ourselves or anything else without Aladia's hellish ears.

It would be that if there was booze in here and I couldn't make a prudent decision, I'd have some secrets exposed as well.

"Well, you're good. Oh, my God, I'm late when I realize I'm just helping out with business.

"No, no, no. I'm still an equiocre. What a kid.

Based on such a boring trigger, I was able to whisper a bit with that uncle and ask him about various city situations.

Most of them, however, were not significantly different from what Shockeye had been investigating, and it was thought that Aladia could make sure that Shockeye had also taken her job seriously.

But there, the man's rare customers suddenly jump in like a storm with unexpected good news.

"Hey you! I didn't leave anything behind. Why are you drinking with a young woman in a place like this?

Aladia stared at. I could see at first sight that the woman was this ancient wife of Odishan.

It's not the outfit that comes out in such a gorgeous place. Even if it is not called hard work, in the midst of rough work, the impression is that what I take has flown for the time being.

"No, this guy happened to meet at this counter. Besides, some of us are great in our own country. You don't say so much out loud.

The ancient wife looked around and became a little quiet making sure that the men who were apart but seemed to be military at the table were making noise, and she sat next to her uncle at the counter herself.

The bartender comes to hear the order, but the old lady who signals no thanksgiving with her left hand jerks me off and puts the wiped glass in front of the old lady and takes her seat off.

Apparently, the rules of this store say that customers who do so will not be able to proceed with the service.

The ancient wife confirmed that the bartender had retreated to the deafening range and began to speak in a whisper that Aradia would not even hear.

"─ Oh no, I can't believe the thief drank in the same store as a cage official in a big way, I wouldn't even be in style. So what do you want me to do with that?

"Hey, I don't know what kind of ear you're listening to if you can talk about that in a place like this.

"You can't even go to bed if you know it's at home. Foundations, what the hell were you going to do without honestly putting all that stuff on top of you?

"No, of course you decided there was a good money making story about that. But this explosion caused him to get confused with the people in the organization behind him. When I checked it out, he said he was a poacher, so he was firmly deported from the country. So the story is grandpa.

"Well, let me be honest with you about that one you keep. Oh, it's just gonna be a lot of money.

"Under these circumstances, then, confectioners from the kingdom won't even come to buy them.

"By and large, you're making the mistake of flushing chocolate. That's the only medicine on the border.

I'm not interested in talking about making money for Aladia, or saying it's a huge loss, but Aladia doubted her ears on the last word the old lady uttered.

(405) Emergency

Almost no one should hear the conversation between the couple talking in a whisper amid the noisy drunken mess around, but the witch's hellish ears continued to capture the sound as well.

My uncle, who wants to end his inconclusive insane talk fight as soon as possible and say Aradia and Gudagda, tells his ancient wife to fold up.

"Well, I'll do something about it anyway, so shut up and go home today. I haven't had enough.

"You drink and you come home, you'll sleep well, but I won't be able to sleep again this evening.

With that said, the drunk opponent was nasty even to her husband, and still the old lady left with a giggle, not telling her husband not to lay a hand on her.

After checking enough of that, I give you an empty glass and order a replacement, and finally I turn to Aradia and start talking to her.

"I'm sorry, I watered the story down.

"I don't mind. You're talking about an important job. Because if your job jumps in right now, I might let you take a seat right away.

"Well, without saying that, let's go for another drink.

Aradia also ordered another little fortified liquor, showing the gesture that if you say so, I would stick with you, because the glass was almost from, but while the ancient wife was in formation, it was also a long way from calling the bartender.

Drink that gleefully and cut it out while pretending to be a little drunk.

"Well, that just kind of got to my ear."

"That's not good.

Again, it wouldn't be a good thing if they were asking, but this is Aladia who goes on her knees saying she has to bring it in for business, even if it's not.

"No, it's not unsavory. I came here looking for it, too!

"Why, sister? Is that you?

"Who's that guy?

My uncle's small voice suddenly gets even smaller.

"It's a smuggled import.

"No, that's not true. I usually had a proper and regular route in, but it suddenly stopped coming in, so I asked you if you could get it when you got here.

"Heh, there's chocolate on such a regular route. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Write" chi "and circle it. I've never heard of that multitude on a regular route to another country. Well, no. The snake path is a snake. I don't know if you know the area, but it was actually only a few days ago.

My uncle says a few days ago, a circular ran from his national directive to the suppliers concerned to ensure that a large amount of ingredients mixed with that chocolate and drugged into this country would serve all the hand-held chocolate on top.

"Actually, if you're a major dealer, it looks like the vendor who brought in the milk and other ingredients first signed up for a replacement and bought it up. So, an order was given to release all the way to a small place like ours. But we've always been more specialized in the sidestream, so we've already talked about buying a certain amount of mulch. But he got caught, and now he can't put it away for delivery. He's sleeping in a warehouse, and he's worried about what to do. Well, my sister is a regular... vendor. Do you have a card or something?

"No, but I don't have any tickets to buy on this side of the border. So I was worried about what to do.

Then I just thought it might be a dark deal, and on the umbrella my uncle got a big attitude.

"─ Then we're talking about a boat over there. When I bought it at home. Maybe even a single chocolate isn't easy to get into this city anymore, and that's why they don't attack the medicine warehouse inside Miyagi.

"If that's the case, please do it here. I wonder how much is there?

"Well, even if it's such a big deal, we're just going to flush it out. About a kilo, but is there a problem?

A kilogram should have been somewhat more than half of a kilogram in units of imperial weight. Because we don't know what the situation will be, we can never say that there is much to throw definitively into the mouth of the devil's girl Cross. I thought it was slightly less than I had planned in order to get my hands on it and feed it, but it's better than not.

"I get it. I'll take it all.

"Well, you're welcome, sister.

Such a story came together and he promised to visit his uncle's shop tomorrow to pay for his liquor, and Aladia felt better and went back to her room.

(Exactly, there is business, and if I were to see my daughter-in-law tomorrow, you wouldn't have tried to get your hands on it. Well, if I did that, I'd probably do it to a toad overnight.

Opening the door of the room with that in mind, there seemed to be 15 familiar locusts on the bed of the room, waiting for Aradia to return. They are user-demon bugs that can create as many as they want, but unlike crows and others, they are less intelligent. The decision that the situation is abnormal can only be set, nor can it be informed in a person's language. Besides, unlike crows, the speed was slow to inform the distance. It is no longer different from the level of a slightly delayed - bug news - but rather than not.

But the fact that 15 such locusts have come to Aladia makes Aladia feel that what is happening locally is not half viable.

(15 hiccups! I don't...)

If you look only at that ability, a level of flying locust that you can't call a very user-demon could be placed so close to unlimited, unlike a crow.

However, it is not possible to speak without its own ability to determine the situation, and it can only inform itself of the anomalies that have occurred around it by flying to the source of Aradia if there are anomalies that are not normally reflected in the conditions. It is possible that in some cases one individual of that locust may also activate in boring facts such as being targeted by natural enemies.

Although I am careful about the placement so that the alarm is not activated by such boring things of course, it does not change that the locust is quite inconvenient. If you're just a crow of demons, there's a limit to how many, and up to three can be used simultaneously in Aradia's abilities.

And if you try to fly long distances like this one, whether it's a locust, or no, even a crow, you also have to be sufficiently worried about being preyed upon on that road, etc.

With that in mind, we place a sufficient number of flying locusts, but these guys don't have any shards of wisdom, so if there's anything abnormal about them, everything flies up to Aradia at a glance like it was switched on.

Conversely, in the case of insects like locusts, flying in a group makes them more likely to be preyed upon is also a painful and itchy story.

In other words, the fact that 15 people came alive here is nothing more than the news that more than dozens of things flew through the scene.

(These locusts are on the road from Godfroy's castle, and these guys put them on the opposite shore. And most of the rest I put inside the island--)

Due to the location where the flying locust was kept, the anomaly that was supposed to react set, Aradia, who sensed Godfrey's army activation and even an anomaly in the Cache on Cachey Island, decided she had to broom the night sky all the way to Cachey Island where she was based.

Shockeye thus knew no such circumstance and would run to chocolate purchasing in the morning, but before Aradia, who had returned to his home base, the reality that he could not let that happen was spreading under his eyes.

(410) Demons on Caxie Island

Aradia is in a hurry. Whatever the case, Kakshi Island is a safe haven built up in secret over a long period of time since Aradia was pursued by a scaffold called the Kingdom of North Harun.

It was originally an island where demon kings would be resurrected once every hundred years, usually with demonic veins.

But there back in the day, a runaway brave man didn't even throw a party, and got in with two of his squires.

Yes, and what those two brought with them was what was named the "Stone of Hope," which is said to have an absolute repellence to the Demons.

Generally speaking, that mass of stone, crushed and used in a mixture of holy swords, etc., demonstrated tremendous abilities and did not even donate another ability to sift the Demon Nation, surprisingly and easily succeeded in the Demon King's Crusade.

But normally, although it is normal for a brave man who did this to go to another demon king's exorcism again, a neighboring lord who had burned his hands to the demon king who occurs every 100 years on this island made his brave men near this island by accommodating and providing each other with territory - an autonomous community in the service of an unexplored land only partially but also facing this bay - and the brave man was welcomed as a new lord.

To say why that has happened, there are three countries adjacent to this bay, with the exception of the present autonomous region of Godfroy, and eight more countries and territories will be given the benefit of this maritime area, including those that will receive it as a route of passage and importation. In other words, it seems that eleven countries were confused with the existence of Demon King's Island here, and since the lords of the three neighbouring countries were not outside the newcomers' house, poor compromise with the Church is passed down as the main cause of this result.

So instead of giving autonomous territories and making them lords, it was said that by making that "stone of hope" dedicated to this island, the Demon King could never be revived again, ensuring the permanent safety of vessels and fishery officials sailing through this sea area. The descendants of the brave man were driven out to the kingdom this time as a church army, Godfrey.

Aradia had no idea that the Demons would appear again in such a lair.

What I cared most about was precisely making him a brave and autonomous lord, now Godfrey.

If Godfrey, connected to the kingdom, knew that Aradia's lair was close to him, and heard of this terrorist incident, he almost certainly didn't know as much about himself, and thought he was quite likely to move on his crusade.

So I have ordered my mouth to be sour except in terrorist incidents that while I am away I will never be able to understand the interior of the island by the rest of us, and that, taken together, I will have a more friendly relationship with the good islanders so that the surrounding ports and so on seem to live.

Somehow, there's no such thing as a useless drug enhancer on that island.

There are only about 200 common rough guys there in the easy-to-use arms, appropriately selected from organizations like the crushed mafia.

Moreover, the vast majority of them let them do work that cannot be done with just rough crude force, such as cultivating drugs or manufacturing explosives, so even though the detached who were in those organizations in the first place, there would be dozens of people at best who could be used for physical battles, like Shockeye.

If Godfroy's army with a full-fledged army organization attacked me, there wouldn't be one.

But for that reason, I had enough tools to say they were cannons and magic guns.

From the structure of the island, Aradia stomped on the fact that the Godfrey army, which was stupid to attack, could not be blamed even if it took a week.

And if the army moved, in a couple of days, the locusts were supposed to fly up to Aradia.

But unfortunately, the Aradian garrison had moved to the border area as a result of a tumble, so we left a locust at the point of travel to let us know where we were going next, but I guess that news was delayed for another day or two to follow.

Still, Aradia thought there was still time if it was an army that did like humans.

But Aradia is stunned by the sight when she continues to fly without rest to the sky above the lair and reaches before dawn.

This is the Demon Clan!

It was clearly the devil who was occupying the island he had built for a long time of his own importance.

And what we can clearly see there is that a group of churches, supposedly originating from the territory of Godfrey, were assembling on beaches and small ports across the island in hopes of that island.

There is certainly a Godfrey at the beginning of it.

But I guess nobody calculated the threat on this island in the first place.

There was no ship there.

(WHAT! Isn't this just a restraint?

Aradia hides herself in the junction and asks what the island looks like from over quite a bit.

Because, just above the island and even surrounding the whole island, bats and large worms, which seemed to be the family of the demons, flew around, and the sea was also filled with hawks and snakes.

Chains and large wolves and bobcats with dark auras were also roaming the beach and cliffs, because even if they were disappearing, they could be detected by smell or, in some cases, bumped into each other, and could not come close to the murmur. The aura of darkness, by the way, refers to the peculiar smoky ones that rise from them, which the wizard perceives to discern the demons and their families.

On the other hand, a slightly smaller golem and about half of the Giants' common golem are moving around in such a busy fashion.

(No way - is the Demon King back?

To see the status quo, I just thought so.

Moreover, he follows a demonic tribe that has as much power as it can to summon so many dependants as soon as it is resurrected.

The fact that he was not a half-breed demon king was felt vile by Aladia's sixth sense.

Because we know that, the Godfrey army also remains in custody.

"Huh! I mean, I was soaking up.

I try to whine remorsefully, but I could no longer help myself with this.

Neither does the Holy Sword or the Holy Water now at the witch's disposal.

No, actually, does that work for the big balls here? Wasn't there supposed to be a stone of hope here? He is the demon king that has occurred by pushing it over.

But according to the Kingdom's announcement, Galenos, the demon king who abandoned Aradia from the time he was prime minister and crusaded a month before Margaretta and the others, had succeeded in producing his succession as a demon resistant to the repellence of the Holy Vein.

(You say something like that was born here too?

It should not be possible for a demon king who can no longer occur in one demon pulse to arise from another as long as there is a native demon king there.

But suppose there was a demon pulse without a native demon king at all...

Aladia didn't know the answer.

(I wasn't thinking about that possibility.

The exhaustion of the Salamandra God was visible thanks to hundreds of years of Aradia and Diana the Evil.

It is the end of the century, so to speak.

It may not be surprising that in such times, a demon king with its resistance was finally born.

Or maybe the demon king's succession that Margaretta and the others took up has actually moved to this island that is not dead or has risen and no protector of the Holy Spirit like Undine.

(Must be that! Yes, yes. A demon king with holy pulse resistance is born.

Exactly, karma. He said that the inheritance with Holy Pulse Resistance produced by the Demon King that he had left alone would reside in the home where he had thought it would be okay as long as he had a "stone of hope", etc.

(Such a dumb story, I was pitiful enough to report it very much to Deanna. This, before you eat reprimand, activates the legacy and doings of the example Galenos, and you need to earn your honor!

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